Loading JNA Native Libraries - jna

I create a Digital Signature Using USB Token but the problem is that my JNA cannot load the DLL library
I have tried using JNA jar files
C.NATIVE = new JNA(library);
The above codes give me error
I expect it to work if there is no error


Which command is used to convert wsdl to objective-c?

Previously I have created studs in Objective-C for WSDL webservice using terminal.
Now I forgot that command for generating Objective-C class for wsdl services.
Currently I am using MOS Sierra the Wsdl2Obj is not working.
I have download from here enter link description here
Which gives an error
You can’t use this version of the application “WSDL2ObjC” with this version of macOS.
I remember there is a command for generating wsdl to obj stubs classes.

How to link and load a static library (Ed25519) in JDK8

The most optimized implementation of Ed25519 (http://ed25519.cr.yp.to/) contains both C and assembly code. As my program is implemented in JAVA, I would like to generate a shared library (.so) for Ed25519 but failed. This is most probably because Ed25519 assembly code does not support -fPIC (If i was wrong pls point out).
It seems that JDK 8 can support the static linking (Linking static library with JNI), but there is no example I can found online. I tried to generate a static library (.a) and simply load it as a shared library by JNI, but obviously JAVA can not accept it.
So in practice how can I link and load a static library to my JAVA program?
OK, now I have statically integrated ED25519 with my Java program. I believe the solution can be easily applied to other cases in which shared library can not be generated.
Basically, I implement a wrapper in C, which :
invokes JNI interface 'JNI_CreateJavaVM' to launch a JVM, say, my_jvm;
in my_jvm, registers each native method defined in java code with the corresponding method implemented in static library, by JNI interface 'RegisterNatives' (may needs a glue program in this step);
launches java code in my_jvm, e.g., by JNI interface 'CallStaticVoidMethod'.
The wrapper is linked with the static library (ED25519.a in my case) by GCC. My java program is launched through the wrapper.
Then, the native methods in Java can locate and invoke the methods in C library.

How do I get a Haxe OpenFL project to use an external swf library?

I've read documentation and tried to get my OpenFL project to use an external swf library and I keep getting an error that it can't find the classes when I run the project.
As a test I added a swf that has an actionscript lib for using Twitter. I created a github project here https://github.com/matthewswallace/TestOpenFL
The error I get when running the project is the following.
src/Main.hx:7: characters 7-34 : Class not found : com.swfjunkie.tweetr.Tweetr
Error: Command failed with error 1
Swf library deals with graphics only, Any actionscript will be dropped, you need to port your actionscript classes to haxe and use them in your project directly ..

OpenCV Opencl Compilation error: 'X' is not declared in this scope

Hi I created a program using OpenCV in windows with visual studio. My program has two cpp files. Both of them include many library files. The main function is in detect.cpp file and the other file is lbp.cpp.
In windows the program runs just fine and can get every library files and header files. But when I tried to compile the program in Linux OpenCV it did not compile and gave me error. The lbp.cpp file cannot find opencl's function and data type. It gives me this error:
‘cl_command_queue’ was not declared in this scope
‘cl_mem’ was not declared in this scope
‘cl_int’ was not declared in this scope
There are many of them. Anyone has an idea how to solve them? I checked other sample filesin opencv OpenCl samples and used the same headers as they used. But my program just does not compile. Please help.

Error constructing PlayListMember object from YouTube api - C# ok F# error

I am using the .NET SDK from http://code.google.com/p/google-gdata/downloads/detail?name=YouTube_SDK_1.8.0.0.msi
In F# interactive version 4.0.40219.1 I am simply trying to create a new object of PlayListMember but get a object reference error:
#r #"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google YouTube SDK for .NET\Redist\Google.GData.Client.dll";;
#r #"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google YouTube SDK for .NET\Redist\Google.GData.Extensions.dll";;
#r #"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google YouTube SDK for .NET\Redist\Google.GData.YouTube.dll";;
open Google.GData.Client;;
open Google.GData.Extensions;;
open Google.GData.YouTube;;
open Google.YouTube;;
let pmm = new PlayListMember();;
error FS0193: internal error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
If I do the equivelant in C# or F# console app there is no problem. So it appears to be some issue with using this from the F# interactive.
Also I can create a PlayList in F# and use the api to create the list successfully on YouTube. But simply creating a new PlayListMember object fails.
How can I debug this problem?
Update 1
Downloaded the GData SDK which also includes the YouTube SDK from here http://code.google.com/p/google-gdata/downloads/detail?name=Google_Data_API_Setup_1.8.0.0.msi&can=2&q=
Tried the above approach with the new assemblies:
#r #"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google Data API SDK\Redist\Google.GData.Client.dll";;
#r #"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google Data API SDK\Redist\Google.GData.Extensions.dll";;
#r #"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google Data API SDK\Redist\Google.GData.YouTube.dll";;
open Google.GData.Client;;
open Google.GData.Extensions;;
open Google.GData.YouTube;;
open Google.YouTube;;
let pm = new PlayListMember();;
error FS0193: API restriction: The assembly 'file:///C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google YouTube SDK for .NET\Redist\Google.GData.YouTube.dll' has already loaded from a different location. It cannot be loaded from a new location within the same appdomain.
This error is after a full reboot and opening VS2010 with only the F# interactive. I'm not sure how the assembly in Google YouTube SDK for .NET has been loaded when the references were to Google Data API SDK.
Update 2
Got the latest code from http://code.google.com/p/google-gdata/source/checkout, recompiled for .NET 4, uninstalled both YouTube and GData API packages, and still when loading the code with custom built debug assemblies from F# interactive am getting the Object reference error when creating the PlayListMember object.
Update 3
Having debugged the PlayListMember with the source I can't figure out what is wrong. PlayListMember extends Video extends Entry. Entry is the only one with a constructor and that is empty. Where is this exception coming from then...
As an internal error, this almost certainly indicates a compiler bug. I'd recommend emailing fsbugs#microsoft.com.
