Is it possible to initialize a library? - dart

I am trying out the new Dart FFI in making wrappers for libsodium. Libsodium needs to be initialized with calling init(). But I don't think the user should be burdened to remember this and I also wouldn't like to check some global state variable.
I know that Go has package init() functions which run when a package gets included. Is there something similar in Dart?
Of course I could just wrap everything up into a class and run init() in the constructor but there isn't much sense in instatiating a class which basically only exposes static methods. Besides, I would like to preserve the procedural style of libsodium.

Of course I could just wrap everything up into a class and run init() in the constructor but there isn't much sense in instatiating a class which basically only exposes static methods. Besides, I would like to preserve the procedural style of libsodium.
You could have a singleton instance and expose library functions as methods on the instance, and you could provide a public getter function that automatically does initialization.
For example, something like:
Libsodium? _instance;
Libsodium get libsodium => _instance ??= Libsodium._();
class Libsodium {
Libsodium._() {
// Do initialization.
void foo() {
// ...
void bar() {
// ...
and then callers would need to use it via:
import 'libsodium.dart';;
This would hide the class instantiation and wouldn't look any different to callers than if you were to use only top-level functions with a namespace (import 'libsodium.dart' as libsodium).

Dart does not have any way to implicitly run code. No code runs before main, and all code running after main does so because it was invoked directly or indirectly from the main method. So, no.
If you need something initialized, there is a number of options.
You can use a lazily initialized static variable:
var _initialState = _init();
int doSomething(arguments) {
do the something.
The reading of _initialState will ensure that init is invoked the first time
it's needed, and not after that. You can even store things in the state for
later use.
The singleton implementation object suggested by #jamesdlin. It basically does the
same thing, then puts the methods on the object instead of being static.
Another variant is to do exactly that, but with a private instance, and have the
public top-level functions forward to the singleton object. Then you get the
procedural API and still ensures that the state object is initialized.
(This may be better for testing, allowing you to have multiple state objects alive
at the same time).
Require people to call init.


Dart - Hide method from parent class / call private method from parent class

I have a class that extends another. The parent class is not intended to be used directly by the API rather it implements basic methods that are helpers for child classes.
When I use the child class in a program I can see all method from said class but also the one from the parent class that are not intended to be called directly, they exist to be called by the methods of the child class.
I tried to make parents method private. This would work I believe as long as parent and child are declared in the same library. But I have an issue with the "library" notion. I understand part/part of are somewhat depreciated, and I want the parent class to be in a specific file. I can't figure a way to do it with import/export.
Is there a way to either hide a public method from the parent class from all child classes usage or to make a private method from the parent class callable from all child classes ?
Best regards ;
export mainClass.dart;
import baseClass.dart;
class MainClass extends BaseClass {
publicFunc() => ... //Can't call _hiddenFunc, can call wantToHideFunc()
In a second file (for code reusability purposes)
class MainClass extends BaseClass {
_hiddenFunc() => ...
wantToHideFunc() => ...
Using myLib public API
import myLib.dart
main() {
class = Class();
class.publicFunc(); //Intended
class.wantToHideFunc() //Wants to avoid...
Dart does not have protected access like Java or C#.
You can't hide a public member, you can't access a private member from a different library, and there is no third option.
It sounds like you want members of the superclass which can be invoked only from subclasses, not from outside of the object. That's what's called protected in, e.g., Java, and Dart does not have anything similar to that.
The only level of privacy in Dart is library-private, which is chosen by starting the name with a _.
The reason that Dart has this design is that it was originally a very dynamic language. You can preform "dynamic invocations" on a value with static type dynamic, say and it will call the method of that name.
To make a name unreachable, it needed to be safe from dynamic invocation as well. Because of that, Dart privacy does not care where the code doing the invocation is, it only cares whether you know the name - and library private names are considered different names depending on which library they're from.
Using part is not discouraged for situations where it actually serves a purpose. If you can put the part into a library of its own, that's better because it allows it to have its own privacy and imports, but if you need the classes to share privacy, using part files to split up a large file is perfectly reasonable. It's a tool, there is nothing wrong with using it when it's the right tool for the job. A library is often a better tool for modularity, but not always.
Now, there is a hack you can use:
// Declare the base and provide extensions for "protected" members:
abstract class Base {
int get _someHiddenStuff => 42;
int get somePublicStuff => 37;
extension ProtectedBase on Base {
int get someHiddenStuff => _someHiddenStuff;
Then import that in another library and do:
import "base.dart";
export "base.dart" hide ProtectedBase;
class SubClass extends Base {
int doSomething => someHiddenStuff + somePublicStuff;
Then anyone importing "subclass.dart" will also get a version of Base, but they won't get the ProtectedBase extensions. Hiding the extensions from your package's public API will allow yourself to use it, but prevent your package's users from seeing the helper extensions.
(This is likely highly over-engineered, but it's an option. It's the evolution of the hack of having static/top-level helper functions that you don't export.)

