How to get region of YouTube channel for a user? - youtube-api

My web app generates video and uploads it to users channel using YouTube Data API v.3.
After a user authorizes my app via OAuth, a form asks for video title, description, tags and video category.
Available categories list depends on user/channel region, as far as I know, so I must offer a relevant individual list of categories to pick from. That means a new API request for every session. However the list could easily be cached my server side to reduce the number of YouTube API requests.
If only region code would be available after authorization.
How can I learn the region code of the YouTube channel a user selected when granting youtube.upload permission to my app?

You have to make a request about the channel's info.
and get the country result.
Example: here I'm requesting the country of the channel Musicoterapia - channel_id: UCf4iMeUCDs0NFkJI03aJSbQ:{YOUR_API_KEY}
The results are:
"items": [
"snippet": {
"description": "Bienvenidos al canal de musicoterapia, en nuestro canal podrás encontrar música relajante para dormir, meditación, yoga, zen, spa, estudiar y concentrarse, ondas cerebrales, cuencos tibetanos, música chamánica, y mucho más.\n\nNo olvides suscribirte para estar al día de nuevas publicaciones.",
"country": "ES"
You can test this request in the Google API Explorer.
Notice here that the country code is ES.
Another channel example is: Justin Johnson - channel_id: UCzH2vVrSpjwHNM0U3jJM0lQ
"items": [
"snippet": {
"description": "Justin Johnson : Official YouTube Channel\n\nLive Concert Footage, Interviews, Press, and Instrument Showcases. How-To Workshops on Guitar, Lap Steel, Slide Guitar, and Roots Instruments. \n\nBooking & Media Inquiries:",
"country": "US"
You can test this request in the YouTube official documentation - channel.list demo.
Notice here that the country code is US.
Once you have the country code, you can proceed as user Mak suggested in his answer.

The only workaround is using guideCategories.
You can list guideCategories by region.
Then in your channels->list call you can plug that category ids.
Find country of channel in youtube api v3


YouTube API: detect that the video is age-restricted

As per docs:
A rating that YouTube uses to identify age-restricted content.
But that doesn't seem to work as documented, here's the example:
API response:
"items": [
"id": "U9x_WdDwATA",
"contentDetails": {
"contentRating": {},
Notice that contentRating.ytRating isn't set which means that the video doesn't have age-restriction according to API.
But actually it's not the case:
This video is age-restricted and only available on YouTube. Learn more
Watch on YouTube
Where's my mistake? Or is it the bug in YouTube API v3?
try to find playabilityStatus:
see for more details:
Use the YouTube API to check if a video is embeddable
This is undocumented API existing for long time, so exploring it is up
to developer. I am aware of "status" (ok/fail), "errorcode" (100 and
150 in my practice), "reason" (string description of error). I am
getting duration ("length_seconds") this way because oEmbed does not
provide this information (strange, but true) and I can hardly motivate
every employer to get keys from youTube to use official API

YouTube Data API v3 - Problem with categoryId from category list

If I upload a video which has CategoryId 34 (Comedy/Komödie), the API tells me the CategoryId isn't available/supported.
But I got the Categories from YouTube, saved the List in a DB with the following call:
and this category exists.
So with every "failed upload" my Quota raises. Unfortunately I can upload only 6 videos a day.
Any suggestions?
I checked the Categories, still up-to-date
According to the URL of the request you provided in your question, you're using de_DE as regionCode.
If so, you need to use the id 23 instead - which corresponds to Komödie.
"kind": "youtube#videoCategory",
"etag": "\"0UM_wBUsFuT6ekiIlwaHvyqc80M/l3o_qqirQJQvOVhrSz9qa3x9Nxo\"",
"id": "23",
"snippet": {
"channelId": "UCBR8-60-B28hp2BmDPdntcQ",
"title": "Komödie",
"assignable": true
You can test the results in these demos:
Results of videoCategories.list from Germany "de_DE" in YouTube Official Documentation - "try-it" feature.
Results of videoCategories.list from Germany "de_DE" in Google API Explorer demo.
If you're still sure there's a problem with YouTube Data API, my advice is search whether your problem is already reported on Issue Tracker or report the problem there.

