Can we use PJSIP/Siphon in our SIP Voip App - ios

We are working on a commercial VOIP application based on SIP. We have found PJSIP/Siphon and able to compile for iOS 7. And it's working fine for us. So, our doubt is if we can use this in our app and deploy the app to app store.

It depends.
If you have an open-source product you can use it in the AppStore.
If you do not share your source code you must buy a license from Teluu before you launch it in the AppStore.
If you use Siphon, you will need to look at their license terms as well before pushing it to the AppStore.
Otherwise they can sue you and get your app kicked out of the stores and it can become a very expensive process for you.


React native private deployment

I've to create a mobile app for my small company (150 users).
They use both Android and IOS device, and the only native feature I need is Notifications Push..
Cause of the notifications, I can't go pwa (ios doesn't support), so I would try react native app.
This app is for private usage, so I can't deploy it via App Store, but I can use the "enterprise program".
The problem is the price.. It Will cost 300$ every year, for only one app ?
I think I can leave the program once upon a time the app is deployed.. But have to subsribe when I'll have to update..
I've see the OTA possibility. Do you think I can deploy and Update via OTA (Codepush)?
Thank you
Have a look at Expo, it might be just you need. Comes with push notifications support out of the box, the pre-release/beta development/distribution experience is just beautiful. One-click update (without any OTA settings, configuration, hassle) of your app's JS bundle, QR code sharing, and lots more.
Also, you can use TestFlight (together with Expo) if you guys don't want to pay for anything, but that app will expire after 90 days (and you'll have to re-submit a build every 90 days).

How can I upload my ios app to apple store?

My iOS app is based on WebView.
I want to register this app to app store.
After submit, I can see this message from support team.
Hello,Thank you for your patience.
Regarding 4.2.0, your app provides a limited user experience as it is not sufficiently different from a mobile website. Specifically, your app does not contain any native iOS features within the app.
To resolve this issue, it would be appropriate to revise your app to provide a more robust user experience by including additional native iOS functionality..
We look forward to reviewing your resubmitted app."
How can I upload my app to app store?
My app is just to show only website on iOS webview. Just a simple app.
Please help me with this problem.
You can't.
I know this isn't the answer you were hoping for, but unless you change your app to significantly use some native iOS features, Apple will continue to decline your app. This is to ensure a minimum level of quality in the apps available. Due to this regulation, WebView-centric apps will not be accepted on the store. Please have a read on the guidelines to help you understand
If you really want to get it up on the store, you will have to add features. Otherwise, there are alternative distribution solutions that don't require publishing to the App store, but more often than not they are for businesses & in-house deployment.

Block app install from AppStore and app delete using Swift

I am aware that we can block safari content using swift code. I am interested in finding out if we can restrict install of certain apps from AppStore using similar approach ?
Also, is it possible if we can restrict a user from deleting the app from device (not from phone settings but from code) ? Even if Apple does not allow that to publish such app, I am looking for a solution as a part of research.
There are two things you mentioned.
First, can restrict install of certain apps from AppStore
Using Swift code I feel there are no Public API provided by Apple for the developer till now but there is a similar way that is called Device Enrollment Program.
The Device Enrollment Program (DEP) is part of the Apple Deployment
Programs (ADP), which help businesses and educational institutions
easily deploy and configure iOS and OS X devices. DEP provides a fast,
streamlined way to deploy institutionally owned iPad and iPhone
devices and Mac computers that are purchased directly from Apple or
participating Apple Authorized Resellers or carriers.
For more visit this developer guide.
Second: restrict a user from deleting the app from device
Same response for that, till now no Developer API, but lets say if we see this as a part of research and we develop some POC still, it does not make sense for me at all (It's my device and I install the app for making my life easy and better if I don't want to use it anymore, I need an option to delete it) and I don't think so this will be possible in future as well because the USP for iOS device is user experience and we can't make this like that.
I also want to hear something from others and if possible give the use case why you are looking a solution like that.
I hope this will help.

Is it possible to build a torrent client app for iPhone?

Someone assigned me a project in iOS to develop a torrent client app but the problem is that according to my knowledge there are no torrent clients available right now.
So the question is that is it possible to build such an app? I am not asking about publishing my app on app store I just want to build it (it's a university project)
It is possible, see popcorn time or open source implementations on github
But, as you probably know, Apple is likely not to publish such apps in the App Store due to questionable legal aspect.

When publishing an Apple app, can a third party get access before published?

I am publishing my first iOS app to the App Store. However, the company that hired us wants to see the app work before we publish. Is there a way under the $99 developers plan to allow them to see the app work on a real iPhone?
For completeness there is another way. Although I've used TestFlight very happily for years, it can prove to be too complicated for some testers!
If your app has been approved by Apple (but you've set release date in the future), you can give people promo codes (which you can get from iTunesConnect) and they can download the unreleased app. This is great for getting your app to reviewers.
From iOS Developer Library:
Promo codes apply to a specific app version, so when users redeem
promo codes for a version of an app that hasn't been released yet,
they download the prerelease version.
Obviously in your case, you probably want to get your client's approval before even submitting to Apple, therefore #Anil's answer is better for you.
This is possible through multiple platforms.
iOS 8
As mentioned above, refer to the following link:
iOS 7 and below
Test Flight - (Acquired by Apple and available on iOS8 as described above)
Hockey App -
Test Flight is free and simple to use. All you need to do is upload the certificate and it'll take care of the rest. Test Flight used to support other OS like Android. But after the acquisition, I think it only supports iOS.
Hockey App is also simple. But only supports certain numbers of builds or projects for the free version. Hockey App provides direct update during the app launch if a new build has been uploaded.
