iOS 11 App Store my app doesn‘t appear in search - ios

why doesn’t appear my app in the iOS 11 App Store on my iPhone? It is released to the App Store and iTunes Connect says that it is available. If I try to open the app via direct link it will appear, but it does not via search...
Thank you for your help in advance.

According to this similar Stack Overflow question, it can take a while for the App Store to index your newly published application in their search engine and across servers worldwide.
App Store listings are ranked on the popularity of the app, which is based on the number of downloads, number of ratings, and numerous other statistics kept secret by Apple.
The name and keywords provided on iTunes Connect also impact the visibility of your app. Depending on popularity and similarly named applications, your new app could rank behind more popular, generic application names.


Webviews on iOS

The company, that I work for, wants to develop mobile apps using react native. The idea is to reuse the content on the websites instead of creating native views.
The current decision is to implement the apps like follows:
Create a react native app with bottom navigation and webviews as the
Each time the user clicks on a different section of the
navigation, the webview loads a different page of the website into the web
For example the login functionality will be the login page from the website in a webview.
Is this sort of apps allowed to be published in the appStore? My thinking is that the app will not be allowed because the content of the pages can be changed!
No, you are not allowed to wrap a web app in a WebView and release it apple app store (btw: Google Play may reject your app too eventually).
you can make this if the web app is a small part of your whole app (for example: some food delivery apps use a WebView for chat with support, which is totally acceptable)
4.2 Minimum Functionality
Your app should include features, content, and UI that elevate it beyond a repackaged website. If your app is not particularly useful, unique, or “app-like,” it doesn’t belong on the App Store. If your App doesn’t provide some sort of lasting entertainment value or adequate utility, it may not be accepted. Apps that are simply a song or movie should be submitted to the iTunes Store. Apps that are simply a book or game guide should be submitted to the Apple Books Store.
you may get this rejection letter:
If you develop such an app you will get the following feedback from apple:
We found that the experience your app provides is not sufficiently different from a web browsing experience, as it would be by incorporating native iOS functionality.
While your app content may differ from your web site or other existing sites, the experience it provides does not differ significantly from the general experience of using Safari, as required by the App Store Review Guidelines.
You may wish to provide convenient access to a web property for a select or niche group of users - and may enhance that experience with features such as Push Notifications. However, such apps do not include enough native iOS functionality to be appropriate for the App Store. As an alternative, you may wish to provide instructions to your users on how to create a Safari web clip to add to their iOS device Home Screen. Or, if you would like to share the app with a select group of users, we recommend the Ad Hoc distribution method. See the iOS Provisioning Portal for details on Ad Hoc Distribution.
We encourage you to review your app concept and evaluate whether you can incorporate additional features to enhance the user experience.
As apple guidelines says that:
4.2 Minimum Functionality
Your app should include features, content, and UI that elevate it beyond a repackaged website. If your app is not particularly useful, unique, or “app-like,” it doesn’t belong on the App Store. If your App doesn't provide some sort of lasting entertainment value, or is just plain creepy, it may not be accepted. Apps that are simply a song or movie should be submitted to the iTunes Store. Apps that are simply a book or game guide should be submitted to the iBooks Store.

Can i have two versions of one App with different BundleIds and same display names?

We've an Application which is already live and used by many users. Now that we've came up with newer Programming language and new backend. We have created a new version of the App with completely different programming language as the older one.
We have some users who are still using the older(Legacy services).
Is it possible to create a new App with different bundleId than the older App but the same Display name and also the same Screenshots in App store as the older App?
According to App Store Review Guidelines,
Don’t create multiple Bundle IDs of the same app. If your app has different versions for specific locations, sports teams, universities, etc., consider submitting a single app and provide the variations using in-app purchase.
The problem is, we also require the older App for some of our customers, who have not migrated to the newer services.
Does Apple allows to have exactly same looking apps with different bundleIds and same display name in App Store?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It is possible to set this new version up as a new app, you can even use the same screenshots. What you cannot re-use is the app name displayed to your customers on the App Store (Entered in App Store Connect). That is unique and you will get an error if you try to use the same name. You can of course use the same on device name (entered in Xcode).
As long as you do not spam the App Store with "copies" of the app, there should be no problem, I've seen this countless times and there are also some prominent examples of companies "phasing" out their old apps. It would probably appropriate to remove the "old" app from sale on the store in the mid- to long-term though.

Fabric data different from iTunes Connect data

Our Daily New User-count from Fabric is consistently bigger than the App Units per day that we get from iTunes Connect.
Fabric defines Daily New Users as
The number of new app installations across all devices seen on a given
And iTunes connect defines App Units as
The number of first-time app downloads made on the App Store using iOS
8 or tvOS 9, or later. App updates, downloads from the same Apple ID
onto other devices, and redownloads to the same device are not
counted. Family Sharing downloads are included for free apps, but not
for paid apps.
What can cause this discrepancy? I can see many reasons for how Fabric could report a lower number (such as users downloading the app but never opening it, or waiting too long to open it), but not the other way around. Our average send-usage-to-developers opt-in rate is 23%, but that does not affect the App Units number if I am not mistaken.
Is your app available on both iPhone and iPad? If so, then the fact that, as you point out, Apple doesn't count downloads from the same Apple ID onto other devices might be causing this discrepancy? You can install iPhone apps on your iPad even if it's not officially supported, so the rule might still be affecting your app. Also, if your app is a paid app, then the Family sharing rules would also affect the numbers. I've actually wondered how iTunes counts new users, so thanks for that info!
I'm not sure why the numbers are consistently bigger for you on Fabric, because for my app they alternate a bit.
I hope you might have got the answer. If not follow the link below
It seems there are users who don't opt-in app analytics data.
Apple only shows data from users who have agreed to share their
diagnostics and usage information with app developers.

iOS 8 Suggested Apps - How does it work?

