How can I upload my ios app to apple store? - ios

My iOS app is based on WebView.
I want to register this app to app store.
After submit, I can see this message from support team.
Hello,Thank you for your patience.
Regarding 4.2.0, your app provides a limited user experience as it is not sufficiently different from a mobile website. Specifically, your app does not contain any native iOS features within the app.
To resolve this issue, it would be appropriate to revise your app to provide a more robust user experience by including additional native iOS functionality..
We look forward to reviewing your resubmitted app."
How can I upload my app to app store?
My app is just to show only website on iOS webview. Just a simple app.
Please help me with this problem.

You can't.
I know this isn't the answer you were hoping for, but unless you change your app to significantly use some native iOS features, Apple will continue to decline your app. This is to ensure a minimum level of quality in the apps available. Due to this regulation, WebView-centric apps will not be accepted on the store. Please have a read on the guidelines to help you understand
If you really want to get it up on the store, you will have to add features. Otherwise, there are alternative distribution solutions that don't require publishing to the App store, but more often than not they are for businesses & in-house deployment.


Is it possible to publish an app containing only a WebView on Appstore?

I want to make an app that will basically load an e-commerce site(Made by me). Is there any possibility to get rejected from the apple review team?
I've seen countless webview apps get published on the App Store. If you provide enough value to your potential users and customers, your app has high changes of getting on the App Store. (But your store should have a top mobile-optimized UI!)
If you want to increase your chances, you use a service like to add even more custom native features (tab bar, side bar, Biometrics etc.)
As stated in App Store review guidelines
4.2 Minimum Functionality
Your app should include features, content, and UI that elevate it beyond a repackaged website.
So answer is yes.

Webviews on iOS

The company, that I work for, wants to develop mobile apps using react native. The idea is to reuse the content on the websites instead of creating native views.
The current decision is to implement the apps like follows:
Create a react native app with bottom navigation and webviews as the
Each time the user clicks on a different section of the
navigation, the webview loads a different page of the website into the web
For example the login functionality will be the login page from the website in a webview.
Is this sort of apps allowed to be published in the appStore? My thinking is that the app will not be allowed because the content of the pages can be changed!
No, you are not allowed to wrap a web app in a WebView and release it apple app store (btw: Google Play may reject your app too eventually).
you can make this if the web app is a small part of your whole app (for example: some food delivery apps use a WebView for chat with support, which is totally acceptable)
4.2 Minimum Functionality
Your app should include features, content, and UI that elevate it beyond a repackaged website. If your app is not particularly useful, unique, or “app-like,” it doesn’t belong on the App Store. If your App doesn’t provide some sort of lasting entertainment value or adequate utility, it may not be accepted. Apps that are simply a song or movie should be submitted to the iTunes Store. Apps that are simply a book or game guide should be submitted to the Apple Books Store.
you may get this rejection letter:
If you develop such an app you will get the following feedback from apple:
We found that the experience your app provides is not sufficiently different from a web browsing experience, as it would be by incorporating native iOS functionality.
While your app content may differ from your web site or other existing sites, the experience it provides does not differ significantly from the general experience of using Safari, as required by the App Store Review Guidelines.
You may wish to provide convenient access to a web property for a select or niche group of users - and may enhance that experience with features such as Push Notifications. However, such apps do not include enough native iOS functionality to be appropriate for the App Store. As an alternative, you may wish to provide instructions to your users on how to create a Safari web clip to add to their iOS device Home Screen. Or, if you would like to share the app with a select group of users, we recommend the Ad Hoc distribution method. See the iOS Provisioning Portal for details on Ad Hoc Distribution.
We encourage you to review your app concept and evaluate whether you can incorporate additional features to enhance the user experience.
As apple guidelines says that:
4.2 Minimum Functionality
Your app should include features, content, and UI that elevate it beyond a repackaged website. If your app is not particularly useful, unique, or “app-like,” it doesn’t belong on the App Store. If your App doesn't provide some sort of lasting entertainment value, or is just plain creepy, it may not be accepted. Apps that are simply a song or movie should be submitted to the iTunes Store. Apps that are simply a book or game guide should be submitted to the iBooks Store.

Apple Policy - about loading Java script from Server - Cordova App

We have developed Cordova Hybrid App using Ionic framework and will deliver this app through Apple and google's store.
I have read Apple Policy document that insist "We Should not dynamically update App without through Apple store".
I would like to load two JS files from my server. It will never change App purpose and look and feel.
I am bit more confused about Apple policy document . Any assistance in this topics are much more appreciated.
Nagarajan S
Just give it a try. The worst thing that could happen is that you wait for a week, get rejected and have to adapt your app and resubmit it...
I never had a problem with external JS files from CDNs, but that doesn't have to mean anything for your case.
That said, why not simply include the files in your app? Why should Apple trust you not changing the app?

When publishing an Apple app, can a third party get access before published?

I am publishing my first iOS app to the App Store. However, the company that hired us wants to see the app work before we publish. Is there a way under the $99 developers plan to allow them to see the app work on a real iPhone?
For completeness there is another way. Although I've used TestFlight very happily for years, it can prove to be too complicated for some testers!
If your app has been approved by Apple (but you've set release date in the future), you can give people promo codes (which you can get from iTunesConnect) and they can download the unreleased app. This is great for getting your app to reviewers.
From iOS Developer Library:
Promo codes apply to a specific app version, so when users redeem
promo codes for a version of an app that hasn't been released yet,
they download the prerelease version.
Obviously in your case, you probably want to get your client's approval before even submitting to Apple, therefore #Anil's answer is better for you.
This is possible through multiple platforms.
iOS 8
As mentioned above, refer to the following link:
iOS 7 and below
Test Flight - (Acquired by Apple and available on iOS8 as described above)
Hockey App -
Test Flight is free and simple to use. All you need to do is upload the certificate and it'll take care of the rest. Test Flight used to support other OS like Android. But after the acquisition, I think it only supports iOS.
Hockey App is also simple. But only supports certain numbers of builds or projects for the free version. Hockey App provides direct update during the app launch if a new build has been uploaded.

Can we use PJSIP/Siphon in our SIP Voip App

We are working on a commercial VOIP application based on SIP. We have found PJSIP/Siphon and able to compile for iOS 7. And it's working fine for us. So, our doubt is if we can use this in our app and deploy the app to app store.
It depends.
If you have an open-source product you can use it in the AppStore.
If you do not share your source code you must buy a license from Teluu before you launch it in the AppStore.
If you use Siphon, you will need to look at their license terms as well before pushing it to the AppStore.
Otherwise they can sue you and get your app kicked out of the stores and it can become a very expensive process for you.
