Solace Client Acknowledgement Replay - solace

I'm putting together a Solace Point-to-point solution in C#.
In my subscriber/listener, I am using ClientAck mode to ensure messages are successfully processed before being removed from the queue.
My question (probably due to my limited experience in messaging) is regarding failed messages, e.g. if I cannot process the message and hence not send the Ack, how is the message replayed?
An example of what I have is as follows:
using (ISession session = context.CreateSession(sessionProperties, null, null))
ReturnCode returnCode = session.Connect();
if (returnCode == ReturnCode.SOLCLIENT_OK)
var endpointProps = new EndpointProperties()
Permission = EndpointProperties.EndpointPermission.Consume,
AccessType = EndpointProperties.EndpointAccessType.Exclusive
using (IQueue queue = ContextFactory.Instance.CreateQueue(queueName))
session.Provision(queue, endpointProps,
ProvisionFlag.IgnoreErrorIfEndpointAlreadyExists | ProvisionFlag.WaitForConfirm, null);
_flow = session.CreateFlow(new FlowProperties { AckMode = MessageAckMode.ClientAck }, queue, null, HandleMessageEvent, HandleFlowEvent);
do { WaitEventWaitHandle.WaitOne(); } while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested);
return Task.CompletedTask;
throw new Exception($"Connection failed, return code: {returnCode}");
and then handling incoming messages
void HandleMessageEvent(object sender, MessageEventArgs args)
using (IMessage message = args.Message)
_handler(message.ApplicationMessageType, message.BinaryAttachment);
So, if I don't Ack, message remains on queue as expected (and required), however, how (best-practice) can I re-process it without manual intervention?

After a message has been delivered to a consumer from a Solace PubSub+ queue, the message will only be resent if the client unbinds before sending an acknowledgement back. The exception to this is specific to JMS clients with the session.recover() action.
If a message needs to be re-delivered to a C# application after it has already been sent but not acknowledged, the client will need to unbind and rebind to the queue. Note that if there are other clients also bound to the queue, the message may be re-sent to those clients before your client rebinds.


