Problem running gcsfuse on Google App Engine - docker

I am trying to run Airflow Webserver on App Engine Flexible however for it to work I need a mounted GCS bucket. I am using custom runtime.
The reason why I am doing it is to get a secured endpoint that app Engine provides together with IAP.
My app.yaml is a simple file with service name, env and runtime
My Dockerfile is a lots of apt-get installs and in CMD there is gcsfuse mounting and running airflow webserver, it is not a big deal.
The error I am getting when trying to use gcsfuse in App Engine is:
daemonize.Run: readFromProcess: sub-process: mountWithArgs: mountWithConn: Mount: mount: running fusermount: exit status 1
fusermount: fuse device not found, try 'modprobe fuse' first
I know that Google Composer exists but it is way too expensive for my needs. So I prefer to create a VM with a scheduler and webserver on GAE, sharing a GCS bucket, similar to what Composer gives but without all that HA and insane cost for simple things I want to run.
I am searching to do this in App Engine, all the answers I have found so far mention GKE for some reason.
I know it is a privilege problem, however in App Engine I do not see any option to set privileges, a way to do it would be very helpful.
Is is even possible to do what I want to do on App Engine?

This is possible. I'll show you how to do it manually, you might need to utilize shell script to deal with multiple instances.
define several vars used in this manual
get instance list
gcloud app instances list --project $project
default *************** instance-id-1 RUNNING YES
default *************** instance-id-2 RUNNING
ssh into one instance
gcloud app instances ssh instance-id-1 --service $service --version $version --project $project
get image id
docker ps | grep gaeapp | awk '{print $2}'
you will get an imageid
get env of gaeapp
docker exec gaeapp env
restart gaeapp with privilege
docker rm -f gaeapp
docker run --privileged -d -p 8080:8080 --name gaeapp -e GAE_MEMORY_MB=614 -e GAE_INSTANCE=instance-id-1 -e GAE_SERVICE=$service -e PORT=8080 -e GCLOUD_PROJECT=$project -e GAE_VERSION=$version -e GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT=$project $imageid
enter gaeapp(assume you have gcsfuse installed and have service account key json: /test-service-account.json)
$ docker exec -it gaeapp bash
[in gaeapp] # GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/test-service-account.json gcsfuse BUCKET /mnt/
Using mount point: /mnt
Opening GCS connection...
Opening bucket...
Mounting file system...
File system has been successfully mounted.

To be honest, I have tried all possible solutions. and finally the above solution worked. Unfortunately, it worked for 2-3 days only. After sometime, App Engine restarts the instances automatically, without any failure in app. Therefore all changes for gcsfuse got disappeared.
Main thing for gcsfuse to work in container is to run the docker image in priviliged mode. And App Engine doesnot allow that
The final solution that we are using is GKE which is working fine.
Note: It was expected that GAE should have some provision for privileged mode, but it doesnot have now. In future Google Team may introduce it. Thanks!


