Re-signing xcarchive file, but IPA does not install - ios

A third-party-company has sent us an xcarchive file so that we can export their application as an IPA for our client. They've done this because we control our client's provisioning profiles and certificates. They don't have our certificates and keys and so cannot build a distribution version of the app.
I opened the xcarchive in Organizer and attempted to export an ad-hoc IPA using the client's Enterprise distribution provisioning profile. However, when I attempt to install the app on my iPad, the installation fails.
I've verified that I'm using the correct provisioning profile, and I checked to make sure that I have the correct certificate for the profile as well as the private key. I've never signed an app with this provisioning profile before, but I've used the certificate and key for other profiles.
From what I understand, re-signing an archive should be possible. I'm not sure why this isn't working, though. Does the third-party company need to do anything specific when they export the xcarchive file - do they need to build with a specific certificate or provisioning profile?
Any insight on this would be helpful. Thanks!

I was able to re-sign an ipa following the instructions found at this link: However, I used Xcode to edit the plist, not emacs.


Expo build fails because profile is not associated with distribution certificate

I have an ios app that I transferred from my Apple developer account to my client’s account (of which I am a team member).
Using the client’s expo account I am trying to build the latest release of the app. Using “expo fetch:ios:certs”, I retrieved the .p8, .p12, .mobileprovision, and .key files along with the related passwords.
However, when running “expo build:ios --clear-credentials” and choosing to provide my own certificates, I ran into an issue where the .mobileprovision file was linked to the wrong developer account.
So I created a certificate and profile on the client’s Apple developer account and ensured that the provisioning profile had certificate attached. I then downloaded it and ran “expo build:ios --clear-credentials” again. I used the same .p8 and .p12 files that the app originally used but uploaded the new .mobileprovision file.
The build still fails with error: “validateProvisioningProfile: provisioning profile is not associated with uploaded distribution certificate”
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

How to install ipa file (no jailbreak)

I uploaded this ipa file on the website
I tried to install on the phone but it respond "Ongame could not be installed at this time."
I tried to sign again but still failed.
Please guide me to edit this ipa file so I can install it on my iphone.
Link file:
I have used this website to share ipa file.
To share your app ipa file via this website you have to follow these steps:
First add devices(iPhone where you will try to install your app) UDID to your Apple developer account.
Then add these devices into your app Development Provisioning Profiles.
Now generate and download these profiles.
Use these profiles to create Development ipa file.
Upload this ipa to and share the genearted link with those people whose device UDID you have added in Provisioning profile.
Note: Person who is trying to install may have to trust your provisioning profile in his/her device.
You can also checkout Diawi knowledge base Can't install an app on a device? Things to check
I hope this will solve your problem.
You are not allowed to make any changes with the ipa file, you have to rebuild and create a separate ipa with the updated provisioning profile.

Is it possible to install the .ipa with distribution profile

I have generated .ipa file with distribution profile created from the client's developer account. when i try to instal the .ipa file in device.I am getting no valid provisioning profile.Is it possible to install the .ipa with distribution profile?
Create ADHOC distribution profile by selecting the devices you want to install in. See image below

Import Developer profile into xcode: certificates greyed out

I have been stuck on this for hours..I downloaded the certificate from my developer account, I also downloaded the WWDR intermediate certificate. When I click Import Developer Profile from inside xcode all of these certificates are greyed out.. Any ideas?
You can import Developer profile into Xcode which file have a .developerprofile extension which was exported by Xcode. Xcode->Preference->Account->[SETTING ICON]->Export Accounts.
From xcode 6.x, Xcode export ipa only with distribution certificate. So you must have valid distribution certificate install in keychain.
If you setup developer certificate and trying to export then
if distribution certificated is not created in developer portal ,then xcode will automatically create it.
if distribution certificated is already created by other mac , and you have not install in your mac then Xcode will give message "Your account already has a valid iOS Distribution certificate"
Then You can either install Distribution certificate by .p12 file exported by keychain from old mac OR by .developerprofile extension. exported by xcode from old mac OR Revoke Existing Certificate and create new one and install
Then Remove account from xcode and add it again. Then try again to build.
Bundle Identifier and your provisioning profile Id should match . Check that

iOS Enterprise provisioning profile distribution

I am signing a dylib in my application with an Enterprise certificate and noticed that on some devices I get the following error:
0xe8008015: A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found.
The strange thing is on the devices where this works I never manually installed a provisioning profile. I think when I used XCode it got automated installed somehow.
Manually installing the 'Distribution in house' profile associated with the cert on these devices fixed the problem, but I'm trying to understand how to deploy my software without requiring this extra step.
What is the standard way of pushing out the enterprise provisioning profile?
Does the mentioned Enterprise certificate appear under Settings ➞ Profiles on the iOS devices that experience the problem?
Is said Enterprise certificate available as a valid (signable) certificate on the Xcode installation where you package the final .ipa?
Do you use the same certificate for signing the dylibs and the app?
The standard way of pushing an Enterprise certificate to devices is to include it when packaging/archiving an app. Xcode should do this automatically - at least for the certificate used to sign the app itself.
You can extract an .ipa (rename to .zip) and look for a file called "embedded.mobileprovision" in the .app package.
