SwiftUI View - viewDidLoad()? - ios

Trying to load an image after the view loads, the model object driving the view (see MovieDetail below) has a urlString. Because a SwiftUI View element has no life cycle methods (and there's not a view controller driving things) what is the best way to handle this?
The main issue I'm having is no matter which way I try to solve the problem (Binding an object or using a State variable), my View doesn't have the urlString until after it loads...
// movie object
struct Movie: Decodable, Identifiable {
let id: String
let title: String
let year: String
let type: String
var posterUrl: String
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case id = "imdbID"
case title = "Title"
case year = "Year"
case type = "Type"
case posterUrl = "Poster"
// root content list view that navigates to the detail view
struct ContentView : View {
var movies: [Movie]
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List(movies) { movie in
NavigationButton(destination: MovieDetail(movie: movie)) {
MovieRow(movie: movie)
.navigationBarTitle(Text("Star Wars Movies"))
// detail view that needs to make the asynchronous call
struct MovieDetail : View {
let movie: Movie
#State var imageObject = BoundImageObject()
var body: some View {
HStack(alignment: .top) {
VStack {
Image(uiImage: imageObject.image)

We can achieve this using view modifier.
Create ViewModifier:
struct ViewDidLoadModifier: ViewModifier {
#State private var didLoad = false
private let action: (() -> Void)?
init(perform action: (() -> Void)? = nil) {
self.action = action
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
content.onAppear {
if didLoad == false {
didLoad = true
Create View extension:
extension View {
func onLoad(perform action: (() -> Void)? = nil) -> some View {
modifier(ViewDidLoadModifier(perform: action))
Use like this:
struct SomeView: View {
var body: some View {
VStack {
}.onLoad {

I hope this is helpful. I found a blogpost that talks about doing stuff onAppear for a navigation view.
Idea would be that you bake your service into a BindableObject and subscribe to those updates in your view.
struct SearchView : View {
#State private var query: String = "Swift"
#EnvironmentObject var repoStore: ReposStore
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List {
TextField($query, placeholder: Text("type something..."), onCommit: fetch)
ForEach(repoStore.repos) { repo in
RepoRow(repo: repo)
}.onAppear(perform: fetch)
private func fetch() {
repoStore.fetch(matching: query)
import SwiftUI
import Combine
class ReposStore: BindableObject {
var repos: [Repo] = [] {
didSet {
var didChange = PassthroughSubject<ReposStore, Never>()
let service: GithubService
init(service: GithubService) {
self.service = service
func fetch(matching query: String) {
service.search(matching: query) { [weak self] result in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
switch result {
case .success(let repos): self?.repos = repos
case .failure: self?.repos = []
Credit to: Majid Jabrayilov

Fully updated for Xcode 11.2, Swift 5.0
I think the viewDidLoad() just equal to implement in the body closure.
SwiftUI gives us equivalents to UIKit’s viewDidAppear() and viewDidDisappear() in the form of onAppear() and onDisappear(). You can attach any code to these two events that you want, and SwiftUI will execute them when they occur.
As an example, this creates two views that use onAppear() and onDisappear() to print messages, with a navigation link to move between the two:
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
VStack {
NavigationLink(destination: DetailView()) {
Text("Hello World")
}.onAppear {
print("ContentView appeared!")
}.onDisappear {
print("ContentView disappeared!")
ref: https://www.hackingwithswift.com/quick-start/swiftui/how-to-respond-to-view-lifecycle-events-onappear-and-ondisappear

I'm using init() instead. I think onApear() is not an alternative to viewDidLoad(). Because onApear is called when your view is being appeared. Since your view can be appear multiple times it conflicts with viewDidLoad which is called once.
Imagine having a TabView. By swiping through pages onApear() is being called multiple times. However viewDidLoad() is called just once.


Is there a way to let the user decide between two ListStyles in SwiftUI

What I am trying to accomplish is a list which can change its style based on the user's preference.
I have a #AppStorage property which can be changed in the settings to use .plain or .insetGrouped in the listStyle modifier.
I have tried using a ternary operator like in the code below, but I get a type mismatch error. Here's my code:
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
#AppStorage("listStyle") private var listStyle: Bool = false
var body: some View {
NavigationStack {
List {
ForEach(1...10, id: \.self) { i in
Section {
Text("Item \(i)")
.listStyle(listStyle ? .plain : .insetGrouped)
You can use a custom ViewModifier to apply the appropriate list style based on the boolean like this:
struct ContentView: View {
#AppStorage("listStyle") private var isListPlain: Bool = false
var body: some View {
NavigationStack {
List {
ForEach(1...10, id: \.self) { i in
Section {
Text("Item \(i)")
.myListStyle(isListPlain: isListPlain)
struct MyListViewModifier : ViewModifier {
let isListPlain : Bool
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
extension View {
func myListStyle(isListPlain : Bool) -> some View {
modifier(MyListViewModifier(isListPlain: isListPlain))

