Showing advertisements in the middle of playing video ios swift - ios

I want to show advertisement while playing video in app like youtube. My app contains videos, while seeing video, in the middle of the video i need to show the advertisement like youtube. I checked with Admob, but i didn't get solution. Anyone having idea of how to do this?

Interactive Media Ads SDKs allows iOS native application developers to request and track VAST ads (ProRol,MidRol,PostRol,Skipable etc) in the iOS (9.0+) environment.
It supports AVPlayer as well.
Here is is complete documentation of IMA SDK


Xamarin.forms youtube video

I know this question has been asked before but I can't seem to find a satisfactory answer. First off I'm very new to Xamarin.forms and mobile app development in general. I'm working on a small time sensitive project. One of the requirements is to have a youtube video play from within the app in both iOS and Android (the link to the youtube video comes from a DB). I used a WebView but it doesn't seem to work well in Android. I also came across the following in another thread:
"When it comes to streaming video on iOS and Android playing that content in a Webview control with or without Xamarin.Forms would be the incorrect choice. Webviews vary on each device and their codec support for HTML5 and H264 video also vary. Both iOS and Android have their own native video players that can play and stream video.
For iOS you have a few options such as AVPlayer or MPMoviePlayerController:
For Android you could simply use the default VideoView or you could use the binding around the new ExoPlayer:
You would simply need a custom renderer to bring these into Xamarin.Forms, which would be very simple to do"
I've never done Xamarin.iOS nor Xamarin.Android development before. If someone can provide a simple prototype then that would be great.
Take a look at "Delivering Rich Media Experiences with the Xamarin.Forms Video Player" ( Github:

iOS YTPlayerview doesn't load embed video while Android Player API does

I am currently working on an iOS application that is displaying video highlights for football matches. Some of our embedded videos are working successfully, however some videos display this error message. Error Message Image
The same videos that are unavailable on iOS are available on our Android application using the equivalent Android Player API, is it possible that the different platforms have different embedding permissions? Or does anybody have any suggestions to resolve the issue?

DLNA support for iOS video app

I am developing an video player app on iOS and I am now thinking about how to support DLNA so that my app can mirror its online video to the TV with some DLNA-supported device.
Notice that the online video is playing on my app via WIFI or cellular network and I could switch it to be played on TV and my app becomes a remote control and a server to the TV.
Which framework should I use?
I already know Cyberlink and PlatinumKit.
I have worked on DLNA with iOS and Android device. I did not used the Cyberlink or PlatinumKit. I learned how it works and write with swift and java.
Here is my blog about the subject, if you only want the part of DLNA to find DLNA device and stream the video to the device, then control events like play, pause and seek. You could find all the material you need here.

AUGraph/AudioUnit support in Rdio iOS SDK

I wanted to develop a iOS music player app by using Rdio streaming service.I have gone through rdio sdk documentation and able to understand the audio playback API's. However along with playback, I would also want to add some of the default apple provided audio effects like equalizers etc to audio stream. I could not find any way to do it so.
Is rdio iOS SDK allow us to add audio effects to its pipeline or is there any other alternative?
The Rdio iOS SDK doesn't let you integrate with AUGraph/AudioUnit. The SDK is designed to work like a blackbox, you specify what to play and music comes out the speakers. This is done to prevent developers from accessing and manipulating the audio.

Displaying flash-based youtube videos on ios devices

Is it possible to display flashed-based youtube videos on ios devices?
What solution do you use when you decide to embed youtube videos on your app?
Or do I have to give up on all flash-based contents?
In short: It is not possible. There is no way to run Flash on iOS yet, and as of last week, Adobe announced it will terminate further development for Flash on mobile devives, so there will never be. And yes, therefore you have to give up Flash-based video on iOS.
YouTube provides HTML5 versions of all videos, so you have an alternative. There a number of posts here on SO that will help you to get started, like this one.
