RNG on Google Kubernetes Engine - docker

I need to be able to produce random longs using Java SecureRandom in an application running on Google Kubernetes Engine. The rate may vary based on day and time, perhaps from as low as 1 per minute to as high as 20 per second.
To assist RNG, we would install either haveged or rng-tools in the container.
Will GKE be capable of supporting this scenario with high-quality random distribution of longs without blocking? Which of haveged or rng-tools is more capable for this scenario?
I asked a related question here but didn't get a satisfactory answer:
Allocating datastore id using PRNG


Why does Google Cloud Run instance show wrong available memory and number of cores

When I let my application output the available memory and number of cores on a Google Cloud Run instance using linux commands like "free -h", "lscpu" and "top" I always get the information that there are 2 GB of available memory and 2 cores, although I specified other capacities in my deployment. No matter, I set 1 GB, 2 GB and 4 GB of memory and 1, 2 or 4 CPUs the mentioned linux tools always show the same capacity.
Am I misunderstanding these tools or the Google Cloud Run concept, or is there something not working like it should?
The Cloud Run services run container on a non standard runtime environmen (named BORG internally at Google Cloud). It's possible that the low level info values are not relevants.
In addition, Cloud Run services run in a sandbox (gVisor) and system calls can be also filtered like that.
What did you look at with these test?
I performed tests to validate the multi-cpus capacity of Cloud Run and wrote an article about that. The multi cpu capacity is real!! Have a look on it.

How to increase google cloud AI notebooks GPU memory

I have a pretty big model I'm trying to run (30 GB of ram minimum) but every time I start a new instance, I can adjust the CPU ram but not the GPU. Is there a way on Google's AI notebook service to increase the ram for a GPU?
Thanks for the help.
In short: you can't. You might consider switching to Colab Pro that features e.g. better GPU:
With Colab Pro you get priority access to our fastest GPUs. For
example, you may get access to T4 and P100 GPUs at times when
non-subscribers get K80s. You also get priority access to TPUs. There
are still usage limits in Colab Pro, though, and the types of GPUs and
TPUs available in Colab Pro may vary over time.
In the free version of Colab there is very limited access to faster
GPUs, and usage limits are much lower than they are in Colab Pro.
That being said, don't count on getting best-in-class GPU just for yourself for ~10 USD / month. If you need high-memory dedicated GPU, you will likely have to resort to using a dedicated service. You should easily find services with 24 GB cards for less than 1 USD / hour.
Yes, you can create a personalized AI Notebook and also edit its hardware after the creation of it. Please take special care if you are not hitting the quota limit for GPU if you still are not able to change these settings.

Does containerization always lead to cpu, ram and storage cost savings as compared to VMs?

Being a naive in the world of containers, and after reading a lot of literature online, I was wondering if someone could render some guidance.
I wanted to know if containers always lead to cost savings in terms of cpu, memory and storage when compared with the same application running inside a VM.
I can think of a scenario when it won’t when the scaleset in case of VM running inside an orchestrator like kubernetes is a high number leading to more consumption of compute.
I was wondering what is the general understanding here
Containerization is not about cost savings in terms of CPU/RAM/Storage, but a lot more.
When an app gets deployed on a VM, you need to have specific tools like Ansible/Chef/Puppet to optimize deployments, and you also need additional tools to monitor the load to increase/decrease the number of VMs running, you also need additional tools to provide WideIP support across the running services in case of a REST API, and the list goes on.
With Containers running on Kubernetes, you have all these features built in to some extent, and when you deploy Servicemesh framework like Istio, you get additional features which add lot of value with minimum effort including Circuit Breakers, retries, authentication, etc.

Will Google Cloud Run support GPU/TPU some day?

So far Google Cloud Run support CPU. Is there any plan to support GPU? It would be super cool if GPU available, then I can demo the DL project without really running a super expensive GPU instance.
So far Google Cloud Run support CPU. Is there any plan to support GPU?
It would be super cool if GPU available, then I can demo the DL
project without really running a super expensive GPU instance.
I seriously doubt it. GPU/TPUs are specialized hardware. Cloud Run is a managed container service that:
Enables you to run stateless containers that are invokable via HTTP requests. This means that CPU intensive applications are not supported. Inbetween HTTP request/response the CPU is idled to near zero. Your expensive GPU/TPUs would sit idle.
Autoscales based upon the number of requests per second. Launching 10,000 instances in seconds is easy to achieve. Imagine the billing support nightmare for Google if customers could launch that many GPU/TPUs and the size of the bills.
Is billed in 100 ms time intervals. Most requests fit into a few hundred milliseconds of execution. This is not a good execution or business model for CPU/GPU/TPU integration.
Provides a billing model which significantly reduces the cost of web services to near zero when not in use. You just pay for the costs to store your container images. When an HTTP request is received at the service URL, the container image is loaded into an execution unit and processing requests resume. Once requests stop, billing and resource usage also stop.
GPU/TPU types of data processing are best delivered by backend instances that protect and manage the processing power and costs that these processor devices provide.
You can use GPU with Cloud Run for Anthos

How to emulate 500-50000 worker (docker) nodes network?

So I have a worker docker images. I want to spin up a network of 500-50000 nodes to emulate what happens to a private blockchain such as etherium on different scales. What would be a recomendation for an opensource tool/library for such job:
a) one that would make sure that even on a low-endish (say one 40 cores node) all workers will be moved forward in time equaly (not realtime)
b) would allow (a) in a distributed setting (say 10 low-endish nodes on a single lan)
In other words I do not seek for realtime network emulation, so I can wait for 10 hours to simulate 1 minute and it would be good enough fro me. I thought about Kathara yet a problem still stands - how to make sure that say 10000 containers are given the same amount of ticks in a round-robin manner?
So how to emulate a complex network of docker workers?
I'm taking the assumption that you will run each inside of a container. To ensure each container runs with similar CPU access, you can configure CPU reservations and limits on each replica. These numbers get computed down to fractional slices of a core, so on an 8 core system, you could give each container 0.01 of a core to run upwards of 800 containers. See the compose documentation on how to set resource constraints. And with swarm mode, you could spread these replicas across multiple nodes, sharing a network.
That said, I think the advice to run shorter simulations on more hardware is good. You will find a significant portion of the time is spent in context switching between each process, possibly invalidating any measurements you want to take.
You will also encounter scalability issues with docker and the orchestration tool you choose. For example, you'll need to adjust the subnet size for any shared network which defaults to a /24 with around 253 available IP's. The docker engine itself will likely be spending a non-trivial amount of CPU time maintaining the state for all of the running containers.