Get a YouTube channel uploaded video list by publish date

I am aware of similar questions being asked before, but not this exact one, so please bear with me...
I want to reproduce a channel's uploaded videos list as they appear on YouTube's web page (broken into pages and sorted by publish date).
To do this, I am trying to get a list of VideoIDs from a YouTube channel that's sorted by publish date (by YouTube, not my code since there could be 1000's of videos in a playlist and YouTube limits to 50 results per query which can add up when I only want to show the user the first 25 entries).
Initially, I was using this YouTube Data API v3 Search query:[APIKey]&channelId=[ChannelID]&part=snippet,id&order=date&type=video&maxResults=25
However, as some of the previous posts on stackoverflow mentioned (YouTube API v3 Search not returning all videos), this method does not guarantee to return all videos and indeed, some videos are missing from the result, making use of this query problematic.
I then saw this google video in some of the posts:
In the video, it is explained that you must first get the 'uploads' playlist for a channel (I'm also grabbing the channel's title and thumbnail in this query), which I do using:[APIKEY]&part=snippet,contentDetails&id=[ChannelID]
And once I have the 'uploads' playlist ID, I query:[APIKey]&playlistId=[PlaylistID]&part=snippet,id&order=date&type=video&maxResults=25
However, the returned entries are not sorted by the publish date and according to the documentation (, there is no optional "order" parameter associated with this query.
With all these issues in mind, how do I get the first 25 entries of the 'uploads' playlist sorted by publish date without downloading the entire playlist so I can faithfully recreate how the YouTube website is listing videos.
After making some tests and thanks to this answer (and the next answers too) I was able to retrieve the information you need using the YouTube Data API v3 and here is how I made it:
First, in your question you're using the "search" API - since I don't know which criteria you're using in the search request, I omitted it for get direct to get the "upload" playlist id from a given channel_id.
Using the channel_id = UCT2rZIAL-zNqeK1OmLLUa6g (which belongs to "Microsoft HoloLens"), I use the "channels" API for retrieve the uploads playlist id.
Here is the URL request for retrieve the "upload" playlist id from the channel_id previously mentioned:<YOUR_API_KEY>
part: set the snippet and contentDetails parts for retrieve the following:
fields: from the snippet part: (localized, description and title) and from the contentDetails part: (relatedPlayLists and uploads).
id: channel_id used in this request.
Here are the results from this request:
"items": [
"snippet": {
"localized": {
"title": "Microsoft HoloLens",
"description": "The official YouTube channel of Microsoft HoloLens. Transform your world with holograms. Visit for more info."
"contentDetails": {
"relatedPlaylists": {
"uploads": "UUT2rZIAL-zNqeK1OmLLUa6g"
Check the value of the uploads property in the
contentDetails section. This value will be used in the next API request.
You can also check these results in the Google API Explorer demo I prepared for make this request.
Once retrieved the uploads value (as specified in previous lines), now it's time to use the "playlistItems" API for build the following URL:<YOUR_API_KEY>
part: set the snippet and contentDetails parts for retrieve the following:
fields: from the snippet part: (title and status) and from the contentDetails part: (videoId and videoPublishedAt).
playlistId: is the playlistId used in this request - (that is, the uploads value).
maxResults: set to 25.
Here are the results from this request:
"items": [
"snippet": {
"title": "Microsoft Windows Mixed Reality update | October 2018"
"contentDetails": {
"videoId": "00vnln25HBg",
"videoPublishedAt": "2019-01-04T17:43:47.000Z"
"snippet": {
"title": "How to use Spectator View for mobile devices"
"contentDetails": {
"videoId": "3fXlPw_FGLg",
"videoPublishedAt": "2018-10-15T17:13:42.000Z"
"snippet": {
"title": "Microsoft HoloLens: Visualizing the next mission to Mars."
"contentDetails": {
"videoId": "XVBbJ4EtAQY",
"videoPublishedAt": "2018-07-02T16:30:26.000Z"
"snippet": {
"title": "Microsoft HoloLens: Making mixed reality plug and play."
"contentDetails": {
"videoId": "QwXcSekZKWE",
"videoPublishedAt": "2018-06-25T23:25:55.000Z"
"snippet": {
"title": "Microsoft HoloLens | Windows Mixed Reality HMD Exerciser"
"contentDetails": {
"videoId": "RU3OMjq_Yic",
"videoPublishedAt": "2018-05-14T16:58:43.000Z"
I check the order of the items and they are in sorted by videoPublishedAt value (new to old).
You can also check these results in the try-it funcionality found in the YouTube Data API v3 - official documentation.1
1 For this case, I was unable to use the Google API Explorer (as I used in the first request) because I always got a "backend Error".
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"reason": "backendError",
"message": "Backend Error"
"code": 500,
"message": "Backend Error"
I think this is because the Google API explorer is outdated.
If anyone want to check it out, here is the demo.
I'm also using the playlist ID to get a list of videos, however mine do seem to be sorted by date from newest to oldest. Note that Youtube returns a page token that you can use to get the next 25 (or in my case 50) videos. I'm querying the API this way: not_used_for_first_query&fields=nextPageToken,items(snippet(publishedAt,title,desc ription,thumbnails(default(url)),resourceId(videoId)))&playlistId=uploads_playlist_id&maxResults=50&order=date&key=your_api_key
This gets back in JSON response:
The video title
Publish date
Video description
Youtube URL for video
Video unique ID
Video thumbnail
You can see my working example at

