knockout validation - advanced search user interface -

I am building an advanced search UI similar to the TFS query builder web interface. Using knockout for the client side implementation and have everything more or less working except the final validation to make certain required items are basically selected. It sort-of works as far as giving me a validation error if I select an item and then de-select the item. Which is fine, but I would like to have the form validate when hitting the search button.
I am pretty sure I need to make use of the ko.validatedobservable method, I'm just not sure exactly how. Anyway, I have a fiddle to look at: if anyone has the time or inclination to help me out. I would deeply appreciate it.
Thank you for your time.
scvm.SearchLine = function () {
var self = this;
self.selectedField = ko.observable().extend({ required: true });
self.selectedOperator = ko.observable().extend({ required: true });
self.firstdate = ko.observable(new Date());
self.lastdate = ko.observable(new Date());
self.thedate = ko.observable(new Date());
return self;};
scvm.Criteria = function () {
var self = this,
lines = ko.observableArray([]),
// Put one line in by default
loadInitialData = function () {
lines.push(new scvm.SearchLine());
rowcount = ko.computed(function () {
return lines().length;
// Operations
addLine = function () {
lines.push(new scvm.SearchLine());
removeLine = function (line) {
search = function () {
var data = $.map(lines(), function (line) {
return line.selectedField() ? {
selectedField: line.selectedField().searchfield,
selectedOperator: line.selectedOperator().name,
} : undefined
alert("Send to server: " + JSON.stringify(data));
clear = function () {
return {
lines: lines,
loadInitialData: loadInitialData,
rowcount: rowcount,
addLine: addLine,
removeLine: removeLine,
search: search,
clear: clear

Yes, all your SearchLine objects must be wrapped into ko.validatedObservable. Also you should implement computed property which will check isValid() for each criteria line and return global validity flag.
scvm.SearchLine = function () {
var self = this;
self.selectedField = ko.observable().extend({ required: true });
self.selectedOperator = ko.observable().extend({ required: true });
self.firstdate = ko.observable(new Date());
self.lastdate = ko.observable(new Date());
self.thedate = ko.observable(new Date());
return ko.validatedObservable(self);
scvm.Criteria = function () {
// ...
return {
lines: lines,
loadInitialData: loadInitialData,
rowcount: rowcount,
addLine: addLine,
removeLine: removeLine,
search: search,
clear: clear,
// new property that indicates validity of all lines
linesValid: ko.computed(function(){
var items = lines();
for (var i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++)
if (!items[i].isValid()) return false;
return true;
This new property can be used in enable binding of you "Search" button:
<input type="button"
data-bind="enable: linesValid, click: search"
title="Clicking this button will run a search."
value="Search" />
I've modified your fiddle. Take a look:
Also we should slightly modify method, since our line array contains observables rather than objects:
search = function () {
var data = $.map(lines(), function (line) {
line = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(line);
return line.selectedField() ? {
selectedField: line.selectedField().searchfield,
selectedOperator: line.selectedOperator().name,
} : undefined
alert("Send to server: " + JSON.stringify(data));


How to create multiple instances of IIFE Javascript module?

I'm dealing with a huge javascript codebase that I'm trying to reorganize. I'm not really an expert and I just started studying good javascript coding practices. So, one thing I'm trying to do is to divide all the code in modules. In this particular case I'm trying to create a module that would help me to optimize video embeds. I would like to pass the module an id and receive some html code or an image out of it.
I'm not putting the whole code here, but it's enough for the example:
var videoIframe = (function($) {
'use strict';
var id,
setVideoId = function(videoId) {
id = videoId;
getVideoThumbnail = function(videoId) {
test = function() {
getVideoEmbedCode = function() {
return {
test: test,
getVideoThumbnail: getVideoThumbnail
In another module I assign it to two variables:
var video1 = videoIframe;
var video2 = videoIframe;
And, of course, I'm not getting what I expected. After the second getVideoThumbnail call, it always prints 456.
Doing some research I understood that I'm creating a singleton, a single instance, and I'm only changing values inside that instance. I think I need a constructor for my module, but I'm not sure how to create it in combination with the IIFE pattern. And is it the right approach?
And is it the right approach?
No. IIFEs are for things you want to do exactly once.
If you want to do something multiple times, then use a regular function and call it multiple times.
var videoIframe = (function($) {
function videoIframe() {
'use strict';
var id,
setVideoId = function(videoId) {
id = videoId;
getVideoThumbnail = function(videoId) {
test = function() {
getVideoEmbedCode = function() {
return {
test: test,
getVideoThumbnail: getVideoThumbnail
return videoIframe;
var video1 = videoIframe();
var video2 = videoIframe();
The problem is that you are initializing object when assigning to videoIframe variable:
var videoIframe = (function($) {
// ...
You can try with:
var videoIframe = (function($) {
// ...
var video1 = videoIframe(jQuery);
var video2 = videoIframe(jQuery);
Just keep videoIframe as a function that returns your IIFE, instead of reusing the singleton. I kept the IIFE so the id and the inner functions keep being encapsulated and hence, not reachable if they're not in the returned interface object. If you are planning to create alot of these, it might be more efficient to just use a constructor and a prototype, so the inner functions don't get recreated for every instance.
var videoIframe = function() {
'use strict';
return (function() {
var id,
setVideoId = function(videoId) {
id = videoId;
getVideoThumbnail = function(videoId) {
test = function() {
getVideoEmbedCode = function() {
return {
test: test,
getVideoThumbnail: getVideoThumbnail
I did some minor modification. Hope it will be helpful
var videoIframe = (function($) {
'use strict';
var id;
function _setVideoId(videoId) {
id = videoId;
function _getVideoThumbnail(videoId) {
function _test(){
function _getVideoEmbedCode() {
return {
test: _test,
getVideoThumbnail: _getVideoThumbnail
Now you can call like this