Do you usually use class or struct to define a list of utility functions?

In Java, it is very common to have a list of utility functions
public class Utils {
private Utils() {
public static void doSomething() {
If I were in Swift, should I use class or struct to achieve the similar thing? Or, it really doesn't matter?
class Utils {
private init() {
static func doSomething() {
print("class Utils")
struct Utils {
private init() {
static func doSomething() {
print("struct Utils")
I think a conversation about this has to start with an understanding of dependancy injection, what it is and what problem it solves.
Dependancy Injection
Programming is all about the assembly of small components into every-more-abstract assemblies that do cool things. That's fine, but large assemblies are hard to test, because they're very complex. Ideally, we want to test the small components, and the way they fit together, rather than testing entire assemblies.
To that end, unit and integration tests are incredibly useful. However, every global function call (including direct calls to static functions, which are really just global functions in a nice little namespace) is a liability. It's a fixed junction with no seam that can be cut apart by a unit test. For example, if you have a view controller that directly calls a sort method, you have no way to test your view controller in isolation of the sort method. There's a few consequences of this:
Your unit tests take longer, because they test dependancies multiple times (e.g. the sort method is tested by every piece of code that uses it). This disincentivizes running them regularly, which is a big deal.
Your unit tests become worse at isolating issues. Broke the sort method? Now half your tests are failing (everything that transitively depends on the sort method). Hunting down the issue is harder than if only a single test-case failed.
Dynamic dispatch introduces seams. Seams are points of configurability in the code. Where one implementation can be changed taken out, and another one put in. For example, you might want to have a an MockDataStore, a BetaDataStore, and a ProdDataStore, which is picked depending on the environment. If all 3 of these types conform to a common protocol, than dependant code could be written to depend on the protocol that allows these different implementations to be swapped around as necessary.
To this end, for code that you want to be able to isolate out, you never want to use global functions (like foo()), or direct calls to static functinos (which are effectively just global functions in a namespace), like If you want to replace foo() with foo2() or with, you can't.
Dependancy injection is the practice of "injecting" dependancies (depending on a configuration, rather than hard coding them. Rather than hard-coding a dependancy on, you make a Fooable interface, which requires a function foo. In the dependant code (the type that will call foo), you will store an instance member of type Fooable. When you need to call foo, call This way, you will be calling whatever implementation of Fooable has been provided ("injected") to the self instance at the time of its construction. It could be a MockFoo, a NoOpFoo, a ProdFoo, it doesn't care. All it knows is that its myFoo member has a foo function, and that it can be called to take care of all of it's foo needs.
The same thing above could also be achieve a base-class/sub-class relationship, which for these intents and purposes acts just like a protocol/conforming-type relationship.
The tools of the trade
As you noticed, Swift gives much more flexibility in Java. When writing a function, you have the option to use:
A global function
An instance function (of a struct, class, or enum)
A static function (of a struct, class, or enum)
A class function (of a class)
There is a time and a place where each is appropriate. Java shoves options 2 and 3 down your throat (mainly option 2), whereas Swift lets you lean on your own judgement more often. I'll talk about each case, when you might want to use it, and when you might not.
1) Global functions
These can be useful for one-of utility functions, where there isn't much benefit to " grouping" them in a particular way.
Short names due to unqualified access (can access foo, rather than
Short to write
Pollutes the global name space, and makes auto-completion less useful.
Not grouped in a way that aids discoverability
Cannot be dependancy injected
Any accessed state must be global state, which is almost always a recipe for a disaster
2) Instance functions
Group related operations under a common namespace
Have access to localized state (the members of self), which is almost always preferable over global state.
Can be dependancy injected
