Feature selection/extraction in an ANN model for regression - machine-learning

I am trying to fit an ANN model for regression with 15 input parameters.
Some of these parameters are related to each other and the relationship is not linear. Say, one of the input parameters can be expressed as a non-linear function of other parameters. But I don't know these relations exactly because I lack domain knowledge. Is there a way to find these relationships among the input parameters?
I have tried finding these relationships with pandas correlation matrix, couldn't draw any conclusion since it talks about the only linear correlation between 2 parameters.
Thanks in advance.

One way to find the non-linear relationship between your input features would be to follow the approach similar to computing Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) which is used to find out the linear relationships between your input features. The modification which we need would be, instead of running a Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression to find out the linear relationship between your input features, you can use a neural network in place of OLS which captures the non-linear relationship between your features.
So your f will be a OLS for the computing VIF in the regular setting, in our case it will be Neural Network, which is proven to be efficient in capturing non-linear relationships.
And for finding out the VIF in this case instead of we could replace it with the accuracy of the neural network.
And finally for which ever variable your VIF higher you can conclude that they highly correlated with other features.


Sigmoid activation for multi-class classification?

I am implementing a simple neural net from scratch, just for practice. I have got it working fine with sigmoid, tanh and ReLU activations for binary classification problems. I am now attempting to use it for multi-class, mutually exclusive problems. Of course, softmax is the best option for this.
Unfortunately, I have had a lot of trouble understanding how to implement softmax, cross-entropy loss and their derivatives in backprop. Even after asking a couple of questions here and on Cross Validated, I can't get any good guidance.
Before I try to go further with implementing softmax, is it possible to somehow use sigmoid for multi-class problems (I am trying to predict 1 of n characters, which are encoded as one-hot vectors)? And if so, which loss function would be best? I have been using the squared error for all binary classifications.
Your question is about the fundamentals of neural networks and therefore I strongly suggest you start here ( Michael Nielsen's book ).
It is python-oriented book with graphical, textual and formulated explanations - great for beginners. I am confident that you will find this book useful for your understanding. Look for chapters 2 and 3 to address your problems.
Addressing your question about the Sigmoids, it is possible to use it for multiclass predictions, but not recommended. Consider the following facts.
Sigmoids are activation functions of the form 1/(1+exp(-z)) where z is the scalar multiplication of the previous hidden layer (or inputs) and a row of the weights matrix, in addition to a bias (reminder: z=w_i . x + b where w_i is the i-th row of the weight matrix ). This activation is independent of the others rows of the matrix.
Classification tasks are regarding categories. Without any prior knowledge ,and even with, most of the times, categories have no order-value interpretation; predicting apple instead of orange is no worse than predicting banana instead of nuts. Therefore, one-hot encoding for categories usually performs better than predicting a category number using a single activation function.
To recap, we want an output layer with number of neurons equals to number of categories, and sigmoids are independent of each other, given the previous layer values. We also would like to predict the most probable category, which implies that we want the activations of the output layer to have a meaning of probability disribution. But Sigmoids are not guaranteed to sum to 1, while softmax activation does.
Using L2-loss function is also problematic due to vanishing gradients issue. Shortly, the derivative of the loss is (sigmoid(z)-y) . sigmoid'(z) (error times the derivative), that makes this quantity small, even more when the sigmoid is closed to saturation. You can choose cross entropy instead, or a log-loss.
Corrected phrasing about ordering the categories. To clarify, classification is a general term for many tasks related to what we used today as categorical predictions for definite finite sets of values. As of today, using softmax in deep models to predict these categories in a general "dog/cat/horse" classifier, one-hot-encoding and cross entropy is a very common practice. It is reasonable to use that if the aforementioned is correct. However, there are (many) cases it doesn't apply. For instance, when trying to balance the data. For some tasks, e.g. semantic segmentation tasks, categories can have ordering/distance between them (or their embeddings) with meaning. So please, choose wisely the tools for your applications, understanding what their doing mathematically and what their implications are.
What you ask is a very broad question.
As far as I know, when the class become 2, the softmax function will be the same as sigmoid, so yes they are related. Cross entropy maybe the best loss function.
For the backpropgation, it is not easy to find the formula...there
are many ways.Since the help of CUDA, I don't think it is necessary to spend much time on it if you just want to use the NN or CNN in the future. Maybe try some framework like Tensorflow or Keras(highly recommand for beginers) will help you.
There is also many other factors like methods of gradient descent, the setting of hyper parameters...
Like I said, the topic is very abroad. Why not trying the machine learning/deep learning courses on Coursera or Stanford online course?