Over the past little while I’ve been working with a client who would like to leverage Apple’s new Suggested App feature on iOS 8. The client's goal was to display a suggest app lock screen notification any time a person passes by a specific geo-location. After spending some time trying to find a concrete answer to what level of control (if any) the client would have over Apple’s Suggest App feature, it was decided to send our questions directly to Apple.
Below is copy of the questions I sent to Apple.
For our next app release, my team and I would like to leverage Apple's Suggest App feature provided in iOS 8.
We've taken a look through the iTunes Connect portal and we haven't been able to find a configuration panel anywhere which allows us to control when/where our app should appear as a suggested app.
Is it possible for us to specify the conditions that out app will appear as a suggested app for users who haven't downloaded it yet?
Can we specify a geo-fence that will display our app as a suggested app on a user's lock screen?
If we have no control over Apple's Suggested App configuration, under what conditions will our iOS appear on a user's lock screen as a suggested app?
Turn on your phone
Enable suggested apps
Enable 3G
Lock your screen
Walk past a region.
Expected Result: A suggested app appears on the iPhone lock screen.
Here is the response I received directly from Apple Developer Support Team:
Location relevant Apps are recommended on the lock screen and in the App Store based on a number of factors, including their popularity at the location, and there is no mechanism or process by which an App developer can add their App to the list of recommended Apps.
However, if your iOS App is directly related to the location or venue (such as a mall guide iOS App which is published by the mall owner or operator), and you believe your iOS App’s relevance warrants it being included the list of recommended Apps, then you are encouraged to submit an enhancement request via, and request that Apple consider whether your iOS App should be included in the list of recommended Apps for that location.
You should provide as much detail in the ’enhancement request' about the App and venue/location as possible, such as the App ID, App Name, URL to the App on the App Store, venue name, venue location (address & lat/lon), the relevance (if any) of your iOS App to the venue/location, and relationship (if any) between you as the developer and the owner/operator of the venue/location.
Submission of an enhancement request does not guarantee that a particular iOS App will be added to the list of recommended Apps for a venue or location, and the sole feedback from Apple on the request will come through the bug report system.
Apple Developer Technical Support

IOS::We found that your app falls into a category of apps that is often used for illegal file sharing

22.4: Apps that enable illegal file sharing will be rejected
----- 22.4 -----
We found that your app falls into a category of apps that is often used for illegal file sharing, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.
Specifically, the app allows users to share music. Please see the attached screenshot/s for more information.
We encourage you to review your app concept and evaluate whether you can incorporate different content and features that are in compliance with the Guidelines.
For app design information, check out the videos: "The Ingredients of Great Apps" and “Designing User Interfaces for iPhone and iPad Apps,” available on the iOS Developer Center, and the iOS Human Interface Guidelines in particular, the sections, "Great iOS Apps Embrace the Platform and HI Design Principles" and "Human Interface Principles".
I got this error form the App Store. How can I resolve it? I am getting the iTunes music file and sharing it to Mail, Messages and Airdrop. What is the reason? I am also getting the MPMediaArtwork. The artwork, song names and songs play while showing in the table cell after I take the screen shot from my device.
Finally I got solution.If we downloaded the songs from iTunes.That Playlist is coming under the playlist's.Like this Pic.In this we are easily find out Which songs are copy righted[Purchased songs] "That play list name is-->"Purchased After we can easily remove from Tableview based on the "MPMediaPlaylistPropertyName"but your problem is solved in Only Playlist's
And remaining tabs means Artist and Albums Particularly Purchased songs MPMediaItemPropertyAssetURL url coming nil based on this one also we can rectify the easily.sorry for grammar mistakes.It's working for me.
Its pretty clear what the message is saying: You can't create any application that shares files. iTunes files are copyrighted so that only the user who downloads it can listen to it (exception being another device on your same iTunes account). I assume from the above text you want to stay away from file sharing all together.
Apple is very serious about potential copyright issues so this type of application is clearly not allowed. My recommendation is view the Apple documentation and find an app idea that does not conflict with your Apple policies. Though it is unfortunate that your hard work wont be able to make it to the app store, its always a risk you take when building an app. Apple can reject it for any reason, including : "We don't find this app to be useful", although this bar appears to be set pretty low.
You can always contact Apple and ask them if there is a way to do file sharing that complies with their policies, but my understanding of the policies is that simply, you cant do it. Best of luck to you.
