I am trying to rectified two stereo images using cv2.stereoRectify after finding a camera matrix of two cameras (K1,D1,K2,D2,R,T). After that, I got R1, R2, P1, P2, Q, roi1, roi2 and use these parameters in cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap to get left rectified-image and right-rectified image.
But after using this method the rectified images are not good. I using alpha = -1.
Here is my code:
R1, R2, P1, P2, Q, roi1, roi2 = cv2.stereoRectify(cal_data.camera_model.get('M1'), cal_data.camera_model.get('dist1'), cal_data.camera_model.get('M2'), cal_data.camera_model.get('dist2'),
(960, 544), cal_data.camera_model.get('R'), cal_data.camera_model.get('T'), alpha=-1)
print(R1, R2, P1, P2)
leftFrame = cv2.imread('/home/nikhil_m/Pictures/Webcam/2019-07-29-171837.jpg')
rightFrame = cv2.imread('/home/nikhil_m/Pictures/Webcam/2019-07-29-171809.jpg')
leftFrame = cv2.resize(leftFrame,(960,544))
rightFrame = cv2.resize(rightFrame, (960, 544))
leftMapX, leftMapY = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap(cal_data.camera_model.get('M1'), cal_data.camera_model.get('dist1'), R1, P1, (960,544), cv2.CV_32FC1)
left_rectified = cv2.remap(leftFrame, leftMapX, leftMapY, cv2.INTER_LINEAR, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT)
rightMapX, rightMapY = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap(cal_data.camera_model.get('M2'), cal_data.camera_model.get('dist2'), R2, P2, (960,544), cv2.CV_32FC1)
right_rectified = cv2.remap(rightFrame, rightMapX, rightMapY, cv2.INTER_LINEAR, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT)
Is there any better way to rectified images or I am doing something wrong.Please help
Edit : Calibrated image.
Original image:
Camera matrix:
Intrinsic_mtx_1 [[1.22248627e+03 0.00000000e+00 5.24929333e+02]
[0.00000000e+00 1.32603348e+03 4.99669610e+01]
[0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00]]
dist_1 [[ 0.09850468 1.08533383 -0.10682535 0.01777223 -3.39061053]]
Intrinsic_mtx_2 [[1.07148978e+03 0.00000000e+00 4.21476300e+02]
[0.00000000e+00 1.09912897e+03 2.61293969e+02]
[0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00]]
dist_2 [[-0.15751877 -0.12428592 -0.01325468 0.02449842 3.72130512]]
R [[ 0.89624385 -0.12740274 -0.42487116]
[ 0.14523621 0.98934946 0.00969995]
[ 0.41911026 -0.0704002 0.90520186]]
T [[16.81657383]
[ 2.42601652]]
E [[ -2.74088083 -1.99896304 -5.18233385]
[ -4.87369619 0.87480896 -16.25313836]
[ 7.55012482 15.91139212 -2.25824725]]
F [[ 1.77370674e-06 1.19257563e-06 3.10912454e-03]
[ 3.07460616e-06 -5.08784373e-07 1.09461230e-02]
[-6.78615804e-03 -1.05410214e-02 1.00000000e+00]]
Look at your rotation matrix R. If your cameras are parallel it should be close to identity matrix. I used this code to examine the angles between your cameras and it turned out that the angles are [-4.44710871 -24.77842715 9.20475808] in degrees. Therefore I assume that your cameras are not parallel and that's why your approach does not work. See my answer in this thread to find out how to do a proper stereo rectification in your case.
I am calibrating camera using opencv in built function calibrateCamera.
