Restart KSQL-Server when some queries are running - ksqldb

I try to find some document about it, that when some queries are running and KSQL-Server restarts. What will happened?
Does it perform similar to Kafka-Streams, so the consumer offset is not committed and at-least-once is guaranteed?
I can observe that the queries stored in the command topic, and queries are executed when ksql-server restarts

I try to find some document about it, that when some queries are running and KSQL-Server restarts. What will happened?
If you only have a single KSQL server, then stopping that server will of course stop all the queries. Once the server is running again, all queries will continue from the points they stopped processing. No data is lost.
If you have multiple KSQL servers running, then stopping one (or some) of them will cause the remaining servers to take over any query processing tasks from the stopped servers. Once the stopped servers have been restarted the query processing workload will be shared again across all servers.
Does it perform similar to Kafka-Streams, so the consumer offset is not committed and at-least-once is guaranteed?
But (even better): Whether the processing guarantees are at-least-once or exactly-once depends solely on the KSQL server's configuration. It does of course not depend on whether or when the server is being restarted, crashes, etc.


Neo4J taking out long-lived locks in non-query transaction

In our application we occasionally add around 10,000 nodes and 100,000 relationships to a Neo4J graph over the course of a few minutes, and then DETACH DELETE many of them a few minutes later. Previously the delete query was very quick (<100ms), but after a small change to our data model and some of our other queries (which are not running at the time), it now often blocks for minutes before completing.
While this blocking is happening there are no other queries running, and I have an export from Halin showing all the transactions that are happening at the time. It's difficult to reproduce here, but in summary there are exactly two transactions going on, one of which is my delete query. The delete query is stated to be blocked by the other one, which has 7 locks out, is in the Running state, and has no attached query or client at all. I imagine this means that it's an internal Neo4J process. It has 0 cpu time, and its entire 180s runtime is accounted for by idle time. There's no other information given.
What could be causing this transaction to lock the nodes that I want to delete for such a long time with no queries running?
What I've tried:
Using apoc.periodic.iterate and apoc.periodic.commit to split the query into smaller chunks - the inner queries end up locked
Looking in the query logs - difficult to be sure but I can't see any evidence of the internal transaction
Looking in the debug logs - records of garbage collections (always around 300ms) and some graph algorithms running, but never while this query is blocked, and nothing else relevant
Other info:
Neo4J version: 3.5.18-enterprise (docker)
Cluster mode: HA cluster with 2 nodes (also reproduced with only 1 node)
It turned out that there was a query a few minutes before that had been set going and then the client disconnected (missing await in C#). I still don't quite understand why this caused the observations, but my guess is that Neo4j put the query into a weird state after the client disconnected, and then some part of it ended up waiting for the transaction timeout before releasing its locks.

500 on Google Cloud Run: The request failed because the instance could not start successfully

I'm doing load testing on an ExpressJS app hosted on Google Cloud Run, upon spike increase in traffic, there is a period where I see many 500 errors in Stackdriver with the message "The request failed because the instance could not start successfully." - which effectively leads to server downtime.
Seeing that this error occurs more frequently as the app scales up, I'm thinking this is caused by the Cloud Run load balancer assigning traffic prematurely to new instances, before these instances are ready to accept requests.
As I continue to run the load test, the instances are continuously and repeatedly killed and restarted, so there is no mechanism for recovery while the load is on.
I don't see any error logs from my NodeJS application, suggesting none of the failed requests actually reached my app.
What can I do to avoid these errors?
How does Cloud Run determine that a port is ready to accept requests?
Is it something I misconfigured in my ExpressJS app or can I somehow delay Cloud Run a bit before sending requests to a new instance?
This turned out to be caused by a combination of Cloud Run auto-scaling maximum instance limit and Cloud SQL's connection limit.
I was running a small Cloud SQL Postgres instance (3.75 GB / 1 vCPU) which comes with a default connection limit of 100. (
By default, Cloud Run assigns a maximum instance count of 1000 for auto-scaling. During the load test, the sudden spike in request count pushed the auto-scaling to create hundreds of instances, which quickly exhausted the Cloud SQL connection limit of 100.
This exact scenario is documented for Cloud SQL: (it would be nice if this is also documented on Cloud Run, it did not immediately occur to me to look for documentation on Cloud SQL when this issue occurred)
The solution is a combination of limiting the maximum instance count on Cloud Run to a number that is tolerable, and adjusting resource allocation / maximum connection limit on Cloud SQL. The exact configuration would obviously depend on the expected level of load.