Unable to get Twilio sms status callbacks when sending proactive message

I'm trying to track the sms delivery status of the messages I send using the bot framework. I'm using Twilio, and sending proactive messages. Right now I'm trying to do so with twilio status callbacks
This is similar to this question, I tried that approach but I couldn't get it to work. I've added my url on the TwiML app and it is not firing. I have double and triple checked, and I suspect this url is somehow ignored or not going through with my current set up. I don't get any callbacks on the proactive message nor on the replies the bot sends to the user. However the flow works fine and I can reply and get proper responses from the bot. Edit: calling this "approach 1"
approach 2: I've also tried this doing some light modifications on Twilio adapter, to be able to add my callback just before create message. (I changed it so it uses a customized client wrapper that adds my callback url when creating the twilio resource) This does work, partially: when I reply a message from my bot, I get the status callbacks. But as the proactive message is sent using the default adapter, I don't get a callback on the initial message.
approach 3: Finally, I also tried using the TwilioAdapter when sending the proactive message but for some reason as soon as I send an activity, the TurnContext is disposed, so I can't save the state or do any subsequent actions. This leads me to believe twilio adapter is not intended to be used this way (can't be used on proactive messages), but I'm willing to explore this path if necessary.
Here is the modified Twilio Adapter:
public class TwilioAdapterWithErrorHandler : TwilioAdapter
private const string TwilioNumberKey = "TwilioNumber";
private const string TwilioAccountSidKey = "TwilioAccountSid";
private const string TwilioAuthTokenKey = "TwilioAuthToken";
private const string TwilioValidationUrlKey = "TwilioValidationUrl";
public TwilioAdapterWithErrorHandler(IConfiguration configuration, ILogger<TwilioAdapter> logger, TwilioAdapterOptions adapterOptions = null)
: base(
new TwilioClientWrapperWithCallback(new TwilioClientWrapperOptions(configuration[TwilioNumberKey], configuration[TwilioAccountSidKey], configuration[TwilioAuthTokenKey], new Uri(configuration[TwilioValidationUrlKey]))), adapterOptions, logger)
OnTurnError = async (turnContext, exception) =>
// Log any leaked exception from the application.
logger.LogError(exception, $"[OnTurnError] unhandled error : {exception.Message}");
Task[] tasks = {
// Send a message to the user
turnContext.SendActivityAsync("We're sorry but this bot encountered an error when processing your answer."),
// Send a trace activity, which will be displayed in the Bot Framework Emulator
turnContext.TraceActivityAsync("OnTurnError Trace", exception.Message, "", "TurnError")
Task all = Task.WhenAll(tasks); //task with the long running tasks
await Task.WhenAny(all, Task.Delay(5000)); //wait with a timeout
Modified client Wrapper:
public class TwilioClientWrapperWithCallback : TwilioClientWrapper
public TwilioClientWrapperWithCallback(TwilioClientWrapperOptions options) : base(options) { }
public async override Task<string> SendMessageAsync(TwilioMessageOptions messageOptions, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var createMessageOptions = new CreateMessageOptions(messageOptions.To)
ApplicationSid = messageOptions.ApplicationSid,
MediaUrl = messageOptions.MediaUrl,
Body = messageOptions.Body,
From = messageOptions.From,
createMessageOptions.StatusCallback = new System.Uri("");
var messageResource = await MessageResource.CreateAsync(createMessageOptions).ConfigureAwait(false);
return messageResource.Sid;
Finally, here's my summarized code that sends the proactive message:
public async Task<IActionResult> StartConversation(long superBillId, int? campaignId)
ConversationReference conversationReference = this.GetConversationReference("+17545517768");
//Start a new conversation.
await ((BotAdapter)_adapter).ContinueConversationAsync(_appId, conversationReference, async (turnContext, token) =>
await turnContext.SendActivityAsync("proactive message 1");
//this code was edited for brevity. Here I would start a new dialog that would cascade into another, but the end result is the same, as soon as a message is sent, the turn context is disposed.
await turnContext.SendActivityAsync("proactive message 2"); //throws ObjectDisposedException
}, default(CancellationToken));
var result = new { status = "Initialized fine!" };
return new JsonResult(result);
private ConversationReference GetConversationReference(string targetNumber)
string fromNumber = "+18632704234";
return new ConversationReference
User = new ChannelAccount { Id = targetNumber, Role = "user" },
Bot = new ChannelAccount { Id = fromNumber, Role = "bot" },
Conversation = new ConversationAccount { Id = targetNumber },
//ChannelId = "sms",
ChannelId = "twilio-sms", //appparently when using twilio adapter we need to set this. if using TwiML app and not using Twilio Adapter, use the above. Otherwise the frameworks interprets answers from SMS as new conversations instead.
ServiceUrl = "",
(I can see that I could just call create conversation reference and do two callbacks, one for each message, but in my actual code I'm creating a dialog that sends one message and then invokes another dialog that starts another message)
Edit 2:
Some clarifications:
On approach 2, I'm using two adapters, as suggested by code sample and documentation on using twilio adapter. The controller that starts the proactive message uses an instance of a default adapter (similar to this one), and TwilioController (the one that gets the twilio incoming messages) uses TwilioAdapterWithErrorHandler.
On approach 3, I excluded the default adapter, and both controllers use TwilioAdapterWithErrorHandler.
Edit 3:
Here's a small repo with the issue.
I found a fix for this problem, around approach 3, by changing the overload I use for ContinueConversation. Replace this :
//Start a new conversation.
await ((BotAdapter)_adapter).ContinueConversationAsync(_appId, conversationReference, async (turnContext, token) =>
With this:
//Start a new conversation.
var twilioAdapter = (TwilioAdapterWithErrorHandler)_adapter;
await twilioAdapter.ContinueConversationAsync(_appId, conversationReference, async (context, token) =>
This way, the context is not disposed, an I can use the twilio adapter for the proactive message and have status callbacks on all messages.

Solve issue POSTING to webhook for IFTTT from Arduino MKR1010

I am aiming to make a post request to trigger a IFTTT webhook action. I am using the MKR1010 board. I am able to connect to the network and turn the connected LED on and off using the cloud integration.
The code is as follows, but doesn't trigger the web hook. I can manually paste the web address in a browser and this does trigger the web hook. When the code is posted it returns a 400 bad request error.
The key has been replaced in the below code with a dummy value.
Does anybody know why this is not triggering the web hook? / Can you explain why the post request is being rejected by the server? I don't even really need to read the response from the server as long as it is sent.
Thank you
// ArduinoHttpClient - Version: Latest
#include <ArduinoHttpClient.h>
#include "thingProperties.h"
#define LED_PIN 13
#define BTN1 6
char serverAddress[] = ""; // server address
int port = 443;
WiFiClient wifi;
HttpClient client = HttpClient(wifi, serverAddress, port);
// variables will change:
int btnState = 0; // variable for reading the pushbutton status
int btnPrevState = 0;
void setup() {
// Initialize serial and wait for port to open:
// This delay gives the chance to wait for a Serial Monitor without blocking if none is found
// Defined in thingProperties.h
// Connect to Arduino IoT Cloud
The following function allows you to obtain more information
related to the state of network and IoT Cloud connection and errors
the higher number the more granular information you’ll get.
The default is 0 (only errors).
Maximum is 4
// setup the board devices
pinMode(BTN1, INPUT);
void loop() {
// Your code here
// read the state of the pushbutton value:
btnState = digitalRead(BTN1);
if (btnPrevState == 0 && btnState == 1) {
led2 = !led2;
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, led2);
btnPrevState = btnState;
void onLed1Change() {
// Do something
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, led1);
//Serial.print("The light is ");
if (led1) {
Serial.println("The light is ON");
} else {
// Serial.println("OFF");
void onLed2Change() {
// Do something
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, led2);
void postrequest() {
// String("POST /trigger/btn1press/with/key/mykeyhere")
Serial.println("making POST request");
String contentType = "/trigger/btn1press/with/key";
String postData = "mykeyhere";"/", contentType, postData);
// read the status code and body of the response
int statusCode = client.responseStatusCode();
String response = client.responseBody();
Serial.print("Status code: ");
Serial.print("Response: ");
Serial.println("Wait five seconds");
Why do you want to make a POST request and send the key in the POST body? The browser sends a GET request. It would be
In HttpClient post() the first parameter is 'path', the second parameter is contentType (for example "text/plain") and the third parameter is the body of the HTTP POST request.
So your post should look like"/trigger/btn1press/with/key/mykeyhere", contentType, postData);

