WriteValueAsString IS converting INT to String, scala - json-deserialization

I have a map as below
val weightedPartitionMap : Map[Int,String] = Map(0 -> "S", 1 -> "M", 2 -> "L")
val objectMapper = new ObjectMapper()
objectMapper.registerModule(new DefaultScalaModule)
val tryJson = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(weightedPartitionMap)
tryJson is
WHERE AS it Should be "{0:\"S\",1:\"M\",2:\"L\"}"
Is there any setting that needs to happen for it to not convert this map to string, string Please let me know


Swift iOS XOR with a conversion from UInt8 to Int

This is code has been driving me crazy, it's so simple but cannot get it to work. I have followed several examples and help from the forum, but the XOR is not working. The problem is when I extract the char from the string array and convert it to an ASCII value it's a Uint8 rather than an Int. So the XOR does not work, how can I convert an Uint8 to an int?
// Convert the data into the string
for n in 0...7
print("Inside the password generator for loop /(n)")
let a:Character = SerialNumber_hex_array[n]
var a_int = a.asciiValue
let b:Character = salt_arrary[n]
let b_int = b.asciiValue
// This does not work as the a_int & b_int are not int !!!
// How to convert the Uint8 to int?
let xor = (a_int ^ b_int)
// This code works
var a1 = 12
var b1 = 25
var result = a1 ^ b1
print(result) // 21
To convert your UInt8? to Int, use an available Int initializer:
let a_int = Int(a.asciiValue!)
let b_int = Int(b.asciiValue!)
let xor = (a_int ^ b_int) // compiles
This direct approach requires force unwrapping but I assume the hex array looks like below and your characters are hard coded for safety. If not, unwrap these unsigned integers safely with if-else or guard.
let SerialNumber_hex_array: [Character] = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]

F# Error compiling

I have the following F# Code that is causing a compile error:
persistence.fs(32,21): error FS0072: Lookup on object of indeterminate type based on information prior to this program point. A type annotation may be needed prior to this program point to constrain the type of the object. This may allow the lookup to be resolved.
The error is at the line "serializer.write...."
Any help would be appreciated.
namespace persisitence
open System.Collections.Generic
open System
open System.IO
type LocalData<'T> =
val mutable elements_ : 'T list
val mutable lock_ : obj
new(e: 'T list) = { elements_ = e ; lock_ = new obj() }
type BinaryPersistenceOut<'T, ^W when ^W: (member write : ('T * BinaryWriter) -> unit)>(fn: string, serializer: ^W) as this =
let writer_ = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(fn, FileMode.Append))
let mutable localdata_ = new LocalData<'T>([])
let serializer_ = serializer
let NUM_SECS_IN_MIN = 60
let NUM_MSECS_IN_SEC = 1000
let TIME_TO_WAIT = 15
let closed_ = false
let path_ = fn
let timer_ = new System.Timers.Timer((float) (NUM_MIN_BETWEEN_COMMITS * NUM_MSECS_IN_SEC) )
let writetofile =
fun (arg: Timers.ElapsedEventArgs ) ->
lock localdata_.lock_ ( fun () ->
if closed_ = false then
for elem in localdata_.elements_ do
serializer.write(elem, writer_)
Although it'd be nice if you could invoke the write function like serializer.write(elem, writer_), you can't. You have to invoke it like this instead:
(^W: (member write : ('T * BinaryWriter) -> unit) (serializer, (elem, writer_)))
Full code block:
type BinaryPersistenceOut<'T, ^W when ^W: (member write : ('T * BinaryWriter) -> unit)> (fn: string, serializer: ^W) as this =
let writer_ = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(fn, FileMode.Append))
let mutable localdata_ = new LocalData<'T>([])
let serializer_ = serializer
let NUM_SECS_IN_MIN = 60
let NUM_MSECS_IN_SEC = 1000
let TIME_TO_WAIT = 15
let closed_ = false
let path_ = fn
let timer_ = new System.Timers.Timer((float) (NUM_MIN_BETWEEN_COMMITS * NUM_MSECS_IN_SEC) )
let writetofile =
fun (arg: Timers.ElapsedEventArgs ) ->
lock localdata_.lock_ ( fun () ->
if closed_ = false then
for elem in localdata_.elements_ do
(^W: (member write : ('T * BinaryWriter) -> unit) (serializer, (elem, writer_)))
Caveat: this compiles, but I have no idea if it does what you want it to do.