Can be overridden by subclasses
Longer to write than global functions
Sometimes instances don't make sense. E.g. if you have to make an empty MathUtils object, just to use its pow instance method, which doesn't actually use any instance data (e.g. MathUtils().pow(2, 2))
3) Static functions
Group related operations under a common namespace
Can be dependancy in Swift (where protocols can support the requirement for static functions, subscripts, and properties)
Longer to write than global functions
It's hard to extend these to be stateful in the future. Once a function is written as static, it requires an API-breaking change to turn it into an instance function, which is necessary if the need for instance state ever arrises.
4) Class functions
For classes, static func is like final class func. These are supported in Java, but in Swift you can also have non-finals class functions. The only difference here is that they support overriding (by a subclass). All other pro/cons are shared with static functions.
Which one should I use?
It depends.
If the piece you're programming is one that would like to isolate for testing, then global functions aren't a candidate. You have to use either protocol or inheritance based dependancy injection. Static functions could be appropriate if the code does not nned to have some sort of instance state (and is never expected to need it), whereas an instance function should be when instance state is needed. If you're not sure, you should opt for an instance function, because as mentioned earlier, transitioning a function from static to instance is an API breaking change, and one that you would want to avoid if possible.
If the new piece is really simple, perhaps it could be a global function. E.g. print, min, abs, isKnownUniquelyReferenced, etc. But only if there's no grouping that makes sense. There are exceptions to look out for:
If your code repeats a common prefix, naming pattern, etc., that's a strong indication that a logical grouping exists, which could be better expressed as unification under a common namespace. For example:
func formatDecimal(_: Decimal) -> String { ... }
func formatCurrency(_: Price) -> String { ... }
func formatDate(_: Date) -> String { ... }
func formatDistance(_: Measurement<Distance>) -> String { ... }
Could be better expressed if these functions were grouped under a common umbrella. In this case, we don't need instance state, so we don't need to use instance methods. Additionally, it would make sense to have an instance of FormattingUtils (since it has no state, and nothing that could use that state), so outlawing the creation of instances is probably a good idea. An empty enum does just that.
enum FormatUtils {
func formatDecimal(_: Decimal) -> String { ... }
func formatCurrency(_: Price) -> String { ... }
func formatDate(_: Date) -> String { ... }
func formatDistance(_: Measurement<Distance>) -> String { ... }
Not only does this logical grouping "make sense", it also has the added benefit of bringing you one step closer to supporting dependancy injection for this type. All you would need is to extract the interface into a new FormatterUtils protocol, rename this type to ProdFormatterUtils, and change dependant code to rely on the protocol rather than the concrete type.
If you find that you have code like in case 1, but also find yourself repeating the same parameter in each function, that's a very strong indication that you have a type abstraction just waiting to be discovered. Consider this example:
func enableLED(pin: Int) { ... }
func disableLED(pin: Int) { ... }
func checkLEDStatus(pin: Int) -> Bool { ... }
Not only can we apply the refactoring from point 1 above, but we can also notice that pin: Int is a repeated parameter, which could be better expressed as an instance of a type. Compare:
class LED { // or struct/enum, depending on the situation.
let pin: Int
init(pin: Int)? {
guard pinNumberIsValid(pin) else { return nil } = pin
func enable() { ... }
func disable() { ... }
func status() -> Bool { ... }
Compared to the refactoring from point 1, this changes the call site from
LEDUtils.enableLED(pin: 1)`
LEDUtils.disableLED(pin: 1)`
guard let redLED = LED(pin: 1) else { fatalError("Invalid LED pin!") }
Not only is this nicer, but now we have a way to clearly distinguish functions that expect any old integer, and those which expect an LED pin's number, by using Int vs LED. We also give a central place for all LED-related operations, and a central point at which we can validate that a pin number is indeed valid. You know that if you have an instance of LED provided to you, the pin is valid. You don't need to check it for yourself, because you can rely on it already having been checked (otherwise this LED instance wouldn't exist).

