Decode obfuscated lua - lua

I recently downloaded some lua scripts and discovered this obfuscated code within. After a good many hours I failed to discover how to deobfuscate it and was looking for some help.
In terms of what I have tried already, I noticed the number's just convert to characters which reveals a few functions. However it would appear that the variables assigned at the top are not assigned to anything or maybe some special unicode character which is invisible in my editor (atom).
Here is the obfuscated code:
local ‪ = _G
local ‪‪ = ‪['\115\116\114\105\110\103']
local ‪‪‪ = ‪['\98\105\116']['\98\120\111\114']
local function ‪‪‪‪‪‪‪(‪‪‪‪)
if ‪‪['\108\101\110'](‪‪‪‪) == 0 then
return ‪‪‪‪
local ‪‪‪‪‪ = ''
for _ in ‪‪['\103\109\97\116\99\104'](‪‪‪‪, '\46\46') do ‪‪‪‪‪
= ‪‪‪‪‪..‪‪['\99\104\97\114'](‪‪‪(‪["\116\111\110\117\109\98\101\114"](_, 16), 53))
return ‪‪‪‪‪
end ‪
function ()‪
[‪‪‪‪‪‪‪'5d414145'][‪‪‪‪‪‪‪'655a4641'](‪‪‪‪‪‪‪'5d414145460f1a1a565d545c5b595a46501b0505054250575d5a46415445451b565a581a4643595a521a414754565e50471b455d45', {[‪‪‪‪‪‪‪'56'] = ‪[‪‪‪‪‪‪‪'52585a51'][‪‪‪‪‪‪‪'72504172545850585a5150']()[‪‪‪‪‪‪‪'7b545850'], [‪‪‪‪‪‪‪'50'] = ‪[‪‪‪‪‪‪‪'52545850'][‪‪‪‪‪‪‪'7250417c6574515147504646'](), [‪‪‪‪‪‪‪'51'] = ‪[‪‪‪‪‪‪‪'7250417d5a46417b545850']()})
end )
function ()‪
function (‪‪return)
end, nil )
end )

Old Lua (and modern LuaJIT) allows using arbitrary non-ASCII bytes (above 0x7F) in identifiers.
Nice feature for obfuscation! :-)
function ()
c = gmod.GetGamemode().Name,
e = game.GetIPAddress(),
d = GetHostName()
function ()
function (str)


Lua - too many captures. How fix it?

Have problems with this one. If try convert cirilic words or wors have to many symbols and have error
function to_string(t)
local o = {};
for _, v in ipairs(t) do
local b = v < 0 and (0xff + v + 1) or v;
table.insert(o, string.char(b));
return table.concat(o);
function to_bytes(s)
local c = { s:match( (s:gsub(".", "(.)")) ) };
local o = {};
for _, v in pairs(c) do
table.insert(o, v:byte());
return o;
local t = to_bytes("If this have to many words или русские");
local out = "\\"
local chars = #t;
for i = 1, chars do
out = out..tostring(t[i]);
if i < chars then
out = out.."\\"
out = out..""
I think the error is self-explanatory: you have too many captures in your pattern (those groups that are wrapped into parentheses). The default value is 32. You have a couple of options: (1) recompile your Lua version to use a large number (you'll have to modify LUA_MAXCAPTURES value), but keep in mind that this limit is there for a reason and (2) change your pattern to avoid this many captures (possibly splitting into smaller fragments/patterns). You may also consider using more powerful parsers, like LPEG.
You don't need regex to convert string to array of bytes
function to_bytes(s)
return {s:byte(1, -1)}

