YouTube API Error 403 When IS Enabled in Google Dashboard - youtube-api

Using Javascript + jquery Fetch I was able to search using the YouTube API - then it stopped working and now I get error 403 telling me
Access Not Configured. YouTube Data API has not been used in project 482017898664 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry
However when I go to that address my API IS ENABLED. And I can run a search from
Why has this stopped working and how do I get it to work again since its saying my API IS ENABLED.
NOTE - "wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry" - I've waited 3 days and its still not working.

I had the same issue. This is because youtube disabled your project's access to Youtube data.
Two things you can check if that's really what happened to you.
You should receive an email from Youtube with subject
[FYI] Youtube disabled your inactive project's data API service
Your Queries per day in the quota page was set to 0. (and you are not allowed to edit it)
The only way to get your access back for the same project is to fill up this form and wait for their action.


Stackdriver login redirect loop

I can't login to Stackdriver from the Google Cloud Console because of a login page redirect loop.
Here is the complete http request flow:
I can't provide you here the http request flow as stackoverflow said it looks like spam.
Request 3 and 9 are the login page of Stackdriver if presents me with ony the stackdriver logo and a single link with the text Log in with Google.
I've tried to restart the browser (Firefox) and clearing all caches and site data, with no change in behavior.
After some investigation, I figured out various causes for this case:
According to the documentation,
Stackdriver Monitoring relies on cookies from various Google sites to
manage Workspaces. If these cookies are blocked, you may find that you
get stuck in an endless authentication loop. Cookies can be blocked
accidentally, or by automatic updates pushed out as part of changes in
security policy at your location.
-You must have third-party cookies enabled for the following:
-Thus, after having cleared and enabled your browser cookies, make sure that they are not blocked, as for example by any extension like PrivacyBadger.
If you are logged into the browser with more than 1 account, it may cause a redirection behavior.
-Try logging in from “Incognito mode”, or even a different browser to configure if the issue persists.
-Disable all your extensions and try again.
An update from the browser might interfere with the logging process in your browser.
Solution(same as the 2nd):
-Try logging in from “Incognito mode”, or even a different browser to configure if the issue persists.
If the version of the installed Stackdriver build is on Beta, then you might get this issue.
-Uninstall Beta version and install a non-beta version of Stackdriver.
If nothing of the above works, please change your network and/or device and try again.
Additionally, during my research I came across few Feature Requests regarding the “Stackdriver Redirection Loop Issue”.
1-Allow the use of Google Cloud products without having cross-site tracking enabled.
2-Login loop attempting to access Stackdriver by using default settings of Firefox.
As soon as we can determine the cause, you can “star” the corresponding(one or more) Feature Request, so that it gets more visibility and also you may attach your email on the CC field, in order to get notified on any updates of the FR.
Clarification questions:
Were you able to login successfully to Stackdriver Monitoring before this issue occurred?

Google OAuth is making call to Youtube API

I am trying to use Google OAuth2.0 for authentication. Everything is working fine but on initial(first) loading it is taking extra time (30 seconds-RequestTimeOut) on client side(Web-App) to load prompt. I've checked the Network Tab (Developer Console-Chrome), where I've found that it is trying to make call to
This request is failing with ERR_TIMED_OUT, and In my organization we don't have access to Youtube (That I'm aware of it). But Why and Where my application is making request to Youtube API is my question. If so How do I stop this (fetch accounts from youtube)?
The scope of My App goes like this
"scope": ""
It is happening on initial load itself, later it is giving 200 status for the same request. What am I missing.
I'm completely new to this. (Sorry, If it is noob question)
Thanks in advance.
I came to know why it is making request to youtube api, It is trying to fetch any other accounts(login users) from youtube(gmail-accounts). But how to stop making request to youtube( It is fine for my application to fetch accounts from google(
Google puts an iframe inside google o-auth account picker.
Google oauth and youtube accounts iframe
Analyzing the javascript inside that iframe, we find some evidence that, this might be an approach to load youtube session, in order to get the userId for the current logged user in Youtube.
By creating an iframe, you get the normal context of opening an website, this is, you get access to session information.
And it's exactly what this is used for, proof:
//# sourceURL=/_/mss/boq-identity/_/js/k=boq-identity.AccountsDomaincookiesCheckconnectionJs.pt_PT.4FJ4-a_ocZ8.es5.O/d=1/ct=zgms/rs=AOaEmlHUdMtrscDWG6wHCiHHFunuI9afAg/m=base
if (window.parent && window.parent.postMessage) {window.parent.postMessage( google.checkconnection.getMsgToSend('youtube', 'some_id'), 'https:\/\/');}</script>
iframes can communicate, as long as one another is listening to this messages.

