Can't login with facebook using quickblox(iOS) - ios

I'm trying to implement facebook login using quickblox API.
I was running sample app and it works fine for me. But when I'm trying to provide my application info something weird happens: I see facebook login dialog but when I'm trying to login I receive 422 or 401 error. I think there might be some issue with setting up facebook application but I can't get which params should I setup in facebook admin. Can someone point me what fields should be filled and with what values? Information on regular quickblox guide seems to be outdated.

Here is a guide how to setup the Facebook application for QuickBlox.


not working login with linked in angular 7

I have used angularx-social-login module for linkedin login.
But It not works.
I appreciate if you let me know the solution. thanks.
The library works fine with google but not with linkedin only.
I get this error when I call the linkedin login method.

Login Error using facebook-swift-sdk in ios

Im getting a login error every time I try to login to my application using the facebook sdk. So when the user gets to the home page they can choose to login with their facebook credentials. When they hit the facebook login button it brings up the user name and password screen, which they then type in their credentials and press done. Now here's the issue, well since it wasn't happening before, when they hit done facebook returns an error stating "LOGIN FAILED: You can't use facebook to log into this app or website because there's an issue with its implementation of Facebook login". I get this every time I try and login using the facebook sdk.
Im using FBSDKCoreKit, FBSDKLoginKit, FBSDKShareKit 4.41.0 and FacebookCore, FacebookLogin, FacebookShare 0.5.0 and Swift 4.0
EDIT ***.
Does anyone know how I can find the error being returned from the facebook login request. The issue is this error message that is showing is appearing in the facebook application before it returns to my application. SO I cant even see the error that is being returned. I checked the response in Xcode when the debugger continued and there is no error
EDIT 2:(In response to the first comment)
The application was already set up to use the facebook sdk and it was working fine. It just recently stopped working.
So I Ended up having to update the sdk to the newest versiom and replace the old apis with the new apis they created. So I changed everything out and here comes another problem. I try and login with an account I just created on facebook and it still gives me the same error. Yet, if I try and login with an account that has been previously logged into the application using facebook. I get a successful response and im able to continue on with the application. So I dont get why that new account isn't able to login? Is it because the account is too new?
I AM getting the same error as you. Facebook login has been working since the app was created. Now when I try and login after updating the Facebook SDK, I get no error only "Something is wrong with the implementation" what's weird is if someone has already logged in through facebook the facebook login works correctly.
This is because you haven't set up your app. go to -> My Apps -> add your app then follow the steps for login.
That should resolve it!

How to allow access to logged in users email message while using Google plus sdk in ios?

I have got Google signin integration for my application. I successfully integrated it and by default i am getting username, usermailid, , user id and user authorization token id from sdk. Next thing i want is how to retrieve messages of Logged in user inbox. I went through the following links
But still i am getting problems and confused in getting mail messages.
I think this is what you need{userId}/messages/{messageId}/attachments/{id}
And I strongly recommend you to use Google Playground to pick the exact API you are looking for

How to login to application using user's Twitter account?

How can I create a login page where a user can login using their twitter identity.
I am running iOS7, So I have created a single page app.
I have added Social framework and added
#import <Social/Social.h>
I am wanting to keep the application as streamline as possible so when the application first loads, and loads each time there after I am checking if the user is signed into the app if not then I would like them to sign in using their twitter account.
I will check this here in the app delegate
- (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application
However, I don't know how to sign in using Twitter.
Everything out there at the moment is focused around posting things to Twitter, I don't care about any of that. I want to know about using Twitter to sign into your app. and then what ever relevant issues I need to know. What data should I store to check when the user loads the app in the future etc.
You can follow following tutorial for twitter integration using user account.
if do you want to make custom twitter login than you can follow following url
Follow these two tutorial
First get access token, for getting access token follow the following tutorial.
Then using access token get account details, for getting account details follow following tutorial

Facebook iOS SDK and Safari based authentication issue

I have used latest FB SKD in my iOS app so users can use facebook account to login. Application open the FB app and comes back to my app perfectly fine. However, in some place in the app, i have to show/pull some people facebook page (safari based using WebView), but even user already used the Facebook account to login into my native ios app, but the page still ask user to login again and when they click login, it shows them the annoying FB username/pass page.
Is there anyway, that the FB safari based page can authenticate the user since it's already logged into my app using FB integration? do i have to include query or something. Please give me details how to solve this problem since i'm new in this..
thanks again for your help...
When the user switches to Facebook app to authenticate, it doesn't create a cookie for your UIWebView which is why it's asking to login again. Have the user authenticate inside the UIWebView without switching to the Facebook app.
What you're talking about also sounds like a similar thing that happens with Facebook dialogs not knowing about the current Facebook session.
If you authenticate your user via Facebook, try saying the Facebook object itself as an instance variable somewhere in memory so you can access it again (a property on a singleton controller, perhaps?).
Spawning dialogs from an authenticated Facebook object appears to let them use the dialog without reauthenticating iff you have a [FBSession activeSession]. So you'd also have to maintain an active FB session. But I'm not sure if this kind of solution will work since you didn't show specific code for how you're doing your web-based FB fetches.
This question might also prove helpful:
Implement Login with Facebook in iOS 5 and 6
