Image Processing: Laplacian of Gaussian with 2 thresholds - image-processing

I am currently taking course in image processing, and for the final project we need to use Laplacian of Gaussian edge detector using 2 thresholds, and I have problem figuring what the threshold should be.
From what I read online I need to find the zero crossing places where the image after the filteration equals to zero and these are pixels that might be an edge.
For the threshold I read here
that I need to calculate the local variance and compare it to the threshold, but I couldn't find some more information about how to calculate this threshold.
Can anyone help me?


What's the theory behind computing variance of an image?

I am trying to compute the blurriness of an image by using LaplacianFilter.
According to this article: I have to compute the variance of the output image. The problem is I don't understand conceptually how do I compute variance of an image.
Every pixel has 4 values for every color channel, therefore I can compute the variance of every channel, but then I get 4 values, or even 16 by computing variance-covariance matrix, but according to the OpenCV example, they have only 1 number.
After computing that number, they just play with the threshold in order to make a binary decision, whether the image is blurry or not.
PS. by no means I am an expert on this topic, therefore my statements can make no sense. If so, please be nice to edit the question.
On sentence description:
The blured image's edge is smoothed, so the variance is small.
1. How variance is calculated.
The core function of the post is:
def variance_of_laplacian(image):
# compute the Laplacian of the image and then return the focus
# measure, which is simply the variance of the Laplacian
return cv2.Laplacian(image, cv2.CV_64F).var()
As Opencv-Python use numpy.ndarray to represent the image, then we have a look on the numpy.var:
Help on function var in module numpy.core.fromnumeric:
var(a, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, ddof=0, keepdims=<class 'numpy._globals$
Compute the variance along the specified axis.
Returns the variance of the array elements, a measure of the spread of a distribution.
The variance is computed for the flattened array by default, otherwise over the specified axis.
2. Using for picture
This to say, the var is calculated on the flatten laplacian image, or the flatted 1-D array.
To calculate variance of array x, it is:
var = mean(abs(x - x.mean())**2)
For example:
>>> x = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> x.var()
>>> np.mean(np.abs(x - x.mean())**2)
For the laplacian image, it is edged image. Make images using GaussianBlur with different r, then do laplacian filter on them, and calculate the vars:
The blured image's edge is smoothed, so the variance is little.
First thing first, if you see the tutorial you gave, they convert the image to a greyscale, thus it will have only 1 channel and 1 variance. You can do it for each channel and try to compute a more complicated formula with it, or just use the variance over all the numbers... However I think the author also converts it to greyscale since it is a nice way of fusing the information and in one of the papers that the author supplies actually says that
A well focused image is expected to have a high variation in grey
The author of the tutorial actually explains it in a simple way. First, think what the laplacian filter does. It will show the well define edges here is an example using the grid of pictures he had. (click on it to see better the details)
As you can see the blurry images barely have any edges, while the focused ones have a lot of responses. Now, what would happen if you calculate the variance. let's imagine the case where white is 255 and black is 0. If everything is black... then the variance is low (cases of the blurry ones), but if they have like half and half then the variance is high.
However, as the author already said, this threshold is dependent on the domain, if you take a picture of a sky even if it is focus it may have low variance, since it is quite similar and does not have very well define edges...
I hope this answer your doubts :)

Noise reduction using histograms in opencv

I want to implement a simple noise correction scheme for RGB images. The image contain some garbage pixels at random locations. So, I am thinking of doing this:
Segment the image.
Calculate histograms for each segment.
Analyze the histogram and dump the pixels which are negligible in histogram distribution over a segment.
I am using openCV. I have implemented steps 1 and 2, but I am not able to find out the number of pixels in each histogram bin. Please help
In order to analyze a histogram, you have to make a few assumptions about it. One good assumption is that the histogram will be roughly modeled as noise + gaussian bell curves.
Check this out.
Finding the roots of the derivative function of the histogram will give you the location of the peaks. You can then find the boundaries of each peak, possibly by finding the roots of the second derivative function.
After you identify the location and span of the histogram peaks, you can classify pixels as being signal or noise pixels.

How to calculate an image has noise and Geometric distortion or not?

