Is there any way to get Spyder to show a popup tooltip when I hover over a function name, similar to the Visual Studio Code example below?
Spyder is showing a popup intellisense (or whatever the comparable term is in Spyder) window for code completion when I type an identifier and hit ., but I can't find a way to have it show function tooltips.
(Spyder maintainer here) This functionality is already available and it'll be part of Spyder 4, to be released later in 2019.
Rename refactoring worked during 1 hour after installation but has suddenly stopped working (the menu is grayed out, and control shift E, shows the Find dialog instead of the refactor window).
As well as control G, to 'go to' a variable or method declaration, doesn't work anymore.
All this did work shortly after installation, but has stopped working.
Any help ?
Don't worry. There is always something broken or grayed out in Refactoring.
One thing that breaks refactoring in Delphi 10.4.2 (I don't know about other versions) are inline variables.
If the selected code that you want to extract as a method has an inline variable, then the refactoring menu for the "extract" is grayed out.
I just realized that we cannot modify texts in CodeMirror or Ace in a taskpane of an add-in in Excel for Windows.
I have made a test html page with this code, and link it to a manifest file of an Excel add-in. It works well in Excel Online (in Chrome and IE), Excel for Mac. However, in Excel for Windows, 1) textarea works well; 2) We could put the focus on CodeMirror, whereas we can NOT type anything; 3) When we put the focus on Excel then back on Ace, we can NOT type anything.
I have not tested other JavaScript-based source editor, because my webpage is actually built with angularjs and I need ui-codemirror or ui-ace. I have tested them, they have the same bug, though i will not list the testing code here because I don't think it is the ui- that causes the problem.
Is anyone aware of this odd behavior? How could we fix this? Is there any workaround or alternative?
PS: I have found a comment from the author of the CodeMirror, but I don't know if (and how) it can help fix add-ins in Excel for Windows.
PS2: I just realised that, if we click on Excel, then click on a useless area (somewhere without element) in the taskpane before clicking in the Ace textarea, we could then edit its content. Does anyone know how to use this to make a workaround for the Ace textarea? This method does not work with CodeMirror textarea...
I think yo can follow this steps mentioned here.
I hope it will solve your issue as it solve the issue for that user:
I'm using Delphi XE and would like to add "recent items" in the Windows 7 taskbar jump list for my application, like when right-clicking on Microsoft Word brings up recently opened documents.
I've found information on how to set the progress but nothing on jump-list items. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This will happen automatically if, for instance, you only use the standard Windows file dialogs. At least my text editor, Rejbrand Text Editor, has got such a MRU list by Windows. It lists all files I have recently edited using Rejbrand Text Editor, even though I have not written any code at all for it.
I think that Windows observes the files you
open and save in your application by means of standard Windows file dialogs
open in your application by starting yourapp.exe <file name>, for instance by double-clicking a file that opens in your application
and automatically display these in the list.
If you want to control the task bar button and menu programmatically, you can use the Windows API. Delphi-specific examples are found in this blog post.
In my opinion the best way to do this is to make the following simple API call:
SHAddToRecentDocs(SHARD_PATH, PChar(FileName));
This not only deals with Windows 7 jump lists but also adds your file into the system's list of recently used documents which has an effect on early versions of Windows too.
Call the function whenever you open or save a file.
For your convenience, a link to the documentation of SHAddToRecentDocs().
Here are some resources that I have found useful when making my programs vista ready
I have lots of components installed - trouble is when I want to find one I rarely use it takes ages to find it. I can look at the ALL choice which lists all components but finding one with say 'grid' in the title is still very time consuming. Is there a database of titles or (preferably) a text file I could interrogate and search?
Try DDevExtensions 1.61, it add ability to search for components for Delphi from version 5 and above, with other many improvement for the IDE.
Which version of Delphi? In recent versions, just click on the top of the palette and type "grid". Ctrl-Alt-P will focus the palette, and then you can just start typing.
In RAD2009 and RS2010, do this and it'll find all components with "grid" anywhere in the title.
