Jenkins freestyle project not getting triggered by github webhook - jenkins

So, this is what I've done so far:
Created GitHub personal access token with God's permissions (except delete repos)
Associated personal access token in Jenkins > Manage Jenkins > Configure System> GitHub , I test it and says "Credentials verified for user dim_user, rate limit: 4998"
Checked "Manage hooks"
In Source Code Management I set it like this:
Repository URL:
Credentials: - none - (I'm using local's Git config file and id_rsa private key)
Also in "Build triggers" I've checked "GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling" which refers to the old "Build when a change is pushed to GitHub"
I am able to Manually build it and it works perfectly (gets source code from GitHub and deploys everything)
In the project's GitHub Hook Log it shows: "Polling has not run yet"
GitHub recent Webhook deliveries are successful
Jenkins Logs (jenkins.err)
Jul 17, 2019 10:11:31 AM org.jenkinsci.plugins.github.webhook.subscriber.DefaultPushGHEventSubscriber onEvent
INFO: Received PushEvent for from XXX.XX.115.71 ?
Project item: Freestyle
Jenkins Version: 2.176.1
I've tried these and did not help:
To actually fetch the code when pushing to GitHub and triggering the jenkins build.
What am I missing, all of the above points were solutions on other stackoverflow questions but so far not good.

I think your error is here:
Build triggers" I've checked "GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling
In Jenkins an others c.i servers there are two techniques to detect scm source changes:
Polling: Jenkins asks periodically to github if source code has changes ( i.e git clone every minute and compare )
webhook: Github notify to your Jenkins when an event is detected in git platform( github, bitbucket etc). This is more cheap and does not need check changes at predefined interval (polling)
My advice is to try with webhooks instead scm polling. Also polling is an outdated technique.


Bitbucket webhook to trigger Jenkins job

I'm having trouble getting my webhook in bitbucket server to start a Jenkins job. I've read through the other answered questions on here and can't get it going.
Bitbucket setup:
No special plugins installed
In repository settings I have a webhook set up
URL: http://[my jenkins url]/bitbucket-hook/ (yes I have the trailing slash)
Repo Push event selected
Jenkins setup:
Bitbucket plugin installed
Created new job
Set SCM to Git and added repo details
Set branches to build to either ** or refs/heads/rob-jenkins (a branch in git)
Build when a change is pushed to bitbucket selected
What I do:
I make a change to a file in rob-jenkins branch, push and the job is not started in Jenkins.
What I see:
In bitbucket, repo settings, webhooks I can see the webhook fired as soon as the commit is pushed. It has a 200 http status code, response body is empty.
In Jenkins I've set up a logger for
And when I look at those logs I can see only 1 entry from com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.BitbucketHookReceiver
Received commit hook notification : {"eventKey":"repo:refs_changed","date":"2018-05-22T12:18:11+1000","actor":{"name":"xxxxxx","emailAddress":"","id":53,"displayName":"xxxxxx","active":true,"slug":"xxxxxxx","type":"NORMAL"},"repository":{"slug":"xxxxx","id":1,"name":"xxxxx","scmId":"git","state":"AVAILABLE","statusMessage":"Available","forkable":true,"project":{"key":"SS","id":2,"name":"xxxxx","description":"xxxxxx","public":false,"type":"NORMAL"},"public":false},"changes":[{"ref":{"id":"refs/heads/rob-jenkins","displayId":"rob-jenkins","type":"BRANCH"},"refId":"refs/heads/rob-jenkins","fromHash":"1d9ad42fa404c893853094b0072e5b839f787589","toHash":"9bf7dc873f355259e4338ee80afbd246ecbb48a9","type":"UPDATE"}]}
There are no other entries in the log.
In the job itself, the BitBucket Hook Log screen just says "Polling has not run yet."
No idea why it isn't triggering the Jenkins job... what am I missing?
I've tried setting the Poll SCM manually and that didn't make a difference.
I've done a manual build and it works fine
as commented by #tomas-bjerre the resolution was to use a different plugin
I would recommend using thie plugin instead: – Tomas Bjerre yesterday
No plugin needed. Just add a post-recieve hook under your repo in Bitbucket. On Jenkins, under Build Triggers, Trigger builds remotely (e.g., from scripts) Trigger builds remotely (e.g., from scripts) and specify an Authentication Token. A bash or python script can be used for the hook. Anytime a git push is run (not just a commit), you trigger a build!