ret, mtx, dist, rvecs, tvecs = cv2.calibrateCamera(objpoints, imgpoints, gray.shape[::-1],None,None)
print("translation vector size",len(tvecs))
print("rotation vector size",len(rvecs))
print("translation \n",tvecs)
print("rotation \n",rvecs)
translation vector size 8
rotation vector size 8
[ 0.53309405],
[16.90937607]]), array([[ 2.5887548 ],
[ 4.28267707],
[13.76961517]]), array([[-3.3813951 ],
[ 0.46023276],
[11.62316805]]), array([[-3.94407341],
[ 2.24712782],
[12.75758635]]), array([[-2.46697627],
[12.90925656]]), array([[ 2.26913044],
[15.65704473]]), array([[-3.65842398],
[17.28001749]]), array([[-1.53432042],
[ 0.35247622],
[-1.54211812]]), array([[-0.23013064],
[ 1.02133593],
[-2.79358726]]), array([[-0.34782976],
[-1.20030736]]), array([[-0.27641699],
[ 0.10465832],
[-1.56231228]]), array([[-0.47298366],
[ 0.09331131],
[-0.22505762]]), array([[0.068391 ],
[0.10818745]]), array([[-0.09848595],
[ 0.32272789],
[ 0.31561383]]), array([[-0.35190574],
[ 0.24381052],
[ 0.2106984 ]])]
The obtained translation and rotation vectors are consist of eight 3*1 array objects. I expect translation and rotation vector should be of size 3*3 and 3*1 respectively. Please let me know how these values are relevant with translation and rotation matrix. Also suggest me how can I derive translation and rotation matrices from these obtained vectors.
Thanks !
The eight sets of arrays are the eight images you feed in.
tvecs and rvecs you get from calibrateCamera() are vectors. If you want the matrix form, you have to use Rodrigues().
3x1 translation vector is the one you want.
3x3 rotation matrix can be obtained by cv2.Rodrigues().
for rvec in rvecs
R_matrix, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(rvecs)
Also, if you want to concatenate the [R t] matrix, try this:
Rt_matirx = np.concatenate((R_matrix, tvec), axis=1)
See opencv document for more information.
I have 2 cameras and want to calculate the disparity between them.
The translation between those cameras is mainly in z-Direction (i.e. "inside the image plane") and a little bit in x and y direction. For example: (0.2, 0.2, 0.8)
When I now calculate the rectification parameters with the stereoRectify() method, the output images are just black. Using other translation vectors works just fine, but the results are wrong of course.
Why is it like that and how can I solve the problem?
Edit: These translation values result in both rectified images black. Other (wrong) translation vectors work just fine. Changing the value of alpha doesn't change much.
rotation_quat = Quaternion(0.999999913938509, 0.00029714546497339216, -0.00011465939948083866, 0.0002658585515330323)
rotation = rotation_quat.rotation_matrix.astype(np.float64)
translation = np.array([0.2,0.2,0.8]).astype(np.float64)
R1, R2, P1, P2, Q, roi1, roi2 = cv2.stereoRectify(intrinsicMatrix1, distCoeffs1, intrinsicMatrix2, distCoeffs2, img1.shape[::-1], rotation, translation, alpha=1)
map11, map12 = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap(intrinsicMatrix1, distCoeffs1, R1, P1, img1.shape[::-1], cv2.CV_32FC1)
map21, map22 = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap(intrinsicMatrix2, distCoeffs1, R2, P2, img2.shape[::-1], cv2.CV_32FC1)
# rectify
img1_rect = cv2.remap(img1, map11, map12, cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)
img2_rect = cv2.remap(img2, map21, map22, cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)
cv2.imshow("img1_rect", img1_rect)
cv2.imshow("img2_rect", img2_rect)
I saw u,v image coordinates at bottom of here. I downloaded the data and one sample is [214.65 222.52 145.72 165.42 96.492 114.22 64.985 71.877 43.323
33.477 128.98 173.29 120.12 160.49 121.11 134.89 128. 98.462
175.26 177.23 177.23 151.63 178.22 130.95 177.23 98.462 212.68
175.26 214.65 118.15 215.63 80.738 208.74 68.923 249.11 173.29
242.22 122.09 237.29 86.646 234.34 48.246].
I did search but did not find explanation of u,v image coordinates and how to convert to x-y coordinates. It is not UV mapping, because the data is not between [0, 1]. I may be wrong.
any comments welcomed. Thanks
To be more confident, we can plot these points using Matlab/Octave or OpenCV on the corresponding color image and see if their positions match to the labeled joints. For joint structure we can look at the same README file W, T0, T1, T2, T3, I0, I1, I2, I3, M0, M1, M2, M3, R0, R1, R2, R3, L0, L1, L2, L3. Every joint has 2 coordinates so the sequence of 42 numbers correspond to u, v (X, Y) coordinates of corresponding joints in the sequence.
