How to look into generic tList during Delphi debugging - delphi

I use Delphi 10.3.1 COMMUNITY version and can't look into generic tList while I debug the project.
I know the latest version of Delphi doesn't support the old-typed debug feature which allows to look into generic tList. So I used tList.List in the following code to evaluate the tList.
In tList<tRecord>.List I can look into it but can't do it in tList<Integer>.List.
tRecord = record
Field: Integer;
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
_Record: tRecord;
_List1: TList<tRecord>;
_List2: TList<Integer>;
i: Integer;
_List1 := TList<tRecord>.Create;
_List2 := TList<Integer>.Create;
for i := 0 to 4 do
_Record.Field := i;
Caption := IntToStr(_List1.List[0].Field) + IntToStr(_List2.List[0]);
How can I look into tList<Integer> during the debugging?

Usually it should be possible to see the lists contained array over the List property. Internally there is only a field of type Pointer unlike before 10.3 when it was of type TArray<T>.
This is what I see when I put a breakpoint into the line where it assigns to Caption and put those two entries into my watches:
Update: It looks like the Linker is responsible for the issue you are experiencing here. When you uncheck the option to "allow side effects and function calls" in the watch
the watch window will show this:
I have seen this behavior before when using generics that are only specified in the implementation part of the unit (FWIW when I tried to repro this the first time I did not put the code you posted into a VCL project but into a console dpr and that one does not have an implementation part so I did not see this behavior).
To force the linker to not to remove the symbol or the debugger to actually see it (because even if I disable inlining to force the GetList method to stay the watch window will tell me that it got removed) you can simply put some dummy type into the interface part of this or any other unit.
type TDummy = TList<Integer>;
This will cause the debugger to see the symbol and see the values in the watches window.


Delphi Bookmark Error: E2003 Undeclared identifier 'TBookmark'

Hey I wanted to use a TBookmark as a varialbe in my Form. I got it running in another Form and it is working there.
But in the new Form I get the Error.. I guess I have to include something in the uses statement but I cant remember what it was. Here is the code TBookmark is underlined in red so thats where the error sits.
procedure TForm4.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
var test : string;
var selectedRow, rows : TBookmark;
rows := Form1.DBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.GetBookmark;
Form1.DBGrid1.SelectedRows.CurrentRowSelected := True;
test := Form1.DBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.FieldByName('name').AsString;
Your Form4 needs to Use the DB unit, because that's where TBookMark is declared.
Btw, what is in Form1's unit is irrelevant to this. The only relevant thing is that Form4's unit has to Use DB. What happens is that when the compiler tries to compile your Form4 unit, it needs to be able to find the definition of TBookMark, and that is in the standard DB.Pas unit along with lots of other dataset-related stuff. The same is true of any other identifier (or its class) that the compiler encounters in your project's source code.
99% of problems like this can be solved by doing a "Search | Find in Files" through Dephi's source code folders (and your project's folder if it's one of yours) to identify where the "undeclared" or missing item is declared.
Update So, you've got this code, which I'll assume is in your uForm4.Pas unit.
procedure TForm4.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
test : string;
selectedRow, rows : TBookmark;
rows := Form1.DBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.GetBookmark;
Form1.DBGrid1.SelectedRows.CurrentRowSelected := True;
test := Form1.DBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.FieldByName('name').AsString;
You want to be able to do something with the Name value that's shown in the current row of
DBGrid1 on Form1. There's nothing particularly wrong with the way you've done it, just that
it's long-winded, error-prone and invites problems like the one you've having with
The point is that somewhere in your project, maybe in your uForm1.Pas unit, you know,
I don't, there must be a TDataSet-descendant (like TFDQuery, TAdoQuery or TTable) that is
specified in the DataSet property of Form1's DataSource1. For the sake of argument, lets'
say that the dataset component is FDQuery1 on Form1 and you want to get the Name field value
from the current row in DBGrid1.
To get that Name value, you don't actually need the bookmarks your code is using. The way
a TDBGrid works, the currently-selected row in the grid is always the current row in the
dataset component. So you could simply write
procedure TForm4.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
test : string;
test := Form1.FDQuery1.FieldByName('name').AsString;
because you don't need to go through the rigmarole of Form1.DBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet to get to it.
Now, to explain another little mystery, how come your code would work fine if it was in uForm1.Pas
but you get the Undeclared Identifier: TBookMark error why you try the same code in uForm4.Pas
unit? Well, if you've ever watched the top of a source code file as it's being saved, you'll notice that
Delphi automatically adds, to the Uses list at the top, the units which contain any of the
components you've added to the form since its last save. So adding a TDataSource to the form would add
the DB unit to the Uses list, because that's where TDataSource is declared and so is TBookMark. Which
is why Delphi could compile Form1's code without the error, whereas when you try to mention a TBookMark
to uForm4, you need to add it to the unit's Uses list unless you add a component (like TDataSource)
to Form4 which will cause it to automatically add DB to the Uses list if it isn't already there. Mystery

