I have a general question regarding bio-medical image analysis. As bio-medical images require registration for alignment of images in same space and for better feature extraction. My question is does deep learning based classification also requires image registration of images for training dataset?
As in deep learning the architecture define best features by itself, does registration required for abdominal CT scan images classification using Deep Neural Networks ?
As we perform data augmentation for better training of data does image registration still required in this case?
Generally deep learning approaches for image data is done using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) which are at least shift invariant. By using image pyramids or specially constructed neural network layouts, they can also be made scale invariant. Generally they are not rotation invariant.
This does not mean that they cannot work with differently rotated input images, but you may need much bigger models and more training data to get it to work well. The neural net will learn the differently rotated features of whatever you're trying to detect. If the range of rotation is small, this is probably not a big issue.
In summary, you don't necessarily need registration, but it can improve your final results.
Is there a way to measure how hard an image is to classify (instance hardness), and also a way to measure which parts of the image are hard?
I am currently exploring CNNs and the question of why some images are more difficult to classify than others. In general, it can be said that class overlap is the decisive factor. But now I was wondering whether this can also be quantified concretely in an image regarding different parts/segments/patches of an image and thus someone can determine which parts of the image are so difficult for a classifier?
You can determine which part of the image are 'important' for the classification by creating a class activation map. Have a look at Grad-CAM: Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping to see an implementation on github.
Review this paper, Visualizing and Understanding Convolutional Networks, which strives to understand why a particular large CNN might perform well and how to improve it.
As known, modern most popular CNN (convolutional neural network): VGG/ResNet (FasterRCNN), SSD, Yolo, Yolo v2, DenseBox, DetectNet - are not rotate invariant: Are modern CNN (convolutional neural network) as DetectNet rotate invariant?
Also known, that there are several neural networks with rotate-invariance object detection:
Rotation-Invariant Neoperceptron 2006 (PDF): https://www.researchgate.net/publication/224649475_Rotation-Invariant_Neoperceptron
Learning rotation invariant convolutional filters for texture classification 2016 (PDF): https://arxiv.org/abs/1604.06720
RIFD-CNN: Rotation-Invariant and Fisher Discriminative Convolutional Neural Networks for Object Detection 2016 (PDF): http://www.cv-foundation.org/openaccess/content_cvpr_2016/html/Cheng_RIFD-CNN_Rotation-Invariant_and_CVPR_2016_paper.html
Encoded Invariance in Convolutional Neural Networks 2014 (PDF)
Rotation-invariant convolutional neural networks for galaxy morphology prediction (PDF): https://arxiv.org/abs/1503.07077
Learning Rotation-Invariant Convolutional Neural Networks for Object Detection in VHR Optical Remote Sensing Images 2016: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7560644/
We know, that in such image-detection competitions as: IMAGE-NET, MSCOCO, PASCAL VOC - used networks ensembles (simultaneously some neural networks). Or networks ensembles in single net such as ResNet (Residual Networks Behave Like Ensembles of Relatively Shallow Networks)
But are used rotation invariant network ensembles in winners like as MSRA, and if not, then why? Why in ensemble the additional rotation-invariant network does not add accuracy to detect certain objects such as aircraft objects - which images is done at a different angles of rotation?
It can be:
aircraft objects which are photographed from the ground
or ground objects which are photographed from the air
Why rotation-invariant neural networks are not used in winners of the popular object-detection competitions?
The recent progress in image recognition which was mainly made by changing the approach from a classic feature selection - shallow learning algorithm to no feature selection - deep learning algorithm wasn't only caused by mathematical properties of convolutional neural networks. Yes - of course their ability to capture the same information using smaller number of parameters was partially caused by their shift invariance property but the recent research has shown that this is not a key in understanding their success.
In my opinion the main reason behind this success was developing faster learning algorithms than more mathematically accurate ones and that's why less attention is put on developing another property invariant neural nets.
Of course - rotation invariance is not skipped at all. This is partially made by data augmentation where you put the slightly changed (e.g. rotated or rescaled) image to your dataset - with the same label. As we can read in this fantastic book these two approaches (more structure vs less structure + data augmentation) are more or less equivalent. (Chapter 5.5.3, titled: Invariances)
I'm also wondering why the community or scholar didn't put much attention on ration invariant CNN as #Alex.