Youtube Data API - How to avoid Google OAuth redirect URL authorization

Requirement: I am trying to upload videos to my Youtube channel through Youtube Data API for Java. The request is sent from a war file hosted on tomcat container.My application is not for external users and I only use it to upload my own generated videos. With the help of the api documentation and sample youtube code snippets, I have successfully managed to post video on youtube.
Problem: The issue is that whenever I try to run the code, I get prompted for
Please open the following address in your browser:
Since I run this code on a remote server, it is not possible for me to always open this URL on the browser. Since I have registered my web app in Google Console, and got a pair of Client ID and Secret and a JSON file, so Youtube must allow me to publish videos by default to atleast my channel, isin't it?
I have used the file(provided in youtube java code samples) and the following code is where this thing happens.
// Authorize.
return new AuthorizationCodeInstalledApp(flow, localReceiver).authorize("");
LocalServerReceiver localReceiver = new LocalServerReceiver.Builder().setPort(8080).build();
Please help here as this is really eating up a lot of my development time.
You should only need to authenticate your code once. When your code is authenticated you get a refresh token back. the refresh token will then allow you to get a new access token the next time your code runs.
There is no service account authentication for the YouTube api. Your code has to be authenticated by you the first time in order to get that refresh token.
I am not a java programmer but from a quick check of the documentation it looks quite similar to what I do You need to create a datastore to to store the first refreshh token then you should be able to run your code in the future with out needing to authenticate it again.

YouTube API broken by Google. 'Authentication with Google failed. Reason: NoLinkedYouTubeAccount'

