Gesture Recognisers and Touch Began for a View in Swift - ios

I have a View. In that view I added a gestureRecogniser for Pan,Rotate and Pinch. Recogniser takes small amount of time to detect it as a Gesture. But When I add touchesBegan function It detects the touch when I touch the finger to the screen without any delay. Any suggestion to Solve. I need GestureRecogniser for Pinch and Rotate the View. For Panning I need to use TouchesBegan function. How can i Keep both those things in a View


How to make a UIScrollView, some UIButtons and UIPanGestureRecognizer work together?

I got a scroll view with a bunch of buttons, which I want to both touch and drag.
To choose if it's a touch or a drag (not drag of the scroll view, "physically" dragging the button), I check the pan gesture recognizer of the button to see how far away the drag would be, if it's over a threshold I snap the button into drag mode and, removing it from the scroll view and adding it to my view controller's view (at the same location, so looks like it's in the same place).
This all works kinda smooth, except when I want to scroll and the pan fires at the same time. I need a way for the pan gesture recognizer to choose, based on velocity, if the scroll view should scroll or the button should be dragged.
The question: Is there a way for a UIPanGestureRecognizer to tell a UIScrollView to continue scrolling and cancel itself?

UIPageViewController: Swipe registration

I would like to achieve an animation when swiping from page to page on a UIPageViewController. I would like this animation to be linked to a UISwipeGestureRecognizer.
My question is: can I calculate a beginning and end of a swipe gesture and relatively execute an CGAffineTransform?
So I during the swipe, I want to transform a view in the direction of the swipe.
Who has any good tutorials or snippets I could use?
A couple of things.
Page view controllers are not built to use custom animations between pages. They are intended to use either a slide animation or a page curl animation.
Second, swipe gestures are single-shot, not continuous. There is no "relatively execute." When you do a swipe gesture, nothing happens, then the gesture fires and it's over. If you want an animation that's proportional to the user's finger position in the gesture you'll either need to do some specialized handling of a pan gesture recognizer or create your own custom gesture recognizer.

three finger pinch with custom uigesture on uiscrollview

I have a uiscroll that allows pinching, panning and single/doubletap functionality. I would like to add a three finger pinch in/out to trigger something else in my app. Pinch in and do this, pinch out and do that.
The builtin scroll pinch allows 2 fingers by default. How would I add a third? Subclass? Do I have to remove the gestures already on the scrollview?
Create your own custom subclass gesture to handle the three pinch gesture. Act as it's delegate so you can instruct it to be active at the same time as other gestures. Require it to only start when there are 3 touches. You don't need to remove / replace the standard gestures on the scroll view.

Cancel UIGestureRecognizer if subview contains gesture?

I was originally using the UITouch methods (touchesMoved: withEvent:) in order to detect the movement in a view. Due to the fact that it seemed not to update often enough I switched to using a UIPanGestureRecognizer (though this didn't actually fix the initial problem).
After using this the touches received for movements responded no matter what it was touching (different subviews) which I actually prefer. However now I have an issue with all the subviews which have movement. I need the gesture recognizer to still move the view even while touching subviews, however if the subview also moves in this direction (left/right) I need my recognizer to cancel.
It seems like gestureRecognizerShouldBegin: might be somewhere to start, but in my case, I cannot account for all subviews.
Is it possible to make pan gesture recognizer cancel if the subview (i.e. another pan recognizer, UISlider, horizontal scrollview, etc.) touched needs to be moved in left/right directions without having to account for each subview individually?

Disable scroll in UIScrollView while multi touching

In my program I use two fingers to pinch (zoom in and out), so sometimes when I want to pinch, app scrolls.
I would like to don't let scrolling in UIScrollView while two or more touches are on screen. How can I achieve that?
Try using UIGestureRecognizer.
In you case you must use a UITapGestureRecognizer, with 2 finger and one tap.
Attach the gesture on the table view.