How to write and show something on Delphi IDE status bar

I want to know how can I write a module to show something like clock or other thing on Borland Delphi 7 IDE status bar, because I know it's possible but I couldn't find how!
To insert a text in a StatusBar, you have to insert a panel first.
Just select your statusbar, find the property "Panels" (or perform double click over the statusbar) and click in "Add new".
After that, you can write what you want inside the panel in the property "Text" (you can insert one or more panels).
To do it programmatically, you can do something like this:
procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
StatusBar1.Panels[0].Text := 'Today is: ' + FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy hh:nn:ss', Now);
Since OP didn't replied with more details, I'm going to post a little demonstration how to reach a status bar of Delphi's edit window. I had no success with adding new distinct status panel w/o disturbing layout, so I'm just changing the text of INS/OVR indicator panel.
Disclaimer: I still do not have access to the machine with Delphi 7 installed, so I've done that in BDS ("Galileo") IDE. However, differences should be minor. I believe what main difference lies in the way how we locate edit window.
Key strings are: 'TEditWindow' for edit window class name and 'StatusBar' for TStatusBar control name owned by edit window. These strings are consistent across versions.
{ helper func, see below }
function FindForm(const ClassName: string): TForm;
I: Integer;
Result := nil;
for I := 0 to Screen.FormCount - 1 do
if Screen.Forms[I].ClassName = ClassName then
Result := Screen.Forms[I];
procedure Init;
EditWindow: TForm;
StatusBar: TStatusBar;
StatusPanel: TStatusPanel;
EditWindow := FindForm('TEditWindow');
Assert(Assigned(EditWindow), 'no edit window');
StatusBar := EditWindow.FindComponent('StatusBar') as TStatusBar;
(BorlandIDEServices as IOTAMessageServices).AddTitleMessage(Format('StatusBar.Panels.Count = %d', [StatusBar.Panels.Count]));
//StatusPanel := StatusBar.Panels.Add;
StatusPanel := StatusBar.Panels[2];
StatusPanel.Text := 'HAI!';
// nothing to clean up yet
Another note: As you see, I use Open Tools API to output debug messages only, to interact with IDE I do use Native VCL classes. Therefore, this code must be in package.
The code above is a relevant part of the unit which should be contained in package. Do not forget to add ToolsAPI to uses clause as well as other appropriate referenced units (up to you).
Package should require rtl, vcl and designide (important!).
Since I run the testcase directly from initialization section, installing the package is enough for testcase to run and produce some result.

Delphi XE4 gives E2036 when accessing generic list items of 'object's

This is probably similar / continuation on the previous question below:
Why Delphi XE3 gives "E2382 Cannot call constructors using instance variables"?
Now I'm trying Delphi XE4 with the same code (with 'constructor' changed to 'procedure' as per the solution of the above question).
Now I have also these things in a generics list, i.e. I have
TCoordRect = object
function Something: Boolean;
and then a list of these in a function parameter, which I loop through and try to access the items directly:
function DoSomething(AList: TList<TCoordRect>): Boolean;
i: Integer;
Result := False;
for i := 0 to AList.Count - 1 do
Result := Result or AList[i].Something; // <-- Here comes the compiler error!
This gives the compiler error "E2036 Variable required". However, if I don't access it directly, i.e put instead a local variable and use that first, then it works:
function DoSomething(AList: TList<TCoordRect>): Boolean;
i: Integer;
ListItem: TCoordRect;
Result := False;
for i := 0 to AList.Count - 1 do
ListItem := AList[i];
Result := Result or ListItem.Something; // <-- Now this compiles!
And another "workaround" is to remove all these 'object' types and change them to 'class', but I'm curious as to why this does not work like it used to? Is it again just something with "the compiler moving towards mobile development" or is there some more specific reason, or is this even a bug? BTW I also reported this as a QC issue, so will see if something comes from there.
It's a compiler bug, and it's present in all earlier versions of the compiler. The fault is not limited to XE4. Submitting a QC report is the correct response.
I would not be surprised if Embarcadero never attempt to fix it. That's because you are using deprecated object. Switch to using record and the code compiles.
The issue you have uncovered in this question is unrelated to the SO question you refer to at the top of your question.
Incidentally, this really is a case of old meets new. Legacy Turbo Pascal objects, and modern day generic containers. You are mixing oil and water!

For Guis using Delphi ObjectPascal, does checking .Visible before (potentially) changing it serve any useful purpose?