SwiftUI NavigationView pops by itself

it's very strange issue as I cannot reproduce in isolated code, but I hope that someone may think about the reason. I have a view, let's say ContentView that has its ContentViewModel that is ObservedObject, and then there's another View ContentView2. And we have NavigationView in ContentView that wraps navigation link to ContentView2. And it's a bit weird, but when we do some changes that affect ContentViewModel, then NavigationView pops ContentView2 so that we end up in initial ContentView, but we didn't do anything like dismissing ContentView2 or tapping back button. I have a similar code to the one used in my project, but please note that in this code everything works fine:
func qrealm() -> Realm {
return try! Realm(configuration: .init( inMemoryIdentifier: "yw"))
class SomeRObj: Object {
#objc dynamic var name: String = ""
convenience init(name: String) {
self.name = name
static var instance: SomeRObj {
return qrealm().objects(SomeRObj.self).first!
struct SomeRObjWrapped: Hashable {
var obj: SomeRObj
var prop: Int
class ContentViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var someRObj: [SomeRObjWrapped] = []
var any: Any?
init() {
let token = qrealm().objects(SomeRObj.self).observe { changes in
switch changes {
case let .initial(data), let .update(data, deletions: _, insertions: _, modifications: _):
let someObjs = data.map { SomeRObjWrapped(obj: $0, prop: Int.random(in: 1..<50)) }
self.someRObj = Array(someObjs)
default: break
self.any = token
struct ContentView: View {
#ObservedObject var model: ContentViewModel = ContentViewModel()
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
VStack {
ForEach(model.someRObj, id: \.self) { obj in
Heh(obj: obj.obj, pr: obj.prop)
NavigationLink(destination: ContentView2()) {
struct Heh: View {
var obj: SomeRObj
var pr: Int
var body: some View {
Text("\(obj.name) \(pr)")
struct ContentView2: View {
var body: some View {
Button(action: { try! qrealm().write {
let elem = qrealm().objects(SomeRObj.self).randomElement()
elem?.name = "jotaro kujo"
}, label: { Text("Toggle") })
You can replace \.self with \.id:
ForEach(model.someRObj, id: \.id) { obj in
Heh(obj: obj.obj, pr: obj.prop)
Then every object will be identified by id and the ForEach loop will only refresh when the id is changed.
Thanks to pawello2222, I found the real reason behind it. I had a NavigationLink inside my List, so that each time there was a change NavigationLink is redrawn and it's state refreshed. I hope that it will be helpfull to someone, and the solution as pawello2222 wrote before is to identify view by id parameter.

iOS SwiftUI: Data Flow Flow in Subviews #ObservedObject

I'm having a problem of updates in my application.
I can't understand very well what is going on with the data flow between the subviews.
This is my current structure
ViewModel: ObsebsrvableObject
MainView with ObservedObject (viewModel)
ChildView with a list from MainView observed object (just the list is passed as a normal array - not bindable)
NephewView with the list passed to the childView, still as a normal array
What is happening:
Every time I modify the list, the MainView updates triggering a new rebuild of ChildView, but the NephewView does not update
What I would like to have:
I would like to update the Main, the Child and the NephewView views every time the observedObject get an update
I can't understand why if the Child View rebuild, the nephew doesn't.
Example Code
class ViewModel: ObservableObject {
let userData = UserData.shared
var canceller: AnyCancellable?
#Published var items: [Items]
init() {
items = []
canceller = userData.objectWillChange
.throttle(for: 5, scheduler: RunLoop.main, latest: true)
.sink(receiveCompletion: { data in
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.items = data.items
receiveValue: { _ in
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.items = data.items
struct MainView: View {
#ObservedObject var model = ViewModel()
var body: some View {
ChildView(items: model.items)
struct ChildView: View {
let items: [Items]
var body: some View {
NephewView(items: items)
struct NephewView: View {
let items: [Items]
var body: some View {
The sink works properly, it's just the UI part that does not get updates.
Maybe the way I'm updating the publisher is wrong?
Your MainView
ChildView(items: $model.items)
Your ChildView
struct ChildView: View {
#Binding let items: [Items]
var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(self.items) { item in
NephewView(items: item)
Your NephewView
struct NephewView: View {
#Binding let items: item
var body: some View {
// Your view logic goes here with single item

