bottom selection view in iOS - ios

I need to select a bottom horizontal list of items. and the data should be changed for each item for selection(like bottom navigation)
I tried with collection view but it's​ not working

It sounds like what you are looking for is the UITabBarController.
The tab bar interface displays tabs at the bottom of the window for selecting between the different modes and for displaying the views for that mode. This class is generally used as-is, but may also be subclassed.
Each tab of a tab bar controller interface is associated with a custom view controller. When the user selects a specific tab, the tab bar controller displays the root view of the corresponding view controller, replacing any previous views.


Remove default slide right animation on UITabBarController from "More" Menu

I have a situation where I have enough tabs on a tab bar controller where the default system functionality has introduced the famous "..." more icon.
This is totally fine and I'm happy with the menu that is popped up when you tap it.
What I've noticed however is that a default transition occurs when selecting a item from the "more" menu (basically a slide right) to load the VC from the menu. Unfortunately this also introduces a lag on the accompanying slide "left" to get back to the menu.
My question is if this is default behaviour I have to live with or if this is something I can remove completely (ideally no transitions would be my preference).
May this help you:
The More Navigation Controller
The tab bar has limited space for displaying your custom items. If you add six or more custom view controllers to a tab bar controller, the tab bar controller displays only the first four items plus the standard More item on the tab bar. Tapping the More item brings up a standard interface for selecting the remaining items.
Solution to your query:
Add only Five view controllers in your tabbar controller.
For last Fifth view controller, add more tabbar button icon (or any other image icon) manually and set a similar looking tableview (menu list).
Handle further navigation for remaining (Sixth onwards) view controllers, manually from tableview (row selection)
Storyboard Layout:
If you are looking for an alternate of more navigation, then you must customize tabbar controller and this may help you:
ZRScrollableTabBar: Scrollable tabbar items
IDScrollableTabBar: changing tabs with left and right swipe gestures on the tab bar.
JFATabBarController: Swipe tabs left and right
Ask me, if you want more clarification here.

Tab Bar implementation within single view application

I've searched for a suffice answer to this question but I've been unable to come across one that fits my dilemma. How do I implement a tab bar within my already single view application? My storyboard consist of four view controllers, a navigation view as the initial view, and 3 following table views. Now i know the order of containment must have the tab bar controller first so i embedded my navigation controller with a tab bar controller. doing this has given every view controller on my storyboard a dark gray tab bar silhouette on the bottom of each view, so i have no way of manually editing and selecting my tab bar views.
My goal is to assign my third table view controller in my storyboard as the first tab bar item. how should i do this programmatically? the first view controller acts as the default for the tab bar item. how do i change this programmatically?
here is screenshot of my storyboard:
here is the documentation provided by apple on the correct coding to properly assign and configure your views but its very depreciated:

iOS: TabController not showing with Navigation Controller

I have an app with the start screen consisting of a table menu main which links to 4 different views, then three options to information pages.
Once on any of the main menu options are chosen, the view is shown with TabBar at the bottom of the main menu options. While the nav bar at the top has a back button leading to the main menu.
I built the storyboard which goes from a table view select to a single page. After that was working and passing data, I embedded the single view into a Tab Bar Controller and added a second page. It seems to be working as I would expect however the Tab Bar is not visible on the screen.
Can please anyone help?
I have added an image of the storyboard below:
Get rid of the navigation controller. There is no deed for it so far. Make the tab bar controller your root view.
If you need a navigation conroller within a certrain tab, or some or all of them, then add navigation controllers to those tabs (to the right in your storyboard).

Remove the morebutton TabbarItem from UItabbarcontroller

I have a tabbar controller which includes six tab bar item. But the problem lies in the more button appears and the whole view get distract due to it. So how do i set all the six controller in the tab bar controller. I dont want to use any customized class.
If i creating a view manually in xib file. Then the tabbar is allowed having six item. Please see the attached images
In above image you can see a favourite tab bar controller which is created manually in xib, so if that is valid. Then how can i create like six tabbaritem in the uitabbarcontroller defined in app delegate. Please reply me back and dont give suggestion for using external classes or customize class.
Five is the most it will display. The standard icons won't fit otherwise. From the documentation:
The tab bar has limited space for displaying your custom items. If you add six or more custom view controllers to a tab bar controller, the tab bar controller displays only the first four items plus the standard More item on the tab bar. Tapping the More item brings up a standard interface for selecting the remaining items.
More than five will show in interface builder because it has no other way of showing you which items are linked to the controller.
So, at risk of a downvote, you'll have to use a custom container that can show more than five options.

How to properly combine a Tab Bar View and Navigation Bar in iOS

In my iOS application I have a tab bar view with three views. I would like each of those views to have a "navigation" bar at the top. I would like the navigation bar to have a left bar button item which has the same functionality across all three views, and then a right bar button item which is unique to each view. How should I build this?
In each tab, put a UINavigationController. That's a separate one for each tab.
Set the root view controller of each navigation controller to a view controller that manages the content view you want to display.
You can set the left button item of each of the three navigation controllers to the same thing, and set the right button item to something different.
