Can i have two versions of one App with different BundleIds and same display names? - ios

We've an Application which is already live and used by many users. Now that we've came up with newer Programming language and new backend. We have created a new version of the App with completely different programming language as the older one.
We have some users who are still using the older(Legacy services).
Is it possible to create a new App with different bundleId than the older App but the same Display name and also the same Screenshots in App store as the older App?
According to App Store Review Guidelines,
Don’t create multiple Bundle IDs of the same app. If your app has different versions for specific locations, sports teams, universities, etc., consider submitting a single app and provide the variations using in-app purchase.
The problem is, we also require the older App for some of our customers, who have not migrated to the newer services.
Does Apple allows to have exactly same looking apps with different bundleIds and same display name in App Store?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

It is possible to set this new version up as a new app, you can even use the same screenshots. What you cannot re-use is the app name displayed to your customers on the App Store (Entered in App Store Connect). That is unique and you will get an error if you try to use the same name. You can of course use the same on device name (entered in Xcode).
As long as you do not spam the App Store with "copies" of the app, there should be no problem, I've seen this countless times and there are also some prominent examples of companies "phasing" out their old apps. It would probably appropriate to remove the "old" app from sale on the store in the mid- to long-term though.


Distribute different version of an iOS app to different clients

We have an iOS app that we are currently looking forward to distributing to various clients in the live environment. We have several versions of the same app (version 4, version 5 and etc). Each client wants a different version. We need to handle multiple versioning of the app. We were searching the distribution options.
Ad-Hoc Distribution
App Store
In-House Distribution
Custom Apps
Searched various options that we need to follow in order to achieve the multiple versioning requirement but didn't find a clear answer. We were checking the Custom Apps options and had a few doubts.
Will it be a problem with multiple versioning?
If we need to submit an app with a different version do we need to submit it as a new app?
We would be grateful if someone give a clear thought about how do we need to handle this multiple versioning thing in the same app.
Please note that the app name and logo will be the same in every version.

iOS 11 App Store my app doesn‘t appear in search

why doesn’t appear my app in the iOS 11 App Store on my iPhone? It is released to the App Store and iTunes Connect says that it is available. If I try to open the app via direct link it will appear, but it does not via search...
Thank you for your help in advance.
According to this similar Stack Overflow question, it can take a while for the App Store to index your newly published application in their search engine and across servers worldwide.
App Store listings are ranked on the popularity of the app, which is based on the number of downloads, number of ratings, and numerous other statistics kept secret by Apple.
The name and keywords provided on iTunes Connect also impact the visibility of your app. Depending on popularity and similarly named applications, your new app could rank behind more popular, generic application names.

Releasing a version of iOS app to a specific AppStore and availing the older to the rest

Now I have a major feature to release and I want to see the impact of it on a specific app store. The question is, if I submitted the app to the store and approved it.
Would it kill all other instances on all stores and my app would be available on that one specific AppStore?
It's not possible to "soft launch" an update by itself via iTunes Connect (only new apps by choosing the available territories for sale).
If you change the availability of your app to one country, users would not be able to download/purchase/update your app anywhere else, which I guess is something you don't want.
But it's definitely something you can hard-code. (Question is, if you really want this/it makes sense)
I don't think so , since when releasing a new version it automatically remove the previous ones from the store , so the new and only version is valid for the territories you select.

Can I delete my iOS app from iTunes and move customers to a different one?

We currently have an app that we release as several different apps for different brands in iTunes. The code is the same but they have different names, icons, artwork, etc.
For some reason marketing want to replace these three apps with a single app that has a different name again. I can see from this question Apple iphone app transfer or app replacement that I can use the original app id to push the new app, but what can I do for the other apps in the store? When you delete an app can you push a customer to a new app, or put up a message for them to install the new one? Or do I release a new version of the other apps that pops up a message telling them to install the new one?
If you don't already have some sort of news or messaging in place in your current app (I'm assuming you don't) you would indeed have to update the apps so that they display some sort of message directing your users to the new app. It's also common to put a notice in your old app descriptions and/or release notes.

iOS app, identical functionality and codebase, different UI

I have a situation where the app functionality required is identical for a number of clients. The clients, for marketing purposes, wish to have the app completely rebranded in their own respective company colors - which means different launch icon, display name, skins etc.
From a code perspective, this is fairly easy to handle, but from an App Store perspective, I am a little uncertain about whether each version needs to be submitted to Apple as a separate app or is there a way to submit a single version to the App store which embodies the different UI variations
The only thing that's not doable is the icon. Apps on the App Store are not allowed to change their icon.