Since you didn't specify which version of Delphi...
1) In older versions (D7 and before), you can right click on the component palette to see the properties. This shows all of the components you have installed one page at a time. It isn't searchable, but at least the list shows each component's name and package, so it's easier than using the popup hints on each individual component.
2) In Delphi 7, you can select View|Component List, which brings up a searchable alphabetical list of all components. Unfortunately, it only matches on the first part of the component name. The first version of the "new" tool palette had this same limitation.
3) DDevExtensions (free) allows partial string matches in the old component palette (D5-D7), and restores something like the old palette in newer versions of Delphi (D2005 and up). It's also included in Delphi 2010 for people who prefer that style. I like how the search works in Delphi 7, but in Delphi 2010, the filtering seems a little awkward to me. It filters the components and palette pages, but if you have matching components on more than one page, they aren't all shown at the same time. You still have to click on each individual page.
4) My favourite. I prefer the new tool palette (Delphi 2005 and up). Very configurable, lets me see the component names, shows components on more than one page at a time, dockable, etc.
Bottom line. If you don't have or don't like the new tool palette, get DDevExtensions.
Before Delphi 2005: Install DDevExtensions, then choose Tools -> DDevExtensions Options -> Component Selector -> Check the "Active" box, click OK
Delphi 2005 and later: Click in the component palette and type the name of the one you want.
Use GExperts - they help a lot.
In a Delphi 2007 program I am using a TMainMenu referencing actions in a TAction list. I have prefixed the hotkeys of all main captions with an ampersand:
&File | &Edit | Ev&aluate | ...
In design view these hotkeys are underlined as I would expect, but when I start the program they no longer are underlined but they work nonetheless. In contrast to this, for all the submenu icons
&New ...
&Open ...
the underline is shown as expected.
I am aware of the Windows pisplay properties option "Hide underlined letters or keyboard navigation until I press the Alt key." and have disabled it. In all other programs this works fine, including the Delphi IDE.
If I create a new VCL appliation and just add a TMainMenu and a few menu items, it works as expected.
This has me baffled, really.
Is there any property of the TMainMenu component or maybe an application option that I must change? The "Enable runtime themes" project option is grayed out for some reason, might that be the problem? If yes, what causes this?
This may not be a Delphi issue. I have just tried this with IE8 on WinXP. On my machine, with the display properties set to require the Alt key, the underlining works as expected. However, with the checkbox unchecked, the underlining never appears on the main menu items (even when using the Alt key), but always appears on the File,Edit,View etc submenus (as you describe) ........ unless Microsoft wrote IE8 in Delphi :-)
I asked the same question last year and there were some excellent answers:
Menu Accelerator Keys Not Showing Up Delphi 2009
In conclusion, it appears to be a Delphi bug, and I reported it to Embarcadero at:
However, they have no resolution to it, so unless others (maybe you) also complain, I don't expect it will get addressed.
Step's answer to my question refers to a possibly related bug reported on the Delphi forums:
ALT Key press causes controls to disappear under Themes in Vista and XP. This one is marked as "resolved" with several possible fixes listed in the comments. I have not had the opportunity to go through these.
By the way, since I asked that question last year, I got a new computer with Vista. The same problem still happens, even when the Vista Ease of Access Centre setting: "Underline keyboard shortcuts and access keys" is set. So the Delphi bug still exists.
I was very surprised to find the default was that this was unchecked. I guess in Vista, they want a cleaner looking menu with the assumption that not many people ever used the accelerator keys.
The easiest way to fix this problem seems to use TJvMainMenu from the jvcl instead of TMainMenu. I tried the current version 3.38, but it is possible that the problem was fixed already in earlier versions. Since I was using the jvcl anyway it does not add much to my program's size. Your mileage may vary though, the jvcl is a huge library.
Uses an empty image list for main menu, if it is possible. In this way you can force delphi to paint menu correctly. (But looks ugly in vista and w7)
Are you sure you don't have OwnerDraw set to true in the MainMenu?