Dependency Injection and/vs Global Singleton

I am new to dependency injection pattern. I love the idea, but struggle to apply it to my case. I have a singleton object, let’s call it X, which I need often in many parts of my program, in many different classes, sometimes deep in the call stack. Usually I would implement this as a globally available singleton. How is this implemented within the DI pattern, specifically with .NET Core DI container? I understand I need to register X with the DI container as a singleton, but how then I get access to it? DI will instantiate classes with constructors which will take reference to X, that’s great – but I need X deep within the call hierarchy, within my own objects which .NET Core or DI container know nothing about, in objects that were created using new rather than instantiated by the DI container.
I guess my question is – how does global singleton pattern aligns/implemented by/replaced by/avoided with the DI pattern?
Well, "new is glue" (Link). That means if you have new'ed an instance, it is glued to your implementation. You cannot easily exchange it with a different implementation, for example a mock for testing. Like gluing together Lego bricks.
I you want to use proper dependency injection (using a container/framework or not) you need to structure your program in a way that you don't glue your components together, but instead inject them.
Every class is basically at hierarchy level 1 then. You need an instance of your logger? You inject it. You need an instance of a class that needs a logger? You inject it. You want to test your logging mechanism? Easy, you just inject something that conforms to your logger interface that logs into a list and the at the end of your test you can check your list and see if all the required logs are there. That is something you can automate (in contrast to using your normal logging mechanism and checking the logfiles by hand).
That means in the end, you don't really have a hierarchy, because every class you have just gets their dependencies injected and it will be the container/framework or your controlling code that determines what that means for the order of instantiation of objects.
As far as design patterns go, allow me an observation: even now, you don't need a singleton. Right now in your program, it would work if you had a plain global variable. But I guess you read that global variables are "bad". And design patterns are "good". And since you need a global variable and singleton delivers a global variable, why use the "bad", when you can use the "good" right? Well, the problem is, even with a singleton, the global variable is bad. It's a drawback of the pattern, a toad you have to swallow for the singleton logic to work. In your case, you don't need the singleton logic, but you like the taste of toads. So you created a singleton. Don't do that with design patterns. Read them very carefully and make sure you use them for the intended purpose, not because you like their side-effects or because it feels good to use a design pattern.
Just an idea and maybe I need your thought:
public static class DependencyResolver
public static Func<IServiceProvider> GetServiceProvider;
Then in Startup:
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
DependencyResolver.GetServiceProvider = () => { return serviceProvider; };
And now in any deed class:
Here's a simplified example of how this would work without a singleton.
This example assumes that your project is built in the following way:
the entry point is main
main creates an instance of class GuiCreator, then calls the method createAndRunGUI()
everything else is handled by that method
So your simplified code looks like this:
// main
// ... (boilerplate)
container = new Container();
gui = new GuiCreator(container.getDatabase(), container.getLogger(), container.getOtherDependency());
// ... (boilerplate)
// GuiCreator
public class GuiCreator {
private IDatabase db;
private ILogger log;
private IOtherDependency other;
public GuiCreator(IDatabase newdb, ILogger newlog, IOtherDependency newother) {
db = newdb;
log = newlog;
other = newother;
public void createAndRunGUI() {
// do stuff
The Container class is where you actually define which implementations will be used, while the GuiCreator contructor takes interfaces as arguments. Now let's say the implementation of ILogger you choose has itself a dependency, defined by an interface its contructor takes as argument. The Container knows this and resolves it accordingly by instantiating the Logger as new LoggerImplementation(getLoggerDependency());. This goes on for the entire dependency chain.
So in essence:
All classes keep instances of interfaces they depend upon as members.
These members are set in the respective constructor.
The entire dependency chain is thus resolved when the first object is instantiated. Note that there might/should be some lazy loading involved here.
The only places where the container's methods are accessed to create instances are in main and inside the container itself:
Any class used in main receives its dependencies from main's container instance.
Any class not used in main, but rather used only as a dependency, is instantiated by the container and receives its dependencies from within there.
Any class used neither in main nor indirectly as a dependency somewhere below the classes used in main will obviously never be instantiated.
Thus, no class actually needs a reference to the container. In fact, no class needs to know there even is a container in your project. All they know is which interfaces they personally need.
The Container can either be provided by some third party library/framework or you can code it yourself. Typically, it will use some configuration file to determine which implementations are actually supposed to be used for the various interfaces. Third party containers will usually perform some sort of code analysis supported by annotations to "autowire" implementations, so if you go with a ready-made tool, make sure you read up on how that part works because it will generally make your life easier down the road.

