IIS denies the word 'app' or 'comment' in URL path - url

I'm running various versions of IIS in different environments, and I've found that if the URL contains the word 'comment' or 'app', then the requests are denied with the following error:
The request filtering module is configured to deny the URL sequence.
But no such request denying rules exist and I haven't found any documentation about 'comment' or 'app' being keywords.
I can add a rule in request filtering to allow each specific path, but this is not very maintainable.
Is there a piece of configuration to allow these words in URLs by default?


Block builder errors with missing bot scopes, but the scopes are present

i am using the block kit builder to format a video preview, i followed the instructions at https://api.slack.com/reference/block-kit/blocks#video and using a youtube.com url it works fine.
However when i use my own domain url, i get an error:
Video validation failed: Bot scopes missing: [links:read, links:write, and/or links.embed:write]
My bot scopes are correct and include all of these scopes. My domain is listed in the unfurl list. I have re-installed the app into my workspace each time after changing scopes.
I am out of ideas for things to change or try.

MediaWiki VisualEditor Installation on a shared hosting

Tutorial for installing visual editor of MediaWiki on a shared hosting is not updated on their website.
MediaWiki Visual Installation Guide
May be it has been written for an old version of localhostsettings.js because it doesn't match with the current one.
Form MediaWiki Site, they say:
Open localsettings.example.js, and change parsoidConfig.setMwApi according to your wiki:
The first parameter is the "prefix". The "prefix" is the name given to this wiki configuration in the deprecated Parsoid v1 API - Leave this option as default 'localhost'.
The second parameter is "domain". The "domain" is used for communication with Visual Editor and RESTBase - Leave this optoin as default 'localhost'.
The third parameter is "uri". The "uri" is the URL to your API (normally this is in the root-folder and called api.php) - Change this option according your wiki (For example http://wiki.example.com/api.php or http://example.com/w/api.php or something like that).
"Proxy" parameter leave as default.
If you use SSL on your wiki with a self-signed certificate you should uncomment parsoidConfig.strictSSL = false; in Line 102. You should still use HTTP in the URL above instead of HTTP! Note that, in at-least one instance for a Wiki on SSL having redirect rules for HTTP to HTTPS, using http://example.com/w/api.php instead of https://example.com/w/api.php gave an: "Error loading data from server: 500:docserver-http:HTTP 500." error. This was fixed on using https:// or on removing the redirect rule.
But it doesn't match. Can anyone please explain what settings should I need to change to get it running?

How to allow user to enter email in QueryString in MVC4?

User will type www.abc.com/Email/abc#abc.com
above code not work, It generates the error,
HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found
The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
Most likely causes:
The directory or file specified does not exist on the Web server.
The URL contains a typographical error.
A custom filter or module, such as URLScan, restricts access to the file.
Things you can try:
Create the content on the Web server.
Review the browser URL.
Check the failed request tracing log and see which module is calling SetStatus. For more information, click here.
Please read more here http://perishablepress.com/stop-using-unsafe-characters-in-urls/http://perishablepress.com/stop-using-unsafe-characters-in-urls/.
You should encode # to '%40' and decode it back to # in your MVC action.
To decode you can use encodeURIComponent
you can use UrlDecode on backed http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/6196h3wt.aspx

Rails Redirect Route Bad Host Component

So I'm trying to make a redirect in my routes.rb. I'm getting an error when I leave off my domain.
match "/partners/" => redirect("/partners.html")
Navigating to /partners/ gives this error page:
bad component(expected host component): frontend_rails.dev
However, it does work if I put our full domain in the redirect.
match "/partners/" => redirect("http://example.com/partners.html")
But for my dev server I don't like links to go to our production server. According to the rails doc, this should be added automatically:
In all of these cases, if you don’t provide the leading host (http://www.example.com), Rails will take those details from the current request.
Any ideas why it's not liking my relative redirects? Thanks!
Almost a year later and I finally realized what the problem was. It actually WAS a bad URI. The repo in GitHub was called frontend_rails. I used the Pow server, which gives you a host based on your folder name (which, when you check out a project defaults to the name of the GitHub repo), so http://frontend_rails.dev.
However, underscores technically aren't allowed in a URI. This was tripping up the URI gem. I symlinked my project frontend_rails to frontend-rails and now it works. Voilà !

URL pattern to include in JMeter for testing ASP.NET MVC website

I am trying to perform a load test with JMeter on my ASP.NET MVC website that I have published on IIS..
My problem is..I'm confused about what URL pattern should I include or exclude..Currently, URL is immaterial for me, so I tried with '.* ' in URL to include and nothing in URL to exclude.. But JMeter is recording only a jpg url...If I specify '.*\.jpg ' in exclude, it records nothing. I also tried '.*\.aspx ' in include and nothing in exclude, but that doesn't seem to be working either :(
Is this something MVC specific? I am not very sure how it handles urls..(I am doing all this for the first time..). I otherwise didn't have any issues recording steps on other servers like google,apache.jmeter.test etc. where there were normal html pages with my current JMeter settings:
A Thread Group called 'Users' having a
Recording Controller
HTTP request defaults pointing to localhost:9080
A Workbench with
HTTP Proxy Server pointing to localhost:9080
My connection setting is also on localhost:9080.
I'm running JMeter from behind my company's proxy server successfully.
Thanks for any help :)
Realized later that it was not about URLs as such. My browser setting was probably faulty. I was using IE8..When I switched to Firefox, got more fine-grained control on the settings..These settings before recording worked for me:
Set manual proxy configuration to localhost,8081.
Check 'Use this proxy for all protocols'
Leave 'No proxy for' field blank
No 'Automatic proxy configuration'
Click OK.
After this if you try to access your site on IIS while JMeter proxy server hasn't started yet, it wouldn't, saying the connection was refused.
After this, go to JMeter and click the Start button to record. Try acessing the site again. It should come up :) Some more details:
There was no need to specify port number in HTTP request defaults. Just specified it in HTTP proxy server (8081 in my case).
For the session information to be saved properly, you must use a cookie manager (preferably, keep it at the top)..When you record, you get a HTTP header manager under each HTTP request if you had ticked the chekcbox against "Capture HTTP headers" in HTTP Proxy Server before recording..Copy this and add it as a child under your thread group.
Hope this helps someone struggling like me :)