How to execute command from one docker container to another

I'm creating an application that will allow users to upload video files that will then be put through some processing.
I have two containers.
Nginx container that serves the website where users can upload their video files.
Video processing container that has FFmpeg and some other processing stuff installed.
What I want to achieve. I need container 1 to be able to run a bash script on container 2.
One possibility as far as I can see is to make them communicate over HTTP via an API. But then I would need to install a web server in container 2 and write an API which seems a bit overkill.
I just want to execute a bash script.
Any suggestions?
You have a few options, but the first 2 that come time mind are:
In container 1, install the Docker CLI and bind mount
/var/run/docker.sock (you need to specify the bind mount from the
host when you start the container). Then, inside the container, you
should be able to use docker commands against the bind mounted
socket as if you were executing them from the host (you might also
need to chmod the socket inside the container to allow a non-root
user to do this.
You could install SSHD on container 2, and then ssh in from container 1 and run your script. The advantage here is that you don't need to make any changes inside the containers to account for the fact that they are running in Docker and not bare metal. The down side is that you will need to add the SSHD setup to your Dockerfile or the startup scripts.
Most of the other ideas I can think of are just variants of option (2), with SSHD replaced by some other tool.
Also be aware that Docker networking is a little strange (at least on Mac hosts), so you need to make sure that the containers are using the same docker-network and are able to communicate over it.
To be completely clear, do not use option 1 outside of a lab or very controlled dev environment. It is taking a secure socket that has full authority over the Docker runtime on the host, and granting unchecked access to it from a container. Doing that makes it trivially easy to break out of the Docker sandbox and compromise the host system. About the only place I would consider it acceptable is as part of a full stack integration test setup that will only be run adhoc by a developer. It's a hack that can be a useful shortcut in some very specific situations but the drawbacks cannot be overstated.
I wrote a python package especially for this use-case.
Flask-Shell2HTTP is a Flask-extension to convert a command line tool into a RESTful API with mere 5 lines of code.
Example Code:
from flask import Flask
from flask_executor import Executor
from flask_shell2http import Shell2HTTP
app = Flask(__name__)
executor = Executor(app)
shell2http = Shell2HTTP(app=app, executor=executor, base_url_prefix="/commands/")
shell2http.register_command(endpoint="saythis", command_name="echo")
shell2http.register_command(endpoint="run", command_name="./myscript")
can be called easily like,
$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"args": ["Hello", "World!"]}' http://localhost:4000/commands/saythis
You can use this to create RESTful micro-services that can execute pre-defined shell commands/scripts with dynamic arguments asynchronously and fetch result.
It supports file upload, callback fn, reactive programming and more. I recommend you to checkout the Examples.
Running a docker command from a container is not straightforward and not really a good idea (in my opinion), because :
You'll need to install docker on the container (and do docker in docker stuff)
You'll need to share the unix socket, which is not a good thing if you have no idea of what you're doing.
So, this leaves us two solutions :
Install ssh on you're container and execute the command through ssh
Share a volume and have a process that watch for something to trigger your batch
It was mentioned here before, but a reasonable, semi-hacky option is to install SSH in both containers and then use ssh to execute commands on the other container:
# install SSH, if you don't have it already
sudo apt install openssh-server
# start the ssh service
sudo service start ssh
# start the daemon
sudo /usr/sbin/sshd -D &
Assuming you don't want to always be root, you can add default user (in this case, 'foobob'):
useradd -m --no-log-init --system --uid 1000 foobob -s /bin/bash -g sudo -G root
#change password
echo 'foobob:foobob' | chpasswd
Do this on both the source and target containers. Now you can execute a command from container_1 to container_2.
# obtain container-id of target container using 'docker ps'
ssh foobob#<container-id> << "EOL"
echo 'hello bob from container 1' > message.txt
You can automate the password with ssh-agent, or you can use some bit of more hacky with sshpass (install it first using sudo apt install sshpass):
sshpass -p 'foobob' ssh foobob#<container-id>
I believe
docker exec -it <container_name> <command>
should work, even inside the container.
You could also try to mount to docker.sock in the container you try to execute the command from:
docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ...

How to debug persistent data volume mount for Docker Odoo container?

I followed the standard Odoo container instructions on Docker to start the required postgres and odoo servers, and tried to pass host directories as persistent data storage for both as indicated in those instructions:
sudo mkdir /tmp/postgres /tmp/odoo
sudo docker run -d -v /tmp/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata -e POSTGRES_USER=odoo -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=odoo -e POSTGRES_DB=postgres --name db postgres:10
sudo docker run -v /tmp/odoo:/var/lib/odoo -p 8069:8069 --name odoo --link db:db -t odoo
The Odoo container shows messages that it starts up fine, but when I point my web browser at http://localhost:8069 I get no response from the server. By contrast, if I omit the -v argument from the Odoo docker run command, my web browser connects to the Odoo server fine, and everything works great.
I searched and see other people also struggling with getting the details of persistent data volumes working, e.g. Odoo development on Docker, Encountered errors while bringing up the project
This seems like a significant gap in Docker's standard use-case that users need better info on how to debug:
How to debug why the host volume mounting doesn't work for the odoo container, whereas it clearly does work for the postgres container? I'm not getting any insight from the log messages.
In particular, how to debug whether the container requires the host data volume to be pre-configured in some specific way, in order to work? For example, the fact that I can get the container to work without the -v option seems like it ought to be helpful, but also rather opaque. How can I use that success to inspect what those requirements actually are?
Docker is supposed to help you get a useful service running without needing to know the guts of its internals, e.g. how to set up its internal data directory. Mounting a persistent data volume from the host is a key part of that, e.g. so that users can snapshot, backup and restore their data using tools they already know.
I figured out some good debugging methods that both solved this problem and seem generally useful for figuring out Docker persistent data volume issues.
Test 1: can the container work with an empty Docker volume?
This is a really easy test: just create a new Docker volume and pass that in your -v argument (instead of a host directory absolute path):
sudo docker volume create hello
sudo docker run -v hello:/var/lib/odoo -p 8069:8069 --name odoo --link db:db -t odoo
The odoo container immediately worked successfully this way (i.e. my web browswer was able to connect to the Odoo server). This showed that it could work fine with an (initially) empty data directory. The obvious question then is why it didn't work with an empty host-directory volume. I had read that Docker containers can be persnickety about UID/GID ownership, so my next question was how do I figure out what it expects.
Test 2: inspect the running container's file system
I used docker exec to get an interactive bash shell in the running container:
sudo docker exec -ti odoo bash
Inside this shell I then looked at the data directory ownership, to get numeric UID and GID values:
ls -dn /var/lib/odoo
This showed me the UID/GID values were 101:101. (You can exit from this shell by just typing Control-D)
Test 3: re-run container with matching host-directory UID:GID
I then changed the ownership of my host directory to 101:101 and re-ran the odoo container with my host-directory mount:
sudo chown 101:101 /tmp/odoo
sudo docker stop odoo
sudo docker rm odoo
sudo docker run -v /tmp/odoo:/var/lib/odoo -p 8069:8069 --name odoo --link db:db -t odoo
Success! Finally the odoo container worked properly with a host-directory mount. While it's annoying the Odoo docker docs don't mention anything about this, it's easy to debug if you know how to use these basic tests.

