Does a Jenkins plugin exist that adds stage dependency to a pipeline, similar to how Gradle has dependsOn(), doFirst(), doLast() etc - jenkins

I would like to have stages depend on each other to run in a Jenkins pipeline. Ideally I would be able to define the stages in any order within the pipeline, but have them execute according to their dependencies. A simple example being if my 'test' stage depends on the 'build' stage to run but I have 'test' defined first in the pipeline, the pipeline would recognize this and run 'build' before 'test'.
I've looked at a lot of plugins for Jenkins but haven't come across any that deal with stage dependence. I'm relatively new to Jenkins so I may just be looking in the wrong places. So if anybody knows if something like this exists already please let me know. If this doesn't exist already is it something that I could create by making my own Jenkins plugin? Or would this change something fundamental to how Jenkins pipelines work?


Is a Jenkinsfile valid standalone groovy?

I'm trying to wrap my head around how this declarative Jenkinsfile is Groovy. I want to write supporting code to execute this outside the Jenkins environment, in pure Groovy, if that's possible. I've been writing example groovy code but still am unsure what "pipeline", "agent", and "stages" are.
Any tips to understand this structure is appreciated
EDIT: I edited this question with simplified code below. I'm just wondering if there is a way that this can be turned into valid groovy code without the preprocessor/groovyshell environment that is utilized by Jenkins
pipeline {
stages {
// extra code here
No, you can't run Jenkinsfile as a standalone Groovy script. In short, Jenkins executes the pipeline code inside a pre-configured GroovyShell that knows how to evaluate things like pipeline, agent, stages, and so forth. However, there is a way to execute Jenkinsfie without the Jenkins server - you can use JenkinsPipelineUnit test library to write JUnit/Spock unit tests that will evaluate your Jenkinsfile and display the call stack tree. It uses mocks, so you can treat it as interaction-based testing, to see if a specific part of your pipeline gets executed. Plus, you can catch some code errors prior to running the pipeline on the server.
A simple unit test for the declarative pipeline can look like this:
import com.lesfurets.jenkins.unit.declarative.*
class TestExampleDeclarativeJob extends DeclarativePipelineTest {
void should_execute_without_errors() throws Exception {
def script = runScript("Jenkinsfile")
You can find more examples in the official -
Alternatively, you can try Jenkinsfile Runner command-line tool that can execute your Jenkinsfile outside of the Jenkins server -
I edited this question with simplified code below. I'm just wondering if there is a way that this can be turned into valid groovy code without the preprocessor/groovyshell environment that is utilized by Jenkins.
Your pipeline code example looks like a valid Jenkinsfile, but you can't turned it into a Groovy code that can be run e.g. from the command-line as a regular Groovy script:
$ groovy Jenkinsfile
This won't work, because Groovy is not aware of the Jenkins Pipeline syntax. The syntax is added as a DSL via the Jenkins plugin, and it uses a dedicated GroovyShell that is pre-configured to interpret the pipeline syntax correctly.
If you are interested in checking if the syntax of the Jenkins Pipeline is correct, there are a few different options:
npm-groovy-lint ( can validate (and even auto-fix) the syntax of your Jenkinsfile without connecting to the Jenkins server,
Command-Line Pipeline Linter ( can send your pipeline code to the Jenkins server and validate its syntax.
These are a few tools that can help you with catching up the syntax errors before you run the pipeline. But that's just a nice addon to your toolbox. The first step, as always, is to understand what the syntax means, and the official documentation ( is the best place to start.

Jenkins pipeline: how to trigger another job and wait for it without using an extra agent/executor

