Get term for selected autocomplete when multiple are on one page - jquery-ui

I have a page where I am adding jquery-ui autocompletes dynamically
My .autocomplete() code includes a $.getJSON('my_url', my_payload) where, in my_payload,' I am trying to send the request.term (what I typed into the jqueryui textbox) as well as the id of the jquery ui text box.
The problem is, for all the dynamically added textboxes, they were just picking up the term and id of the original autocomplete.
I managed to find a way to get the id of the added (not original) autocomplete by wrapping the autocomplete in a function that has the added field passed in as a parameter, but because the 'term' is in the request, which comes from .autocomplete, I do not know how to get this for the new ones.
//=======dynamic formset script from
function updateElementIndex(el, prefix, ndx) {
var id_regex = new RegExp('(' + prefix + '-\\d+)');
var replacement = prefix + '-' + ndx;
if ($(el).attr("for")) $(el).attr("for", $(el).attr("for").replace(id_regex, replacement));
if ( =, replacement);
if ( =, replacement);
function cloneMore(selector, prefix) {
var newElement = $(selector).clone(true);
var total = $('#id_' + prefix + '-TOTAL_FORMS').val();
newElement.find(':input:not([type=button]):not([type=submit]):not([type=reset])').each(function() {
if ($(this).attr('name')){
var name = $(this).attr('name').replace('-' + (total-1) + '-', '-' + total + '-');
var id = 'id_' + name;
$(this).attr({'name': name, 'id': id}).val('').removeAttr('checked');
newElement.find('label').each(function() {
var forValue = $(this).attr('for');
if (forValue) {
forValue = forValue.replace('-' + (total-1) + '-', '-' + total + '-');
$(this).attr({'for': forValue});
$('#id_' + prefix + '-TOTAL_FORMS').val(total);
var conditionRow = $('.form-row:not(:last)');
.html('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-minus" aria-hidden="true"></span>');
return false;
function deleteForm(prefix, btn) {
var total = parseInt($('#id_' + prefix + '-TOTAL_FORMS').val());
if (total > 1){
var forms = $('.form-row');
$('#id_' + prefix + '-TOTAL_FORMS').val(forms.length);
for (var i=0, formCount=forms.length; i<formCount; i++) {
$(forms.get(i)).find(':input').each(function() {
updateElementIndex(this, prefix, i);
return false;
$(document).on('click', '.add-form-row', function(e){
cloneMore('.form-row:last', 'form');
return false;
$(document).on('click', '.remove-form-row', function(e){
deleteForm('form', $(this));
return false;
//AUTOCOMPLETE==(that allows for multiple ACs
function make_autocomplete(ee) {
ee.on("focus", function(){ //.autocomplete({
minLength: 2,
source: function( request, response ) {
var term = request.term;
//with the formset, I want to get the row for which I am typing in the
var this_formset_row_autocomplete_id
var corresponding_branch_html_id =
var this_formset_row_branch_sym_id =
//console.log(corresponding_branch_html_id, this_formset_row_branch_sym_id)
var appended_data={term:term,
$.getJSON( "{% url 'dashapp:account_autocomplete' %}", appended_data,
function( data,
status, xhr ) {
//cache[ term ] = data;
response( data );
}//end function make_autocomplete
var ee =$( ".account_autocomplete" )

You may want to try to make it more simple for testing. Something like:
function make_autocomplete(obj) {
minLength: 2,
source: function(req, resp) {
var myData = {
term: req.term,
original_form_branch_id: $(this).closest("form").attr("id"),
this_formset_row_branch_sym_id: $(this).closest(".row").find("select").val()
$.getJSON("myurl", myData, function(results) {
This uses .closest() to gather details from the relative objects. Also I do not see any benefit to initializing Autocomplete on focus event.
If you would like further help, please provide Example Data that can be used in a working example.
Hope that helps a little.