Network storage (SMB/CIFS) in Windows Docker

I am trying to map an SMB network storage to Docker, in a development environment, to make it available to containers, in the same way as a shared local drive. This means, for the entire Docker VM, not individual containers. Another application needs the network storage through SMB access, but is in another domain, so I can't share anything from my local drives to it. Windows network drives also don't work with Docker.
The current workaround is to open nested shells on Docker, to access the VM and then mount the network storage. I tried this as a Windows batch file, but it stops at the first shell prompt and does not input anymore via "echo".
docker run --rm -it --privileged --pid=host justincormack/nsenter1
echo ctr -n services.linuxkit task exec -t --exec-id foo docker-ce /bin/sh
echo mkdir host_mnt/mystorage
echo mkdir host_mnt/mystorage/Videos
echo mkdir host_mnt/mystorage/Videos/my-private-storage
echo mount -v -t cifs -o username=myname,password=p#s$w0rd,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,vers=2.0,uid=1234,gid=1234 // /host_mnt/mystorage/Videos/my-private-storage
echo exit
echo exit
Typing this into the console (without the "echo"s) requires deletion/restart of Docker containers afterwards.
Is there any way to map a network drive to Docker easily and upon Docker startup? Or any other way to easily use an SMB resource?
I think the biggest problem you're going to face is that the entire Moby VM used for Docker for Windows has a read-only filesystem. If you were to just attempt to do the mount directly from Moby itself, you would get the it's missing the helper applications for CIFS / NFS.
mount: /mnt: bad option; for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might need a /sbin/mount.<type> helper program.
In most environments, we would just install cifs-utils or nfs-common, but because it's a read only filesystem, I can't think of a way to get that working.

Docker cannot access host files using -v option

Not 100% sure this is the right place but let's try.
I'm using on my Windows laptop the Docker Quickstart Terminal (docker toolbox) to get access to a Linux env with Google AppEngine, python, mysql...
Well, that seems to work and when I type docker run -i -t appengine /bin/bash I get access to this env.
Now I'd like to have access to some of my local (host) files so I can edit them with my Windows editors but run them into the docker instance.
I've seen a -v option but cannot make it work.
What I do
docker run -v /d/workspace:/home/root/workspace:rw -i -t appengine /bin/bash
But workspace stays empty in the Docker instance...
Any help appreciated
(I've read this before to post:
You have to enable Shared Drives , you can follow this Blog

Docker volume conflict

I have a dockerized web application that I'm running in a HA setup. I have a cron setup that runs dockup every midnight to backup my important information stored on other containers. Now I would like to backup and aggregate my logs from my web application too. Problem is, how do I that? If I use the VOLUME key in Dockerfile to expose /logs to the host machine, there would be a collision because there would be two /logs directories on the dockup container?
I have checked dockup. It does not have a /logs directory. Seems it uses /var/logs for log output.
$ docker run -it --name dockup borja/dockup bash
Otherwise, yes it would be a problem because the volume will be mounted under the mentioned name and also the current container processes will log to the folder. Not good.
Use a logging container like fluentd. In this tutorial it also offers writing to S3 buckets like dockup. Tutorial can be founder here.
Tweak your container, e.g. with symbolic links to log or relay the log to a different volume.
Access log not through containers but native docker and copy it to S3 yourself or running dockup on your local mounted log file.
$ docker logs container/name > logfile.log
$ docker run --rm \
--env-file env.txt \
-v $(pwd)/logfile.log:/customlogs/logfile.txt \
--name dockup borja/dockup
Now you can take the folder /customlogs/ as your backup path inside the env.txt.