lwIP mqtt connection error on stm32f4 discovery

I am trying to use lwIP for a client, which sends data to mosquitto broker on stm32f407 discovery.
Mqtt application is implemented at lwIP. I just use them like that at main after initializing.
mqtt_client_t static_client;
Afterwards, with USART interrupt, I call
example_do_connect(&static_client); example_publish(&static_client,0);
Which calls those functions:
struct mqtt_connect_client_info_t ci;
err_t err;
/* Setup an empty client info structure */
memset(&ci, 0, sizeof(ci));
/* Minimal amount of information required is client identifier, so set it here */
ci.client_id = "lwip_test";
ci.client_user = NULL;
ci.client_pass = NULL;
/* Initiate client and connect to server, if this fails immediately an error code is returned
otherwise mqtt_connection_cb will be called with connection result after attempting
to establish a connection with the server.
For now MQTT version 3.1.1 is always used */
err = mqtt_client_connect(client, &serverIp, MQTT_PORT, mqtt_connection_cb, 0, &ci);
/* For now just print the result code if something goes wrong*/
if(err != ERR_OK) {
void example_publish(mqtt_client_t *client, void *arg)
const char *pub_payload= "stm32_test";
err_t err;
u8_t qos = 2; /* 0 1 or 2, see MQTT specification */
u8_t retain = 0; /* No don't retain such crappy payload... */
err = mqtt_publish(client, "pub_topic", pub_payload, strlen(pub_payload), qos, retain, mqtt_pub_request_cb, arg);
if(err != ERR_OK) {
// printf("Publish err: %d\n", err);
err = ERR_OK;
/* Called when publish is complete either with sucess or failure */
static void mqtt_pub_request_cb(void *arg, err_t result)
if(result != ERR_OK) {
// printf("Publish result: %d\n", result);
I am able to ping board, my IP adress has been assigned in main by using IP_ADDR4(&serverIp, 192,168,2,97);
I've used all needed functions like MX_LWIP_Init(), MX_LWIP_Process() and actually i am even able to implement a TCP client, which is working nice. So internet connection is well, but I guess, there is a point that i missed in mqttclient. Callbacks is also have done by Erik Anderssen's guide.
When i try to subscribe to board's IP by using mosquitto, Error: no connection could be made because the target actively refused it. If you notice some point that i have missed or have an idea, please let me know.
Any help will appreciated, thanks in advance.
I had a similar problem that the server refused the connection when QoS (quality of service) was set to 2, but the server needed it to be 0. Try changing the parameter qos in the line in the connection callback to either 0 or 1:
err = mqtt_subscribe(mqtt.client, "topic", qos, MqttApp_SubscribeRequestCallback, arg);
Same applies to the parameter qos in the publish function:
change u8_t qos = 2; to u8_t qos = 0; (or 1 - whatever your server requires)
Hope it helps. Cheers.