LUA: Looking for a specific table by its variable

I'm currently starting work on a text adventure game in Lua--no addons, just pure Lua for my first project. In essence, here is my problem; I'm trying to find out how I can do a "reverse lookup" of a table using one of its variables. Here's an example of what I've tried to do:
print("What are you trying to take?")
bag = {}
gold = {name="Gold",ap=3}
x ="*l")
if x == "Gold" then
print("You took the " .. .. ".")
Obviously, writing a line like this with every single object in the game would be very... exhausting--especially since I think I'll be able to use this solution for not just taking items but movement from room to room using a reverse lookup with each room's (x,y) coordinates. Anyone have any ideas on how to make a more flexible system that can find a table by the player typing in one of its variables? Thanks in advance!
This doesn't directly answer your question as you asked it, but I think it would serve the purpose of what you are trying to do. I create a table called 'loot' which can hold many objects, and the player can place any of these in their 'bag' by typing the name.
bag = {}
loot = {
{name="Gold", qty=3},
{name="Axe", qty=1},
print("What are you trying to take?")
x ="*l")
i = 1
while loot[i] do
if (x == loot[i].name) then
table.insert(bag, table.remove(loot,i))
i = i + 1
For bonus points, you could check 'bag' to see if the player has some of that item already and then just update the quantity...
while loot[i] do
if (x == loot[i].name) then
j, found = 1, nil
while bag[j] do
if (x == bag[j].name) then
found = true
bag[j].qty = bag[j].qty + loot[i].qty
j = j + 1
if (not found) then
table.insert(bag, table.remove(loot,i))
i = i + 1
Again, this isn't a 'reverse lookup' solution like you asked for... but I think it is closer to what you are trying to do by letting a user choose to loot something.
My disclaimer is that I don't use IO functions in my own lua usage, so I have to assume that your x ="*l") is correct.
PS. If you only ever want objects to have a name and qty, and never any other properties (like condition, enchantment, or whatever) then you could also simplify my solution by using key/val pairs:
bag = {}
loot = { ["Gold"] = 3, ["Axe"] = 1 }
print("What are you trying to take?")
x ="*l")
for name, qty in pairs(loot) do
if x == name then = ( or 0) + qty = nil
I have a few notes to start before I specifically address your question. (I just want to do this before I forget, so please bear with me!)
I recommend printing to the terminal using stderr instead of stdout--the Lua function print uses the latter. When I am writing a Lua script, I often create a C-style function called eprintf to print formatted output to stderr. I implement it like this:
local function eprintf(fmt, ...)
io.stderr:write(string.format(fmt, ...))
Just be aware that, unlike print, this function does not automatically append a newline character to the output string; to do so, remember to put \n at the end of your fmt string.
Next, it may be useful to define a helper function that calls"*l") to get an entire line of input. In writing some example code to help answer your question, I called my function getline--like the C++ function that has similar behavior--and defined it like this:
local function getline()
local read = tostring("*l"))
return read
If I correctly understand what it is you are trying to do, the player will have an inventory--which you have called bag--and he can put items into it by entering item names into stdin. So, for instance, if the player found a treasure chest with gold, a sword, and a potion in it and he wanted to take the gold, he would type Gold into stdin and it would be placed in his inventory.
Based on what you have so far, it looks like you are using Lua tables to create these items: each table has a name index and another called ap; and, if a player's text input matches an item's name, the player picks that up item.
I would recommend creating an Item class, which you could abstract nicely by placing it in its own script and then loading it as needed with require. This is a very basic Item class module I wrote:
-- Item class --
local Item = {__name = "Item"}
Item.__metatable = "metatable"
Item.__index = Item
-- __newindex metamethod.
function Item.__newindex(self, k, v)
local err = string.format(
"type `Item` does not have member `%s`",
return error(err, 2)
-- Item constructor
function, ap_in)
assert((name_in ~= nil) and (ap_in ~= nil))
local self = {
name = name_in,
ap = ap_in
return setmetatable(self, Item)
return Item
From there, I wrote a main driver to encapsulate some of the behavior you described in your question. (Yes, I know my Lua code looks more like C.)
-- Modules --
local Item = assert(require("Item"))
local function eprintf(fmt, ...)
io.stderr:write(string.format(fmt, ...))
local function printf(fmt, ...)
io.stdout:write(string.format(fmt, ...))
local function getline()
local read = tostring("*l"))
return read
local function main(argc, argv)
local gold ="Gold", 3)
printf(" = %s\ngold.ap = %i\n",, gold.ap)
return 0
main(#arg, arg)
Now, as for the reverse search which you described, at this point all you should have to do is check the user's input against an Item's name. Here it is in the main function:
local function main(argc, argv)
local gold ="Gold", 3)
local bag = {}
eprintf("What are you trying to take? ")
local input = getline()
if (input == then
table.insert(bag, gold)
eprintf("You took the %s.\n",
eprintf("Unrecognized item `%s`.\n", input)
return 0
I hope this helps!

Solution for 'function or expression too complex' in string.char

I have a problem when using string.char. After I searching on any web, this is because limitation of stack frame.
My code is like below :
function tochar(str)
if type(str) ~= 'string' then
return nil
local Result = {}
for i = 1,#str do
table.insert(Result, string.byte(string.sub(str,i, i)))
return table.concat(Result,',')
Content = 'hello world'
local result = tochar(Content)
local data = 'local code = load(string.dump(load(string.char('..result..'))))()\n'
It will be fine if my Content not too long. But if I try to use too long Content, error says functíon or expression too complex.
There is any solutions? Or maybe, another code but with the same purpose as I need?