Jenkins: GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling

I try to configure Jenkins. I want a simple behavior: trigger a build on new pull request.
So, I created a job and configured it, but I checked the checkbox for:
And as you can see nothing is dropped down.
If I click the question mark on the right side, I see:
If jenkins will receive PUSH GitHub hook from repo defined in Git SCM
section it will trigger Git SCM polling logic. So polling logic in
fact belongs to Git SCM.
But where is the "Git SCM section"?
You need to configure the webhook on your GitHub repository. Then, on every commit push, Jenkins will be notified.
So, open your repository in the browser, then go to Settings > Webhooks and add a new one.
Then, enter the URL of your Jenkins instance followed by /github-webhook and select the other options depending on your needs:
I was also frustrated with this topic, this was needed for me to get job triggering working from GitHub MERGE:
GitHub repo -> Settings -> Webhooks -> push type webhook with URL:
For me, last slash was REQUIRED, did not work without it
In Jenkins System Settings, add GitHub Server, credential for it and [x] Manage hooks
Use Test settings button to test it works
In Job configuration, Source Code Management -> Git, add repo and credentials
Under Build triggers: [x] GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling
In GitHub webhook settings, click webhook and it shows logs how it worked under "Recent Deliveries" title
It is a source code management section (before triggering section),
uncheck "none" case and check git ou github case(depend to your version) and fill the input field with your git repo url and credential

How to trigger a jenkins pipeline from a bitbucket repository

I have successfully setup a webhook trigger in bitbucket for a Jenkins freestyle project, for test purposes.
Unfortunately my Jenkins project is using the Pipeline format, and I am unable to get Bitbucket to trigger that kind of project; the problem seems to be that there is no Jenkins project registered to pull from the repo that the Bitbucket webhook is coming from, and Jenkins replies with:
Error: Jenkins response: No git jobs using repository: ssh://git#myhost:7999/xxx/testing-jenkins.git and branches: master No Git consumers using SCM API plugin for: ssh://git#myhost:7999/xxx/testing-jenkins.git
The pipeline project is setup in a way that the Jenkinsfile is to be found in the given repository (ssh://git#myhost:7999/xxx/testing-jenkins.git), by using the "Pipeline script from SCM" option.
Therefore there is actually a kind of "git consumer" for the Pipeline, but this does not seem to be taken into account by Jenkins, probably because this is not a real project source, but a pipeline source.
Are there any examples of integration of Bitbucket and Jenkins Pipeline projects? I have been unable to find any.
If your are looking for a full Bitbucket and Jenkins Pipeline, I highly recommend to use the Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin. The plugin will discover all Branches and Pull Requests and build all who have a JenkinsFile in the root of repo.
You can also use create a project as Bitbucket Team, who will scan all repo of your organization:
See the official doc of CloudBees
I was struggling with the same problem. Following are the key points I followed.
In Jenkins pipeline job,
Under Build Triggers, check 'Trigger builds remotely (e.g., from scripts)' and fill in the 'Authentication Token' with some random and unique token.
In BitBucket repository,
Go to Settings > Services
Select 'Jenkins' from the drop down and 'Add service'.
Check 'Csrf Enabled'
Endpoint :
You can find username and apitoken at Jenkins home > People
Select the user and click on configure. Under 'API Token' click on the 'Show API Token' button and you see the username and apitoken
Module name : This is optional. It can be any particular file or folder which is to be watched.
Project name : The project name in Jenkins.
If the job is in some folder structure, say I have 'MyTestFolder/MyTestPipelineJob', Project name to be mentioned is 'MyTestFolder/job/MyTestPipelineJob'
Token : 'Authentication Token' created in Jenkins job.
You are ready to go!!
I referred and some of my instincts. :)
A simple solution is to use Generic Webhook Trigger Plugin in Jenkins.
You would need to
Enable it in a free style or pipeline job.
Configure a token string
Construct JSONPath:s to gather whatever you need from the Bitbucket Webhook.
Add the plugin endpoint in Bitbucket. JENKINS_URL/generic-webhook-trigger/invoke?token=whatever_you_picked
The plugin will give you clear feedback when it is invoked so that troubleshooting is made easy.
It is up to you to pick whatever values you need from the webhook in order to clone the correct repository or whatever it is you want to do when the it is invoked.
I have this same issue. My workaround was just to create a freestyle project that can be triggered by the WebHook, and have the the Pipeline triggered by that project's completion.
In the mean time, here's the Jenkins bug you can watch for a fix:
Spend hours figuring out how to do this in 2017.10
Like #JPLemelin described, new a Jenkins item using a Bitbucket Team/project
ref to the doc: , install the plugin: The BitBucket Branch Source plugin.
go to bitbucket, and add webhook: ${your-jenkins-url}/bitbucket-scmsource-hook/notify
after these 3 steps, I finally make the pipeline jobs run after new commit into bitbucket
I had the same exact issue...
The cause was using */master for branch specifier. I needed to spell it out: origin/master (no wildcards).
It works well now.
I was finally able to make this work with Jenkinsfile in Multi Branch Pipeline:
In Bitbucket i created a webhook with my Jenkins-URL, my clone-URL and in the webhook i put the following URL (exact the url in the project of Jenkins):
When i test the trigger the result is the following:
No git jobs using repository: http://<user>#<bitbucket>/scm/<project>/<repo>.git and branches:
Scheduled indexing of <repo>
So it didn't trigger any jobs, but it triggered the multi branch scanning, so my changed branches are build.