Blackberry: Make a iterative HTTP GET petition using Comms API

I want to store position coords (latitude, longitude) in a table in my MySQL DB querying a url in a way similar to this one: every ten seconds. PHP script works like a charm. Getting the coords in the device ain't no problem either. But making the request to the server is being a hard one. My code goes like this:
public class LocationHTTPSender extends Thread {
for (;;) {
try {
//fetch latest coordinates
coords = this.coords();
//reset url
// create uri
uri = URI.create(this.url);
FireAndForgetDestination ffd = null;
ffd = (FireAndForgetDestination) DestinationFactory.getSenderDestination
("MyContext", uri);
if(ffd == null)
ffd = DestinationFactory.createFireAndForgetDestination
(new Context("MyContext"), uri);
ByteMessage myMsg = ffd.createByteMessage();
myMsg.setStringPayload("doesnt matter");
((HttpMessage) myMsg).setMethod(HttpMessage.POST);
((HttpMessage) myMsg).setQueryParam("latitude", coords[0]);
((HttpMessage) myMsg).setQueryParam("longitude", coords[1]);
((HttpMessage) myMsg).setQueryParam("user", "1");
int i = ffd.sendNoResponse(myMsg);
System.out.println("Lets sleep for a while..");
System.out.println("woke up");
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
System.out.println("Exception message: " + e.toString());
I haven't run this code to test it, but I would be suspicious of this call:
According to the API docs:
Closes the destination. This method cancels all outstanding messages,
discards all responses to those messages (if any), suspends delivery
of all incoming messages, and blocks any future receipt of messages
for this Destination. This method also destroys any persistable
outbound and inbound queues. If Destination uses the Push API, this
method will unregister associated push subscriptions. This method
should be called only during the removal of an application.
So, if you're seeing the first request succeed (at least sometimes), and subsequent requests fail, I would try removing that call to destroy().
See the BlackBerry docs example for this here
Ok so I finally got it running cheerfully. The problem was with the transport selection; even though this example delivered WAP2 (among others) as an available transport in my device, running the network diagnostics tool showed only BIS as available. It also gave me the connection parameters that I needed to append at the end of the URL (;deviceside=false;ConnectionUID=GPMDSEU01;ConnectionType=mds-public). The code ended up like this:
for (;;) {
try {
this.setUrl(stringFuncs.replaceAll(this.getUrl(), "%latitude%", coords.getLatitude() + ""));
this.setUrl(stringFuncs.replaceAll(this.getUrl(), "%longitude%", coords.getLongitude() + ""));
cd = cf.getConnection(this.getUrl());
if (cd != null) {
try {
HttpConnection hc = (HttpConnection)cd.getConnection();
final int i = hc.getResponseCode();
} catch (Exception e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
//cerrar conexiones
//poner objetos a null
Thanks for your help #Nate, it's been very much appreciated.

Abnormally disconnected TCP sockets and write timeout

I will try to explain the problem in shortest possible words. I am using c++ builder 2010.
I am using TIdTCPServer and sending voice packets to a list of connected clients. Everything works ok untill any client is disconnected abnormally, For example power failure etc. I can reproduce similar disconnect by cutting the ethernet connection of a connected client.
So now we have a disconnected socket but as you know it is not yet detected at server side so server will continue to try to send data to that client too.
But when server try to write data to that disconnected client ...... Write() or WriteLn() HANGS there in trying to write, It is like it is wating for somekind of Write timeout. This hangs the hole packet distribution process as a result creating a lag in data transmission to all other clients. After few seconds "Socket Connection Closed" Exception is raised and data flow continues.
Here is the code
for(int i=0;i<SlotListeners->Count;i++)
//Here the process will HANG for several seconds on a disconnected socket
((TIdContext*) SlotListeners->Objects[i])->Connection->IOHandler->WriteLn("Some DATA");
}catch(Exception &e)
Ok i already have a keep alive mechanism which disconnect the socket after n seconds of inactivity. But as you can imagine, still this mechnism cant sync exactly with this braodcasting loop because this braodcasting loop is running almost all the time.
So is there any Write timeouts i can specify may be through iohandler or something ? I have seen many many threads about "Detecting disconnected tcp socket" but my problem is little different, i need to avoid that hangup for few seconds during the write attempt.
So is there any solution ?
Or should i consider using some different mechanism for such data broadcasting for example the broadcasting loop put the data packet in some kind of FIFO buffer and client threads continuously check for available data and pick and deliver it to themselves ? This way if one thread hangs it will not stop/delay the over all distribution thread.
Any ideas please ? Thanks for your time and help.
There are no write timeouts implemented in Indy. For that, you will have to use the TIdSocketHandle.SetSockOpt() method to set the socket-level timeouts directly.
The FIFO buffer is a better option (and a better design in general). For example:
void __fastcall TForm1::IdTCPServer1Connect(TIdContext *AContext)
AContext->Data = new TIdThreadSafeStringList;
void __fastcall TForm1::IdTCPServer1Disconnect(TIdContext *AContext)
delete AContext->Data;
AContext->Data = NULL;
void __fastcall TForm1::IdTCPServer1Execute(TIdContext *AContext)
TIdThreadSafeStringList *Queue = (TIdThreadSafeStringList*) AContext->Data;
TStringList *Outbound = NULL;
TStringList *List = Queue->Lock();
if( List->Count > 0 )
Outbound = new TStringList;
if( Outbound )
delete Outbound;
int i = 0;
while( i < SlotListeners->Count )
TIdContext *Ctx = (TIdContext*) SlotListeners->Objects[i];
TIdThreadSafeStringList *Queue = (TIdThreadSafeStringList*) Ctx->Data;
Queue->Add("Some DATA");
catch(const Exception &e)