One possible cause, in my opinion, is that many scenarios don't need this property, especially for those popular competitions. Like Rob mentioned, some natural pictures are already taken in a unified horizontal (or vertical) way. For example, in face detection, many works will align the picture to ensure the people are standing on the earth before feeding to any CNN models. To be honest, this is the most cheap and efficient way for this particular task.
However, there does exist some scenarios in real life, needing rotation invariant property. So I come to another guess: this problem is not difficult from those experts (or researchers)' view. At least we can use data augmentation to obtain some rotate invariant.
Lastly, thanks so much for your summarization about the papers. I added one more paper Group Equivariant Convolutional Networks_icml2016_GCNN and its implementation on github by other people.
Object detection is mostly driven by the successes of detection algorithms in world-famous object detection benchmarks like PASCAL-VOC and MS-COCO, which are object centric datasets where most objects are vertical (potted plants, humans, horses, etc.) and thus data augmentation with left-right flips is often sufficient (for all we know data augmentation with rotated images like upside-down flips could even hurt detection performance).
Every year the entire community adopts the base algorithmic structure of the winning solution and build on it (I am exaggerating a bit to prove a point but not so much).
Interestingly other less widely known topics like oriented text detections and oriented vehicle detections in aerial imagery both need rotation invariant features and rotation equivariant detection pipelines (like in both articles from Cheng you mentioned).
If you want to find literature and code in this area you need to dive in these two domains. I can already give you a few pointers like the DOTA challenge for aerial imagery or the ICDAR challenges for oriented text detections.
As #Marcin Mozejko said, CNN are by nature translation invariant and not rotation invariant. It is an open problem how to incorporate perfect rotation invariance the few articles that deal with it have yet to become standards even though some of them seem promising.
My personal favorite for detection is the modification of Faster R-CNN recently proposed by Ma.
I hope that this direction of research will be investigated more and more once people will get fed up of MS-COCO and VOC.
What you could try is take a state-of-the-art detector trained on MS-COCO like Faster R-CNN with NASNet from TF detection API and see how it performs wrt rotating the test image, in my opinion it would be far from rotation invariant.
Rotation invariance is mostly a good thing, but not always. Objects can have different interpretation based on their rotation, eg. if a rotated "1" might be difficult to distinguish from a "7".
First, let's acknowledge that introducing rotational invariance requires a static assumption about the distribution of angles. For example, another commenter on this page suggested rotating the kernel with 30-degree steps. That's equivalent to assuming that useful rotations in each layer are uniformly distributed over the rotation angles.
In contrast to that, when the network learns rotated kernels, the network picks a different distribution of angles for each layer. An interesting research question is to find what distribution of rotation angles is implied by learned kernels. In any case, why would such learning flexibility be useful?
I suspect that the assumption of a uniform distribution might not be equally useful across all layers of a network. In the first few convolutional layers (edges and other basic shapes), it's likely true that the rotation angles are uniformly distributed. However, in the deep layers, this assumption might be less valid. If cars are almost always rotated within a small range of angles, then why waste compute and space on unlikely rotations?
However, the network won't learn the right distribution of angles if the training dataset is not sufficiently representative. Note that simply rotating an image (called data augmentation) is not the same as rotating an object relative to other objects in the same image. I suppose it comes down to your expectation of the difference between the training dataset and the unobserved dataset to which the network has to generalize.
Interestingly, the human visual cortex is not fully rotation-invariant at the scale of major face features. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thatcher_effect.
To prepare large amounts of data sets for training deep learning-based image classification models, we usually have to rely on image augmentation methods. I would like to know what are the usual image augmentation algorithms, are there any considerations when choosing them?
The litterature on data augmentation is very very large and very dependent on your kind of applications.
The first things that come to my mind are the galaxy competition's rotations and Jasper Snoeke's data augmentation.
But really all papers have their own tricks to get good scores on special datasets for exemples stretching the image to a specific size before cropping it or whatever and this in a very specific order.
More practically to train models on the likes of CIFAR or IMAGENET use random crops and random contrast, luminosity perturbations additionally to the obvious flips and noise addition.