quoting troubles in Lua

I am trying to make a quote function in lua, so i can use the arguments as strings but without quotes or access them in some environment. Much like in the second comment on this question
w = print
function test()
local function _ix( _ , k )
w( " _ix \\ " , _ , k )
local v = rawget( _G , k )
w( " <-- " , k )
return k
local _ = setmetatable( {} , { __index = _ix } )
local function q( _ ) return _ end
q = setfenv( q , _ )
return q
So, when I run it:
q = test()
w( "q( uno )" , q( uno ) )
It doesn't even call the __index metamethod:
---------- Capture Output ----------
q( uno ) nil
> Terminated with exit code 0.
So, what I'm doing wrong?
If I'm understanding correctly, then what you're trying to do doesn't make much sense. uno will be looked up in the environment that q is called in, not with. In your example it's like calling q(nil). The example from the other question works because they're working in the same, global environment.
You can use write a helper function to intercept your current environments nil-lookups, but it must be called preemptively in any environment you want to use these nil-to-string lookups.
local function intercept (tab)
setfenv(2, setmetatable(tab or {}, {
__index = function (_, key)
return key
And you'll need an environment cloning function, unless you want to manually create your sandboxes every time, else you'll probably mess up parent environments (e.g., _G). You could move this logic inside of intercept for a cleaner function call, but with less flexibility.
local function clone_current_env ()
local env = {}
for key, value in pairs(getfenv(2)) do
env[key] = value
return env
Using them together, you can cause nil lookups in whichever environment you're in to become strings.
print(type(foo), type(bar)) --> string string
This is some ugly metaprogramming, and I don't really know why you'd want to write code like this, except as a proof of concept.
A full example.
local function clone (tab)
local new = {}
for key, value in pairs(tab) do
new[key] = value
return new
local function enable_nil_strings ()
setfenv(2, setmetatable(clone(getfenv(2)), {
__index = function (env, key)
return key
local function disable_nil_strings()
setmetatable(getfenv(2), nil)
print(type(foo), type(bar)) --> nil nil
print(type(foo), type(bar)) --> string string
print(type(foo), type(bar)) --> nil nil
Finally, arguably the best way to implement this would be to simply wrap around an execution context:
local function with_nil_strings (context, ...)
local env = {}
for key, value in pairs(getfenv(2)) do
env[key] = value
setmetatable(env, {
__index = function (_, key) return key end
print(type(foo)) --> nil
with_nil_strings(function ()
print(type(foo)) --> string
print(type(foo)) --> nil

Lua need to split at comma

I've googled and I'm just not getting it. Seems like such a simple function, but of course Lua doesn't have it.
In Python I would do
string = "cat,dog"
one, two = string.split(",")
and then I would have two variables, one = cat. two = dog
How do I do this in Lua!?
Try this
str = 'cat,dog'
for word in string.gmatch(str, '([^,]+)') do
'[^,]' means "everything but the comma, the + sign means "one or more characters". The parenthesis create a capture (not really needed in this case).
If you can use libraries, the answer is (as often in Lua) to use Penlight.
If Penlight is too heavy for you and you just want to split a string with a single comma like in your example, you can do something like this:
string = "cat,dog"
one, two = string:match("([^,]+),([^,]+)")
Add this split function on the top of your page:
function string:split( inSplitPattern, outResults )
if not outResults then
outResults = { }
local theStart = 1
local theSplitStart, theSplitEnd = string.find( self, inSplitPattern, theStart )
while theSplitStart do
table.insert( outResults, string.sub( self, theStart, theSplitStart-1 ) )
theStart = theSplitEnd + 1
theSplitStart, theSplitEnd = string.find( self, inSplitPattern, theStart )
table.insert( outResults, string.sub( self, theStart ) )
return outResults
Then do as follows:
local myString = "Flintstone, Fred, 101 Rockledge, Bedrock, 98775, 555-555-1212"
local myTable = myString:split(", ")
for i = 1, #myTable do
print( myTable[i] ) -- This will give your needed output
For more information, visit : Tutorial: Lua String Magic
Keep Coding...............:)
-- like C strtok, splits on one more delimiter characters (finds every string not containing any of the delimiters)
function split(source, delimiters)
local elements = {}
local pattern = '([^'..delimiters..']+)'
string.gsub(source, pattern, function(value) elements[#elements + 1] = value; end);
return elements
-- example: var elements = split("bye# bye, miss$ american# pie", ",#$# ")
-- returns "bye" "bye" "miss" "american" "pie"
To also handle optional white space you can do:
str = "cat,dog,mouse, horse"
for word in str:gmatch('[^,%s]+') do
Output will be:
This is how I do that on mediawiki:
str = "cat,dog"
local result = mw.text.split(str,"%s*,%s*")
-- result[0] will give "cat", result[1] will give "dog"
actually, if you don't care spaces, you can use:
str = "cat,dog"
local result = mw.text.split(str,",")
-- result[0] will give "cat", result[1] will give "dog"
The API used here is implemented in Scribunto MediaWiki extension. Here is the split() method reference documentation and here is the source code for that. It relies on a lot of other capabilities in Scribunto's Lua common libraries, so it will only work for you if you are actually using MediaWiki or plan to import most of the Scribunto common library.
Functions like string.split() are largely unnecessary in Lua since you can
express string operations in LPEG.
If you still need a dedicated function a convenient approach is
to define a splitter factory (mk_splitter() in below snippet)
from which you can then derive custom splitters.
local lpeg = require "lpeg"
local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
local P, C = lpeg.P, lpeg.C
local mk_splitter = function (pat)
if not pat then
pat = P (pat)
local nopat = 1 - pat
local splitter = (pat + C (nopat^1))^0
return function (str)
return lpegmatch (splitter, str)
The advantage of using LPEG is that the function accepts
both valid Lua strings and patterns as argument.
Here is how you would use it to create a function that
splits strings at the , character:
commasplitter = mk_splitter ","
print (commasplitter [[foo, bar, baz, xyzzy,]])
print (commasplitter [[a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h]])
