I am creating an app where I need to modify specific bytes in a Data object, but it crashes when I modify too many bytes at one time.
I thought the problem might be because my app was hanging for too long, but I put my code in a DispatchGroup and it didn’t help.
//amount and interval are Ints
var pos: Int = 1
let count = data.count
var tempData: Data = data
while (pos < count) {
tempData[pos - 1] = tempData[pos - 1] + UInt8(amount)
pos += interval
This code crashes my app when I provide it with a large Data object, but works fine with small ones.
I found my problem. Since I was adding two UInt8s together, there was a chance that the resulting UInt8 would be invalid (greater than 255), which resulted in a crash. I fixed this by changing my + to &+ so the UInt8 overflows back to 1.
I translated a DTW matlab function to Swift. The code looks as follows:
private func dtw(x1 : [Double], x2 : [Double]) -> Double {
let n1 = x1.count;
let n2 = x2.count;
var table = [[Double]](repeating: [Double](repeating: 0, count: n2 + 1), count: 2);
table[0][0] = 0;
for i in 1...n2 { table[0][i] = Double.infinity }
for i in 1 ... n1 {
table[1][0] = Double.infinity;
for j in 1 ... n2 {
let cost = abs(x1[i - 1] - x2[j - 1]);
var min = table[0][j - 1];
if (min > table[0][j]) {
min = table[0][j];
if (min > table[1][j - 1]) { min = table[1][j - 1]; }
table[1][j] = cost + min;
let swap = table[0];
table[0] = table[1];
table[1] = swap;
return table[0][n2];
This function takes an average of 16 ms to complete on an iPhone 11. For my use case, this is very slow. I want to investigate ways to improve speed. I recently read these two articles : DTW in Swift Orailly and Parallel programming with Swift. In the first article, there is a good quote:
Our implementation of DTW is naïve, and can be accelerated using parallel computing. To calculate the new row/column in a distance matrix, you don't need to wait until the previous one is finished; you only need it to be filled one cell ahead of your row/column
This would make the for j in 1 ... n2 { for loop an ideal candidate. ( I think ) Looking at the code, only these two operations should be thread-safe due to the read / write:
table[1][j - 1]
The problem I am currently experiencing in introducing parallel computing ( from article 2 ) is that I cannot figure out how to tell swift run everything in parallel, except when I come to the two below lines, as they depend on their predocessor:
if (min > table[1][j - 1]) { min = table[1][j - 1]; }
table[1][j] = cost + min;
I suspect I could solve this issue with DispatchQueue.concurrentPerform and an NSLock(), if I implemented it correctly. ( I have not ) It could also be the wrong tool of choice, yielding me back to my question:
What can I do, to improve the speed of my DTW function where the only constraint in performing a task is that the previous execution in an array had to have completed ( parallelization, concurrency, etc. ) A code example would go a long way.
Your first problem is that you're creating an array of arrays. This is not an efficient data structure, and is not a "2 dimensional array" in the way most people mean (i.e a matrix). It is an array made up of other arrays, all of which can have arbitrary sizes, and this can be very expensive to mutate. As a rule, if you want a matrix, you should back it with a flat array and use multiplication to find its offsets, particularly if you're mutating it. Instead of table[i][j] you would use table[i * width + j].
But in your case it's even easier, since there are exactly two rows. So you don't a multi-dimensional array at all. You can just use two variables, and it'll be much more efficient. (In my tests, just making this change is about 30% faster than the original code.)
The major thing that slows you down is contention. You read and write to the same array in the loop. That gets in the way of various reordering and caching optimizations. In particular, it happens here:
if (min > table[1][j - 1]) { min = table[1][j - 1]; }
table[1][j] = cost + min;
If you rewrite that using two row variables rather than an array, it still looks like this:
if (min > row1[j - 1]) { min = row1[j - 1] }
row1[j] = cost + min
This forces the previous write to row1 to be fully completed before the next minimum can be computed, and then requires an array lookup to get the value back. But that's not really necessary. You can just cache the previous value between loops. Doing that means the loop only performs reads on row0 and only performs writes on row1. That's good for memory contention.
Putting those together, I wrote it this way. I changed the offsets to run from 0 rather than 1; it just made the code a little simpler to understand IMO. In my tests, this is about 3x faster than the original code for two arrays of 10k elements each.
func dtw(x1 : [Double], x2 : [Double]) -> Double {
let n1 = x1.count
let n2 = x2.count
var row0 = Array(repeating: Double.infinity, count: n2 + 1)
row0[0] = 0
var row1 = Array(repeating: 0.0, count: n2 + 1)
for i in 0 ..< n1 {
row1[0] = .infinity
// Keep track of the last value so we never have to read from row1.
var lastValue = Double.infinity
for j in 0 ..< n2 {
let cost = abs(x1[i] - x2[j])
// Don't be tempted to use the 3-value version of `min` here. It's much slower.
var minimum = min(row0[j], row0[j + 1])
minimum = min(minimum, lastValue)
lastValue = cost + minimum
row1[j + 1] = lastValue
swap(&row0, &row1)
return row0[n2];
This code is somewhat hard to make parallel, because the operations are not independent. Each row depends on the other rows. The key to good queue-based parallelism is the ability to split up fairly large chunks of independent work, and then efficiently combine them at the end. The cost of coordination will eat your benefits if the work units are too small. In many cases, vectorization (SIMD) is much more efficient than dispatching to multiple queues.