Dart Polymer 1.0 Behavior - method not found & getters required

I wanted to write a simple behavior in Dart to be used by a custom element.
abstract class AlignmentBehavior implements PolymerBase {
bool alignTop = false;
// more properties ...
ready() {
updateAlignment([_,__]) {
// reference to the element the Behavior is attached to.
// 1) Is that the correct way?
var ele = Polymer.dom(root);
// We need to inherit from PolymerBase to access set(...)
// 2) Is that the correct way?
set('alignTop', aTop);
// .. to more stuff
My first two questions are already written in the code. How do I access the element the behavior is attached to? What's the proper way of doing this? I currently use Polymer.dom(root) but I don't know if that even works since I have some runtime errors which I am going to explain later in this post. What is the official way of accessing the underlying element? Is it using the JsObject? Is it calling a Behavior function from the parent PolymerElement and pass this, or should you not access it at all?
Another question is whether I have to inherit from PolymerBase or not. The Behavior example at the Github wiki doesn't do so, but in order to access methods such as set to modify a #Property I have to inherit from it. What's the proper way of doing so?
My last two questions are about errors I get. One error asks me to implement getters and setters for my properties, such as adding a getter and setter for alignTop.
And last but not least, I cannot invoke updateAlignment() from my custom element. It says Class 'MainApp' has no instance method 'updateAlignment'.
var ele = Polymer.dom(root);
If you want to access the DOM of the element, this fine.
Just root gives you the same AFAIK.
If you want to access the elements class instance, there is nothing to do. It's this but that is implicit in Dart anyway.
You can only access what is known in the mixin. To make "things" known to the mixin you can create an interface class.
abstract class MyComponentInterface {
void someFunction();
int someField;
String get someValue;
set someValue(String value);
Then implement the interface in the mixin and the element class and you have a shared contract.
abstract class AlignmentBehavior implements MyComponentInterface, PolymerBase {
The mixin can now access the members because the implementsMyComponentInterface` claims they will exist and
class MyComponent extends PolymerElement with AlignmentBehavior {
will force you to implement it to fulfill the contract of the mixin.
2) looks fine
Another question is whether I have to inherit from PolymerBase or not.
Is basically the same as 1) Any Polymer element in Dart has to extend PolymerBase. To be able to access the members of PolymerBase from within the mixin it has to implement it as well. This doesn't result in any limitations because the classes that the mixin will be applied to, will fulfill that contract anyway.
If you don't need to access any members provided by PolymerBase there is no need to implement it.

What is the difference between Early and Late Binding?