I need to make an application in iphone which needs to calculate noise, geometric deformation other distortions in an image. How to do this? I have done some image processing stuff with opencv + iphone. But I dont know how to calculate these parameters.
1) How to calculate noise in an image?
2) What is geometric deformation and how to calculate geometric deformation of an image?
3) Is geometric deformation and distortion are same parameters in terms of image filter? or any other distortions available to calculate an image is good quality or not?
Input: My image is a face image in live video stream.
I advise you to read some literature about image processing, for example Gonzalez & Woods.
1) The simplest method of noise calculation by single image is to compute standard deviation between image and its smoothed copy. For smoothing I recommend you to use simple median filter by sample of 3x3 pixels (or more). Median is non-sensitive to outbursts of data, so noice like "salt-n-pepper" won't worsen statistics.
In cases of overexposed or underexposed images such method can give you bad results, in that case you can calculate FFT of image and use a high frequency components for noise estimation.
2), 3) Calculation of geometric deformation is possible only if you know, what should be on image. For example, if you use mire (optical etalon) with quadratic grid, you can find lines on your image (for example by Canny edge detector) and compute distortion, astigmatism and some other aberrations. This could be done also if you sure that image have some straight lines.
Defocusing can be computed from analysis of edges on image or with help of image wavelet transform.
There also much more different methods for image analysing. For example, by analysis of colour image you can estimate chromatic aberration and so on.
But I repeat: in common case this operations are impossible. They all have some particular cases of application.
Read about image quality: there are no standard for this term, in every particular case you can use one or more simple characteristics to recognize whether image good or not.
In you case I'd advice you to make a lot of photos with different kind of artefacts and quality, then make simple analysis of their statistics, wavelet compositions and R-G-B components correlation. BTW, to make analysis of colour image less sensitive to its brightness I recommend you to work in HSV colorspace (but to estimate chromatic aberration you need to work exactly with RGB components).

Statistical analysis on Bell shaped (Gaussian) curve

In my application I am getting images (captured by a high speed camera) containing projections of some light sources on the screen.
1-My first task is to plot a PDF or intensity distribution plot for the light intensity, which should come as bell shape or Gaussian, since at the center the light intensity will be maximum and at the ends it will be diminishing. Like this(just for example, not the exact case for me):
In worst cases I will be having a series of light sources illuminated simultaneously. In such cases theoretically I should get overlapping bell or Gaussian curves, some what like this:
How do I plot such a curve given the Images of light projection (like the one in the figure)?
2-After the Gaussian curve is drawn, the next job is to analyze the same such as finding width and height of the curve. How do I go for this?
I want an executable for this application, so a solution given by MATLAB or similar tool is not acceptable to my client. Also i want the solution to work in real time or near real time.
I guess OpenCV can be used here. But before I start I would like to know opinions of Image processing gurus on this forum. Especially for the step -1 above, I need some inputs.
Any pointers here?
Note: Image is taken from
To get the 1D Gaussian out of the 2D one, you can do a couple of things depending on what you want exactly.
- You could sum over every column of the image;
- You could find the local maximum in intensity and copy the intensity profile of that row of the image only;
- You could threshold the image (in case your maximum will be saturated and therefore a plateau), determine the center of gravity of the remaining blob, and copy that row's intensity profile;
- You could threshold, find contours, determine multiple local maxima, and grab multiple intensity profiles if the application calls for it (e.g. if the blobs are not horizontally aligned).
To get the height and width, it's pretty easy, just find the maximum and the points left and right of it where the curve drops to half of the maximum. The standard deviation is the distance between the two points divided by 2.35 (wikipedia link).
Well I solved it:
Algorithms is as follows:
1-use cvSampleLine for reading a particual line of image
2- use cvMinMaxLoc to know the maximum pixel value in a line
3- Note which of these lines is having highest pixel value. Lets say line no. 150
4- Plot pixel value for line 150.
I used MATLAB for verifying my results and graphs, and the OpenCV result is exactly the same.
Thanks for your suggestions guys.

Gaussian blur and convolution kernels

I do not understand what a convolution kernel is and how I would apply a convolution matrix to pixels in an image (I am talking about doing a Gaussian Blur operation on an image).
Also could I get an explanation on how to create a kernel for a Gaussian Blur operation?
I am reading this article but I cannot seem to understand how things are done...
Thanks to anyone who takes time to explain this to me :),
The basic idea is that the new pixels of the image are created by an weighted average of the pixels close to it (imagine drawing a circle around the pixel).
For each pixel in the image you are going to create a little square around the pixel. Lets say you take the 8 neighbors next to a pixel (including diagonals even though do not matter here), and we perform a weighted average to get the middle pixel.
In the Gaussian blur case it breaks down to two one dimensional operations. For each pixel take the some amount of pixels next to a pixel in the row direction only. Multiply the pixel values time the weights computed from the Gaussian distribution (or if you are doing this for an visual effect and not for a scientific reason, the weights can anything that looks good) and sum them up. Another way to look at it is the pixel make a vector and the weights make a vector and your are taking the dot product. Repeat this process in the column direction as a separate pass.
A convolution kernel is a matrix of values that specify how the neighborhood of a pixel contribute to that pixel's state in the final image. There's a fair description of the basics here. A gaussian blur is a convolution function that uses a really ugly (you've seen the wikipedia page) function to compute a convolution kernel to pass over the image. You'll find an example kernel for a gaussian in that wikipedia page.
The point of all the math in there is to produce a soft blur that resembles the scatter pattern produced by a mesh screen placed between the viewer and the image. You can think of the 'size' (the standard deviation) of the gaussian as being related to the distance between the image and the screen.
Here's an awesome tool, if you don't want to calculate it all by yourself (like me):
Since the link seems to be broken now, here's a link to