Set Selected Value Remote Select2 With Configuration FormatSelection

I have a problem that when i choose from Select, it will show option with formatSelection that i have configed BUT when i set selected value for Select that didn't get data object variable formatRepoSelectionLanguage from data_selection
function setSelect2Data(id, data_id = null, data_text = null, data_image = null, data_description = null, data_path = null, data_select = ""){
id: selection class or ID of component has use Select2
data_id: id
data_text: text
data_image: image
data_path: path
data_description: description
data_select: String HTML Selection
var data_selection = {
id : data_id||null,
text : data_text||null,
image : data_image||null,
path : data_path||null,
description: data_description||null
//$(id).select2('data' ,data_selection);
type: 'select2:select',
params: {
object: data_selection,
formatSelection: formatRepoSelectionLanguage(data_selection),
formatResult: formatRepoLanguage(data_selection)
This is formatRepoLanguage:
function formatRepoLanguage (repo) {
if (repo.loading) {
return repo.text;
var $container = $(
"<div class='select2-result-language clearfix'>" +
"<div class='select2-result-language__icon'><img src='" + base_url_icon + repo.image + "' /></div>" +
"<div class='select2-result-language__meta'>" +
"<div class='select2-result-language__title'></div>" +
"<div class='select2-result-language__description'></div>" +
"</div>" +
return $container;
This is formatRepoSelectionLanguage:
function formatRepoSelectionLanguage (state) {
if (! {
return state.text;
var $state = $(
'<span id = "language_'+ +'"><img class="img-flag" /> <span></span></span>'
// Use .text() instead of HTML string concatenation to avoid script injection issues
$state.find("img").attr("src", base_url_icon + state.image);
return $state;
I have try to set data like a string to option element and it works! Actually i think it's a bug of Select2 and i'm using version 4.0.13 and now i recognize that i don't need to use select2 function coz it takes data from option element which i have append into select element! That's my answer for my question if anyone have good idea please tell me! Thanks for your time!

Select2 - adding custom choice in single selection mode (tags:false)

Is it possible to setup select2 control to accept custom choice
in single selection mode (tags:false) ?
When typing your choice in the search box instead of seeing "No results found",
just see what you typing in and select it by click or pressing enter.
Well - I finally found solution myself.
I override original SelectAdapter adding new choice every time you type in
and delete previous temporary choices:
$.fn.select2.amd.require(['select2/data/select', 'select2/utils'],
function (SelectAdapter, Utils) {
function XSelectAdapter($element, options) {, $element, options);
Utils.Extend(XSelectAdapter, SelectAdapter);
XSelectAdapter.prototype.query = function (params, callback) {
var data = [];
var self = this;
var $options = this.$element.children();
var have_exact_match = false;
$options.each(function () {
var $option = $(this);
if (!$'option') && !$'optgroup')) {
var option = self.item($option);
if (option.xtemp === true) {
$(this).remove(); // previously typed-in choice - delete
if (option.term === params.term) {
have_exact_match = true; // will not choice if have exact match
var matches = self.matches(params, option);
if (matches !== null) {
if (!have_exact_match) {
self.addOptions(this.option({selected: false, id: params.term, text: params.term, xtemp: true}));
data.push({selected: false, id: params.term, text: params.term});
results: data

on() doesn't work with live data using jQuery, how to?

i have some dynamic data that gets appended to a list and any links in that data doesnt seem to work.
i am using jquery 1.8.3 and on() should account for the live method, i think
setInterval(function () {
}, 2000);
function getNot() {
var data = {
t1: 'test1',
t2: 'test2',
t3: 'test3'
var size = 0,
li = '';
$.each(data, function (k, v) {
li += '<li>' +
'<a href="#" class="add" data-listid="' + k + '">' +
'<h2>load data - ' + k + '</h2>' +
'</a>' +
var but = $('#not'),
ul = $('#not_ul');
but.find('span').text(size + ' Notifications');
// this doesn't seem to work
$('.add').on("click", function () {
var listId = $(this).data('listid');
return false;
see full example here
any ideas on this issue?
$('.add').on("click", function () {
You need to pass a selector to make on generate a delegate event:
$('#{containerId}').on("click", '.add', function () {
var listId = $(this).data('listid');
return false;
containerId should be the closest static element to the dynamic created .adds elements.