I inherited a GUI implemented in Delphi RadStudio2007 targeted for Windows XP embedded. I am seeing a lot of code that looks like this:
procedure TStatusForm.Status_refresh;
if DataModel.CommStatus = COMM_OK then begin
if CommStatusOKImage.Visible<>True then CommStatusOKImage.Visible:=True;
if CommStatusErrorImage.Visible<>False then CommStatusErrorImage.Visible:=False;
end else begin
if CommStatusOKImage.Visible<>False then CommStatusOKImage.Visible:=False;
if CommStatusErrorImage.Visible<>True then CommStatusErrorImage.Visible:=True;
I did find this code sample on the Embarcadero site:
procedure TForm1.ShowPaletteButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
if Form2.Visible = False then Form2.Visible := True;
That shows a check of Visible before changing it, but there is no explanation of what is served by checking it first.
I am trying to understand why the original developer felt that it was necessary to only set the Visible flag if it was to be changed, and did not choose to code it this way instead:
procedure TStatusForm.Status_refresh;
CommStatusOKImage.Visible := DataModel.CommStatus = COMM_OK;
CommStatusErrorImage.Visible := not CommStatusOKImage.Visible;
Are there performance issues or cosmetic issues (such as screen flicker) that I need to be aware of?
As Remy Lebeau said, Visible setter already checks if new value differs.
For example, in XE, for TImage, assignment to Visible actually invokes inherited code:
procedure TControl.SetVisible(Value: Boolean);
if FVisible <> Value then
FVisible := Value;
Perform(CM_VISIBLECHANGED, Ord(Value), 0);
So, there is no benefits of checking it. However, might there in your code are used some third-party or rare components - for them all may be different, though, I doubt it.
You can investigate it yourself, using "Find Declaration" context menu item in editor (or simply Ctrl+click), and/or stepping into VCL code with "Use debug dcus" compiler option turned on.
Like many properties, the Visible property setter checks if the new value is different than the current value before doing anything. There is no need to check the current property value manually.
Well, I doubt it will, but maybe there could be issues specifically for forms in recent Delphi versions. The Visible property is redeclared in TCustomForm to assure the execution of the OnCreate event prior to setting the visibility. It is technically not overriden since TControl.SetVisible is not virtual, but it has the same effect:
procedure TCustomForm.SetVisible(Value: Boolean);
if fsCreating in FFormState then
if Value then
Include(FFormState, fsVisible) else
Exclude(FFormState, fsVisible)
if Value and (Visible <> Value) then SetWindowToMonitor;
inherited Visible := Value;
This implementation in Delphi 7 still does not require checking the visibility manually, but check this yourself for more recent versions.
Also, I agree with Larry Lustig's comment because the code you provided does not testify of accepted syntax. It could have better been written as:
procedure TForm1.ShowPaletteButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
if not Form2.Visible then Form2.Visible := True;

Is there a function like PHP's vardump in Delphi?

I've given up on the Delphi 7 debugger and am pretty much relying on outputdebugstrings. Is there a standard function I can call to get the contents of an object as a string like the debugger would if I set a breakpoint?
Not exactly what your looking for, but you can use RTTI to get access to the values of various published properties. The magical routines are in the TypInfo unit. The ones you are probably most interested in are GetPropList which will return a list of the objects properties, and GetPropValue which will allow you to get the values of the properties.
procedure TForm1.DumpObject( YourObjectInstance : tObject );
PropList: PPropList;
PropCnt: integer;
iX: integer;
vValue: Variant;
sValue: String;
PropCnt := GetPropList(YourObjectInstance,PropList);
for iX := 0 to PropCnt-1 do
vValue := GetPropValue(YourObjectInstance,PropList[ix].Name,True);
sValue := VarToStr( vValue );
Memo1.Lines.Add(PropList[ix].Name+' = '+sValue );
for example, run this with DumpObject(Self) on the button click of the main form and it will dump all of the properties of the current form into the memo. This is only published properties, and requires that the main class either descends from TPersistent, OR was compiled with {$M+} turned on before the object.
Rumor has it that a "reflector" like ability will be available in a future version of Delphi (possibly 2010).
Consider something like Codesite which is a much more complete tracing solution. It allows you to output much more complex info, and then search, print, and analyse the data. But for your purposes, you can simply send an object to it with Codesite.Send('Before', self); and you get all the RTTI available properties in the log. Do an "After" one too, and then you can compare the two in the Codesite output just by selecting both. It's saved me many times.
if delphi 7 is the .NET version, then you could do (some of) that with reflection. (not easy, but not terribly hard). if it's the normal, compiled thing, then it's a hard problem and the debugger is you best bet, apart from specialized printing functions/methods.
