Xcode6 - ibtool failed with exit code 255 - ios

I read all previous answers for this question but nothing helped to me.
I wanted to learn Swift but even empty projects shows this error after build:
Command /Volumes/Xcode/Xcode6-Beta4.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/ibtool failed with exit code 255
I use Xcode6-Beta4.
When I try to click Storyboard, Xcode crashes.
Checked my previous applications - same problem with storyboard. But on Xcode5 they work perfectly.
What I tried/checked
I have no special symbols in the name/id/etc.
Provisioning profile is connected successfully.
Choosing another device/target in Deployment Info didnt help too
Clean/Rebuild/Restart/Reboot/Waiting for hour and smoking didnt help.
So I give up and really need your help.

You can do one thing may be this will work for you.
Delete that app from simulator or reset content of your simulator then try to run.

I had the same problem and my solution was to change the /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist content back to 10.10, because I'm using OS X Yosemite Public Beta.

I had the same problem with Xcode 9 beta and iOS 11 beta. Deleting the app and then reinstalling fixed the issue.

Just switch simulator and it works!! its an issue from the xCode! you can reset the simulator or switch to another simulator and it will work


Simulator not found after Xcode update

I have just updated the Xcode from App Store from 10.2 to 10.3 and suddenly all the simulators are gone. Now when I open a project with a storyboard, it throws me an error as below.
Failed to find or create execution context for description ' System content for IBCocoaTouchFramework-ElevenAndLater scaleFactor=2x. These intermediate objects were non-nil.
Any one faced this issue before? Also it doesn't let me edit anything in my simulator.
I tried to restart Xcode, but it did not help.
The only way to fix the problem was to reboot my MacBook - it fixed the problem with simulator
Try to increase deployment target of your project. It worked for me.

Invalid or missing Program/ProgramArguments? No solution found

I'm having a very hard time trying to solve this annoying issue.
I created a COCOA static library in XCode that worked flawlessly until some days ago. Now, when i try to TEST it, i receive the following error:
"Invalid or missing Program/ProgramArguments".
I already tried to fix this problem performing the operations pointed out here
Invalid or missing Program/ProgramArguments
and here
When I clean Xcode DerivedData I can't run my app in iOS Simulator
without any success (XCode 7.2).
Can someone help please?
solution: I updated from XCode 7.2 to XCode 7.3 and suddenly everything started to work fine again.

iOS : App get stuck on Splash screen

I have tried everything regarding app clean up, project clean xcode quit and all related stuff but still same issue.
I have check everything window also have rootViewController and everything is assigned.
After updating to xcode 12, I faced this issue. xcode hangs while attaching debugger to ios process. Deleting the contents of ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport worked for me. (https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/123068?answerId=420683022#420683022)
Try to restart your Mac! 😉
As Uma Madhavi said, your Mac may have installed some automatic updates. Restarting it fixed the problem for me
I removed Device Support folder and re-open Xcode.
rm -r ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS\ DeviceSupport
Check your root view controller design in storyboard, I also got this issue, In my loginview controller by mistake I have pests/ duplicate UIView into stack view with constraints.
So removed duplicate UIView.
In Swift 4.2, xCode 11.5 and simulator version 13.5
Restart or Erase All Content and Settings on the simulator you are using, then try running again. This works for me
Hope you can help :)
Old topic but I just got it and have been searching for two days trying everything without success so far.
What finally worked for me:
close Xcode
going into the finder
go to the list of applications
select XCode and do Cmd + i
uncheck the box "Open with rosetta".
open Xcode and do a clean (cmd + shift + k)
And finally the application has passed the stage of the infinite launch screen
In my case, because Reveal load breakpoint, following Reveal document steps, it works for me. ps: my Reveal version still 26, not upgrade to 38
Reveal document:

Xcode 6.0.1 - iOS Simulator Black Screen

I've seen lots of questions about this - however none of them are solving my issue.
The Setup is as follows
OSX Mavericks 10.9.5
Xcode 6.0.1
iOS Simulator 8.0 (550.1)
I've tried now with 5 different Xcode projects, that are working with another machine with identical setups, except this one isn't working.
Every time I launch the simulator, whether or not it's with an App running, or standalone I get the same.
When I run from Xcode I get this message ->
An error was encountered while running (Domain = com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimError, Code = 146)
The things I've tried are:
Reset all Content and Settings (when I click and confirm this - nothing happens at all)
Removed all devices from the simulators, and re-created them
Made sure everything is up to date
Cleaned all projects, SEVERAL times
Restarted machine inbetween doing everything under the sun
Deleted Derived Data
This has been happening for 3 days now.
Suggestions please!
This probably isn't the "official" answer, but my solution to solve this was literally bin xcode, empty trash, then reinstall from the App store.
This post on the Apple Developer Forums has a bunch of highly relevant information. It doesn't appear to directly address your issue, but try this:
Turn up debug logging for the Simulator:
defaults write com.apple.iphonesimulator DebugLogging -bool YES
defaults write com.apple.CoreSimulator DebugLogging -bool YES
Quit and relaunch the iOS Simulator.
Check ~/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator/*.log for more information.

Simulator fails to open

I always getting this error whenever i runs iOS 6 series simulators. I tried lot of steps for this problem. i.e., 1. deleting Derived Data, Creating a new project ..
Notification center label http://imageshack.com/a/img836/3808/adat.png
if anyone tell me the solution for this.
Please make sure that your application's plist settings are not changed .. if you try to do anything which in not approved by the iOS this messege is shown quite often . Then please reset the settings and contents of iOS Simulator. Hopefully it will work.
you have not provided more details i post answer in guessing from you question
refer below link it more helpful.
IOS simulator failed to install application? in Xcode 5
iOS Simulator failed to install the application
Try to reset iOS 6.1 simulator from menu "iOS Simulator -> Reset Content and Settings...",
then run your app in XCode