What is the difference between early and late binding?
The short answer is that early (or static) binding refers to compile time binding and late (or dynamic) binding refers to runtime binding (for example when you use reflection).
In compiled languages, the difference is stark.
//early binding:
public create_a_foo(*args) {
return new Foo(args)
my_foo = create_a_foo();
//late binding:
public create_something(Class klass, *args) {
my_foo = create_something(Foo);
In the first example, the compiler can do all sorts of neat stuff at compile time. In the second, you just have to hope that whoever uses the method does so responsibly. (Of course, newer JVMs support the Class<? extends Foo> klass structure, which can greatly reduce this risk.)
Another benefit is that IDEs can hotlink to the class definition, since it's declared right there in the method. The call to create_something(Foo) might be very far from the method definition, and if you're looking at the method definition, it might be nice to see the implementation.
The major advantage of late binding is that it makes things like inversion-of-control easier, as well as certain other uses of polymorphism and duck-typing (if your language supports such things).
Similar but more detailed answer from Herbert Schildt C++ book:-
Early binding refers to events that occur at compile time. In essence, early binding occurs when all information needed to call a function is known at compile time. (Put differently, early binding means that an object and a function call are bound during compilation.) Examples of early binding include normal function calls (including standard library functions), overloaded function calls, and overloaded operators. The main advantage to early binding is efficiency. Because all information necessary to call a function is determined at compile time, these types of function calls are very fast.
The opposite of early binding is late binding. Late binding refers
to function calls that are not resolved until run time. Virtual functions are used to achieve late binding. As you know, when access is via a base pointer or reference, the virtual function actually called is determined by the type of object pointed to by the pointer. Because in most cases this cannot be determined at compile time, the object and the function are not linked until run time. The main advantage to late binding is flexibility. Unlike early binding, late binding allows you to create programs that can respond to events occurring while the program executes without having to create a
large amount of "contingency code." Keep in mind that because a function call is not resolved until run time, late binding can make for somewhat slower execution times.
However today, fast computers have significantly reduced the execution times related to late binding.
Taken directly from
There are two ways to use Automation (or OLE Automation) to
programmatically control another application.
Late binding uses CreateObject to create and instance of the
application object, which you can then control. For example, to create
a new instance of Excel using late binding:
Dim oXL As Object
Set oXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
On the other hand, to manipulate an existing instance of Excel (if
Excel is already open) you would use GetObject (regardless whether
you're using early or late binding):
Dim oXL As Object
Set oXL = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
To use early binding, you first need to set a reference in your
project to the application you want to manipulate. In the VB Editor of
any Office application, or in VB itself, you do this by selecting
Tools + References, and selecting the application you want from the
list (e.g. “Microsoft Excel 8.0 Object Library”).
To create a new instance of Excel using early binding:
Dim oXL As Excel.Application
Set oXL = New Excel.Application
In either case, incidentally, you can first try to get an existing
instance of Excel, and if that returns an error, you can create a new
instance in your error handler.
In interpreted languages, the difference is a little more subtle.
# early binding:
def create_a_foo(*args)*args)
my_foo = create_a_foo
# late binding:
def create_something(klass, *args)*args)
my_foo = create_something(Foo)
Because Ruby is (generally) not compiled, there isn't a compiler to do the nifty up-front stuff. The growth of JRuby means that more Ruby is compiled these days, though, making it act more like Java, above.
The issue with IDEs still stands: a platform like Eclipse can look up class definitions if you hard-code them, but cannot if you leave them up to the caller.
Inversion-of-control is not terribly popular in Ruby, probably because of its extreme runtime flexibility, but Rails makes great use of late binding to reduce the amount of configuration necessary to get your application going.
public class child()
{ public void method1()
{ System.out.println("child1");
public void method2()
{ System.out.println("child2");
public class teenager extends child()
{ public void method3()
{ System.out.println("teenager3");
public class adult extends teenager()
public void method1()
{ System.out.println("adult1);
//In java
public static void main(String []args)
{ ((teenager)var).method1();
This will print out
In early binding the compiler will have access to all of the methods
in child and teenager
but in late binding (at runtime), it will check for methods that are overridden
at runtime.
Hence method1(from child -- early binding) will be overridden by the method1 from adult at runtime(late binding)
Then it will implement method1 from child since there is no method1 in method1 in teenager.
Note that if child did not have a method1 then the code in the main would not compile.
The compile time polymorphism also called as the overloading or early binding or static binding when we have the same method name with different behaviors. By implementing the multiple prototype of the same method and different behavior occurs in it. Early binding refers first compilation of the program .
But in late binding object is runtime occurs in program. Also called as Dynamic binding or overriding or Runtime polymorphism.
The easiest example in java:
Early (static or overloading) binding:
public class Duck {
public static void quack(){
public class RubberDuck extends Duck {
public static void quack(){
public class EarlyTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Duck duck = new Duck();
Duck rubberduck = new RubberDuck();
rubberduck.quack(); //early binding - compile time
Result is:
while for Late (dynamic or overriding) binding:
public class Duck {
public void quack(){
public class RubberDuck extends Duck {
public void quack(){
public class LateTest {
public static void main(String[] args){
Duck duck = new Duck();
Duck rubberduck = new RubberDuck();
rubberduck.quack(); //late binding - runtime
result is:
Early binding happens in compile time, while late binding during runtime.
