I have installed OctoPi on my Raspberry Pi 3b+, that is connected to a mks gen l v1.0 motherboard for my 3D printer (Ender 3 Pro). When I open my OctoPrint into a browser I can use it, but I wanted to install some plugins. First time I had an error that said my server was offline, after connecting my Raspberry to Wifi and setting up a static ip-address, I've connected my Raspberry to my main board, after that it said the status of OctoPrint was operational, so I expected it will work..
Sadly, it says that my installation doesn't have internet, so I still couldn't install plugins. I see that in the "connectivity check" my host is and my port 53; I've pressed on test and there it said "server is unreachable".
What am I supposed to do?
Try repowering your internet, if that does not work, try installing plugins from zip files
When I'm running google coral using serial port I'm able to run demo apps but when I'm trying to run
google coral using data port (type c cable) I'm unable to connect with a dev board
rahul#ubuntu:~$ mdt shell
Waiting for a device...
Connecting to wishful-yarn at
Key not present on wishful-yarn -- pushing
It looks like you're trying to connect to a device that isn't connected
to your workstation via USB and doesn't have the SSH key this MDT generated.
To connect with MDT shell you will need to first connect to your device
The problem is caused by the PyPI package mendel-development-tool itself. This error is raised by the 'NonLocalDeviceError' exception as can be seen in line 83 of command.py in the code of the package. Whenever the IP of the device does not start with 192.168.100, this exception is raised by sshclient.py (in line 86). This worked for the last Release of Mendel Linux (chef), since the IP address of the usbnet connection was In my case the new Release of Mendel (day), which came lately in November 2019 had the IP To check the IP check the output of
mdt devices
If you installed the package using pip3 as user, like it is recommended by the documentation (pip3 install --user mendel-development-tool), this can be fixed by a quick local patch:
Open the file in your favourite text editor
vim $HOME/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mdt/sshclient.py +86
Replace line 86, which is
if not self.address.startswith('192.168.100'):
raise NonLocalDeviceError()
by the following code
if not self.address.startswith('192.168.10'):
raise NonLocalDeviceError()
Most likely the authors might update the PyPI package to this solution, since the master branch of command.py already has the proposed code. Once the package has been updated you just have to update it on your host.
pip3 install --upgrade mendel-development-tool
The issue is google coral dev is connecting to WIFI also.
First you need to delete the wifi in google coral using nmtui --> edit connection --> delete.
Then connect your host computer to google coral dev board through USB C OTG data cable.
Through serial console to devboard, delete the contents of the /home/mendel/.ssh/authorized_keys
reset the mdt service in google coral devboard using mdt-keymaster
sudo service mdt-keymaster restart
Delete the mdt key in your host computer through rm ~/.config/mdt/keys/mdt.key
Correct the IP issue in NonLocalDeviceError as above
Then try mdt shell
if nothing working, reflash the coral board by using below procedure
Connect your dev board via serial cable and login [Ist terminal].
Once login hit sudo reboot-bootloader to put devboard in fastboot mode.
Open 2nd terminal and perform below steps to flash mendel linux
cd $HOME/Downloads
curl -O https://dl.google.com/coral/mendel/enterprise/mendel-enterprise-chef-13.zip
unzip mendel-enterprise-chef-13
cd mendel-enterprise-chef-13
bash flash.sh
Once Flashing the board complete shutdown google coral sudo shutdown now
Connect devboard again, then follow the previous steps 1-5 again.
I've just recently got an NodeMCUv3 ESP8266 and I've been trying to use the Arduino IDE 1.8.8 to program it on my Mac.
I've successfully installed ch340* drivers and I can flash the ESP8266 using USB wire cable.
But after flashing the BasicOTA example (modified to connect to my WiFi), I am not seeing my NodeMCU listed as a network port. I only see a list of Serial ports even after restarting ArduinoIDE and NodeMCU.
I tried Bonjour Browser to discover my NodeMCU device and I cannot see it on the net as well.
Could you please suggest any ideas what could be the problem for appearing the network port for NodeMCU device in the ArduinoIDE?
The problem was solved by adding the line
into loop() function.