How do I split a string into an array of characters with Swift? [duplicate]

How can I convert a String "Hello" to an Array ["H","e","l","l","o"] in Swift?
In Objective-C I have used this:
NSMutableArray *characters = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:[myString length]];
for (int i=0; i < [myString length]; i++) {
NSString *ichar = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%c", [myString characterAtIndex:i]];
[characters addObject:ichar];
It is even easier in Swift:
let string : String = "Hello 🐶🐮 🇩🇪"
let characters = Array(string)
// [H, e, l, l, o, , 🐶, 🐮, , 🇩🇪]
This uses the facts that
an Array can be created from a SequenceType, and
String conforms to the SequenceType protocol, and its sequence generator
enumerates the characters.
And since Swift strings have full support for Unicode, this works even with characters
outside of the "Basic Multilingual Plane" (such as 🐶) and with extended grapheme
clusters (such as 🇩🇪, which is actually composed of two Unicode scalars).
Update: As of Swift 2, String does no longer conform to
SequenceType, but the characters property provides a sequence of the
Unicode characters:
let string = "Hello 🐶🐮 🇩🇪"
let characters = Array(string.characters)
This works in Swift 3 as well.
Update: As of Swift 4, String is (again) a collection of its
let string = "Hello 🐶🐮 🇩🇪"
let characters = Array(string)
// ["H", "e", "l", "l", "o", " ", "🐶", "🐮", " ", "🇩🇪"]
Edit (Swift 4)
In Swift 4, you don't have to use characters to use map(). Just do map() on String.
let letters = "ABC".map { String($0) }
print(letters) // ["A", "B", "C"]
print(type(of: letters)) // Array<String>
Or if you'd prefer shorter: "ABC".map(String.init) (2-bytes 😀)
Edit (Swift 2 & Swift 3)
In Swift 2 and Swift 3, You can use map() function to characters property.
let letters = "ABC".characters.map { String($0) }
print(letters) // ["A", "B", "C"]
Original (Swift 1.x)
Accepted answer doesn't seem to be the best, because sequence-converted String is not a String sequence, but Character:
$ swift
Welcome to Swift! Type :help for assistance.
1> Array("ABC")
$R0: [Character] = 3 values {
[0] = "A"
[1] = "B"
[2] = "C"
This below works for me:
let str = "ABC"
let arr = map(str) { s -> String in String(s) }
Reference for a global function map() is here: http://swifter.natecook.com/func/map/
There is also this useful function on String: components(separatedBy: String)
let string = "1;2;3"
let array = string.components(separatedBy: ";")
print(array) // returns ["1", "2", "3"]
Works well to deal with strings separated by a character like ";" or even "\n"
For Swift version 5.3 its easy as:
let string = "Hello world"
let characters = Array(string)
// ["H", "e", "l", "l", "o", " ", "w", "o", "r", "l", "d"]
Updated for Swift 4
Here are 3 ways.
//array of Characters
let charArr1 = [Character](myString)
//array of String.element
let charArr2 = Array(myString)
for char in myString {
//char is of type Character
In some cases, what people really want is a way to convert a string into an array of little strings with 1 character length each. Here is a super efficient way to do that:
//array of String
var strArr = myString.map { String($0)}
Swift 3
Here are 3 ways.
let charArr1 = [Character](myString.characters)
let charArr2 = Array(myString.characters)
for char in myString.characters {
//char is of type Character
In some cases, what people really want is a way to convert a string into an array of little strings with 1 character length each. Here is a super efficient way to do that:
var strArr = myString.characters.map { String($0)}
Or you can add an extension to String.
extension String {
func letterize() -> [Character] {
return Array(self.characters)
Then you can call it like this:
let charArr = "Cat".letterize()
An easy way to do this is to map the variable and return each Character as a String:
let someText = "hello"
let array = someText.map({ String($0) }) // [String]
The output should be ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"].
for the function on String: components(separatedBy: String)
in Swift 5.1
have change to:
string.split(separator: "/")
Martin R answer is the best approach, and as he said, because String conforms the SquenceType protocol, you can also enumerate a string, getting each character on each iteration.
let characters = "Hello"
var charactersArray: [Character] = []
for (index, character) in enumerate(characters) {
//do something with the character at index
let string = "hell0"
let ar = Array(string.characters)
In Swift 4, as String is a collection of Character, you need to use map
let array1 = Array("hello") // Array<Character>
let array2 = Array("hello").map({ "\($0)" }) // Array<String>
let array3 = "hello".map(String.init) // Array<String>
You can also create an extension:
var strArray = "Hello, playground".Letterize()
extension String {
func Letterize() -> [String] {
return map(self) { String($0) }
func letterize() -> [Character] {
return Array(self.characters)
Suppose you have four text fields otpOneTxt, otpTwoTxt, otpThreeTxt, otpFourTxt and a string getOtp.
let getup = "5642"
let array = self.getOtp.map({ String($0) })
otpOneTxt.text = array[0] //5
otpTwoTxt.text = array[1] //6
otpThreeTxt.text = array[2] //4
otpFourTxt.text = array[3] //2
let str = "cdcd"
let characterArr = str.reduce(into: [Character]()) { result, letter in
//["c", "d", "c", "d"]

