AVSpeechSynthesizer ignoring mute switch on iOS 13 - avaudiosession

Any AVSpeechSynthesizer utterance on iOS 13 ignores the mute/silent switch and plays the audio through the device's speakers. I thought maybe I had some weird audio setting in my app that was causing this, but I just tried creating a demo app that does nothing but play an AVSpeechSynthesizer utterance and it ignores the mute switch as well. Has anyone found a workaround for this?
EDIT: This was fixed in beta 5.


Unity iOS background audio getting muted

I disabled the "Mute other Audio Sources" option in the iOS player settings, but still every time I start my game the background music (e.g. Spotify) is being paused. Strangely, on Android is everything working fine.
Any ideas?
Looks like an issue with this Unity release, I voted on it here and waiting for Unity to fix it.

AVPlayer pause live stream on iOS 9.3

Im having difficulties trying to resume live stream playback from previously paused moment.
On iOS 9.2 and below player continued to play from paused moment.
On iOS 9.3 and above, when i resume playing, i receive "playerBufferEmpty" and AVPlayerItemTimeJumpedNotification, and as a result playback doesnt continue from the paused moment.
This looks like an issue in AVPlayer since everything works on iOS versions 9.2 and below. I also tried playerItem.canUseNetworkResourcesForLiveStreamingWhilePaused , but it doesnt help.
Are there any changes in AVPlayer/AVPlayerItem regarding this from iOS 9.2 to iOS 9.3?

AVAudioPlayer not stop automatically when enter background in iOS 8.2~8.3

Our app play some sounds. But we don't want to play in background.
We found only iOS 8.2~8.3 won't stop sound when app enter background.
Is this a bug or AVAudioPlayer have changed in iOS 8.2~8.3?
Finally found this is a bug with simulator from iOS 8.1 ~ 8.3.

App Interruption - Siri Fails To Hear Human Voice

In my team's iOS app we have a bug when Siri is invoked while our app is running. Siri pops up and the waveform is shown very briefly and appears not to detect one's voice as the waveform remains very flat. Quickly thereafter it begins to list the things you can ask Siri.
We are using Xcode 6.3, tested on an iPad Mini with iOS 8.3 as well as an iPhone 5 with iOS 8.3.
The app never uses the microphone or queries any of the device audio inputs so I can't see this problem attributed to our app using the microphone directly. It does play looping ambient music and has sound effects.
Is there anything specific we should be calling an an interruption to ensure that Siri will work properly? Has anyone experienced similar issues?
This is most likely not related to your app. The iOS SDK doesn't provide a Siri API that could lead to this kind of events.
You may try to pause any ambient music/sounds effects whenever the app goes in background. (in AppDelegate.m)

Music plays when volume turn off

I have next issue:
I use AudioServicesPlaySystemSound to play short sound in my app. But something happens wrong: when I turn off volume on the device - sound still playing.
I found this issue on devices with iOS 6.0 and greater. On iOS 5 device all right.
Can anybody point me what I do wrong?