SwiftUI NavigationLink loads destination view immediately, without clicking

With following code:
struct HomeView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List(dataTypes) { dataType in
NavigationLink(destination: AnotherView()) {
HomeViewRow(dataType: dataType)
What's weird, when HomeView appears, NavigationLink immediately loads the AnotherView. As a result, all AnotherView dependencies are loaded as well, even though it's not visible on the screen yet. The user has to click on the row to make it appear.
My AnotherView contains a DataSource, where various things happen. The issue is that whole DataSource is loaded at this point, including some timers etc.
Am I doing something wrong..? How to handle it in such way, that AnotherView gets loaded once the user presses on that HomeViewRow?
The best way I have found to combat this issue is by using a Lazy View.
struct NavigationLazyView<Content: View>: View {
let build: () -> Content
init(_ build: #autoclosure #escaping () -> Content) {
self.build = build
var body: Content {
Then the NavigationLink would look like this. You would place the View you want to be displayed inside ()
NavigationLink(destination: NavigationLazyView(DetailView(data: DataModel))) { Text("Item") }
EDIT: See #MwcsMac's answer for a cleaner solution which wraps View creation inside a closure and only initializes it once the view is rendered.
It takes a custom ForEach to do what you are asking for since the function builder does have to evaluate the expression
NavigationLink(destination: AnotherView()) {
HomeViewRow(dataType: dataType)
for each visible row to be able to show HomeViewRow(dataType:), in which case AnotherView() must be initialized too.
So to avoid this a custom ForEach is necessary.
import SwiftUI
struct LoadLaterView: View {
var body: some View {
struct DataType: Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
var i: Int
struct ForEachLazyNavigationLink<Data: RandomAccessCollection, Content: View, Destination: View>: View where Data.Element: Identifiable {
var data: Data
var destination: (Data.Element) -> (Destination)
var content: (Data.Element) -> (Content)
#State var selected: Data.Element? = nil
#State var active: Bool = false
var body: some View {
NavigationLink(destination: {
if self.selected != nil {
} else {
}(), isActive: $active){
Text("Hidden navigation link")
ForEach(data) { (element: Data.Element) in
Button(action: {
self.selected = element
self.active = true
}) { self.content(element) }
struct HomeView: View {
#State var dataTypes: [DataType] = {
return (0...99).map{
return DataType(i: $0)
var body: some View {
ForEachLazyNavigationLink(data: dataTypes, destination: {
return AnotherView(i: $0.i)
}, content: {
return HomeViewRow(dataType: $0)
struct HomeViewRow: View {
var dataType: DataType
var body: some View {
Text("Home View \(dataType.i)")
struct AnotherView: View {
init(i: Int) {
print("Init AnotherView \(i.description)")
self.i = i
var i: Int
var body: some View {
print("Loading AnotherView \(i.description)")
return Text("hello \(i.description)").onAppear {
print("onAppear AnotherView \(self.i.description)")
I had the same issue where I might have had a list of 50 items, that then loaded 50 views for the detail view that called an API (which resulted in 50 additional images being downloaded).
The answer for me was to use .onAppear to trigger all logic that needs to be executed when the view appears on screen (like setting off your timers).
struct AnotherView: View {
var body: some View {
Text("Hello World!")
}.onAppear {
print("I only printed when the view appeared")
// trigger whatever you need to here instead of on init
For iOS 14 SwiftUI.
Non-elegant solution for lazy navigation destination loading, using view modifier, based on this post.
extension View {
func navigate<Value, Destination: View>(
item: Binding<Value?>,
#ViewBuilder content: #escaping (Value) -> Destination
) -> some View {
return self.modifier(Navigator(item: item, content: content))
private struct Navigator<Value, Destination: View>: ViewModifier {
let item: Binding<Value?>
let content: (Value) -> Destination
public func body(content: Content) -> some View {
destination: { () -> AnyView in
if let value = self.item.wrappedValue {
return AnyView(self.content(value))
} else {
return AnyView(EmptyView())
isActive: Binding<Bool>(
get: { self.item.wrappedValue != nil },
set: { newValue in
if newValue == false {
self.item.wrappedValue = nil
label: EmptyView.init
Call it like this:
struct ExampleView: View {
private var date: Date? = nil
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("Source view")
Button("Send", action: {
self.date = Date()
item: self.$date,
content: {
VStack {
Text("Destination view")
I was recently struggling with this issue (for a navigation row component for forms), and this did the trick for me:
#State private var shouldShowDestination = false
NavigationLink(destination: DestinationView(), isActive: $shouldShowDestination) {
Button("More info") {
self.shouldShowDestination = true
Simply wrap a Button with the NavigationLink, which activation is to be controlled with the button.
Now, if you're to have multiple button+links within the same view, and not an activation State property for each, you should rely on this initializer
/// Creates an instance that presents `destination` when `selection` is set
/// to `tag`.
public init<V>(destination: Destination, tag: V, selection: Binding<V?>, #ViewBuilder label: () -> Label) where V : Hashable
Along the lines of this example:
struct ContentView: View {
#State private var selection: String? = nil
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
VStack {
NavigationLink(destination: Text("Second View"), tag: "Second", selection: $selection) {
Button("Tap to show second") {
self.selection = "Second"
NavigationLink(destination: Text("Third View"), tag: "Third", selection: $selection) {
Button("Tap to show third") {
self.selection = "Third"
More info (and the slightly modified example above) taken from https://www.hackingwithswift.com/articles/216/complete-guide-to-navigationview-in-swiftui (under "Programmatic navigation").
Alternatively, create a custom view component (with embedded NavigationLink), such as this one
struct FormNavigationRow<Destination: View>: View {
let title: String
let destination: Destination
var body: some View {
NavigationLink(destination: destination, isActive: $shouldShowDestination) {
Button(title) {
self.shouldShowDestination = true
// MARK: Private
#State private var shouldShowDestination = false
and use it repeatedly as part of a Form (or List):
Form {
FormNavigationRow(title: "One", destination: Text("1"))
FormNavigationRow(title: "Two", destination: Text("2"))
FormNavigationRow(title: "Three", destination: Text("3"))
In the destination view you should listen to the event onAppear and put there all code that needs to be executed only when the new screen appears. Like this:
struct DestinationView: View {
var body: some View {
Text("Hello world!")
.onAppear {
// Do something important here, like fetching data from REST API
// This code will only be executed when the view appears

