not working login with linked in angular 7 - angular7

I have used angularx-social-login module for linkedin login.
But It not works.
I appreciate if you let me know the solution. thanks.
The library works fine with google but not with linkedin only.
I get this error when I call the linkedin login method.


Login Error using facebook-swift-sdk in ios

Im getting a login error every time I try to login to my application using the facebook sdk. So when the user gets to the home page they can choose to login with their facebook credentials. When they hit the facebook login button it brings up the user name and password screen, which they then type in their credentials and press done. Now here's the issue, well since it wasn't happening before, when they hit done facebook returns an error stating "LOGIN FAILED: You can't use facebook to log into this app or website because there's an issue with its implementation of Facebook login". I get this every time I try and login using the facebook sdk.
Im using FBSDKCoreKit, FBSDKLoginKit, FBSDKShareKit 4.41.0 and FacebookCore, FacebookLogin, FacebookShare 0.5.0 and Swift 4.0
EDIT ***.
Does anyone know how I can find the error being returned from the facebook login request. The issue is this error message that is showing is appearing in the facebook application before it returns to my application. SO I cant even see the error that is being returned. I checked the response in Xcode when the debugger continued and there is no error
EDIT 2:(In response to the first comment)
The application was already set up to use the facebook sdk and it was working fine. It just recently stopped working.
So I Ended up having to update the sdk to the newest versiom and replace the old apis with the new apis they created. So I changed everything out and here comes another problem. I try and login with an account I just created on facebook and it still gives me the same error. Yet, if I try and login with an account that has been previously logged into the application using facebook. I get a successful response and im able to continue on with the application. So I dont get why that new account isn't able to login? Is it because the account is too new?
I AM getting the same error as you. Facebook login has been working since the app was created. Now when I try and login after updating the Facebook SDK, I get no error only "Something is wrong with the implementation" what's weird is if someone has already logged in through facebook the facebook login works correctly.
This is because you haven't set up your app. go to -> My Apps -> add your app then follow the steps for login.
That should resolve it!

Google Sign in not working after first time

So, I have an iOS app that allows the user to login via Google. From the look, it seems Google changed the login design (just that the screens look different).
However, I did not change any code for Google Login. It was working just fine till yesterday.
But now, I am able to login to my app through Google Login for the first time. But when I log out and try to do the Google login again, the WebView is just blank. There is no sign of the login page loading.
So, is there any new code snippet that needs to be added?
I am using swift language.
Apparently I found this thread: Google Sign In not working on iOS 10 Beta 7 with Xcode 8 beta 6
which is the exact issue I am facing. I tried the steps mentioned there too.
The interesting thing is that, we have a Google Signup and Login option separately and both are doing the same thing.
While login does not work after the first time, Sign up is working fine. No problems with that. Both the functionalities have same code too.
Let me know if you require any additional details from me for helping me out!

Login to the facebook using omniouth-facebook and devise

I am using devise gem for Sign in and sign up . Now i wanna include facebook and google login in my app . As I am newbie to Rails please suggest me the best method to facebook and google login , I have tried so many methods but they didnt worked please give me an working example. Thanks in advance.

Can't login with facebook using quickblox(iOS)

I'm trying to implement facebook login using quickblox API.
I was running sample app and it works fine for me. But when I'm trying to provide my application info something weird happens: I see facebook login dialog but when I'm trying to login I receive 422 or 401 error. I think there might be some issue with setting up facebook application but I can't get which params should I setup in facebook admin. Can someone point me what fields should be filled and with what values? Information on regular quickblox guide seems to be outdated.
Here is a guide how to setup the Facebook application for QuickBlox.

spring social twitter isConnected issue (RevokedAuthorizationException)

I'm using Grails and the spring social twitter plugin. Everything works fine except in one case:
I check if the user is connected to twitter via this piece of code
while this works fine if I authorize the app in twitter, it still gives TRUE when I revoke the authorization. How can I make the function check if it's connected and if the user didn't revoke the authorization ? (right now it gives true, and I have a RevokedAuthorizationException just after when trying to use the API).
I tried to catch the RevokedAuthorizationException in order to redirect the user to twitter, it works BUT now I have a weird behavior: if a user revoke once the authorization, even if he then authorizes the app, it keeps giving a RevokedAuthorizationException ?!
Thank you.
I'm not sure because I haven't tried it yet, but I think you can use the test() method of the Connection API (