Loop through list of 2 tuples to replace part of a string

I'm trying to replace chained String.Replace() calls with a more functional version. Original:
let ShortenRomanNumeral (num : string) : string =
num.Replace("VIIII", "IX").Replace("IIII", "IV").Replace("LXXXX", "XC").Replace("XXXX", "XL").Replace("DCCCC", "CM").Replace("CCCC", "CD")
Functional version that works with one key value pair:
let ShortenRomanNumeral' (str : string) (k : string) (v : string) : string =
let strAfterReplace =
str.Replace(k, v)
I'm struggling to extend it to work with a list of tuples, such as
let replacements = [("VIIII", "IX"); ("IIII", "IV"); ...]
How can I write this function to apply the Replace() to the string for each key and value in the replacements list?
Fold is good. But just to demonstrate another way to do it...
// You can put the input string
// as the LAST parameter not first
let shortenRomanNumeral (k:string,v:string) (input:string) =
// This allows you to do partial application like this
let replace4 = shortenRomanNumeral ("IIII", "IV")
let replace9 = shortenRomanNumeral ("VIIII", "IX")
// replace9 and replace4 have the signature string->string
// they are now simple string transformation functions
replace4 "abcIIIIdef" |> printfn "result is '%s'"
replace9 "abcVIIIIdef" |> printfn "result is '%s'"
// and they can be composed together.
// Order is important. Do 9 before 4.
let replace4and9 = replace9 >> replace4
replace4and9 "VIIII abc IIII" |> printfn "result is '%s'"
// With this approach, you can now transform a list of tuples
// into a list of string transforms using List.map
let listOfTransforms =
[("VIIII", "IX"); ("IIII", "IV");]
|> List.map shortenRomanNumeral
// and you can combine all these into one big transformation
// function using composition
let transformAll =
|> List.reduce (>>)
// finally you can apply the big function
transformAll "VIIII abc IIII" |> printfn "result is '%s'"
A fold will do the job:
let ShortenRomanNumeral' (str : string) (k : string, v : string) : string =
let strAfterReplace =
str.Replace(k, v)
let replacements = [("VIIII", "IX"); ("IIII", "IV"); ]
let replaceValues str = List.fold ShortenRomanNumeral' str replacements
Note that I only modified the last parameter of ShortenRomanNumeral' to accept tupled values.

How to consume BlockingCollection<'a>.TryTake in F#

How do I go about using the TryTake method on a BlockingCollection<'a> passing in a timeout period in milliseconds?
Heres the signature:
BlockingCollection.TryTake(item: byref, millisecondsTimeout: int) : bool
is it possible to use the Tuple method of avoiding passing a ref type like on the Dictionary.TryGet methods?
let success, item = myDictionary.TryGetValue(client)
Im struggling with this particular signature, any suggestions would be great.
I believe that you can only use that technique for byref parameters which occur at the end of the parameter list (this is similar to the rule for optional parameters). So if BlockingCollection.TryTake were defined with signature int * 'T byref -> bool it would work, but since it's defined as 'T byref * int -> bool it won't.
For example:
open System.Runtime.InteropServices
type T =
static member Meth1(a:int, [<Out>]b:string byref, [<Out>]c:bool byref) : char =
b <- sprintf "%i" a
c <- a % 2 = 0
char a
static member Meth2([<Out>]b:string byref, [<Out>]c:bool byref, a:int) : char =
b <- sprintf "%i" a
c <- a % 2 = 0
char a
// ok
let (r,b,c) = T.Meth1(5)
// ok
let (r,c) = T.Meth1(5,ref "test")
// ok
let r = T.Meth1(5, ref "test", ref true)
// doesn't compile
let (r,b,c) = T.Meth2(5)
// doesn't compile
let (r,c) = T.Meth2(ref "test", 5)
// ok
let r = T.Meth2(ref "test", ref true, 5)