Machine Learning: Weighting Training Points by Importance

I have a set of labeled training data, and I am training a ML algorithm to predict the label. However, some of my data points are more important than others. Or, analogously, these points have less uncertainty than the others.
Is there a general method to include an importance-representing weight to each training point in the model? Are there instead some specific models which are capable of this while others are not?
I can imagine duplicating these points (and perhaps smearing their features slightly to avoid exact duplicates), or downsampling the less important points. Is there a more elegant way to approach this problem?
Scikit-learn allows you to pass an array of sample weights while fitting the model. Vowpal Wabbit (an online ML library) also has this option.

Confusion regarding difference of machine learning and statistical learning algorithms

I have read these lines in one of the IEEE Transaction on software learning
"Researchers have adopted a myriad of different techniques to construct software fault prediction models. These include various statistical techniques such as logistic regression and Naive Bayes which explicitly construct an underlying probability model. Furthermore, different machine learning techniques such as decision trees, models based on the notion of perceptrons, support vector machines, and techniques that do not explicitly construct a prediction model but instead look at a set of most similar
known cases have also been investigated.
Can anyone can explain what they are really want to convey.
Please give example.
Thanx in advance.
The authors seem to distinguish probabilistic vs non-probabilistic models, that is models that produce a distribution p(output | data) vs those that just produce an output output = f(data).
The description of the non-probabilistic algorithms is a bits odd to my taste, though. The difference between a (linear) support vector machine, a perceptron and logistic regression from the model and algorithmic perspective is not super large. Implying the former "look at a set of most similar known cases" and the latter doesn't seems strange.
The authors seem to be distinguishing models which compute per-class probabilities (from which you can derive a classification rule to assign an input to the most probable class, or, more complicated, assign an input to the class which has the least misclassification cost) and those which directly assign inputs to classes without passing through the per-class probability as an intermediate result.
A classification task can be viewed as a decision problem; in this case one needs per-class probabilities and a misclassification cost matrix. I think this approach is described in many current texts on machine learning, e.g., Brian Ripley's "Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks" and Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman, "Elements of Statistical Learning".
As a meta-comment, you might get more traction for this question on stats.stackexchange.com.

What are the metrics to evaluate a machine learning algorithm

I would like to know what are the various techniques and metrics used to evaluate how accurate/good an algorithm is and how to use a given metric to derive a conclusion about a ML model.
one way to do this is to use precision and recall, as defined here in wikipedia.
Another way is to use the accuracy metric as explained here. So, what I would like to know is whether there are other metrics for evaluating an ML model?
I've compiled, a while ago, a list of metrics used to evaluate classification and regression algorithms, under the form of a cheatsheet. Some metrics for classification: precision, recall, sensitivity, specificity, F-measure, Matthews correlation, etc. They are all based on the confusion matrix. Others exist for regression (continuous output variable).
The technique is mostly to run an algorithm on some data to get a model, and then apply that model on new, previously unseen data, and evaluate the metric on that data set, and repeat.
Some techniques (actually resampling techniques from statistics):
K-fold validation
Talking about ML in general is a quite vast field, but I'll try to answer any way. The Wikipedia definition of ML is the following
Machine learning, a branch of artificial intelligence, concerns the construction and study of systems that can learn from data.
In this context learning can be defined parameterization of an algorithm. The parameters of the algorithm are derived using input data with a known output. When the algorithm has "learned" the association between input and output, it can be tested with further input data for which the output is well known.
Let's suppose your problem is to obtain words from speech. Here the input is some kind of audio file containing one word (not necessarily, but I supposed this case to keep it quite simple). You'd record X words N times and then use (for example) N/2 of the repetitions to parameterize your algorithm, disregarding - at the moment - how your algorithm would look like.
Now on the one hand - depending on the algorithm - if you feed your algorithm with one of the remaining repetitions, it may give you some certainty estimate which may be used to characterize the recognition of just one of the repetitions. On the other hand you may use all of the remaining repetitions to test the learned algorithm. For each of the repetitions you pass it to the algorithm and compare the expected output with the actual output. After all you'll have an accuracy value for the learned algorithm calculated as the quotient of correct and total classifications.
Anyway, the actual accuracy will depend on the quality of your learning and test data.
A good start to read on would be Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Christopher M Bishop
There are various metrics for evaluating the performance of ML model and there is no rule that there are 20 or 30 metrics only. You can create your own metrics depending on your problem. There are various cases wherein when you are solving real - world problem where you would need to create your own custom metrics.
Coming to the existing ones, it is already listed in the first answer, I would just highlight each metrics merits and demerits to better have an understanding.
Accuracy is the simplest of the metric and it is commonly used. It is the number of points to class 1/ total number of points in your dataset. This is for 2 class problem where some points belong to class 1 and some to belong to class 2. It is not preferred when the dataset is imbalanced because it is biased to balanced one and it is not that much interpretable.
Log loss is a metric that helps to achieve probability scores that gives you better understanding why a specific point is belonging to class 1. The best part of this metric is that it is inbuild in logistic regression which is famous ML technique.
Confusion metric is best used for 2-class classification problem which gives four numbers and the diagonal numbers helps to get an idea of how good is your model.Through this metric there are others such as precision, recall and f1-score which are interpretable.

