Problems with bibliography file in LaTex - latex

Bibliography doesn't show up.
My .bib file is okay I think but when I compile the main file bibliography doesn't show.
I don't know what's wrong, please help.
Important parts of code in my main file.
And my bibliography file has some references like this one.
author = "Diomidis Spinellis",
title = "{Being a Software Developer}",
journal = "IEEE Software",
volume = "35",
number = "4",
month = {August},
year = "2018",
pages = "4-7",
doi = {10.1109/MS.2018.2801555}

For this kind of message:
ERROR - Cannot find control file biblio.bcf!
Try to also check if you chose the correct corresponding backend in your text editor.
E.g., with Texmaker, you choose "Biber" or "BibTeX" for the field "Bib(La)TeX" , in Tools/configure Texmaker


Augment latex citation with specific table (or figure) reference

How do I include a specific table within a latex citation, i.e., what's the syntax? In other words, I'd like to cite table 11.1 in the "Handbook of Hydrology" by David Maidment. In my BibTex text file, the reference is:
Author = {Maidment, David R},
Isbn = {0-07-039732-5},
Publisher = {McGraw-Hill},
Address = {New York, USA},
Title = {Handbook of Hydrology},
Year = {1993}}
and so in the tex file that invokes this reference, it's easy enough to add ...\citep{maidment1993}..., but if I want the output to also include table 11.1, as in "...(Table 1.1; Maidment, 1993)." and not merely "(Maidment, 1993)", how do I do that in the .tex file? I tried \citep{Table 11.1 maidment1993}, but not surprisingly, that doesn't work.
You can add the table as optional argument. For example with biblatex:
\cite[Table 11.1]{knuth:ct}

LaTeX: Citation found in .bib-file but only name of citation returned, bibliography not printed

I got this issue in LayteX (Overleaf) where the \cite{} and \textcite{} command does find my source, but then returns the exact name of the source in my .bib-file. It looks something like this (I couldn't add images somehow):
While the correct output should be:
text... (World Bank, 2022) .... text
The source:
title = {World Bank Open Data {\textbar} Data},
url = {},
author = {{World Bank}},
urldate = {2022-10-07},
date = {2022},
file = {World Bank Open Data | Data:C\:\\Users\\jhans\\Zotero\\storage\\X739YI3J\\},
The package and file name. Name of the bib-file corresponds 1:1 with the imported library file:
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=apa]{biblatex}
And as a result, the following command also does not return anything:
The error messages are:
Empty bibliography on input line 360.
Overfull \hbox (6.3094pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 34--35
Citation 'world_bank_2022' on page 1 undefined on input line 34.
As an illustration, I created a MWE with the exact same structure and packages as in my original file.
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=apa]{biblatex}
\addbibresource{Bibliography IIA ASP.bib}
\title{AS\&P Assignment 3}
\author{Hans van Beek, 497005}
\date{14 October 2022}
\section{Panel Data Modelling: Time-to-Export}\label{q1}
\subsection{Hypotheses}\label{q1: hypotheses}
The current analysis focuses on three hypothesised determinants of the time-to-export in hours (\textit{time\_to\_export}) between countries and over time using data from the World Bank (\cite{world_bank_2022}). The time-to-export is an important indicator of a country's quality of export and import conditions with a lower time-to-export (\textit{time\_to\_export}) in hours reflecting a more efficient economy. An appropriate determinant of the variation in the size of a country's economy could therefore be the GDP per capita (providing a good benchmark). The first hypothesis (i) therefore states that a higher GDP is

Is there a way to redefine the bibliography output in biblatex w/ apacite citestyle? The german translation seems to be wrong

I am trying to create a bibliography for my thesis using biblatex with the APA-citestyle. I also use the babel with german option since my thesis is in German.
My bibfile looks like this:
% literature.bib
author = {Author, A. and Buthor, B. and Cuthor, C.},
year = {2001},
title = {This is the title},
url = {},
urldate = {2020-01-10}
..and my main.tex like this:
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=apa]{biblatex}
However, on online sources the "accessed" link seems to be translated in a wrong way. It outputs "...Verfügbar + date + unter +url" which translates to "...Available + date + from url". But the date is the date I accessed the url, not the publishing date. If I change the language in the babel package to American, the output is correct.
Since I am new to Latex and Biblatex specifically, I wonder if there is a way to redefine the Output of the urldate field. I am using the Overleaf editor if that is of importance.
Either use a version prior to the commit or fix the translation yourself:
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=apa]{biblatex}
retrieved = {abgerufen am},
from = {von},
author = {Author, A. and Buthor, B. and Cuthor, C.},
year = {2001},
title = {This is the title},
url = {},
urldate = {2020-01-10}