The cost function is independent, and I explored computing it with Accelerate (the main vectorization framework), but this generally made things slower. The compiler is very good at optimizing simple math in loops, and will do quite a lot of vectorizing for you if you let it. Accelerate is best when you need to do an expensive, consistent, and independent computation on a lot of values. And this loop isn't expensive or independent.
I’m trying to make a basic simulation of a 16 bit computer with Swift. The computer will feature
2 registers
That’s all. I have enough knowledge to create these parts visually and understand how they work, but it has become increasingly difficult to make larger components with more inputs while using my current approach.
My current approach has been to wrap each component in a struct. This worked early on, but is becoming increasingly difficult to manage multiple inputs while staying true to the principles of computer science.
The primary issue is that the components aren’t updating with the clock signal. I have the output of the component updating when get is called on the output variable, c. This, however, neglects the idea of a clock signal and will likely cause further problems later on.
It’s also difficult to make getters and setters for each variable without getting errors about mutability. Although I have worked through these errors, they are annoying and slow down the development process.
The last big issue is updating the output. The output doesn’t update when the inputs change; it updates when told to do so. This isn’t accurate to the qualities of real computers and is a fundamental error.
This is an example. It is the ALU I mentioned earlier. It takes two 16 bit inputs and outputs 16 bits. It has two unary ALUs, which can make a 16 bit number zero, negate it, or both. Lastly, it either adds or does a bit wise and comparison based on the f flag and inverts the output if the no flag is selected.
struct ALU {
//Operations are done in the order listed. For example, if zx and nx are 1, it first makes input 1 zero and then inverts it.
var x : [Int] //Input 1
var y : [Int] //Input 2
var zx : Int //Make input 1 zero
var zy : Int //Make input 2 zero
var nx : Int //Invert input 1
var ny : Int //Invert input 2
var f : Int //If 0, do a bitwise AND operation. If 1, add the inputs
var no : Int //Invert the output
public var c : [Int] { //Output
get {
//Numbers first go through unary ALUs. These can negate the input (and output the value), return 0, or return the inverse of 0. They then undergo the operation specified by f, either addition or a bitwise and operation, and are negated if n is 1.
var ux = UnaryALU(z: zx, n: nx, x: x).c //Unary ALU. See comments for more
var uy = UnaryALU(z: zy, n: ny, x: y).c
var fd = select16(s: f, d1: Add16(a: ux, b: uy).c, d0: and16(a: ux, b: uy).c).c //Adds a 16 bit number or does a bitwise and operation. For more on select16, see the line below.
var out = select16(s: no, d1: not16(a: fd).c, d0: fd).c //Selects a number. If s is 1, it returns d1. If s is 0, it returns d0. d0 is the value returned by fd, while d1 is the inverse.
return out
public init(x:[Int],y:[Int],zx:Int,zy:Int,nx:Int,ny:Int,f:Int,no:Int) {
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.zx = zx
self.zy = zy
self.nx = nx
self.ny = ny
self.f = f
self.no = no
I use c for the output variable, store values with multiple bits in Int arrays, and store single bits in Int values.
I’m doing this on Swift Playgrounds 3.0 with Swift 5.0 on a 6th generation iPad. I’m storing each component or set of components in a separate file in a module, which is why some variables and all structs are marked public. I would greatly appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.
So, I’ve completely redone my approach and have found a way to bypass the issues I was facing. What I’ve done is make what I call “tracker variables” for each input. When get is called for each variable, it returns that value of the tracker assigned to it. When set is called it calls an update() function that updates the output of the circuit. It also updates the value of the tracker. This essentially creates a ‘copy’ of each variable. I did this to prevent any infinite loops.
Trackers are unfortunately necessary here. I’ll demonstrate why
var variable : Type {
get {
return variable //Calls the getter again, resulting in an infinite loop
set {
//Do something
In order to make a setter, Swift requires a getter to be made as well. In this example, calling variable simply calls get again, resulting in a never-ending cascade of calls to get. Tracker variables are a workaround that use minimal extra code.
Using an update method makes sure the output responds to a change in any input. This also works with a clock signal, due to the architecture of the components themselves. Although it appears to act as the clock, it does not.