Youtube video id (or URL) to "user" and "channel"

Given a URL or ID of a Youtube video, is it possible to get the (1) name of the "user" who had uploaded it and (2) channel that it belongs to? If so, what is the API request?
So, for example: lets' say I have a video ID: "VulCl5QfewE" corresponding to the video at:
I then want to extract the name of the user, which is: "TheYoungTurks" and the URL of the user is:
I also want to be able to extract the name of the channel, which is: "UC1yBKRuGpC1tSM73A0ZjYjQ" and the URL of the channel is:
Finally, (as a "side, ancillary question") I am a bit confused what is the difference between a "channel" and a "user". Can a user have multiple channels? I did read the link here: but I am trying to understand the use case behind it.
If you want to retrieve the channel informations from a videoId, you need to use the ressource videos.list with the parameters:
part: snippet
id: "VulCl5QfewE" //for example
The result show you the channelID of the user:
"items": [
"kind": "youtube#video",
"etag": "\"iDqJ1j7zKs4x3o3ZsFlBOwgWAHU/IcNtD4uunskZTQuIeM0YQRcc5HY\"",
"id": "VulCl5QfewE",
"snippet": {
"publishedAt": "2015-08-05T01:11:24.000Z",
"channelId": "UC1yBKRuGpC1tSM73A0ZjYjQ",
Then use this information to get the name of the channel with the ressource channel.list
part: snippet
id: UC1yBKRuGpC1tSM73A0ZjYjQ
Part of the result:
"snippet": {
"title": "The Young Turks",
"description": "The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur & Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8pm ET. \n\nYoung Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. Young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary)\n\nThe Young Turks were the first original talk show on Sirius satellite radio and the first live, daily webcast on the internet. But that is not the revolution.\n\nWe are a rare show that combines all of the news that people care about in one place. We are not afraid to talk about politics and entertainment and sports and pop culture. But that is not the revolution either. \n\nGet The Young Turks\u200b Mobile App Today! \n\nDownload the iOS version here: \n\nDownload the Android version here:",
"publishedAt": "2005-12-21T20:46:51.000Z",
Finally, (as a "side, ancillary question") I am a bit confused what is
the difference between a "channel" and a "user". Can a user have
multiple channels? I did read the link here:
but I am trying to understand the use case behind it.
There is a link with Google+ account, check!topic/youtube/3MsBApaK2Hw

YouTube API - No channel branding settings returned for queries by username

When using the YouTube API v3 to query a channel's branding settings, why are they returned for queries by channel ID, but not for queries by username? The API doesn't return branding settings for channel list queries by username.
If you query for a channel's branding settings by channel ID (e.g., id=UC8-Th83bH_thdKZDJCrn88g), you are returned a complete set of branding settings:
Google API Explorer:
// ... snip ...
"items": [
"kind": "youtube#channel",
"etag": "\"...\"",
"id": "UC8-Th83bH_thdKZDJCrn88g",
"brandingSettings": {
"channel": {
"title": "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",
"description": "Watch The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Weeknights 11:35/10:35c\n\nThe Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon features hilarious highlights from the show including: comedy sketches, music parodies, celebrity interviews, ridiculous games, and, of course, Jimmy's Thank You Notes and hashtags! You'll also find behind the scenes videos and other great web exclusives.",
// all the branding settings are here
If, on the other hand, you send a channel list query for a username (e.g., forUsername=latenight), you get no branding settings at all. The branding settings aren't returned or populated.
// ... snip ...
"items": [
"kind": "youtube#channel",
"etag": "\"...\"",
"id": "UC8-Th83bH_thdKZDJCrn88g"
I may be wrong, but I believe that, in v3 of the APIs, Channel IDs are the only way to get a full response, as the concept of a "username" doesn't really exist in the same way anymore. That is, newly created YouTube channels are linked to a G+ profile and can have a display name, but there isn't really any YouTube username anymore associated with such a channel.
Because usernames used to exist, though, and many channels are still known by them, the "forUsername" parameter is there to provide you the associated channelID and then issue the request for the branding settings with that.
Now, having said that, it's clear that the language on the API explorer page doesn't reflect that, and perhaps therein lies the problem; I'm taking my inferences from this documentation:
and from this bug report:
But it's always possible, too, that I'm reading incorrectly and you're actually seeing a new bug. The only way to know for sure would be to file it (or perhaps someone on the team could comment here)?