Current Sidekiq job lost when deploying to Heroku

I have a Sidekiq job that runs for a while and when I deploy to Heroku and the job is running, it can't finish within in the few seconds.
That is fine, as the job is designed to be able to be re-run if needed.
The problem is that the job gets lost (instead of put back to redis and run again after deploy).
I found that it is advised to set :timeout: 8 on heroku and I tried it, but it had no effect (also tried seeting to 5).
When there is an exception, I get errors reported, but I don't see any. So not sure what could be wrong.
Any tips on how to debug this?
The free version of Sidekiq will push unfinished jobs back to Redis after the timeout has passed, default of 8 seconds. Heroku gives a process 10 seconds to shut down. That means we have 2 seconds to get those jobs back to Redis or they will be lost. If your network is slow, if the Redis server is swapping, etc, that 2 sec deadline might not be met and the jobs lost.
You were on the right track: one answer is to lower the timeout so you have a better chance of meeting that deadline. But network or swapping delay can't be predicted: even 5 seconds might not be enough time.
Under normal healthy conditions, things should work as designed. Keep your machines healthy (uncongested network, plenty of RAM) and the basic fetch should work well. Sidekiq Pro's reliable fetch feature is a fundamental redesign of how Sidekiq fetches jobs and works around all of these issues by keeping jobs in Redis all the time so they can't be lost. But it comes with serious trade offs too: it's more complicated, slower and more Redis intensive than "basic" fetch.
In short, I don't know why you are losing jobs but make sure your instances and Redis server are healthy and the latency is low.
This is actually feature of sidekiq - designed to steer you toward paying pro version:
More reliable message processing.
Cloud environments are noisy and unreliable. Seeing timeouts? Wild swings in latency or performance? Ruby VM crashes or processes disappearing?
If a Sidekiq process crashes while processing a job, that job is lost.
If the Sidekiq client gets a networking error while pushing a job to Redis, an exception is raised and the job is not delivered.
Sidekiq Pro uses Redis's RPOPLPUSH command to ensure that jobs will not be lost if the process crashes or gets a KILL signal.
The Sidekiq Pro client can withstand transient Redis outages or timeouts. It will enqueue jobs locally upon error and attempt to deliver those jobs once connectivity is restored.
Deploy terminates all processes that belongs to user, therefore job is lost. There is actually not much you can do there.
As #mike-perham and #esse noted, Sidekiq is designed the way it can loose jobs due to its fetching mechanism. Your options to get around this are:
To buy Sidekiq Pro (although it was reported to cause the same issue)
To write your own fetcher (but that would mean you can not use most of 3rd party libraries, as they will not work with your custom fetcher)
To mimic Sidekiq Pro's reliable fetch by backing up your jobs data. In case you are up for this way, check out attentive_sidekiq gem which does exactly that.

