Make an ios notifications from ios website - ios

I want to build html5 application using some frontend framework like angular or vue.js and then I want to make a mobile app from it. I don't need this mobile app to be native, so that's okay.
Then I want to put it into webview to make a mobile app from it.
I know this is possible with android. Is this possible with ios?
And will it possible to send push notifications?
ps: I don't want to use react native or cordova cause it will be much more difficult and we will run over the budget for this mvp

While technically possible, if you're planning on trying to put it on the app store, you're likely going to run afoul of the app store guidelines and will likely get rejected:
4.2 Minimum Functionality
Your app should include features, content, and UI that elevate it
beyond a repackaged website.
Technically, all you need for a push notification is to get the mobile id (the one they register to APNS) then send a notification package to apple some way (normally a remote server) to register a new notification. My question is aside from notifications, why not just build a different sort of app like a progressive web app?


Ionic 4 iOS app using APNS Push Notifications without a third party service

I would like to build an Ionic 4 app for iOS platform only (no android/windows/web version required) that supports APNS based Push Notifications. My backend is going to be NodeJS/ExpressJS based. After so many days of searching I wasn't able to find one solid example/solution that does not use a third party service such as OneSignal or Firebase. This is an enterprise app and we cannot use a thirdparty service other than Apple's APNS. We'd like to send the notification from our NodeJS backend to APNS (which I am well aware of how to implement). What've I've been suffering with is to find a good Ionic 4 library that allows me to interact with the OS's Push Notification capabilities such as capturing device token, listening for notifications when app is in foreground etc. Could someone please direct me to a good resource that shows how to accomplish this straightforward requirement of using Ionic 4 to work with ios push notifications sent via APNS?
My suggestion for you is to implement this functionality in swift and create a plugin which will call your javascript code.
I think this is a simple example of how to implement push notifications with swift.
You should get the phonegap-plugin-push plugin, which is popular and well mantained. It supports both APNS and Firebase, and it is remarkably well documented. Not sure about Ionic 4 support, but that's a solid starting point anyway.

Link iOS push notification to PWA/website

We are in the process of developing a PWA that should send out notifications that are visible outside the application and even when the application is closed. In other words, like when a native app would send out notifications.
However, at the moment this is only possible on Android devices, on iOS this is not yet possible.
So we are looking for ways to work around this problem.
One theory is to create a very small native app for iOS with the soul purpose to send out notifications.
Our PWA would create the notification and make it available via an API call.
The native app would do a request every x seconds to retrieve the notifications and display them on the phone.
The part where we are a bit in the dark about is if it is possible to make the notification that is displayed link to the PWA instead of the native app?
Yes maybe with OS X Push Notifications for Websites:

Push notifications progressive web app on iOS

I need to develop a progressive web app with push notifications integrated. Searching on the web I have found diverse opinions about this subject.
If I have understood correctly, for now, we cannot have push notifications in safari for mobile (but only for Desktop). Is it right?
Do you have any suggestions to obtain the same result (I am not an iOS expert)? I was wondering that maybe developing a native app only for push notifications purposes could be a good choice until push notification will be ready also for safari mobile.
P.S. I am developing the PWA using Angular 2.
Thank you for the support.
Unfortunately, based this post and also this the latest iOS version(13.3) still doesn't support some features of progressive web app:
Web Push Notification
Background Sync
Page Lifecycle
Service Workers on WebViews
Universal Links / Link Capturing
Until now, no news that says will be implemented on the next version 14. As I said in the old post, I think iOS doesn't want to support these in PWA because these features have a bigger chance to be unnecessary exploited(spam, etc). And also maybe they want to force developers to create the native application rather than the progressive web application.
I just want to let you know: Apple will support push notifications for web apps! This news was published at the WWDC2022. Apple will release Web Push with Safari 16 on macOS (Ventura) in a few months (2022) and for iOS and iPadOS in 2023.
Until this is working, I will use this Flutter wrapper thats embeds the PWA in a Webview.

How can I send my iOS app to my client for them to use it?

I've been developing an app using Titanium Appcelerator, until now I've been previewing it using the iOS Simulator and my iPhone.
Now, I want to send my app to the client so they can use it on their iPhone. How can I do this?
Bear in mind this is my first iOS app and so I am not fully au-fait with the terminology or process in making an app go live.
There is no Apple provided mechanism for achieving this, however apps like TestFlight provide a good mechanism for this. You have to register your clients device in order to allow them to install your app. Yes, this should work for Titanium.
You can find out how TestFlight works here:
How does TestFlight do it?

HTML5 mobile app - when to simply use UIWebView and when to use PhoneGap?

I am a web developer who needs to build an HTML5 mobile app - which we will need to try and submit to app stores, including Apple's App store. Therefore, I need to somehow wrap my app into a native framework.
That being said, I don't have time to learn the nitty gritty of Objective-C and figure it all out.
I am trying to decide between using a service like PhoneGap, or simply creating a smaller native app with a webview that pulls up my mobile app from my site's server.
In this case, the only native hardware that my app needs to be in touch with are push notifications (probably through Urban Airship) and Geolocation (which can be accomplished via HTML5).
When is it wise to go with something like PhoneGap vs. simply creating a UIWebView, and vice versa? Which would you suggest in this case?
Apple is loyal enough to PhoneGap apps - almost no problems with approval on iStore. You should just follow Apple Human Guidelines and everything should be OK.
PhoneGap provides lot's of different and interesting features. Also it's cross-platform - works great on iOS, Android, WP7 etc. I think it's the best way to wrap your HTML5 and JS.
Talking about pushes - if you select phonegap, i recommend to look at pushwoosh service.
