DLNA support for iOS video app - ios

I am developing an video player app on iOS and I am now thinking about how to support DLNA so that my app can mirror its online video to the TV with some DLNA-supported device.
Notice that the online video is playing on my app via WIFI or cellular network and I could switch it to be played on TV and my app becomes a remote control and a server to the TV.
Which framework should I use?
I already know Cyberlink and PlatinumKit.

I have worked on DLNA with iOS and Android device. I did not used the Cyberlink or PlatinumKit. I learned how it works and write with swift and java.
Here is my blog about the subject, if you only want the part of DLNA to find DLNA device and stream the video to the device, then control events like play, pause and seek. You could find all the material you need here.


AirPlay, Chromecast, Miracast SDK

I would like to realize an Android application that would be able to display an AirPlay, Miracast or Chromecast stream.
This application will be a basic Viewer of these 3 technologies.
I would like that when you launch it, you can see it on your iPhone, Android or Windows Phone or even from computers (PC or Mac). So you can project your screen on an Android.
I've seen some apps on the Play Store that were able to show AirPlay or Google Cast streams but I have not found them for Miracast.
Do you have links to send me SDK of these 3 technologies ?
Thank you all !

Video Streaming in iOS through WebRTC

I am trying to build a audio/video streaming app that works cross platform on iOS and Android mobile devices.
No matter how deep I Google, I'm ending up with suggestions that point me towards OpenTok/TokBox API. But this is what I wish to avoid.
I've checked a few demo, but WebRTC/HTML5 do not seem to work with streaming video/audio in iOS browser. For example, the https://apprtc.appspot.com demo does not work in Safari or Opera Mini in iOS.
When I try http://dev.opera.com/articles/media-capture-in-mobile-browsers/demo/ ... I can capture image using the default iOS camera picker from my browser but streaming video fails.
It seems like the getUserMedia() stuff is not supported by any browser in iOS.
Moreover, I am planning to put this on a WebView in a native iOS app. This sounds like a really far cry.
I wish someone could point me towards something that helps me build a video streaming app (hopefully using HTML5), that works uniformly for iOS and android (without TokBox).
You might want to look into Ericsson's Bowser App http://www.ericsson.com/research-blog/context-aware-communication/bowser-openwebrtc-released-open-source. It claims to provide WebRTC on Android and IOS. Apparently the App is currently under review in the App Store so if you wait it may just be a case of downloading the App. However it's also open source so if you can't wait then you can build it yourself https://github.com/ericssonresearch/bowser.
getUserMedia and WebRTC Peer-to-peer connections APIs are not supported in iOS.
One of the reason is that at the moment efforts around WebRTC focus on VP8 video codec which Apple and Microsoft do not support natively. Support in the near future is unlikely with Microsoft pushing for its own standard.
Doing what you want on iOS requires you use a native iOS compatible solution like OpenCV which supports video capture. You can find on Google tutorials on how to implement a solution based on OpenCV.
good news, will be supported at Safari 11.0

Streaming AAC+ (inside FLV) on iOS using AIR

For a streaming radio station, I have an AAC+ audio stream, inside an FLV container, delivered via HTTP. An example URL is http://3023.live.streamtheworld.com/ALTROCK_S01A_AAC. I wrote a simple AIR app (using the latest AIR and Flex SDK's) to play this stream, and it works fine on PC and Android, but doesn't play anything when deployed to the iOS simulator or a device (i.e., the bytes are loaded but there is no sound).
This is similar to Can FLV AAC stream be played in Android, but for iOS.
I wanted to use AIR in this scenario, since I need to listen for the Cue Points in the FLV - and this is easy to do if you're playing Flash in a web browser, so AIR seems like the natural choice. I have also looked at http://code.google.com/p/haxecast/ and https://code.google.com/p/project-thunder-snow/ but they all seem to use the same basic idea (parse the FLV using Netstream in "data generation mode" and feed the AAC+ data to a Video object) - and so they all hit the same wall on iOS.
I also came across this post which seems possibly related although it's not quite the same situation (e.g., it's not FLV).
Is AIR on iOS supposed to support this scenario- namely, streaming AAC+/FLV audio via HTTP?
EDIT: This post also appears to hit the same obstacle - so a lot of people are asking about this situation. Anyone from Adobe have any insight?
After much further research I've concluded that AIR on iOS just doesn't support this, and you have to build a native app (or at least use framework other than AIR) instead.

Capturing Video on Mobile device using Adobe AIR

I am tasked with creating a video recording app for mobile devices (iPhone, iPad, Android) where the users are asked to record a short clip using their phones/tablets.
The video is then uploded to a server (either within the same app or a secondary app/site or via email)
Is it possible for an AIR app to record and save quality video and audio to the camera roll/gallery, or alternatively open the built-in video recorder app from the AIR app?
I am stuck between attempting this using Flash CS5.5 and deploy to iOS and Android using one code base, or building native apps and possibly duplicating my workload.
If I attempt the AIR route, will I hit problems with quality/resolution/usability etc? Or should I stick to building a native app? Time is of the essence too :)
I've done lots of research and not really found anything to swing my decision.
Thank in advance.

Turn iOS Device into AirPlay Speaker

I'm fiddling with an app, and I'm also aware that apps made by developers that allow an iOS Device to receive an audio stream from another iOS Device or iTunes. So I'd like to implement it and possibly find a method within Apple's guidelines, allowing audio to be streamed. I've tried looking for everything, but I can't find where to start. Any ideas, a place to start, maybe even a point of direction would be great.
chekout the airspeaker project on github.
I was able to run it on iOS simulator 6.0 and then use my iphone to stream audio.
However if I try to stream from iTunes 11 it does not work ( iTunes lists the device in airplay list but , on selection , prompts with error "airplay device is not compatible with this version of iTunes." )