How to trigger jenkins build upon bitbucket pull request merged

I looked at all other related questions and answers, didn't find anything solid, hence I'm opening a new question to look for your kind help, I've been working on this the whole day, any help I can get would be highly appreciated.
Here's my environment:
self-hosted jenkins server (Jenkins ver. 1.651.3) with git and bitbucket plugin installed. (I do not have a self-hosted bitbucket server)
What I want to do: to trigger jenkins build upon pull request got merged from feature branch to master branch.
Different setting combinations which I had tried:
jenkins: 'Build when a change is pushed to BitBucket' checked.
bitbucket: web hooks trigger: 'Repository push' checked.
Result: build was triggered successfully upon commit to master branch, but that's not what I want, but at least I know the communication between my jenkins server and bitbucket is fine.
jenkins: 'Build when a change is pushed to BitBucket' checked.
bitbucket: web hooks trigger: 'Repository push' checked, and Pull Request - 'Merged' checked.
Result: jenkins does not respond to the pull request merged action. I assumed it would work since I had the Pull Requst - 'Merged' checked in the web hooks trigger setting, and I did see the request was sent by bitbucket to my jenkins server, and it got 200 status code back from my jenkins server, but still, nothing happens.
jenkins: 'Build when a change is pushed to BitBucket' checked. And besides that, I installed another plugin called bitbucket-pullrequest-builder-plugin, and configured it according to the instruction.
bitbucket: web hooks trigger: 'Repository push' checked, and Pull Request - 'Merged' checked.
Result: with the help of bitbucket-pullrequest-builder-plugin, the build was indeed triggered upon pull request created. But the jenkins server polls the bitbucket repository constantly, and I didn't find a way to stop that, no way to trigger build ONLY upon merge neither...
I heard there's people says that you'll need to install a post-hook plugin on the bitbucket server in order to do what I want to do, but the thing is I dont host the bitbucket...
Based on some research you can have a few options as of today Nov 12 of 2017:
Use the generic post webhooks plugin that supports pull request trigger. And from jenkins pick it up with the generic webhooks plugin, then maybe do a secondary trigger from jenkins.
Upgrade the bitbucket server and webhooks to jenkins plugin. The server 4.13 does not work well with later webhooks to jenkins plugin. A paid version of the plugin probably is your best choice.
Or try bamboo that comes with the "plan banches" feature.
When you configure GIT - push, commit... etc hooks, be sure to check the JENKINS git selection, and set the BRANCH to check for (** specifies all branches) and most importantly,
USE or similar to set your JENKINS online or it won't work.

Github Jenkins plugin with Github Enterprise

I have a Jenkins server with the following github plugins:
I want to trigger a build after a merge (from a PR). This is because I have some build chains that I don't execute when building a PR so after a merge I need to create new deployment packages.
In the enterprise github there doesn't seem to be the same interface (as regular github) for webhooks I don't seem to be able define what events the github plugin (webhook) should listen for so I think its just the default 'push' event. Is this done somewhere else or is it a limitation of the enterprise version?
I have the github plugin working now but its builds for every push if I check the box. This disucssion!topic/jenkinsci-users/gew5gWVDxw8 suggests that I should be able to use the git scm and github plugin together. Github plugin will register a change, scm plugin will poll server to determine if this change was tho the watched branch. I also tried this suggestion How can I make Jenkins CI with git trigger on pushes to master?
When I try and configure this no branch is ever built!
At least for me it's not exactly clear from your question what you actually exactly want.
It sounds like you only want builds to be triggered if there are some new commits on github on a specific branch.
If this is all you're looking for, you can just setup a webhook (Jenkins (Github Plugin)).
In you Jenkins job, just specify the branch you're tracking (Branches to build).
Assuming you setup github's hoock to jenkins correctly, this should trigger your build job on each commit on github enterprise.
If your hook doesn't seem to work: To check if and what your github server actually would send to your jenkins server, you can temporarily replace the url to your jenkins server in github's webhook with something like (this will let you inspect github's hook payload)
