How to install ipa file (no jailbreak) - ios

I uploaded this ipa file on the website
I tried to install on the phone but it respond "Ongame could not be installed at this time."
I tried to sign again but still failed.
Please guide me to edit this ipa file so I can install it on my iphone.
Link file:

I have used this website to share ipa file.
To share your app ipa file via this website you have to follow these steps:
First add devices(iPhone where you will try to install your app) UDID to your Apple developer account.
Then add these devices into your app Development Provisioning Profiles.
Now generate and download these profiles.
Use these profiles to create Development ipa file.
Upload this ipa to and share the genearted link with those people whose device UDID you have added in Provisioning profile.
Note: Person who is trying to install may have to trust your provisioning profile in his/her device.
You can also checkout Diawi knowledge base Can't install an app on a device? Things to check
I hope this will solve your problem.

You are not allowed to make any changes with the ipa file, you have to rebuild and create a separate ipa with the updated provisioning profile.


Is entitlement.plist file required while re-signing a development IPA with distribution certificate and profile of same account?

In my organization, the distribution certificate and app store provisioning profile are located and installed on a Mac machine present inside a Lab environment to which only a lab manager has access to.
For me to upload an app's IPA to app store, I need to archive a development IPA (using dev cert and profile in Release configuration mode) on my local Mac and then send across this IPA to the lab manager.
The lab manager uses a python re-signing script to re-sign the IPA on the lab Mac.
Do I also need to explicitly send a entitlements.plist file along with the IPA. My app does not use any capabilities as of now, not even Push Notifications. All Capabilities in Xcode are Off and on developer portal also the app identifier has Game Center and In-House Purchase as checked by default under the Capabilities.
I am assuming since it is the same Apple account using which lab manager will be re-signing the IPA and the app store profile present on the lab Mac contains its own entitlements, I do not need to send an explicit entitlements.plist file. Also, I assume the app will not get rejected in review.
Are these assumptions correct? Thanks in advance.
You can not magically attach an entitlements file during export; it has to be there during archiving. But you do not find out whether you got it "right" (in Apple's eyes) until distribution time.
So a situation where archiving happens in one place and exporting happens in another is not going to be a happy one.
I would describe this entire situation as unacceptable. I have had many occasions, just working on my own machine, where I was able to archive but then unable to upload to the app store or TestFlight because of an entitlements issue. And often there was no "real" issue: I just needed to do a bunch of goat sacrifices and fooling around with the settings (e.g. turn entitlements on and off). The point is, you don't know there's an issue until you export — and then to find out whether you fixed it you have to build / archive again.
1) Entitlement plist can be given while resining an ipa like below but this is optional.
codesign --entitlements entitlements.xml -f -s "IDENTITY" Payload/<app_name>.app
Please refer How do I resign app with entitlements?
2) To resign an ipa, you can follow below procedure (without giving Entitlement).
Distribution profile
Distribution certificate
Assuming Distribution profile stored in Desktop ~/Desktop/AdHoc.mobileprovision
Procedure :
1) unzip ipa using following command,
unzip app.ipa
2) When you unzip it You will have as an output a directory called “Payload”.
3) remove _CodeSignature file from unzipped folder “Payload” as below
rm -rf Payload/
4) Rename distribution profile which is stored in Desktop to embedded.mobileprovision
5) Copy distribution profile(embedded.mobileprovision from Desktop) to Payload/.app
cp ~/Desktop/AdHoc.mobileprovision Payload/
6) Resign using below commands,
codesign -f -s “IDENTITY” --resource-rules Payload/ Payload/
7) Zip payload to form an ipa as below
zip -qr <app_name>.ipa Payload/

Not able to install IPA from a developer

I have hired an iphone developer overseas to develop and iphone app for me. The dev sent me the IPA. I tried installing it using iFunBox and even using IPA installer and it keeps failing. I even tried iTunes and it kept failing. I tried it on both jailbroken and none-jailbroken devices
The developer is telling me that he can see it on it has to go on the developer account and he is requesting the dev account credential
My questions are:
1- Why do you think the IPA is not getting installed properly (I was able to install different apps IPA so I know my installers work!).
2- Is giving the dev account credential the norm? I come from android development and for us, you give a signed APK with the user keystore and your are done!
Please assist
Thank you
Simply do the steps :
create a (.csr) certification signing request file from ur mac (keychain access) and create developer's certificate from member's portal apple.
2.add your device uuid .
3.Create Provisioning Profile adding that device . that provisioning profile and send the cert and provisioning to the dev , and tell him to double tap both .
-- Use teamViewer and sign in to ur developer's XCODE with ur app id ...
-- Go to Xcode preferences and select account and refresh .
-- select the provisioning profile and cert from build settings and build the project with that provisionings ..
Use that ipa to install and it wont deny ..
make comment if you're having problem ...

Publishing IOS app on client's Enterprise App Store without source coce

I am developing an IOS app for a client. My client would like to publish the app on their private Enterprise App Store which is provided by MobileIron. However, I will not disclose the source code to my client. Is anyone familiar to MobileIron? Can my client publish the app on their Enterprise App Store if only an api file is provided? How to achieve it? Thank you!
Path of least resistance:
ask them for an invitation as a member of their Enterprise portal
archive and sign the app with a development cert & provisioning profile out of that portal
send them the .xcarchive file out of Organizer
they can then pop open the .xcarchive file in XCode, won't see the code, and can re-sign with their Enterprise cert and profile
The other answer will work but it's a pain in the neck compared to the above.
To resign an existing IPA do following steps in the terminal:
rm -rf Payload/<yourapp>.app/_CodeSignature/
cp <a valid and made for your bundle>.mobileprovision Payload/<yourapp>.app/embedded.mobileprovision
codesign -f -s "iPhone Distribution: <company>" --resource-rules Payload/<yourapp>.app/ResourceRules.plist Payload/<yourapp>.app
zip -r render3d.ipa Payload
Then remove the app from the device with Xcode
and drag the new ipa into xcode onto the device
see also:
Re-sign IPA (iPhone) and
How to re-sign the ipa file?

Re-signing xcarchive file, but IPA does not install

A third-party-company has sent us an xcarchive file so that we can export their application as an IPA for our client. They've done this because we control our client's provisioning profiles and certificates. They don't have our certificates and keys and so cannot build a distribution version of the app.
I opened the xcarchive in Organizer and attempted to export an ad-hoc IPA using the client's Enterprise distribution provisioning profile. However, when I attempt to install the app on my iPad, the installation fails.
I've verified that I'm using the correct provisioning profile, and I checked to make sure that I have the correct certificate for the profile as well as the private key. I've never signed an app with this provisioning profile before, but I've used the certificate and key for other profiles.
From what I understand, re-signing an archive should be possible. I'm not sure why this isn't working, though. Does the third-party company need to do anything specific when they export the xcarchive file - do they need to build with a specific certificate or provisioning profile?
Any insight on this would be helpful. Thanks!
I was able to re-sign an ipa following the instructions found at this link: However, I used Xcode to edit the plist, not emacs.

Is it possible to install the .ipa with distribution profile

I have generated .ipa file with distribution profile created from the client's developer account. when i try to instal the .ipa file in device.I am getting no valid provisioning profile.Is it possible to install the .ipa with distribution profile?
Create ADHOC distribution profile by selecting the devices you want to install in. See image below