select2 4.0 brings older list in suggestion with query method and minimumInputLength not taking effect

I am in process of upgrading select2 version 3.5.1 to 4.0. I required to use query method for mandate.
There are two specific problem arises
minimumInputLength is not taking effect
When user focus searchbox, The past results are displayed with Searching.. is first item. (If I assign empty result then it resolves the problem but then it displays No results found message)
Please refer to my code snippet below.
var self = this, $view = $(view);
$.fn.select2.amd.require(['select2/data/array', 'select2/utils', 'select2/data/minimumInputLength'], function (ArrayData, Utils, MinimumInputLength) {
function CustomData($element, options) {, $element, options);
this.options = options;
Utils.Extend(CustomData, ArrayData);
CustomData.prototype.query = function (params, callback) {
//callback({ results: [] });
q(ko.unwrap(self.qPromise)).then(function () {
var select2data = $.map(ko.unwrap(self.dataSource), function (obj) { = || obj.Id + obj.KeyDoc;
obj.text = obj.text || obj.Headline;
return obj;
callback({ results: select2data });
// Decorate after the adapter is built
Utils.Decorate(CustomData, MinimumInputLength);
dataAdapter: CustomData,
multiple: ko.unwrap(self.multiple),
templateResult: ko.unwrap(self.formatFunc),
escapeMarkup: function (markup) { return markup; },
dropdownParent: $('.' + ko.unwrap(self.containerClass)),
placeholder: ko.unwrap(self.placeHolderCaption),
minimumInputLength: 1,
allowClear: true
Every time I wish to assign new options in suggestion list (no cached no stored)
Please suggest workaround.
Thanks in advanced

Select2 - adding custom choice in single selection mode (tags:false)

Is it possible to setup select2 control to accept custom choice
in single selection mode (tags:false) ?
When typing your choice in the search box instead of seeing "No results found",
just see what you typing in and select it by click or pressing enter.
Well - I finally found solution myself.
I override original SelectAdapter adding new choice every time you type in
and delete previous temporary choices:
$.fn.select2.amd.require(['select2/data/select', 'select2/utils'],
function (SelectAdapter, Utils) {
function XSelectAdapter($element, options) {, $element, options);
Utils.Extend(XSelectAdapter, SelectAdapter);
XSelectAdapter.prototype.query = function (params, callback) {
var data = [];
var self = this;
var $options = this.$element.children();
var have_exact_match = false;
$options.each(function () {
var $option = $(this);
if (!$'option') && !$'optgroup')) {
var option = self.item($option);
if (option.xtemp === true) {
$(this).remove(); // previously typed-in choice - delete
if (option.term === params.term) {
have_exact_match = true; // will not choice if have exact match
var matches = self.matches(params, option);
if (matches !== null) {
if (!have_exact_match) {
self.addOptions(this.option({selected: false, id: params.term, text: params.term, xtemp: true}));
data.push({selected: false, id: params.term, text: params.term});
results: data

breeze observableArray binding - are properties observable?