How to have a dynamic List of Views using SwiftUI

I can do a static List like
List {
But how do i make a dynamic list of elements from an array?
I tried the following but got error: Closure containing control flow statement cannot be used with function builder 'ViewBuilder'
let elements: [Any] = [View1.self, View2.self]
List {
ForEach(0..<elements.count) { index in
if let _ = elements[index] as? View1 {
} else {
Is there any work around for this?
What I am trying to accomplish is a List contaning dynamic set of elements that are not statically entered.
Looks like the answer was related to wrapping my view inside of AnyView
struct ContentView : View {
var myTypes: [Any] = [View1.self, View2.self]
var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(0..<myTypes.count) { index in
self.buildView(types: self.myTypes, index: index)
func buildView(types: [Any], index: Int) -> AnyView {
switch types[index].self {
case is View1.Type: return AnyView( View1() )
case is View2.Type: return AnyView( View2() )
default: return AnyView(EmptyView())
With this, i can now get view-data from a server and compose them. Also, they are only instanced when needed.
if/let flow control statement cannot be used in a #ViewBuilder block.
Flow control statements inside those special blocks are translated to structs.
if (someBool) {
} else {
is translated to a ConditionalValue<View1, View2>.
Not all flow control statements are available inside those blocks, i.e. switch, but this may change in the future.
More about this in the function builder evolution proposal.
In your specific example you can rewrite the code as follows:
struct ContentView : View {
let elements: [Any] = [View1.self, View2.self]
var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(0..<elements.count) { index in
if self.elements[index] is View1 {
} else {
You can use dynamic list of subviews, but you need to be careful with the types and the instantiation. For reference, this is a demo a dynamic 'hamburger' here, github/swiftui_hamburger.
// Pages View to select current page
/// This could be refactored into the top level
struct Pages: View {
#Binding var currentPage: Int
var pageArray: [AnyView]
var body: AnyView {
return pageArray[currentPage]
// Top Level View
/// Create two sub-views which, critially, need to be cast to AnyView() structs
/// Pages View then dynamically presents the subviews, based on currentPage state
struct ContentView: View {
#State var currentPage: Int = 0
let page0 = AnyView(
NavigationView {
VStack {
Text("Page Menu").color(.black)
List(["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"].identified(by: \.self)) { row in
}.navigationBarTitle(Text("A Page"), displayMode: .large)
let page1 = AnyView(
NavigationView {
VStack {
Text("Another Page Menu").color(.black)
List(["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"].identified(by: \.self)) { row in
}.navigationBarTitle(Text("A Second Page"), displayMode: .large)
var body: some View {
let pageArray: [AnyView] = [page0, page1]
return Pages(currentPage: self.$currentPage, pageArray: pageArray)
You can do this by polymorphism:
struct View1: View {
var body: some View {
struct View2: View {
var body: some View {
class ViewBase: Identifiable {
func showView() -> AnyView {
class AnyView1: ViewBase {
override func showView() -> AnyView {
class AnyView2: ViewBase {
override func showView() -> AnyView {
struct ContentView: View {
let views: [ViewBase] = [
var body: some View {
List(self.views) { view in
I found a little easier way than the answers above.
Create your custom view.
Make sure that your view is Identifiable
(It tells SwiftUI it can distinguish between views inside the ForEach by looking at their id property)
For example, lets say you are just adding images to a HStack, you could create a custom SwiftUI View like:
struct MyImageView: View, Identifiable {
