Push notifications progressive web app on iOS - ios

I need to develop a progressive web app with push notifications integrated. Searching on the web I have found diverse opinions about this subject.
If I have understood correctly, for now, we cannot have push notifications in safari for mobile (but only for Desktop). Is it right?
Do you have any suggestions to obtain the same result (I am not an iOS expert)? I was wondering that maybe developing a native app only for push notifications purposes could be a good choice until push notification will be ready also for safari mobile.
P.S. I am developing the PWA using Angular 2.
Thank you for the support.

Unfortunately, based this post and also this the latest iOS version(13.3) still doesn't support some features of progressive web app:
Web Push Notification
Background Sync
Page Lifecycle
Service Workers on WebViews
Universal Links / Link Capturing
Until now, no news that says will be implemented on the next version 14. As I said in the old post, I think iOS doesn't want to support these in PWA because these features have a bigger chance to be unnecessary exploited(spam, etc). And also maybe they want to force developers to create the native application rather than the progressive web application.

I just want to let you know: Apple will support push notifications for web apps! This news was published at the WWDC2022. Apple will release Web Push with Safari 16 on macOS (Ventura) in a few months (2022) and for iOS and iPadOS in 2023.
See: https://webkit.org/blog/12945/meet-web-push/
Until this is working, I will use this Flutter wrapper thats embeds the PWA in a Webview.


Make an ios notifications from ios website

I want to build html5 application using some frontend framework like angular or vue.js and then I want to make a mobile app from it. I don't need this mobile app to be native, so that's okay.
Then I want to put it into webview to make a mobile app from it.
I know this is possible with android. Is this possible with ios?
And will it possible to send push notifications?
ps: I don't want to use react native or cordova cause it will be much more difficult and we will run over the budget for this mvp
While technically possible, if you're planning on trying to put it on the app store, you're likely going to run afoul of the app store guidelines and will likely get rejected:
4.2 Minimum Functionality
Your app should include features, content, and UI that elevate it
beyond a repackaged website.
Technically, all you need for a push notification is to get the mobile id (the one they register to APNS) then send a notification package to apple some way (normally a remote server) to register a new notification. My question is aside from notifications, why not just build a different sort of app like a progressive web app?

Deploying app for personal use on iOS device

I want to build a very simple gallery like app (which uses the Telegram bot API to fetch images from certain telegram channel). I want to have this app for both Android and iOS device. I guess either progressive web app or flutter could be used to achieve this. I have developed native android apps before, and wish to learn PWA or flutter along with this project.
So my question is, can I deploy this app to my iOS device without enrolling in the Apple developer program? Since this is only for personal use and I do not wish to publish this app on any app store. Also, do I need to have a Mac with Xcode to do this?!
Thanks in advance!
For developing a Progressive Web App for iOS, you won't need Xcode and a Macbook since it is basically still a website with enhancements. However, bear in mind that PWA support on iOS is very limited. Android has much better PWA support.
This article gives an overview of what is currently possible

ios 12 PWA web push notifications. Does it work?

I am not able to find a way to enable web push notifications for a PWA app. Does that work in IOS like it does on android?
No the web push api is not yet available on the iOS yet (as of May 2019)
refer here https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/PushManager

iOS/iPadOS safari push api support

Does the iOS/iPadOS version of safari support push api standard with service worker?
EDIT: there is a petition you can sign to raise awareness on this topic
iOS don't support the W3C Spec web push notifications yet. But there is a Safari specific API for web notifications. Refer to this answer on multiple options you have.
Update: Corrected the Answer in the above link to clarify proprietary solution is only for OS X - Safari and no solution for iOS Safari yet. Custom in app notification is the best we can do today for iOS Safari.
iOS 12, 13, and now iOS/iPadOS 14 still doesn't support these features:
Web Push Notification
Background Sync
Page Lifecycle
Service Workers on WebViews
Universal Links / Link Capturing
So many requests from the community for these features but Apple don't want to hear it. Maybe they think these features have a bigger chance to be unnecessary exploited(spam, etc). And also maybe they want to force developers to create the native application rather than the progressive web application.
I tested iOS 12 in beta last week and as Anand said, there is no change about this functionnality and more globally for Progressive Web App because the Web Manifest, in developpement at this moment is not implemented yet.
iOS 15.4 added a Push API feature in safari
Settings > Safari > Advanced > Experimental WebKitFeatures
but it is turned off by default.
That doesn't mean the Web Push Notification is fully supported in iOS but it is a hint that it might be coming soon.
Hopefully iOS 16 🤞
It still doesn't, but it was just announced that it's coming in 2023.
Source: https://webkit.org/blog/12824/news-from-wwdc-webkit-features-in-safari-16-beta/
(It's at the bottom of the "Web Push for macOS
" section)

iOS web app push notifications - 2017

Here's my case:
I have developed an app in Cordova which is basicly the mobile version of the client's website. But the app has as extra feature the ability to receive push notifications. All works fine as it should.
But the app got rejected due to
Your app provides a limited user experience as it is not sufficiently different from a mobile browsing experience
Side note: Few months back I made the same app for a different client but even without the push notifications, no problem. So I guess Apple has made their terms more strict.
Even Apple suggests to rather use a web app. So my big question is:
Is it possible to have a web app for iOS that also receives the push notifications?
I've been searching around the web for the past few days and I've read a lot of blogs and posts on the issue but most of them are almost over a year old.
Does any of you have more info on this or even have a better solution to the app rejection?
To whom it may concern:
This is still not possible (June 2017).
