Unable to find team Id in apple developer account - ios

I am trying to build my first app on IOS. So I was added a team member by my organization and I was given admin role.
I am able to see that in applestoreconnect page that I fall under specific team
But when I go to developer.apple.com I don't find any membership details where I can find a team Id.
Any suggestions on how to tackle this issue.
1 Here if you can it shows I am added as a team member.
2 Here in my developer account it doesn't list any membership information


iOS team "Agent" or "User"

I'm running iOS app in simulator and it is asking me to sign in to my account. When I sign in there are 2 choices
name ----------------- Agent
name (Personal Team)-- User
which do I pick and what is the differences between them?
Similar to
but I have 2 choices instead of 1.
if your Developer account is Registered with Company then select a "AGENT" , if you Register Personal in Apple developer Then select a "USER"
Visit :
you can Find there
I have two options too for my apple ID which should I call it two teams.
one for my own dev accounts, the other one is my company's. My company's account add me to the develop group as a member, so I can access that.
They are completely different team. so, I can get two team's resource.
one for my own, one for work.
you can choose it in the target->General->Signing->team for the correct project.

Give other people access to my development team in Xcode

I have a "single member" Apple Membership profile, and one of the developers I work with needs access to my development team to test the app he's building on his device (Xcode won't allow him to build the app without one). How can I give him access to the development team without having to give him the login credentials of my account?
As you have a individual account, you don't have any development team on your own and hence cannot invite a collegue in your not existing team. To own a team, your membership's Entity type must be Company / Organization . You can see it at https://developer.apple.com/account/#/membership/.
To update your entity type, you'll have to provide some documents about your company.
At the moment there is no simple procedure in the dashboard as "click this button, upload some documents and magic you're now Company", you'll have to ask directly to Apple support (a colleague have done this for 2 different accounts)
More infos here: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppDistributionGuide/ManagingYourTeam/ManagingYourTeam.html
If you have registered your account with type Company / Organization, go to manu People and invite a new user.
If you have registered your account as Individual, you are out of luck I think since this type of account is not able to invite users and the People menu entry does not exist.

Multiple Individual App Developer Accounts

I am having a weird issues with Xcode. I have an Individual Developer Account under my name. Now, I am working for a client and they have added me as a "App Manager" for their app. The client's account is also an "Individual Developer Account".
When I use Xcode and try to send the app to the App Store, Xcode always complain that the provisioning profile I am using is not contained in the Development Team settings. In Development Team settings I only see my own personal account and not the clients team name. My name email is used for my personal account and the member of the client's team name.
Any ideas?
Xcode preferences -> Selecting User -> View Details at the bottom. Even if I click download it does not download anything. Keep in mind that the email I am using is not registered as a Apple Developer.
developer.apple.com != iTunesConnect
You may be confusing the Apple Developer site with the completely separate iTunesConnect site. The first is for all the technical stuff, and the second is for the business stuff (submitting app, sales, etc.).
See my Answer to a similar question to explain membership on each site.
Create a new Apple ID to satisfy iTunesConnect
In iTunesConnect, the "admin" person cannot assign existing Apple IDs as members with a role. Very strange. The admin is forced to create a new ID for each person being adding to the team. That means the person joining must have multiple email address. See my other Answer for a workaround to reuse your same email account.

Add Team Member in iCloud Dashboard

A friend and I are trying to work on the same app using CloudKit together, but I can't figure out how to add him to the dashboard. Under the Admin section there is an option for Team but when I click on it there is no + or anything indicating an option to add him to the dashboard.
Edit I did add my friend as a developer on my developer account but it didn't change anything.
Edit the team on your apple dev account on the developer site. https://developer.apple.com

iOS provisioning, team ID confusion

I am a member of 3 registered iOS Development teams:
My individual iOS Developer account.
My business iOS Developer account team.
My client's iOS Developer account team.
I would now like to use the iOS Provisioning Portal to create a new App ID.
As part of the App ID form for creating a new App ID, I need to select a Team ID. I've done this many times before, but I think something may have changed, because today, when selecting the Team ID, I'm offered the choice of 3 10-character identifiers of the form (these are not the actual values),
Use Team ID
Unfortunately, it isn't clear how each of these correspond to the teams I'm a member of...
If I go to Xcode Organiser to try and find references to these Team IDs to get some context, I see that those views [more helpfully] use the team's full names ...but without visibility on the corresponding Team IDs.
I've looked under the Key Chain, and there are no clues there either.
How do I find out which of the teams I a member of these IDs correspond to?
Ok I figured it out, go to https://developer.apple.com/membercenter/index.action click your account then on the left click organization profile and it will show you the Company/Organization ID
Find out your certificates in Keychain Access, right click on the Certificate and select Get info. Then locate scroller down to Details section and Expand it if needed. There you can find User ID or Team ID.
Hope it helps!
