Simulator not found after Xcode update - ios

I have just updated the Xcode from App Store from 10.2 to 10.3 and suddenly all the simulators are gone. Now when I open a project with a storyboard, it throws me an error as below.
Failed to find or create execution context for description ' System content for IBCocoaTouchFramework-ElevenAndLater scaleFactor=2x. These intermediate objects were non-nil.
Any one faced this issue before? Also it doesn't let me edit anything in my simulator.

I tried to restart Xcode, but it did not help.
The only way to fix the problem was to reboot my MacBook - it fixed the problem with simulator

Try to increase deployment target of your project. It worked for me.


Build Error in Xcode 11.3.1 - IBCocoaTouchFramework-ThirteenAndLater

I am having following error every single time I try to build an app in Xcode 11.3.1 on macOS Catalina 10.15.3. I see this error for UIKit as well as SwiftUI based projects. Xcode fails to load storyboard file (or scene) and fails to build
/<PATH TO PROJECT>/Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard:1:1:
Failed to find or create execution context for description '<IBCocoaTouchPlatformToolDescription: 0x7fd283181f90> System content for IBCocoaTouchFramework-ThirteenAndLater <IBScaleFactorDeviceTypeDescription: 0x7fd283187160> scaleFactor=2x'.
Please note, this error is not specific to LaunchScreen.storyboard file. I have tried not having launch screen and instead straight Main.storyboard but nothing works.
I have tried everything else including rebooting my mac, killing Simulator process deleting Derived Data. All these steps, a few of these steps but cannot get rid of it. My Xcode is plagued with this issue and I cannot build any project.
If you have encountered this issue, please share what you did to solve it.
Thanks in advance.
In my case, reinstalling Xcode fixed it for me.

FirebaseUI/PhoneAuth/FirebasePhoneAuthUI/FUICodeField.xib:-1: Failed to find or create execution context for description

After updating Xcode to 10.3 I get the bellow error (which I see has something to do with firebase):
The page which accompanies it is:
Why is this error happening and how can I fix it?
What I have tried:
updating pods
restarting Xcode
I solved this after looking at the answer on this question: Storyboard broken after updating Xcode to version 10.3 (10G8) & app no longer is running
Restarted the mac, problem solved.

Installation Failed: Invalid Argument -iOS Extension
I am about to build watch app target from existing project. I encountered a strange error upon finishing build that unables me to run the watch app properly. Here is the attached screenshot.
OSX 10.10
XCode 6.2 Beta
Simulator iPhone 6 iOS 8.2
When I try creating new watch app project and try the Lister demo app they work just fine. So I am suspecting there is something wrong with my existing project but not sure what since the error message is not really explanatory. I appreciate any leads or helps given, thank you for your time.
EDIT: After few investigation turns out extensions do not work as well.
I had the same issue. This sequence helped for me:
Xcode doesn't like it when you have a referenced directory called
'Resources' within your resource bundle (see timrex)
1) Remove 'Resources' directory from your project's tree;
2) Reset content and settings in iPhone simulator;
3) Press Shift+Cmd+Alt+K and click 'Clean' or Shift+Cmd+K in xCode window;
Check if the Bundle Identifier isn't empty in the Info.plist
After 2 days of research I have found the answer which I believe is an xcode bug.
Basically this is caused by having different build name on your XCode build settings. Making them uniform should solve the problem. As shown here
I hope this helps anyone stumbled upon this question.
I got my error fixed by setting the project's "Product Bundle Identifier".
It was empty since my project was being generated by Gyp and I hadn't set that particular setting on the project.
I ran into the same issue and got it resolved by cleaning the phone's memory since it was too low to install the app.
This issue can be resolved simply by emptying the trash.
I fixed this by first building for an actual device - once I'd done that at least once, the simulator ran fine.
I got it working after I tried everything mentioned here, then deleting the app from the device and restarting XCode. Those two steps were mentioned here:
I have no idea what combination of steps fixed it though.
I got this issue while running on simulator. I rebooted the system and the issue gone.
I just had the same issue. My fix was to delete the temporary project files in the derived data folder:
rm -R /Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/projectname
I had the same issue. This helped
Check your connected device has enough storage space.
I had this issue when I tried to run in my iPhone. I cleared the storage by deleting couple of apps and tried to install again and then it works.
Check your device's storage.
I had this issue and deleting some apps was the only solution for me...
I could fix this problem by switching to a different simulator (iPhone6 instead of iPhone6s) in my case).
Switch OFF your Phone and ON.
Now install your app ,its works for me.
If you run in device then remove previous app . It will work .

Unable to run app in Simulator XCode 6.0

After migrating from XCode 5.0 to XCode 6.0 the project fails to run with the following error.
An error was encountered while running (Domain = FBSOpenApplicationErrorDomain,
Code = 4)
Any suggestions?
iOS Simulator -> Reset Contents and Settings
Worked for me!
iOS Simulator -> Reset Contents and Settings... -> Reset
referenced from:
I had this error too.
My solution was product->clean
As described in my answer to the queation that this is a duplicate of, this error is one manifestation of an install/launch race condition bug. The suggestions you find on this forum suggesting that you should "Erase Contents & Settings" or "Clean" from within Xcode are not correct.
You simply have to try again and hope you don't loose the race on the next launch. Alternatively, you can just "finger launch" it from within the booted simulator.
I had this error.
I got it while using Xcode 6 on Yosemite.
My solution was to download and install Xcode 6.1 for Yosemite. This solved my issue.

Xcode6 - ibtool failed with exit code 255

I read all previous answers for this question but nothing helped to me.
I wanted to learn Swift but even empty projects shows this error after build:
Command /Volumes/Xcode/ failed with exit code 255
I use Xcode6-Beta4.
When I try to click Storyboard, Xcode crashes.
Checked my previous applications - same problem with storyboard. But on Xcode5 they work perfectly.
What I tried/checked
I have no special symbols in the name/id/etc.
Provisioning profile is connected successfully.
Choosing another device/target in Deployment Info didnt help too
Clean/Rebuild/Restart/Reboot/Waiting for hour and smoking didnt help.
So I give up and really need your help.
You can do one thing may be this will work for you.
Delete that app from simulator or reset content of your simulator then try to run.
I had the same problem and my solution was to change the /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist content back to 10.10, because I'm using OS X Yosemite Public Beta.
I had the same problem with Xcode 9 beta and iOS 11 beta. Deleting the app and then reinstalling fixed the issue.
Just switch simulator and it works!! its an issue from the xCode! you can reset the simulator or switch to another simulator and it will work