My server gets overloaded even though I keep a limit on the requests I send it

I have a server on Heroku - 3 dynos, 2 processes each.
The server does 2 things:
It responds to requests from the browser (AJAX and some web pages), based on data stored in a postgresql database
It exposes a REST API to update the data in the database. This API is called by another server. The rate of calls is limited: The other server only calls my server through a queue with a single worker, which makes sure the other server doesn't issue more than one request in parallel to my server (I verified that indeed it doesn't).
When I look at new relic, I see the following graph, which suggests that even though I keep the other server at one parallel request at most, it still loads my server which creates peaks.
I'd expect that since the rate of calls from the other server is limited, my server will not get overloaded, since a request will only start when the previous request ended (I'm guessing that maybe the database gets overloaded if it gets an update request and returns but continue processing after that).
What can explain this behaviour?
Where else can I look at in order to understand what's going on?
Is there a way to avoid this behaviour?
There are whole lot of directions this investigation could go, but from your screenshot and some inferences, I have two guesses.
A long query—You'd see this graph if your other server or a browser occasionally hits a slow query. If it's just a long read query and your DB isn't hitting its limits, it should only affect the process running the query, but if the query is taking an exclusive lock, all dynos will have to wait on it. Since the spikes are so regular, first think of anything you have running on a schedule - if the cadence matches, you probably have your culprit. The next simple thing to do is run heroku pg:long-running-queries and heroku pg:seq-scans. The former shows queries that might need optimization, and the latter shows full table scans you can probably fix with a different query or a better index. You can find similar information in NewRelic's Database tab, which has time and throughput graphs you can try to match agains your queueing spikes. Finally, look at NewRelic's Transactions tab.
There are various ways to sort - slowest average response time is probably going to help, but check out all the options and see if any transactions stand out.
Click on a suspicious transaction and look at the graph on the right. If you see spikes matching your queueing buildups, that could be it, but since it looks to be affecting your whole site, watch out for several transactions seeing correlated slowdowns.
Check out the transaction traces at the bottom. Something in there taking a long time to run is as close to a smoking gun as you'll get. This should correlate with pg:long-running-queries.
Look at the breakdown table between the graph and the transaction traces. Check for things that are taking a long time (eg. a 2 second external request) or happening often (eg, a partial that gets rendered 2500 times per request). Those are places for caching or optimization.
Garbage collection—This is less likely because Ruby GCs all the time and there's no reason it would show spikes on that regular cadence, but if there's a regular request that allocates a ton of objects, both building the objects and cleaning them up will take time. It would only affect one dyno at once, and it would be correlated with a long or highly repetitive query in your NewRelic investigation. You can see some stats about this in NewRelic's Ruby VM tab.
Take a look at your dyno and DB memory usage too. Both are printed to the Heroku logs, and if you add Librato, they'll build some automatic graphs that are quite helpful. If your dyno is swapping, performance will suffer and you should either upgrade to a bigger dyno or run fewer processes per dyno. Processes will typically accumulate memory as they run and never quite release as much as you'd like, so tune it so that right before a restart, your dyno is just under its available RAM. Similarly for the DB, if you're hitting swap there, query performance will suffer and you should upgrade.
Other things it could be, but probably isn't in this case:
Sleeping dynos—Heroku puts a dyno to sleep if it hasn't served a request in a while, but only if you have just 1 dyno running. You have 3, so this isn't it.
Web Server Concurrency—If at any given moment, there are more requests than available processes, requests will be queued. The obvious fix is to increase the available dynos/processes, which will put more load on your DB and potentially move the issue there. Since some regular request is visible every time, I'm guessing request volume is low and this also isn't your problem.
Heroku Instability—Sometimes, for no obvious reason, Heroku starts queueing requests more than it should and doesn't report any issues at Restarting the dynos typically fixes that temporarily while Heroku gets their head back on straight.

heroku restart - Does that result in data loss

Does using heroku restart result in data loss? Is the last DB backup used during a restart or is the DB unaffected?
A restart does not affect the database. So, generally speaking, data loss will not occur on restart.
However, it will also restart your workers, which may interrupt any jobs currently being processed. This can result in a partially finished job, which may have an undesired effect, depending on the job. You should design any background jobs so they can be restarted from scratch if necessary (for instance, do any database interaction in a transaction).
A similar effect is also possible for your dynos - in this case, instead of a partially completed job, it would be a partially completed web request. This would very rarely cause a problem, though.
A deploy - but not necessarily a restart - will also cause any files in your temporary directories (tmp/ and log/) to be deleted.
To prevent both of these, use maintenance mode (heroku maintenance on) and make sure all your workers and web requests are done working before you deploy or restart.