For example, in data flip-flops, the clock signal is passed into gates. All a clock signal does is deactivate a component when the signal is off. So, I can implement that within update() while remaining faithful to reality.
Here’s an example of a half adder. Note that the tracker variables I mentioned are marked by an underscore in front of their name. It has two inputs, x and y, which are 1 bit each. It also has two outputs, high and low, also known as carry and sum. The outputs are also one bit.
struct halfAdder {
private var _x : Bool //Tracker for x
public var x: Bool { //Input 1
get {
return _x //Return the tracker’s value
set {
_x = x //Set the tracker to x
update() //Update the output
private var _y : Bool //Tracker for y
public var y: Bool { //Input 2
get {
return _y
set {
_y = y
public var high : Bool //High output, or ‘carry’
public var low : Bool //Low output, or ‘sum’
internal mutating func update(){ //Updates the output
high = x && y //AND gate, sets the high output
low = (x || y) && !(x && y) //XOR gate, sets the low output
public init(x:Bool, y:Bool){ //Initializer
self.high = false //This will change when the variables are set, ensuring a correct output.
self.low = false //See above
self._x = x //Setting trackers and variables
self._y = y
self.x = x
self.y = y
This is a very clean way, save for the trackers, do accomplish this task. It can trivially be expanded to fit any number of bits by using arrays of Bool instead of a single value. It respects the clock signal, updates the output when the inputs change, and is very similar to real computers.
How do I make a random number continue to change over time in the program (I.E. become a new one within the range everytime I want to use it)?
I'm stumped. I've read more than 20 different posts and articles on how to generate random numbers in this language (which I'm pretty new to) and I just can't seem to get it to work.
I'm basically trying to get a random double from 1.0-3.0. I can do this pretty easily, but once it has selected that number it doesn't change. This is my code that I use:
var randomNumber:Double = (Double(arc4random() % 3) + 1);
Then I use this as a value for the line:
Every time I run this I want to change the number again, but once the program starts it continues that same number (It's different every time i reset the program)
I understand how to generate the number, but I can't seem to find anything on updating it!
I've tried adding
randomNumber = (Double(arc4random() % 3) + 1);
into the code in a spot where it will be ran many times, but it still gives me the same thing.
I'm very familiar with c++ so if you're trying to explain something you can reference its style and I will most likely understand.
What you need it is a read only computed property that will return a new random every time you try to access it:
var randomNumber: Double {
return Double(arc4random_uniform(3).successor())
print(randomNumber) // 2.0
print(randomNumber) // 2.0
print(randomNumber) // 1.0
print(randomNumber) // 3.0
print(randomNumber) // 3.0
SKAction.waitForDuration(sec: NSTimeInterval, withRange: NSTimeInterval)
where sec is the middle of the range in time you want to use, since range goes in a +- direction.
So in your case you want:
SKAction.waitForDuration(2, withRange: 2), this will get you a range of 1 to 3 (-1 to 1 range)
If for some reason you need a method that will constantly create a new random wait, you can always do:
extension SKAction
func waitForRandomDuration() -> SKAction
var randomNumber:Double = (Double(arc4random() % 3) + 1);
return SKAction.waitForDuration(randomNumber);
And then make sure that you add this as a new action onto your sprite every time you need to get it done, if you store it into a variable, your randomness won't change.
Try this code:
func randomNumberBetween1_0And3_0() -> Double {
return 1 + Double(arc4random_uniform(2000)) / 1000.0
for index in 1...10 {
Sample output is:
I have a crash with some optimisation code. What I'm trying to do is to remove some points from the input array when the previous and the next point are close enough. The method works well in almost all case but crash with some specific data.
An example of input data that crash:
Value of coords : (51.55188, -0.17591), (51.55208, -0.17516), (51.55231, -0.17444)
Value of altitudes : 10000, 10000, 10000
Value of count : 3
If I skip the optimisation code and use directly the input value, then everything works correctly. It also works correctly if I simply memcpy the input values in the temp arrays.
I got a EXC_BAD_ACCESS EXC_I386_GPFLT after using this method with the input data posted. The crash doesn't happen directly in this method but after when I use the object created at the end of the method. I've already tried NSZombie and Profiling for zombies. Everything works correctly with almost all the data but crash 100% with this specific input data (At least it is easier for me to debug!).