Machine Learning: Unsupervised Backpropagation

I'm having trouble with some of the concepts in machine learning through neural networks. One of them is backpropagation. In the weight updating equation,
delta_w = a*(t - y)*g'(h)*x
t is the "target output", which would be your class label, or something, in the case of supervised learning. But what would the "target output" be for unsupervised learning?
Can someone kindly provide an example of how you'd use BP in unsupervised learning, specifically for clustering of classification?
Thanks in advance.
The most common thing to do is train an autoencoder, where the desired outputs are equal to the inputs. This makes the network try to learn a representation that best "compresses" the input distribution.
Here's a patent describing a different approach, where the output labels are assigned randomly and then sometimes flipped based on convergence rates. It seems weird to me, but okay.
I'm not familiar with other methods that use backpropogation for clustering or other unsupervised tasks. Clustering approaches with ANNs seem to use other algorithms (example 1, example 2).
I'm not sure which unsupervised machine learning algorithm uses backpropagation specifically; if there is one I haven't heard of it. Can you point to an example?
Backpropagation is used to compute the derivatives of the error function for training an artificial neural network with respect to the weights in the network. It's named as such because the "errors" are "propagating" through the network "backwards". You need it in this case because the final error with respect to the target depends on a function of functions (of functions ... depending on how many layers in your ANN.) The derivatives allow you to then adjust the values to improve the error function, tempered by the learning rate (this is gradient descent).
In unsupervised algorithms, you don't need to do this. For example, in k-Means, where you are trying to minimize the mean squared error (MSE), you can minimize the error directly at each step given the assignments; no gradients needed. In other clustering models, such as a mixture of Gaussians, the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm is much more powerful and accurate than any gradient-descent based method.
What you might be asking is about unsupervised feature learning and deep learning.
Feature learning is the only unsupervised method I can think of with respect of NN or its recent variant.(a variant called mixture of RBM's is there analogous to mixture of gaussians but you can build a lot of models based on the two). But basically Two models I am familiar with are RBM's(restricted boltzman machines) and Autoencoders.
Autoencoders(optionally sparse activations can be encoded in optimization function) are just feedforward neural networks which tune its weights in such a way that the output is a reconstructed input. Multiple hidden layers can be used but the weight initialization uses a greedy layer wise training for better starting point. So to answer the question the target function will be input itself.
RBM's are stochastic networks usually interpreted as graphical model which has restrictions on connections. In this setting there is no output layer and the connection between input and latent layer is bidirectional like an undirected graphical model. What it tries to learn is a distribution on inputs(observed and unobserved variables). Here also your answer would be input is the target.
Mixture of RBM's(analogous to mixture of gaussians) can be used for soft clustering or KRBM(analogous to K-means) can be used for hard clustering. Which in effect feels like learning multiple non-linear subspaces.
An alternative approach is to use something like generative backpropagation. In this scenario, you train a neural network updating the weights AND the input values. The given values are used as the output values since you can compute an error value directly. This approach has been used in dimensionality reduction, matrix completion (missing value imputation) among other applications. For more information, see non-linear principal component analysis (NLPCA) and unsupervised backpropagation (UBP) which uses the idea of generative backpropagation. UBP extends NLPCA by introducing a pre-training stage. An implementation of UBP and NLPCA and unsupervised backpropagation can be found in the waffles machine learning toolkit. The documentation for UBP and NLPCA can be found using the nlpca command.
To use back-propagation for unsupervised learning it is merely necessary to set t, the target output, at each stage of the algorithm to the class for which the average distance to each element of the class before updating is least. In short we always try to train the ANN to place its input into the class whose members are most similar in terms of our input. Because this process is sensitive to input scale it is necessary to first normalize the input data in each dimension by subtracting the average and dividing by the standard deviation for each component in order to calculate the distance in a scale-invariant manner.
The advantage to using a back-prop neural network rather than a simple distance from a center definition of the clusters is that neural networks can allow for more complex and irregular boundaries between clusters.