I have a viewmodel which consists of a list(foreach loop) of DoctorPrices and when clicking on an item in the list it open up a CRUD form on the side. However when i update the values on the CRUD the observableArray that is bound to the foreach is not refreshing? (although the values are updates in the DB correctly)
From my data access module i call the following query.
function getDoctorServices(doctorId) {
var query = breeze.EntityQuery
.where('DoctorID', 'eq', doctorId).orderBy('ListOrder');
return manager.executeQueryLocally(query);
In my viewmodel i have the following code: = ko.computed(function() {
return doctorServices.getDoctorServices(doctorList.viewModel.instance.currentDoctorID());
services is bound using a foreach loop (not posting here as the code is simple and works)
When i click on a one of the DoctorPrices it gets the data as follows and places it in an observable:
this.selectedPrice = function (data, event) {
I then bind selectPrice to a simple form that has the properties on it to be modified by the user. I then call manager.SaveChanges().
This results in the following problem: the value is being updated correctly but the GUI / Original List that is bound in the foreach is not being updated? Are the properties in breeze not observables? What is the best way to work with something like this.
I thought of a workaround and changing the code with something like this:
doctorList.viewModel.instance.currentDoctorID.subscribe(function() {[]);;
But i feel that clearing the array in that way is sloppy and not the right way of doing things specially with long lists.
Can someone please point me in the right direction on how to bind observableArray properties properly so they are updated?
Additional code my VM Component:
function services() {
var self = this;
this.showForm = ko.observable(false);
this.currentService = ko.observable(); = ko.observableArray(doctorServices.getDoctorServices(doctorList.viewModel.instance.currentDoctorID()));
this.title = ko.observable();
doctorList.viewModel.instance.currentDoctorID.subscribe(function() {[]);;
}); = function (value) {
this.showDetails = ko.observable(false);
this.addNewService = function() {
this.showDelete = ko.computed(function() {
if (self.currentService() == null)
return false;
else if (self.currentService().entityAspect.entityState.isDetached()) {
self.title('Add new service');
return false;
} else {
self.title('Edit service');
return true;
this.deleteService = function() {
this.closeDetails = function () {
this.selectService = function (data, event) {
this.saveChanges = function () {
if (self.currentService().entityAspect.entityState.isDetached()) {
return {
viewModel: {
instance: new services()
template: servicesTemplate,
Below is my Breeze Data Class:
define('data/doctorServices', ['jquery', 'data/dataManager', 'knockout','mod/medappBase', 'breeze', 'breeze.savequeuing'], function ($, manager, ko,base, breeze, savequeuing) {
var services = ko.observableArray([]);
return {
getServices: getServices,
services: services,
getDoctorServices: getDoctorServices,
getServiceById: getServiceById,
hasChanges: hasChanges,
saveChanges: saveChanges
function getServices() {
var query = breeze.EntityQuery.from("DoctorPrices");
return manager.executeQuery(query).then(function (data) {
}).fail(function (data) {
console.log('fetch failed...');
function getDoctorServices(doctorId) {
var query = breeze.EntityQuery
.where('DoctorID', 'eq', doctorId).orderBy('ListOrder');
var set = manager.executeQueryLocally(query);
return set;
function getServiceById(serviceId) {
return manager.createEntity('DoctorPrice', serviceId);
//return manager.getEntityByKey('DoctorPrice', serviceId);
function handleSaveValidationError(error) {
var message = "Not saved due to validation error";
try { // fish out the first error
var firstErr = error.innerError.entityErrors[0];
message += ": " + firstErr.errorMessage;
base.addNotify('error', 'Could not save.', message);
} catch (e) { /* eat it for now */ }
return message;
function hasChanges() {
return manager.hasChanges();
function attachEntity(entity) {
function createService(doctorId) {
return manager.createEntity('DoctorPrice', { DoctorPricingID: breeze.core.getUuid(), DoctorID:doctorId }, breeze.EntityState.Detached);
function saveChanges() {
return manager.saveChanges()
function saveSucceeded(saveResult) {
base.addNotify('success', 'Saved.', 'Your updates have been saved.');
function saveFailed(error) {
var reason = error.message;
var detail = error.detail;
if (error.innerError.entityErrors) {
reason = handleSaveValidationError(error);
} else if (detail && detail.ExceptionType &&
detail.ExceptionType.indexOf('OptimisticConcurrencyException') !== -1) {
// Concurrency error
reason =
"Another user, perhaps the server, " +
"may have deleted one or all of the settings." +
" You may have to restart the app.";
} else {
reason = "Failed to save changes: " + reason +
" You may have to restart the app.";
Please note this is my frist attempt at both a data class and VM. At the moment i am relying heavily on clearing the array ([]) and using notifySubscribers to make the array refresh :(
I bet you're missing an observable somewhere. I can't tell because you keep hopping from property to property whose definition is not shown.
For example, I don't know how you defined this.currentService.
I'm confused by this: = ko.computed(function() {
return doctorServices.getDoctorServices(doctorList.viewModel.instance.currentDoctorID());
Why is it a ko.computed? Why not just make it an observable array.
self.service = ko.observableArray();
// ... later replace the inner array in one step ...
I urge you to follow the observability trail, confident that your Breeze entity properties are indeed observable.
vm.selectedPrice = ko.dependentObservable(function () {
return doctorServices.getDoctorServices(doctorList.viewModel.instance.currentDoctorID());
}, vm);
vm is ur model on which u applied bindings , try this it will work.

Select2 - Infinite loop with trigger('change')

Here is my case:
$('select').on('change', function () {
// calling a function
function myFunction() {
// changes my select values
// so I need to update the select for seing the news values
// hehe I fire the change event so myFunction is called again and again
What can I do to avoid that behavior? Regards...
This is a bug in Select2. I had the same issue with the following code:
var FID = $(location).attr('href').split("/")[5];
$('#facility').children().each(function () {
if ($(this).val().trim() == FID.trim()) {
$(this).attr('selected', 'selected').trigger('change');
The following isn't ideal, but it does fix the issue. Note that you will need to redefine your Select2 options (mine shown).
var FID = $(location).attr('href').split("/")[5];
$('#facility').children().each(function () {
if ($(this).val().trim() == FID.trim()) {
$(this).attr('selected', 'selected');
placeholder: "",
minimumResultsForSearch: -1