Look at the CIFAR-10 tutorial on TF website it is a good start. Plus TF now has random_crop_and_resize() which is quite useful.
EDIT: The papers I am referencing here and there.
It depends on the problem you have to address, but most of the time you can do:
Rotate the images
Flip the image (X or Y symmetry)
Add noise
All the previous at the same time.
How is image recognition done by neural network after doing canny edge detection of the image? I don't seek for the code, I want to know how neural networks actually work in order to match similarity of the image from a set of images.
What should be considered in input layer, hidden layers, etc.?
This question is really wide. The main reason why neural networks are doing so great job in this issue is taking advantage of some intrinsic image properties and invariances as well as computational advances which makes this issue possible to deal with :
Hierarchical structure : Faces consists of eyes, mouth, ears, etc. Eyes consists of a certain set of shapes, which consist of certain kind of edges, lines.. etc. There is a certain hierarchy of different shapes, structures etc. which are used for image recognition - and this is why deep stacked neural networks are so good in dealing with this task - this hierarchy is coded in a structure of neural network.
Geometrical invariances : If you move an image of a car from a left corner to a right corner - you will still have an image of a car. This property is a reason of success of a certain kind of neural networks - convolutional ones. This kind of ANN topologies makes use of this invariances making learning so easy and powerful.
Increased computational power : Today's convolutional neural networks are designed in a way which makes computations very easy to do in a parallel way. Also modern GPU's architecture makes learning really fast - sometimes up to 10x faster than classical CPU implementations.
You can read a detailed explaination here.
You question is really very broad. Also, from this line of your question, How is image recognition done by neural network after doing canny edge detection of the image?, it can be inferred that you are new to neural networks and deep learning. Neural networks do not specifically perform canny edge detection.
I recommend that before jumping into convolutional neural networks (CNNs), you understand some basics of neural networks. This way you will be able to appreciate CNN concepts later. CS231n course could be a very good starting point for you, as basics of neural networks are also covered in that course.
It is really hard to write any specific answer for your broad question. Let me know if you have some specific questions.
Probably lots of people already saw this article by Google research:
It describes how Google team have made neural networks to actually draw pictures, like an artificial artist :)
I wanted to do something similar just to see how it works and maybe use it in future to better understand what makes my network to fail. The question is - how to achieve it with nolearn\lasagne (or maybe pybrain - it will also work but I prefer nolearn).
To be more specific, guys from Google have trained an ANN with some architecture to classify images (for example, to classify which fish is on a photo). Fine, suppose I have an ANN constructed in nolearn with some architecture and I have trained to some degree. But... What to do next? I don't get it from their article. It doesn't seem that they just visualize the weights of some specific layers. It seems to me (maybe I am wrong) like they do one of 2 things:
1) Feed some existing image or purely a random noise to the trained network and visualize the activation of one of the neuron layers. But - looks like it is not fully true, since if they used convolution neural network the dimensionality of the layers might be lower then the dimensionality of original image
2) Or they feed random noise to the trained ANN, get its intermediate output from one of the middlelayers and feed it back into the network - to get some kind of a loop and inspect what neural networks layers think might be out there in the random noise. But again, I might be wrong due to the same dimensionality issue as in #1
So... Any thoughts on that? How we could do the similar stuff as Google did in original article using nolearn or pybrain?
From their ipython notebook on github:
Making the "dream" images is very simple. Essentially it is just a
gradient ascent process that tries to maximize the L2 norm of
activations of a particular DNN layer. Here are a few simple tricks
that we found useful for getting good images:
offset image by a random jitter
normalize the magnitude of gradient
ascent steps apply ascent across multiple scales (octaves)
It is done using a convolutional neural network, which you are correct that the dimensions of the activations will be smaller than the original image, but this isn't a problem.
You change the image with iterations of forward/backward propagation just how you would normally train a network. On the forward pass, you only need to go until you reach the particular layer you want to work with. Then on the backward pass, you are propagating back to the inputs of the network instead of the weights.
So instead of finding the gradients to the weights with respect to a loss function, you are finding gradients to inputs with respect to the l2 Normalization of a certain set of activations.