Place picker disabled but implementation guide still published - ios

I was about to follow instructions on this page related to place picker then I saw the deprecate notice.
Are instructions in that page is up to date ? Does that use the new SDK ?
I mean, all instructions seem to target existing users of the APIs. But what about new users who want to implement such feature ?
I was assuming that if the code is not valid (since 2 days), it wouldn't be published anymore.

its strange, because i have implemented it in android application on store 7 months ago.and places picker still working normally.


Is there a URL forwarding to the App Store review creator in iOS 11?

In iOS 10, I was able to forward directly from my app to its App Store ratings page by using the following link:
However, in iOS 11 with its all-new App Store where the review page doesn't exist any longer, this seems to be broken now.
Does anyone know an alternative url that opens up the review creator page directly? Or does Apple want us to stop using such links?
You need to add a name after the app parameter of your url (here I use 'itunes-u') :\(appID)?ls=1&mt=8&action=write-review
Also note that the scheme seems to be working properly so you could instead call :
What you should do is implement the SKStore​Review​Controller for IOS 10.3 and higher.
It's super simple,
import StoreKit
It turns out that the system will automatically limit the display of the dialog to 3 times over a 365-day period, so there’s no logic required to check this.
There is however a recommendation that you show the prompts at ‘logical points’ when it is clear the user has made some sort of engagement within the app.
The guides also say you should allow a week or two between repeated displays of the prompt so users don’t feel like they’re being pestered(this will require some thoughtfulness and implementation on your part).
Jordan Holland
First, according to apple guidelines you shouldn't do this,
but you can just add to itunes link of your game &action=write-review and just open this link.

How to show default calendar in viewcontroller of iOS

I am trying to fetch my default calendar view of iPhone in my viewcontroller .
Does it Possible ?
Tab on button and open will worked([[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"calshow://"]];
) and some Third party will also worked !!!!!!
Your question can be understood one of three ways:
If you're looking to access the events that your iPhone's calendar contains, you can use Apple's EventKit framework.
If you're looking to open the calendar app from your app, there's a URL scheme called calshow:// which can do that. Based on my quick search, I'm unsure if Apple actually allows this.
If you're looking to display your own calendar UI in your app, there's a bunch of libraries out there.
Disclosure: I wrote MBCalendarKit.
You can find it on Cocoapods on this link or you can get it on Github at this link. This little library is unlike the others in that its configurability is up to the developer. You can check out some of the calendars that its users have developed for it here. And you can see its setup tutorial here. Video tutorials here. It also as a demo that you can download right from GitHub. Btw, If you have never heard of cocoapods, then invest 10 mins of your time to learn about it. It is the easiest way to integrate 3rd party libraries to your iOS projects.
Other top calendars I have compared it with:

facebook sdk for iOS no longer functional

so as of about the end of april, my app no longer can post to Facebook. It appears that they have deprecated the original "facebooksdk.framework" for the "fbsdk" framework.
I have tried searching across various sites, and cannot find a good example of modifying my code to the new Facebook sdk. I am getting stuck on allowing 'publish_actions'. I get an error stating that i do not have them?
In the new version, is it mandatory that my app go through review before getting publish actions, and is it true that it was not mandatory under the older SDK?
I can post code related to this if needed, but right now I just have these general questions.
thank you Librarian coder for the link.
I found it as i was continuing my search, and it turns out you DO NEED to submit the app for facebook approval in order to post statuses and pictures (after conforming to the new SDK).

How to pass NSString data from my app to iOS native app Notes

evening everyone, I'm working on one feature of my app, basically what it does is when user typed some text in the textfield in my app, then hit the send button, those typed-in text would be sent to the iOS native Notes app, create a new note and display those text in the new note. I don't have a clue how to implement this after did some searching in the official document (I looked into the About Apple URL Schemes, but didn't find Notes listed one of the available app to send to), any hint would be highly appreciated :)
Although there are official, documented APIs for creating entries in Reminders, Calendar and Contacts, Apple does not currently offer an API for creating Notes. This is as of iOS SDK 7.1, but maybe it will change in the future.

AIR for iOS and Google analytics

There seems to be conflicting information on whether google analytics will work with an AIR for iOS application
Have developed a kiosk based AIR for iOS game and need tracking, specifically image uploads to Facebook.
There is a thread here
Does Google Analytics Tracking for Flash works in packaged air application for IOS?
which points to both the old gaforflash sec
and also this native extension
which is a lot more recent.
But there is a warning on the latter
'The new "app" profile on the Google Analytics dashboard won't accept any data from the trackers (1.5 and 1.5.1) currently used.'
Also there is a warning on the official Google developers page which I also assume hasn't been updated in many years
Note: Currently, Flash tracking is available for any Flash content embedded in a web page. Tracking of data sent from Adobe Air, Shockwave, or via the Flash IDE (e.g. using Test Movie) is not supported at this time.
So some confusion. Can anyone confirm whether the alebianco Native Extension will work properly?
My extension ( has been updated a few months ago, it now supports the new app profiles gracefully :)
Any info on whether the old GAForFlash component still works? I've been trying and so far, no dice.
I copied analytics_flash.swc to Flash CS6's components folder(and restarted the Flash IDE - it doesn't work if you don't restart), which got the GAFF component to show in the component panel. I've tried dragging the component on the stage, setting it's values in the properties panel, and then calling trackPageview:
And the second thing I've tried so far is to instantiate the analytics plugin via code:
var GAtracker:AnalyticsTracker = new GATracker(this, GAid, "AS3", true);
In both these cases, I'd had visual-debugging turned on(by passing the 4th variable as true when instantiating via code, and via the property panel otherwise). And in the visual-debugger everything seemed alright, and I got "Gif Request #x sent" after each analytics call. But nothing showed in Google Analytics' online portal. While setting up analytics, I'd selected that the app was a "mobile app" rather than a "web-page", and it'd given me links to GA's droid/iOS SDK. GAForFlash's official documentation says it may not work with AIR apps, as mentioned above. But when I published it with an HTML wrapper Not sure if the problem is with my implementation, or with GAForFlash...