knockout validation - advanced search user interface

I am building an advanced search UI similar to the TFS query builder web interface. Using knockout for the client side implementation and have everything more or less working except the final validation to make certain required items are basically selected. It sort-of works as far as giving me a validation error if I select an item and then de-select the item. Which is fine, but I would like to have the form validate when hitting the search button.
I am pretty sure I need to make use of the ko.validatedobservable method, I'm just not sure exactly how. Anyway, I have a fiddle to look at: if anyone has the time or inclination to help me out. I would deeply appreciate it.
Thank you for your time.
scvm.SearchLine = function () {
var self = this;
self.selectedField = ko.observable().extend({ required: true });
self.selectedOperator = ko.observable().extend({ required: true });
self.firstdate = ko.observable(new Date());
self.lastdate = ko.observable(new Date());
self.thedate = ko.observable(new Date());
return self;};
scvm.Criteria = function () {
var self = this,
lines = ko.observableArray([]),
// Put one line in by default
loadInitialData = function () {
lines.push(new scvm.SearchLine());
rowcount = ko.computed(function () {
return lines().length;
// Operations
addLine = function () {
lines.push(new scvm.SearchLine());
removeLine = function (line) {
search = function () {
var data = $.map(lines(), function (line) {
return line.selectedField() ? {
selectedField: line.selectedField().searchfield,
selectedOperator: line.selectedOperator().name,
} : undefined
alert("Send to server: " + JSON.stringify(data));
clear = function () {
return {
lines: lines,
loadInitialData: loadInitialData,
rowcount: rowcount,
addLine: addLine,
removeLine: removeLine,
search: search,
clear: clear
Yes, all your SearchLine objects must be wrapped into ko.validatedObservable. Also you should implement computed property which will check isValid() for each criteria line and return global validity flag.
scvm.SearchLine = function () {
var self = this;
self.selectedField = ko.observable().extend({ required: true });
self.selectedOperator = ko.observable().extend({ required: true });
self.firstdate = ko.observable(new Date());
self.lastdate = ko.observable(new Date());
self.thedate = ko.observable(new Date());
return ko.validatedObservable(self);
scvm.Criteria = function () {
// ...
return {
lines: lines,
loadInitialData: loadInitialData,
rowcount: rowcount,
addLine: addLine,
removeLine: removeLine,
search: search,
clear: clear,
// new property that indicates validity of all lines
linesValid: ko.computed(function(){
var items = lines();
for (var i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++)
if (!items[i].isValid()) return false;
return true;
This new property can be used in enable binding of you "Search" button:
<input type="button"
data-bind="enable: linesValid, click: search"
title="Clicking this button will run a search."
value="Search" />
I've modified your fiddle. Take a look:
Also we should slightly modify method, since our line array contains observables rather than objects:
search = function () {
var data = $.map(lines(), function (line) {
line = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(line);
return line.selectedField() ? {
selectedField: line.selectedField().searchfield,
selectedOperator: line.selectedOperator().name,
} : undefined
alert("Send to server: " + JSON.stringify(data));

JQuery Autocomplete Problem

I am using JQuery UI Autocomplete in my JSP. Whenever user keys character, i made the request to server and get the data as JSON and load with the pulgin.
It's working fine. But Whenever i typed the same character as previous term. It's not populating any values.
For eg., First i typed p, it lists the p starting elements. I have the button to reset the text content of autocompleter. After reset, if i am typing same character p, it doesn't show anything.
my code as follows,
var cache = {};
source: function(req, add){
if (req.term in cache) {
$.getJSON("/store/StockManagement?action=getMedicinesStock",req, function(data) {
var medicines = [];
$.each(data, function(i, val){
medicines.push( + "," + val.code);
cache[req.term] = medicines;
},select: function(e, ui) {
var medicine = ui.item.value;
var med = $('#Name').val();
// Taken from jquery-ui-1.8.4.custom.min.js
if (a.term != a.element.val()) { // *** THE MATCH IS HERE
//console.log("a.term != a.element.val(): "+a.term+", "+a.element.val());
a.selectedItem = null;, c) // *** SEARCH IS TRIGGERED HERE
I just commented the condition. now it's works fine.
