Navigation bar back button is not showing? - ios

I am not getting back button after pushing to next controller through segue
it is just like making a connection between controllers through segue
there is no code included. it is happening in storyboard

- First:
You should make the source view controller (not destination) as rootViewController of the navigation view controller. You probably set the segue as push instead of that.
- Second:
Make sure you don't set the back button item manually anywhere.


Navigation Controller doesn't appear on Dashboard ViewController

I am using a Navigation Controller in Xcode8, the navigation bar doesn't appear on the following View Controller on the Dashboard. They will appear on the simulator and on the ViewController topDown tree, but nothing on the view of the dashboard.
Navigation Controller Screenshot
Its'a strange problem, It always happen to me too. You can change your segue type to deprecated Push to see nav bar, after that you can change again.
When you connect your navigation controller to the view controller it happens, because it creates segue type to Show. When you change the segue type to Push segue, you can see the Nav Bar on your View Controller.
Just click the segue, you should see the segue options on the right like the picture.
The problem was the segue before the Navigation Controller. When I delete it, all the Navigation Bar come back. Don't know why, but if the problem happen, you just have to delete this segue and then with Ctrl+Z, the segue come back and the nav bar stay

Adding a Back Button on A Table View Controller

I am interested in implementing a back button to segue to a previous view controller. I have tried to embed a navigation bar onto the the top of the table view controller but the issue is when I do segue back to the first view controller, by default, Xcode keeps the navigation bar with a back button to go back to the table view controller. Is there a simpler way to implement a segue to go back to the first VC without the navigation bar remaining?
I'm not too sure if this works, but embed your view controllers including the first one inside the navigation controller. That would make all your view controllers with navigation bar above.
On the main view controller (the one you do not want to have the navigation bar), add the line of code inside your viewDidLoad method.
Swift 3:
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.isHidden = true
I found an easy way. On your TableViewController, drag a UIview to the top of the view controller and itll let you insert the view. From there just add your back button
Just assign your "Back" UIBarButtonItem to this method and it should work.
#IBAction func backButtonPressed(sender: AnyObject) {
self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)
Sounds like a few problems
1) How are you navigating from the first view controller? Is it with Show (Push) if not, you are replacing the first view controller in your stack.
2) Based on your problem, make sure your first view controller is not embedded in a navigation controller
3) As Dylan mentioned, you need to hook your back button to remove the current view controller to return to the first one
4) Extension of (3), how are you segueing back to the first view controller? If you are explicitly navigating to first view controller with your back button handler, it's not actually going back but rather forward and keep the navigation bar.

Swift/XCode 6.4: add back button to navigation controller in navigation bar

In my app I have this storyboard:
and I would like to add a back button from the second table view back to the first. So I inserted a Navigation controller in order to have a navigation bar in the second table view ad I have created a segue with its identifier from the second table view to the first. But then how can I add a back button? I have tried to drag a button from the library into the navigation controller but it won't let me do it...I had already done this but in this moment I can't remember how.
Please can you help me?
In above image you shared you are making your tableview controller as root view controller.You have to kept your navigation controller on root. As you can see in attached image and you don't have to make back button manually as navigation controller has its own default back button.
This example is right how to make storyboard.Try it
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.hidden = false
In setting of UINavigationController set up like on screenshot
If you're using a navigation controller and its default navigation bar, you don't add an explicit back button--the navigation bar does it for you. You can add a UINavigationItem to your view controller, on which you set a title, back button title, etc.

navigation Done item not working

in the top view of my view controller (the last table view controller) has an add navigation item. i added a view controller object from the objects library and i ctrl + dragged from the plus button to the view controller. i tried the app and it works fine but i can't go back to the previous controller when i reach the last controller. since the last controller connected (by segue) to the plus button, i can't have a navigation bar on top. so i added one and added an navigation item called it Done. i created an IBAction method in the class that the last controller subclasses which have the following code:
[self.navigationController popNavigationControllerAnimated:YES];
However, when i run the app and press the Done button to go back, it doesn't work although i feel like what i did is totally legal.
If you would have made the final view controller segue a Push segue, you'd still have the navigation bar with a back button. It makes sense since you're adding a record that you'd want a modal view.
You can dismiss the current modal view with the following code:
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
Generally, you should use delegation and dismiss it from the presenting view controller. However, I think it's fine to dismiss yourself if you're using storyboards, segues, and ARC.
Did you create a Bar Button Item and assigned its 'selector' callback?

Push segue from a view controller controlled by UITabBarController

Let's assume that a first view controller is connected with a UITabBarController and I want to make a push segue to the second view controller from this first view controller.
From my googling, it seems that a modal segue from a view controller connected with a UITabBarController hides the bottom tab bar, while a push segue doesn't.
However, my push segue is also hiding my tab bar in the second view controller. I have overridden prepareForSegue method in the first view controller.
Below are images of my storybard and the simulator. Anyone has an idea why this is the case? Thank you in advance for your helps.
Your trouble is because your tabViewController is embedded in the navigation stack that you initialise with your login screen.
you need to rearrange things so that each of your tab bar controller tabs opens to a new navigation stack.
What I suggest
your loginscreen should navigate to your tab bar controller with a modal/presenting segue, not a push segue. Remove the navController that encloses the loginscreen, you don't need it (well, even if you keep it, don't use a push segue, use a modal segue, and you won't then be referring back to that navController's viewController stack from inside your tab bar).
embed each of the first viewControllers in your tabViewCOntroller inside a separate navController.
Now you can push segue within your tabViewController's tabs.