If you are using windows
1. Install Bonjour
2. Exit the IDE, Disable the network adapters, Enable & connect the network adapters, Start the IDE
3. Disable IPV6 on your network adapters
4. Open the INBOUND port for Python.exe (with the full path)
Hopefully if you do all this, you should be able to do OTA
Yesterday was 13th, probably well known virus caused crash of internet connection and Windows 10 functions. I could not use keyboard and mouse either to restart or to repair Windows10 with advanced options. With installation USB program started but with bugs and no internet connections was available since no hardware devices found.
The freeware tool cFosICS manages Windows Internet Connection Sharing. It comes with additional commands to fix the Windows 10 bug which may stop Internet Connection Sharing from working after a reboot.
See details here: https://www.cfos.de/en/cfosspeed/cfosics.htm
Try Installation from a DVD .This is Most preferable.Or you can use latest version of RUFUS to boot your Flash Drive.Install the latest version of Windows 10 Pro.
Goto Here For Download
Make sure you have internet connectivity to Sign in to Windows Account.
Set the Update off if you have all problems are solved.
Hope it will help !!
I checked status on cmd with configip/all and got answer IP routing is disabled. So I went to device manager I looked in help how to connect to internet. In Microsoft Management Console/Contents/Get Connected/ there is Connecting to the Internet procedure.
I used Get-NetAdapter. t-NetAdapter: Cannot connect to CIM server error. The service can not be started, either because it is disabled or because another software installation is in progress. Same with Test-Configuration command. The error means: „Cannot connect the computer to the server because of restart pending.
The simple is to use Microsoft Virtual Agent which will with your problem question and it will guide it through steps needed to solve problem. It also recommednds cmd commands as referred above. In my case I had to update Windows10 with formed USB key.
After upgrading to OSX Yosemite, I can no longer test my app on a mobile device by using my development machine's (MacBook Pro) IP address. For example, I used to be able to view a Rails app on a phone by going to, but now I get the following error:
I get the same error when testing an AngularJS app using the grunt server running at
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
It could help to bind the server to your local IP, like
rails s -p9000 -b192.168.0.4
to start your rails app
Consider giving a try to Pow. Its pretty simple to install, and a great solution to share a local development across multiple devices.
Like it explains in their homepage, you can install it with just :
curl get.pow.cx | sh. To prevent any errors, install in Terminal app outside a Tmux session.
And just symlink your app :
cd ~/.pow
ln -s /path/to/myapp
You can access your app at http://myapp.dev/, and at http://myapp.[your ip address].xip.io from another device.
Not a direct response to your issue, but an alternative to setting yourself a configuration in your preferences.
Turn IPv6 off. It Prevented me from connecting to my localhost from other computers on my LAN. And, with the newer versions of OSX there is no way to turn it off in the Network Preferences Panel so you have to do it from terminal.
Open Terminal and enter to turn it off:
networksetup -setv6off Wi-Fi
And this to turn it back on:
networksetup -setv6LinkLocal Wi-Fi
If you are connected via Ethernet or something else just run this command to list the available options:
networksetup -listallnetworkservices
and replace "Wi-Fi" with the appropriate device.
I don't have a mac, but that seems to be the server not accepting connections, if that is the case, it's only accepting localhost connections, try binding de server to accept all connections or bind it to ip
Can you access that IP from Browser? are you sure your IP is in the same range with It is your mobile device connected on the same network? Maybe you used internet sharing before update to Yosemite and now is off?
I think your IP address changed. Telnet from console(terminal) your I.P. port. If is your real Ip then maybe add(as root or via sudo) an entry in /etc/host file an entry as Restart network or reboot. Also you can try nmap ( on ip to see open ports). Nmap has been ported to OSX just google for installer.
I want to set raspberrypi network ssid and password over Android application. My problem is how can I do. I know command line method or raspi wifi settings in desktop. I just want to do usb wifi dongle setting over Android app.
Have you tried ssh applications on android ? You can remote access Rpi if both your phone and Rpi are on the same network. Hope it helps.
You can edit the configurations using command line. hope you are using Linux.
Open the wpa-supplicant configuration file in nano:
Now save the file by pressing Ctrl+X then Y, then finally press Enter.
At this point, wpa-supplicant will normally notice a change has occurred within a few seconds, and it will try and connect to the network.
And if not
sudo ifdown wlan0 and sudo ifup wlan0, or reboot your Raspberry Pi with sudo reboot.