I tried to directly plot an image and 2D points in Matlab/Octave using this code:
clc; clear;
im = imread('0001_color_composed.png');
data = csvread('0001_joint2D.txt');
x = zeros(length(data)/2,1);
y = x;
for i = 1: length(data)/2
x(i) = data(2*i-1);
y(i) = data(2*i);
hold on;
plot(x, y, 'go');
and these image and annotation. As you can see in the resulting image below all u, v coordinates correspond to pixel coordinates in X and Y counted from the top left corner of image in pixels, i.e. u = X, v = Y (as if image shown using imshow(), the origin of the coordinate frame for consecutive plots is set to the image coordinate frame origin which is the top left corner).
I have a relative camera pose estimation problem where I am looking at a scene with differently oriented cameras spaced a certain distance apart. Initially, I am computing the essential matrix using the 5 point algorithm and decomposing it to get the R and t of camera 2 w.r.t camera 1.
I thought it would be a good idea to do a check by triangulating the two sets of image points into 3D, and then running solvePnP on the 3D-2D correspondences, but the result I get from solvePnP is way off. I am trying to do this to "refine" my pose as the scale can change from one frame to another. Anyway, In one case, I had a 45 degree rotation between camera 1 and camera 2 along the Z axis, and the epipolar geometry part gave me this answer:
Relative camera rotation is [1.46774, 4.28483, 40.4676]
Translation vector is [-0.778165583410928; -0.6242059242696293; -0.06946429947410336]
solvePnP, on the other hand..
Camera1: rvecs [0.3830144497209735; -0.5153903947692436; -0.001401186630803216]
tvecs [-1777.451836911453; -1097.111339375749; 3807.545406775675]
Euler1 [24.0615, -28.7139, -6.32776]
Camera2: rvecs [1407374883553280; 1337006420426752; 774194163884064.1] (!!)
tvecs[1.249151852575814; -4.060149502748567; -0.06899980661249146]
Euler2 [-122.805, -69.3934, 45.7056]
Something is troublingly off with the rvecs of camera2 and tvec of camera 1. My code involving the point triangulation and solvePnP looks like this:
points1.convertTo(points1, CV_32F);
points2.convertTo(points2, CV_32F);
// Homogenize image points
points1.col(0) = (points1.col(0) - pp.x) / focal;
points2.col(0) = (points2.col(0) - pp.x) / focal;
points1.col(1) = (points1.col(1) - pp.y) / focal;
points2.col(1) = (points2.col(1) - pp.y) / focal;
points1 = points1.t(); points2 = points2.t();
cv::triangulatePoints(P1, P2, points1, points2, points3DH);
cv::Mat points3D;
convertPointsFromHomogeneous(Mat(points3DH.t()).reshape(4, 1), points3D);
cv::solvePnP(points3D, points1.t(), K, noArray(), rvec1, tvec1, 1, CV_ITERATIVE );
cv::solvePnP(points3D, points2.t(), K, noArray(), rvec2, tvec2, 1, CV_ITERATIVE );
And then I am converting the rvecs through Rodrigues to get the Euler angles: but since rvecs and tvecs themselves seem to be wrong, I feel something's wrong with my process. Any pointers would be helpful. Thanks!
I'm using PCL to obtain the transformation matrix from ICP (getTransformationMatrix()).
The result obtained for exemple for a translation movement without rotation is
0.999998 0.000361048 0.00223594 -0.00763852
-0.000360518 1 -0.000299474 -0.000319525
-0.00223602 0.000298626 0.999998 -0.00305045
0 0 0 1
how can I find the trasformation from the matrix?
The idea is to see the error made between the stimation and the real movement
I have not used the library you refer to here, but it is pretty clear to me that the result you provide is a homogenous transform i.e. the upper left 3x3 matrix (R) is the rotation matrix and the right 3x1 (T) is the translation:
M1 = [ **[** [R], [T] **], [** 0 0 0 1 **]** ]
refer to the 'Matrix Representation' section here:
This notation is used so that you can get the final point after successive transforms by multiplying the transform matrices.
If you have a point p0 transformed n times you get the point p1 as:
P0 = [[p0_x], [p0_y], [p0_z], [1]]
P1 = [[p1_x], [p1_y], [p1_z], [1]]
M = M1*M2*...*Mn
P1 = M*P0
tROTA is the matrix with translation and rotation:
auto trafo = icp.getFinalTransformation();
Eigen::Transform<float, 3, Eigen::Affine> tROTA(trafo);
float x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw;
pcl::getTranslationAndEulerAngles(tROTA, x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw);