how to use liveData coroutine block - android-livedata

how to use liveData coroutine block
in offical doc
now can use livedata with coroutine in liveData block
val user: LiveData<User> = liveData {
val data = database.loadUser() // loadUser is a suspend function.
when i try to use like this
fun onLogin(v: View) {
liveData(context = Dispatchers.IO) {
val reqLogin = ReqLogin(account = account.value?:"", password = MD5(password.value?:""))
val data = HttpManager.service(
codes in block not executed
search and found that liveData block always use for assignment
if want to refresh the livedata value, can use Transformations like
LiveData<Repo> repo = Transformations.switchMap(repoIdLiveData, repoId -> {
if (repoId.isEmpty()) {
return AbsentLiveData.create();
return repository.loadRepo(repoId);
but how can i use it when
1. activity onResume and refresh the data from server
2. some click event trigger the request and get some new data to show
in my login scenes, use viewModelScope seems more useful
fun onLogin(v: View) {
val reqLogin = ReqLogin(account = account.value ?: "", password = MD5(password.value ?: ""))
viewModelScope.launch {
val data = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
_userInfo.value =!!
_isLogin.value = true

fun onLogin(v: View) {
liveData(context = Dispatchers.IO) {
val reqLogin = ReqLogin(account = account.value?:"", password = MD5(password.value?:""))
val data = HttpManager.service(
Code block is not executed because the documentation says that
The code block starts executing when LiveData becomes active and is
automatically canceled after a configurable timeout when the LiveData
becomes inactive.
You should make it active by observing it.


How to properly set DataStore for storing boolean value

I want to set a simple switch that'll save a boolean value and if then block in my function.
Currently I have this in my DataStore:
companion object {
private val Context.dataStore: DataStore<Preferences> by preferencesDataStore("userToken")
private val AutoRestartSystemUI = booleanPreferencesKey("AutoRestartSystemUIValue")
var getAutoRestartSystemUIValue: Flow<Boolean> = { preferences ->
(preferences[AutoRestartSystemUI] ?: "") as Boolean
suspend fun setAutoRestartSystemUI(value: Boolean) {
context.dataStore.edit { preferences ->
preferences[AutoRestartSystemUI] = value
Button(onClick = {
// if [pro.themed.manager.UserStore(context).getAutoRestartSystemUIValue = true] ()
CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch {
}) {
Text(text = UserStore(context).getAutoRestartSystemUIValue.collectAsState(
initial = ""
in my activity. I have generally no idea of what I should do next and for some weird reason instead of showing value in a text (temp solution for testing) i have
How do i simplify datastore? How do I properly implement switch that'll make it = !it? How to set default value?

Load next data when on click of button using the Paging 3 library for Compose

Currently Paging library handles when to load the data automatically when a user scrolls down. But what if you want to give the user full authority for when they want the next page of data to be loaded i.e when button is clicked show next page of movies. How can you handle this in Paging library? See below how I've implemented the paging to load data as a user scrolls down
Here below this how I implemented the Paging to load next page when user scrolls down
class MoviesPagingDataSource(
private val repo: MoviesRepository,
) : PagingSource<Int, Movies>() {
override fun getRefreshKey(state: PagingState<Int, Movies>): Int? {
return state.anchorPosition?.let { anchorPosition ->
val anchorPage = state.closestPageToPosition(anchorPosition)
anchorPage?.prevKey?.plus(1) ?: anchorPage?.nextKey?.minus(1)
override suspend fun load(params: LoadParams<Int>): LoadResult<Int, Movies> {
return try {
val nextPageNumber = params.key ?: 0
val response = repo.getMovies(page = nextPageNumber, size = 10)
data = response.content,
prevKey = null,
nextKey = if (response.content.isNotEmpty()) response.number + 1 else null
} catch (e: Exception) {
This is how I emit the state in ViewModel for the UI to observe
class MoviesViewModel #Inject constructor(
private val moviesRepository: MoviesRepository
): ViewModel {
//emitting the data to the UI to observe
val moviesPagingDataSource = Pager(PagingConfig(pageSize = 10)) {
How I'm observing it in the UI
fun MoviesList(viewModel: MoviesViewModel) {
val moviesList = viewModel.moviesPagingDataSource.collectAsLazyPagingItems()
LazyColumn {
items(moviesList) { item ->
item?.let { MoviesCard(movie = it) }
when (moviesList.loadState.append) {
is LoadState.NotLoading -> Unit
LoadState.Loading -> {
item {
is LoadState.Error -> {
item {
ErrorItem(message = "Some error occurred")
when (moviesList.loadState.refresh) {
is LoadState.NotLoading -> Unit
LoadState.Loading -> {
item {
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
contentAlignment = Center
) {
is LoadState.Error -> TODO()
So currently I'm adding 1 to the previous page every time a user clicks the button to load more movies then saving this movies to the list state. Also making sure the current page is greater than or equal to total pages before loading more data and adding to the list state of previous loaded movies
you can use Channel to block LoadResult returning from load, when user clicks the button, send an element to the Channel. here is the simple
class MoviesPagingDataSource(
private val repo: MoviesRepository
) : PagingSource<Int, Movies>() {
private val channel: Channel<Unit> = Channel(1, BufferOverflow.DROP_LATEST)
override fun getRefreshKey(state: PagingState<Int, Movies>): Int? {
return state.anchorPosition?.let { anchorPosition ->
val anchorPage = state.closestPageToPosition(anchorPosition)
anchorPage?.prevKey?.plus(1) ?: anchorPage?.nextKey?.minus(1)
override suspend fun load(params: LoadParams<Int>): LoadResult<Int, Movies> {
return try {
val nextPageNumber = params.key ?: 0
// load initial page
if (nextPageNumber == 0) loadNextPage()
val response = repo.getMovies(page = nextPageNumber, size = 10)
* block next page data return, when user click the button,
* call loadNextPage. if you don't want to automatically
* request data as the user scrolls toward the end of the
* loaded data. put this line above the repo.getMovies.
data = response.content,
prevKey = null,
nextKey = if (response.content.isNotEmpty()) response.number + 1 else null
} catch (e: Exception) {
suspend fun loadNextPage() {

Android dataStore with flow not get update after edit

I'm use DataStore with flow but I cant get any update on the flow when editing DataStore.
private class IStore(private val context: Context): Store {
val eventIDKey = stringPreferencesKey("EventID")
override suspend fun setEventID(eventID: String) {
context.dataStoreSettings.edit { settings ->
settings[eventIDKey] = eventID
override fun getEventID(): Flow<String> {
return { settings -> settings[eventIDKey].orEmpty() }
and manipulate getEventID() with data from room database in event service
fun getSelectedEventLive() = store.getEventID()
.onEach { Log.d("EventService", "income new event id $it") }
.flatMapConcat { if(it.isNotBlank()) eventDao.get(it) else flowOf(null) }
onEach called when I collect the data but when updated it's not called again and need to close and open the app to show the latest data
val selectedEvent = eventService.getSelectedEventLive()
.stateIn(viewModelScope, SharingStarted.Lazily, null)
and use on Compose with this
val currentEvent by mainViewModel.selectedEvent.collectAsState()
Maybe I doing wrong or maybe there is something I miss?
Usually, you want to use flow.collect {...}, since Flow is cold and need to know that it is being collected to start producing new values.
// MainViewModel.kt
private val _selectedEvent = MutableStateFlow<TypeOfYourEvent>()
val selectedEvent: StateFlow<TypeOfYourEvent> = _selectedEvent
init {
viewModelScope.launch {
getSelectedEventLive().collect { it ->
_selectedEvent.value = it
This example should be fine with your composable's code, you still can collect selectedEvent as state.
Yeah i found the solusion its works if i change the flatMapConcat with flatMapLatest in EventService.kt
fun getSelectedEventLive() = store.getEventID()
.filterNot { it.isBlank() }
.flatMapLatest { eventDao.get(it) }

The LazyColumn is always reload twice, it has duplicate content twice

This is my code:
fun GetPathList(context: Activity, path: String) {
val resultJson = remember { mutableStateListOf<RequestData.PathData>() }
var loadingPicController by remember { mutableStateOf(true) }
if (loadingPicController) {
thread {
loadingPicController = false // Loading End
LazyColumn(verticalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(4.dp)) {
items(resultJson) { item ->
Surface(modifier = Modifier.clickable {
val intent = Intent(context,
intent.putExtra("path", "$path/${}")
}) {
modifier = Modifier
.padding(start = 24.dp, top = 8.dp, bottom = 8.dp)
verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically
) {
Icon(painter = Icons.Document, contentDescription = "Files", modifier = Modifier.size(28.dp))
Column(modifier = Modifier.padding(start = 16.dp)) {
Text(, fontWeight = FontWeight.Medium, fontSize = 14.sp)
Text(item.type, fontWeight = FontWeight.Light, fontSize = 12.sp)
The right result is here
However, With the code , After the loading finshing, the list was reloaded twice.
it should only load once.
But now after the loading animation is over it is loaded twice and the content is repeated twice
This is happening because every time your composable function is executed, a new thread is started and it's adding all the items again.
Basically the current flow is:
GetPathList is executed. The loadingPicController is true and a new thread is executed.
When the thread finishes, the loadingPicController flag is set to false, causing a recomposition (GetPathList is called again).
GetPathList is called again. The thread is triggered again, adding the items again. Since loadingPicController is false already, the recomposition didn't happen.
Items come with a key parameter that you can use to prevent any duplicates and also to ensure that if there is an update the right item is updated. in any case if this fails you can use list.distinct() to help clear out any duplicates

Kotlin coroutines delay do not work on IOS queue dispatcher

I have a KMM app, and there is code:
fun getWeather(callback: (WeatherInfo) -> Unit) {
println("Start loading")
GlobalScope.launch(ApplicationDispatcher) {
while (true) {
val response = httpClient.get<String>(API_URL) {
url.parameters.apply {
set("q", "Moscow")
set("units", "metric")
set("appid", weatherApiKey())
val result = Json {
ignoreUnknownKeys = true
// because ApplicationDispatcher on IOS do not support delay
withContext(Dispatchers.Default) { delay(DELAY_TIME) }
And if I replace withContext(Dispatchers.Default) { delay(DELAY_TIME) } with delay(DELAY_TIME) execution is never returned to while cycle and it will have only one iteration.
And ApplicationDispatcher for IOS looks like:
internal actual val ApplicationDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = NsQueueDispatcher(dispatch_get_main_queue())
internal class NsQueueDispatcher(
private val dispatchQueue: dispatch_queue_t
) : CoroutineDispatcher() {
override fun dispatch(context: CoroutineContext, block: Runnable) {
dispatch_async(dispatchQueue) {
And from delay source code I can guess, that DefaultDelay should be returned and there is should be similar behaviour with/without withContext(Dispatchers.Default)
/** Returns [Delay] implementation of the given context */
internal val CoroutineContext.delay: Delay get() = get(ContinuationInterceptor) as? Delay ?: DefaultDelay
P.S. I got ApplicationDispatcher from ktor-samples.
Probably ApplicationDispatcher is some old stuff, you don't need to use it anymore:
CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default).launch {
MainScope().launch {
And don't forget to use -native-mt version of coroutines, more info in this issue