I am trying to setup various Jenkins pipelines whose last stage is always to run some acceptance tests. To cut a long story short, acceptance tests and test data (much of which is shared) for all products are checked into the same repository which is about 0.5 GB in size. It therefore seemed best to have a separate job for the acceptance tests and trigger it with a "build" step from each pipeline with the appropriate arguments to run the relevant tests. (It is also sometimes useful to rerun these tests without rebuilding the product)
stage('AcceptanceTest') {
steps {
build job: 'run-tests', parameters: ..., wait: true
So far I have seen that I can either:
trigger the job as normal. But this uses an extra agent/executor,
there doesn't seem to be a way to tell it to reuse the one from the
build (main pipeline). Both pipelines start with "agent { label 'master' }" but that
seems to mean "allocate a new agent on a node matching master".
trigger the job with the "wait: false" argument. This doesn't
block an executor but it does mean I can't report the results of the
tests in the main pipeline. It gives the impression that the test
stage has always succeeded.
Is there a better way?
I seem to have solved this, by adding "agent none" at the top of my main pipeline and moving "agent { label 'master' }" into the build stage. I can then leave my 'AcceptanceTest' stage without an agent and define it in the 'run-tests' job as before. I was under the impression from the docs that if you put agents in stages then all stages needed to have one, but it seems not to be the case. Which is lucky for this usecase...
I don't think that there's another way for declarative pipeline.
On the other hand for scripted pipeline you could execute this outside of node {} and it would just hold onto one executor on master releasing the one on slave.
stage("some") {
build job: 'test'
node {
Related question: Jenkis - Trigger another pipeline job in same machine - without creating new "Executor"

How to compile Jenkins Pipeline Groovy locally?

Does anyone have the magic maven/gradle invocation to compile a set of jenkins pipeline DSL groovy files?
Groovy is not compiled (like C#), it is interpreted.
Depending on exactly what you are trying to test potential options are:
Jenkins Groovy Script Console under Manage Jenkins. Note: You will need to be an Admin to be able to access this.
Pipeline Syntax Generator. It is improving. Go to a build of Pipeline job and in the LHS menu you will see a 'Pipeline Syntax' link. Some items require you to first select Pipeline: Steps from the first dropdown.

Jenkins how to create pipeline manual step

Prior Jenkins2 I was using Build Pipeline Plugin to build and manually deploy application to server.
Old configuration:
That works great, but I want to use new Jenkins pipeline, generated from groovy script (Jenkinsfile), to create manual step.
So far I came up with input jenkins step.
Used jenkinsfile script:
node {
stage 'Checkout'
// Get some code from repository
stage 'Build'
// Run the build
stage 'deployment'
input 'Do you approve deployment?'
node {
//deploy things
But this waits for user input, noting that build is not completed. I could add timeout to input, but this won't allow me to pick/trigger a build and deploy it later on:
How can I achive same/similiar result for manual step/trigger with new jenkins-pipeline as prior with Build Pipeline Plugin?
This is a huge gap in the Jenkins Pipeline capabilities IMO. Definitely hard to provide due to the fact that a pipeline is a single job. One solution might be to "archive" the workspace as an "artifact" (tar and archive **/* as 'workspace.tar.gz'), and then have another pipeline copy the artifact and and untar it into the new workspace. This allows the second pipeline to pickup where the previous one left off. Of course there is no way to gauentee that the second pipeline cannot be executed out of turn or more than once. Which is too bad. The Delivery Pipeline Plugin really shines here. You execute a new pipeline right from the view - instead of the first job. Anyway - not much of an answer - but its the path I'm going to try.
EDIT: This plugin looks promising:

Jenkins 2 pipeline deploying to udeploy

I am creating a CI/CD pipeline. I am trying to create a groovy function in order to deploy a build to udeploy.
I know I will need to pass the parameters used in to the function such as:
environment and
I was wondering has anyone tried to implement this or has anyone any idea how I should approach this?
I don't know anything about udeploy servers but I do know there is no pipeline plugin for udeploy, which means that you will not have a function such as :
udeploy: server=yourserver component=yourcomponent artifactDirectory=...
However Jenkins allow you to use shell commands inside your groovy pipeline, so you should be able to do pretty much everything you need. So I guess the real question is how do you usually deploy a build to udeploy ? Do you do it via a REST API, do you push a file via FTP, ... ?
Jenkins build will be pretty straightforward, have a look at how to checkout and build using Jenkins pipeline.
An example pipeline could look like :
stage 'Build'
def mvnHome = tool 'M3'
sh "${mvnHome}/bin/mvn clean install"
//... Some other stages as needed...
stage 'Deploy'
sh "execute sh deploy script here..."
... where you deploy stage could use other plugins to copy files to your server, run REST API requests, etc. While writing a pipeline, have a look at Pipeline Syntax link for a Snippet Generator giving more detailed information about existing plugins.