The code of my method:
+ (instancetype) optimizedPolylineWithCoordinates:(CLLocationCoordinate2D*) coords altitudes:(RLMKAltitude*) altitudes count:(NSUInteger) count
CGFloat minimumDistanceBetweenPoints = [self minimumOptimizedDistanceBetweenPoints];
CLLocationCoordinate2D* tempCoords = malloc(sizeof(CLLocationCoordinate2D) * count);
RLMKAltitude* tempAltitudes = malloc(sizeof(RLMKAltitude) * count);
NSUInteger tempCoordsCount = 0;
// Always keep first point
tempCoords[0] = coords[0];
tempAltitudes[0] = altitudes[0];
for (NSUInteger i = 1; i < (count - 1); i++)
MKMapPoint prevPoint = MKMapPointForCoordinate(coords[i - 1]);
MKMapPoint nextPoint = MKMapPointForCoordinate(coords[i + 1]);
// Get the distance between the next point and the previous point.
CLLocationDistance distance = MKMetersBetweenMapPoints(nextPoint, prevPoint);
// Keep the current point if the distance is greater than the minimum
if (distance > minimumDistanceBetweenPoints)
tempCoords[tempCoordsCount] = coords[i];
tempAltitudes[tempCoordsCount] = altitudes[i];
// Always keep last point
tempCoords[tempCoordsCount] = coords[(count - 1)];
tempAltitudes[tempCoordsCount] = altitudes[(count - 1)];
RLMKMapWay* object = [self polylineWithCoordinates:tempCoords altitudes:tempAltitudes count:tempCoordsCount];
return object;
Note that the polylineWithCoordinates method called with the temp data take care of making copy of all the data so the problem is likely not related with the free located after the call (I've already tried to comment both lines and the crash still happen)
When count == 1, you are writing outside the allocated memory.
I am trying to implement RGB histogram computation for images in Swift (I am new to iOS).
However the computation time for 1500x1000 image is about 66 sec, which I consider to be too slow.
Are there any ways to speed up image traversal?
P.S. current code is the following:
func calcHistogram(image: UIImage) {
let bins: Int = 20;
let width = Int(image.size.width);
let height = Int(image.size.height);
let binStep: Double = Double(bins-1)/255.0
var hist = Array(count:bins, repeatedValue:Array(count:bins, repeatedValue:Array(count:bins, repeatedValue:Int())))
for i in 0..<bins {
for j in 0..<bins {
for k in 0..<bins {
hist[i][j][k] = 0;
var pixelData = CGDataProviderCopyData(CGImageGetDataProvider(image.CGImage))
var data: UnsafePointer<UInt8> = CFDataGetBytePtr(pixelData)
for x in 0..<width {
for y in 0..<height {
var pixelInfo: Int = ((width * y) + x) * 4
var r = Double(data[pixelInfo])
var g = Double(data[pixelInfo+1])
var b = Double(data[pixelInfo+2])
let r_bin: Int = Int(floor(r*binStep));
let g_bin: Int = Int(floor(g*binStep));
let b_bin: Int = Int(floor(b*binStep));
hist[r_bin][g_bin][b_bin] += 1;
As noted in my comment on the question, there are some things you might rethink before you even try to optimize this code.
But even if you do move to a better overall solution like GPU-based histogramming, a library, or both... There are some Swift pitfalls you're falling into here that are good to talk about so you don't run into them elsewhere.
First, this code:
var hist = Array(count:bins, repeatedValue:Array(count:bins, repeatedValue:Array(count:bins, repeatedValue:Int())))
for i in 0..<bins {
for j in 0..<bins {
for k in 0..<bins {
hist[i][j][k] = 0;
... is initializing every member of your 3D array twice, with the same result. Int() produces a value of zero, so you could leave out the triple for loop. (And possibly change Int() to 0 in your innermost repeatedValue: parameter to make it more readable.)
Second, arrays in Swift are copy-on-write, but this optimization can break down in multidimensional arrays: changing an element of a nested array can cause the entire nested array to be rewritten instead of just the one element. Multiply that by the depth of nested arrays and number of element writes you have going on in a double for loop and... it's not pretty.
Unless there's a reason your bins need to be organized this way, I'd recommend finding a different data structure for them. Three separate arrays? One Int array where index i is red, i + 1 is green, and i + 2 is blue? One array of a custom struct you define that has separate r, g, and b members? See what conceptually fits with your tastes or the rest of your app, and profile to make sure it works well.
Finally, some Swift style points:
pixelInfo, r, g, and b in your second loop don't change. Use let, not var, and the optimizer will thank you.
Declaring and initializing something like let foo: Int = Int(whatever) is redundant. Some people like having all their variables/constants explicitly typed, but it does make your code a tad less readable and harder to refactor.
Int(floor(x)) is redundant — conversion to integer always takes the floor.
If you have some issues about performance in your code, first of all, use Time Profiler from Instruments. You can start it via Xcode menu Build->Profile, then, Instruments app opened, where you can choose Time Profiler.
Start recording and do all interactions in the your app.
Stop recording and analyse where is the "tightest" place of your code.
Also check options "Invert call tree", "Hide missing symbols" and "Hide system libraries" for better viewing profile results.
You can also double click at any listed function to view it in code and seeing percents of usage