// Conform to Identifiable:
var id = UUID()
// Name of the image:
var imageName: String
var body: some View {
.frame(width: 50, height: 50)
Then in your HStack:
// Images:
HStack(spacing: 10) {
ForEach(images, id: \.self) { imageName in
MyImageView(imageName: imageName)
SwiftUI 2
You can now use control flow statements directly in #ViewBuilder blocks, which means the following code is perfectly valid:
struct ContentView: View {
let elements: [Any] = [View1.self, View2.self]
var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(0 ..< elements.count) { index in
if let _ = elements[index] as? View1 {
} else {
SwiftUI 1
In addition to the accepted answer you can use #ViewBuilder and avoid AnyView completely:
func buildView(types: [Any], index: Int) -> some View {
switch types[index].self {
case is View1.Type: View1()
case is View2.Type: View2()
default: EmptyView()
Is it possible to return different Views based on needs?
In short: Sort of
As it's fully described in swift.org, It is IMPOSSIIBLE to have multiple Types returning as opaque type
If a function with an opaque return type returns from multiple places, all of the possible return values must have the same type. For a generic function, that return type can use the function’s generic type parameters, but it must still be a single type.
So how List can do that when statically passed some different views?
List is not returning different types, it returns EmptyView filled with some content view. The builder is able to build a wrapper around any type of view you pass to it, but when you use more and more views, it's not even going to compile at all! (try to pass more than 10 views for example and see what happens)
As you can see, List contents are some kind of ListCoreCellHost containing a subset of views that proves it's just a container of what it represents.
What if I have a lot of data, (like contacts) and want to fill a list for that?
You can conform to Identifiable or use identified(by:) function as described here.
What if any contact could have a different view?
As you call them contact, it means they are same thing! You should consider OOP to make them same and use inheritance advantages. But unlike UIKit, the SwiftUI is based on structs. They can not inherit each other.
So what is the solution?
You MUST wrap all kind of views you want to display into the single View type. The documentation for EmptyView is not enough to take advantage of that (for now). BUT!!! luckily, you can use UIKit
How can I take advantage of UIKit for this
Implement View1 and View2 on top of UIKit.
Define a ContainerView with of UIKit.
Implement the ContainerView the way that takes argument and represent View1 or View2 and size to fit.
Conform to UIViewRepresentable and implement it's requirements.
Make your SwiftUI List to show a list of ContainerView
So now it's a single type that can represent multiple views
Swift 5
this seems to work for me.
struct AMZ1: View {
var body: some View {
struct PageView: View {
let elements: [Any] = [AMZ1(), AMZ2(), AMZ3()]
var body: some View {
TabView {
ForEach(0..<elements.count) { index in
if self.elements[index] is AMZ1 {
} else if self.elements[index] is AMZ2 {
} else {
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
var animationList: [Any] = [
AnimationDemo.self, WithAnimationDemo.self, TransitionDemo.self
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List {
ForEach(0..<animationList.count) { index in
destination: animationIndex(types: animationList, index: index),
label: {
listTitle(index: index)
func listTitle(index: Int) -> some View {
switch index {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
func animationIndex(types: [Any], index: Int) -> some View {
switch types[index].self {
case is AnimationDemo.Type:
case is WithAnimationDemo.Type:
case is TransitionDemo.Type:
enter image description here
