Copy text file from docker container to host - docker

I have a docker container with an application running inside of it. I am trying to export a text file from the docker container to the host. The problem is the application keeps on writing data into the text file at regular intervals.
Is there a way to directly store the file onto the host and the application inside the docker container keep storing the data to the text file?

Take a look at bind mounts or volumes. They are used to achieve exactly what you asked.


Sending files from one docker container to another

As the title states. I am looking to send a file from container A to container B. Both containers are running on separate volumes and are on the same network. Is this possible without temporarily storing the file in the host file system?
I have been reading around and found this solution, however it requires that the file I wish to send is temporarily stored in the host
Container A has its own volume to which a file is written to. I want to get Container A to send this file to a volume to which Container B is attached. Container B then reads this file.
If they are linux containers you can use scp
scp file root#172.17.x.x:/path

Writing and reading files to/from host system on Docker

I have a Java Spring Boot Application which has been deployed to run on a Docker Container. I am using Docker Toolbox to be precise.
The application exposes a few REST API's to upload and download files. The application works fine on Docker i.e. i'm able to upload and download files using API.
In the application I have hard coded the path as something like "C:\SomeFolder". What location is this stored on the Docker container?
How do I force the application when running on Docker to use the Host file system instead of Docker's File system?
This is all done by Docker Volumes.
Read more about that in the Docker documentation:
In the application I have hard coded the path as something like "C:\SomeFolder". What location is this stored on the Docker container?
c:\SomeFolder, assuming you have a Windows container. This is the sort of parameter you'd generally set via a command-line option or environment variable, though.
How do I force the application when running on Docker to use the Host file system instead of Docker's File system?
Use the docker run -v option or an equivalent option to mount some directory from the host on that location. Whatever the contents of that directory are on the host will replace what's in the container at startup time, and after that changes in the host should be reflected in the container and vice versa.
If you have an opportunity to rethink this design, there are a number of lurking issues around file ownership and the like. The easiest way to circumvent these issues are to store data somewhere like a database (which may or may not itself be running in Docker) and use network I/O to send data to and from the container, and store as little as possible in the container filesystem. docker run -v is an excellent way to inject configuration files and get log files out in a typical server-oriented use.

Docker: Handling user uploads and saving files

I have been reading about Docker, and one of the first things that I read about docker was that it runs images in a read-only manner. This has raised this question in my mind, what happens if I need users to upload files? In that case where would the file go (are they appended to the image)? or in other words, how to handle uploaded files?
Docker containers are meant to be immutable and replaceable - you should be able to stop a container and replace it with a newer version without any ill effects. It's bad practice to store any configuration or operational data inside the container.
The situation you describe with file uploads would typically be resolved with a volume, which mounts a folder from the host filesystem into the container. Any modifications performed by the container to the mounted folder would persist on the host filesystem. When the container is replaced, the folder is re-mounted when the new container is started.
It may be helpful to read up on volumes:
docker containers use file systems similar to their underlying operating system, as it seems in your case Windows Nano Server(windows optimized to be used in a container).
so any uploads to your container will be placed on the corresponding path you provided when uploading the file.
but this data is ephemeral, this means your data will persist until the container is for whatever reason stopped.
to use persistent storage you must provide a volume for your docker container, you can think of volumes as external disks attached to a container that mount on a path inside the container. this will persist data regardless of container state

Give Docker access to host directory but discard changes later

I want to achieve the following with Docker: I want to give a container access to a host directory, such that the container can make changes, but the changes are discarded once the container is exiting/removed (pretty much like an overlayfs).
Simply mounting the directory as a volume for the docker container seems like the wrong way to me, since changes made to a volume persist and I don't want that.
How do I tackle this problem?
The only way for a container to modify the host is to mount a directory between the host and the container. But the changes made by host or container will persist.
You could try the other way: COPY the files you want from host to container using a Dockerfile. The files will be only on the container. When you remove and launch another one, the new container will start with the original files.

How can I have shared assets (pictures, text documents, etc) between my Docker container and host system?

I have a Docker container and I am trying to make it so that all of the files in /var/www/ on the container will be saved on the host system at a location (/home/me), and vise-versa. Is it possible to have this shared space between the two?
Would you accomplish this with mount points, or is there a better method?
You can use volumes for sharing between container and host.
docker run -v /home/me:/var/www <image>
If you have a fixed files/data, you can add to the image using dockerfile or committing after copying into container. If you want to share rw dir between host and container, you need to use the volumes. Your data will also be persisted even if you remove and recreate a new container.
There are three ways that you can do this
Use volumes. Official docs
Burn the files in your image. Basically include the creation of the files inside the Dockerfile. This means every container container from that image will have an initial state of sorts.
Use data-only containers. These are containers without a running process that contain the data that you need. This also uses volumes. But instead of mounting to the host, your containers mount on the data-only container (which in turn mounts on the host if you want to). This answer will be useful