Bibtex wrongly compiles accent mark

I am attempting to compile my latex file and I have a source with author's last name with an accent mark (two dots above the letter o). In the preamble of my file, I have
\usepackage{xcolor, color}
\usepackage{graphics, graphicx, rotating}
\usepackage{algpseudocode, algorithm}
\usepackage{url, hyperref}
Then, at the end of the file, I have
In the .bib file I have
author = {K\"{o}n},
title = {TITLE}
year = {2014}
However, when I compile (I'm using TeXStudio), I get what you see in the image.
It doesn't seem to be recognizing that there are two quotes (' is highlighted in blue and then ' is highlighted in black in the IDE I'm using). I'm not sure how to get the correct accent mark. I can't seem to find this issue elsewhere, and there are no other ways in latex literature (that I can find). Thank you!
Code for .tex file:
\usepackage{xcolor, color}
\usepackage{graphics, graphicx, rotating}
\usepackage{algpseudocode, algorithm}
\usepackage{url, hyperref}
Here is how it gets cited: \citep{konig2014}
Code for .bib file:
author = {K\''{o}nig, R.},
title = {Enhancing genetic programming for predictive modeling},
school = {\''{O}rebro University},
year = {2014}
Since your edit, your .bib file shows \'' (backslash, single quote, single quote), which is wrong and results in the weird accents you're seeing: it's putting an acute accent (´, coded as \') on top of a single quote (', also coded as '). The correct syntax is \" (backslash, double quote).
If I write the .bib file in the program TeXworks, then \" (backslash, double quotes) automatically turns into \'' (backslash, single quote, single quote). Even if I compile my .tex file that references the .bib file in TeXstudio, I still get weird symbols as show in the image above, rather than the expected two dots above the o because TeXworks doesn't seem to recognize the double quotes. BUT if I write the .bib file in the TeXstudio program, then it compiles as expected. I'm not sure what's going on behind the scenes (maybe there is a setting I have to change?), but the issue was TeXworks, not the \"{o}.
Thanks all for your help!

Add journal name to biblatex references, journal names not showing up

I'm using biblatex in a beamer presentation so that I can use the \footcite command. The problem is that bibliography styles handling in biblatex don't look quite straighforward and none of the default styles will actually work for me since they do not show Journal references.
I'm looking for something similar as .bst files for Bibtex, since I can have JPC and PRL, PR bibliography styles. I surfed the internet and this stackexchange but couldn't find a proper solution. Could somebody provide me a working example with a style which shows: Authors, Year, Journal?
Best regards
The following code (authoryear style) does not show journal. Alphabetic, numeric etc only produces blank references.
\documentclass[8pt mathserif]{beamer}
\institute{MSE # NTU\\
The Zhao Research Group\\
\date[]{Thursday 31, July 2014}
\section{Review of interesting phenomenology}
\begin{frame}[allowframebreaks noframenumbering]{Polaron Transformation}
\item The original theory was developed by Munn-Silbey{\tiny \footcite{Silbey1980}\footcite{Munn1985}\footcite{Munn1985a}} and further refined by Zhao et al. \footcite{JCP1994OntheMunn}\footcite{Chen2011}
And the library.bib file only contains entries such as the one referenced:
author = {Silbey, R. and Munn, R. W.},
doi = {10.1063/1.439425},
file = {:Users/Caco/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/General theory of electronic transport in molecular crystals. I. Local linear electron–phonon coupling R. Silbey and R. W. Munn.pdf:pdf},
issn = {00219606},
journal = {The Journal of Chemical Physics},
number = {4},
pages = {2763},
title = {{General theory of electronic transport in molecular crystals. I. Local linear electron–phonon coupling}},
url = {},
volume = {72},
year = {1980}