** UPDATE **
It truly seems that Google has just screwed every single person on the planet by absolutely requiring user interaction to upload a video. Of course I know, they are free. Exactly what I warned the client years ago about, so I don't need to be reminded. Thank You.
So I would like to try to take this in a different direction and just find a loophole and a workaround to still keep doing what we are doing in spite of Google's complete lack of support or caring in any way about the developers and what they have to deal with.
It would be different if you can actually call a phone number and talk to a human being about YouTube Partner access, but you can more quickly get access to the Illuminati.
OAuth 2.0 is now the only supported authentication method period. It does require user interaction.
But what about that token? Does anybody know how long the token lasts?
If I can obtain a token just once using user interaction and place it in the database, I can automate possibly hundreds or thousands of interactions afterwards.
In other words, I'm trying to turn the user interaction into a speed bump instead of a concrete wall.
If anybody has any examples of obtaining that token, caching it, and using it afterwards, that would be a godsend to me right now.
Thanks for the comments and the help. I'm not surprised that the YouTube Developers Forum just folded and said to come here instead :)
It seems that Google has completely pulled the plug on the existing dashboard.
That link is now 404'd. Tried from several different browsers on different systems.
Registered under the new Google APIs Console already, but still get the problem.
// Set the authentication URL for this connection object
$authenticationURL= '';
// Try to connect to YouTube with the channel credentials passed
try {
$httpClient =
$username = $channelfields['EMAIL_ADDRESS'],
$password = $channelfields['PASSCODE'],
$service = 'youtube',
$client = null,
$source = 'Redacted Data',
$loginToken = $channelfields['CACHED_TOKEN'],
$loginCaptcha = '',
} catch (Zend_Gdata_App_HttpException $httpException) {
$update_error['response_body'] = $httpException->getRawResponseBody();
$update_error['error'] = 1;
} catch (Zend_Gdata_App_Exception $e) {
$update_error['message'] = $e->getMessage();
$update_error['error'] = 1;
This code has worked perfectly fine before, but does not work with the older API key, or the newer one generated inside the Google APIs console.
I'm attempting a simple upload and this concerns me greatly:
"The service account flow supports server-to-server interactions that do not access user information. However, the YouTube Data API does not support this flow. Since there is no way to link a Service Account to a YouTube account, attempts to authorize requests with this flow will generate a NoLinkedYouTubeAccount error."
From all reports it seems that Google has forced YouTube uploads to become interactive in all cases precluding all possibility of platforms that automatically upload generated content from working at all.
Any help or insights into the process is appreciated.
P.S - Ohhh, it's been awhile since I looked at that system and Google shut down the YouTube Developer Forums and said "YOU" were responsible for their support now :)
OAuth2 does support the ability to avoid user interaction through the offline access type parameter (ie, using access_type=offline). Check out Google documentation for details.
The solution is really rather simple. Your app needs to use oauth to request offline access. It will be given an access cide which you convert to a refresh token, which is the thing you store in your database. This doesn't expire. Well actually it sometimes does, but that's another story. Whenever you need to access the api, use the stored refresh token to request an access token which you include in each api call.
See for details.
I don't know what you did but works perfectly fine for me. Maybe it was a temporary issue. If you want no user interaction you HAVE to use YouTube API v2 OR you have to use v3 with methods that don't require authentification OR you have to provide your own youtube account credentials which is not recommended and probably not appropriate for you situation.
Several issues to respond here, I think.
1) The older API console has not been removed, but I've noticed intermittent outages to it and to the newer API console while Google is rolling out their new "cloud console."
2) ClientLogin was officially deprecated in April of 2012, not just 48 hours ago. Jeff Posnick has detailed all the changes over the months (and related ones, such as AuthSub, Youtube Direct, etc.) at his blog (
3) You're right that, with v3 of the APIs, you cannot do automatic uploads across the board, as the oAuth2 flow requires user interaction. However, given the limited description of your use case, using refresh tokens is probably your best bet. If the content is user generated, somewhere they must be logging into your app, correct? (so that your app knows which credentials to leverage to do the uploads). At the point they're logging into your app, and you're starting the oAuth2 flow, you just have to hit the first oAuth endpoint and pass it the parameter access_type=offline (along with any other parameters). This will ensure that, when they grant that initial permission, you're returned a refresh token instead of an access token. With that refresh token, you can exchange it for multiple access tokens as needed (an access token lives for about an hour. I don't know how long a refresh token lives, but I've never had one expire before my own login cookies did, and then I just get a new one when my users re-login to my app).
Here's some more info on how to use the refresh token; note, too, that the various google api client libraries make it pretty smooth.
Also, this video tutorial from a Google Developers Live broadcast a couple of months ago might help illustrate the point: -- it's using the oAuth playground rather than a client library, but the concept is the same.
The answer is to use google-api-php-client, create an interactive auth page, and set up YouTube API v3 correctly with the new API console.
You can create a very simple page that will authenticate for the supplied channel and then store the correct token in your database. Is already working and uploading hundreds of videos on one channel. You do need to remember to fully activate yourself under the new API console and add the services required. Just keep authenticating and adding the services it says it needs. After that, the regular v3 upload process works just fine. On failure send a group an email and they can get a new token in 10 seconds.
Not the most elegant solution, but the documentation from Google is far from elegant anyways that Stack Overflow is now their front line support.
Just hang in there, a solution is always found. Don't give up!
I didn't get here by myself either, the other answers on this page helped me get all the way to this point. Thanks guys.
P.S - Don't forget the scopes

Eventbrite - Getting past events

I'm using, and I'm trying use the rest API to get all the previous events for my user (organizer in eventbrite). I am expecting to get events that have occurred in the past.
I'm using the following url:{MyOrganizerName}&app_key={MyAppKey}&date=past
However, I get nothing returned. ever. I am sure that have some events that happened in the past.
I am successfully getting events in the future. so there's nothing wrong with my client\app key\spelling\whatever.
With the newer Eventbrite APIv3 the endpoint changed to /users/me/owned_events The API comes with an API Explorer, which lets you see detailed debugging information for any endpoint just by going to it in a web browser.
Paste this url with your token id into your browser to get all past events:
The result is a paginated response of all the events your user account is organizing.
The event_search method is meant to return publicly available information about upcoming events only.
Try user_list_events instead:{YOUR_APP_KEY}&user_key={YOUR_USER_KEY}&event_statuses=ended
You also have the option of creating an Organizer Profile Page, allowing you to group similar events together. The organizer_list_events API call may be useful for folks who are using that feature.
