Is ActiveRecord Store the right choice? - ruby-on-rails

Ive been working on an app for table-top RPG games that is meant to be universal for all games. Currently the way im doing this is with a combination of a specific tables for each game (with columns for each attribute) and also making universal tables for things like equipment, attacks, etc. This is working but the tables are getting a little complex and hard to handle with multiple nested relationships.
I stumbled upon rails ActiveRecord Store and think this is a better option as I could serialize the attributes into a single column and the views would handle saving and loading the right variables from the serialized column.
Im wondering if I am missing something or is this a valid option?

It sounds like a great option. Write lots of tests. Try it out.
There's nothing wrong with hundreds of tables. It can help in terms of organization to separate models into namespaces.


ActiveRecord database design

I would like to create a new app rails but being a beginner it's been several days that I try several possible ways without really finding the right one, I just managed to do something but I'm not sure that it's perfect in terms of relationships. the concept would be that people could either create or participate in meals. I would like the ingredients to be reusable, but their attributes such as the origin or cooking method can be modified in each case. do you think this style of rallying is fair?
The second option is a classic one. Stick to using many-to-many relation in that cases.
Though it is better to have one-to-many relation between specification and menu - like several specifications for each menu. And specification should also contain ingredient_id.

Data model and storage for Rails app

At the moment ’m building a web app using Ruby on Rails. I try to get my head around the data model and database part. To make it easy to understand I’ll use IFTTT as an analogy:
In the app, the user can add different recipes, for example:
Facebook — Twitter
Weather — Send email
You name it...
Of course every recipe has its own fields and options. So the user can choose multiple recipes from the library and set options to every recipe. The library of recipes is defined in code.
I have a few questions regarding this setup and would be happy if I could get some directions:
Is it smart to serialize the options of a recipe into a single database field? Every recipe has different fields and I don‘t want a database table for every recipe type.
Or is it better to create a ‘key-value’ table with all the options of all the recipes?
How to handle validation? Can Virtus come in handy?
Is a NoSQL database a good fit for these kinds of applications?
Are there best practices for these kinds of applications/data models? Any help is welcome.
Not sure if SO is the best place for really general questions like this but I'll take a swing
1 && 2) Personally I'd give the recipe table an action_taken field, probably as a string, and fields for all the available, resulting actions as booleans. Then the only thing you really need to be careful of is making sure the action_taken field remains uniform
3) ActiveRecord has a pretty fleshed out validation suite built in. You can validate based on presence, uniqueness, inclusion in a set of elements, etc. You can also extra validations on the database if you feel like being extra safe
4) I would use PostgreSQL, seems to be the community standard so probably the easiest to get support with if you need it
Hope this helps

Deciding between using an array attribute or a nested model

Possibly a fairly basic question, but bear with me.
I'm building a page which has a number of pieces of modular content, represented by a ContentBlock model. Each ContentBlock has at least one link, each of which has a couple of different attributes. My initial approach was to just add these links as an array to the model, as there didn't seem to be any real need to store them separately in the database, and they don't have any logic of their own. Now that I'm looking at building a form for creating/editing a ContentBlock though, it seems like it would be much easier to build if there was a separate, nested model for the links.
I'm strongly considering converting to using a model, but my gut feeling is that it's kind of "wrong" to store something like as relatively trivial as the links are in the DB. Given I am still getting used to working with Rails, is this feeling misplaced? Should I just create models for anything and everything? Or should I be looking for some sort of minimum criteria before I do?
It is definitely easier to create forms for nested models. Since your links have attributes, I'd suggest making a model. I tend to err on the side of making models for concepts that can't easily fit into fields. If you're worried about query performance, you can always do eager loading.
I think depends on how much data you plan on managing, what you want to do against that data, what that data represents, etc...
One project we had was to build something that allowed creation of recipes for a group of restaurants. Recipe (some text, like instructions, etc...) -> Ingredient, we went with an array, as these were all single lined text and there would never be more than several hand fulls. Also, the ingredients had no further dependencies. The Recipes would only be rendered out to html and there would be no searching against them (not against the db at least).
Another project required building a Page, very similar to yours, but each "component" of the page did different things and some where linked to other objects in the app, like Videos and other assets, templates, etc... We had seen people do this type of stuff entire through a wysiwyg or through some JS way and saved the entire payload/structure in the DB. We found both to be extremely messy.
And one concern that came up was what happened if an asset/associated object was mistakenly or purposely deleted but lived throughout many pages. Using models allowed to ensure that if something got removed, it got removed within all it's linked associations (though this posed problems of it's own, but more regarding the page making sense when displayed more than anything else).
Also, our Page had the potential of becoming extremely large with different types of components with different looks and inter-activities, that this really was the only way we could properly manage it.
So I would look at your requirements and plan accordingly, context matters. And if you have to change it (which happens, a lot) then you'll change it.

Rails Basecamp style subdomains best practice

My goal is to have separate user accounts for each subdomain. Under no circumstance do I want cross-pollination between subdomains.
I've looked over Robby Russle, and DHH's thoughts (both are pre-Rails3 though).
The controller handling is pretty straight forward, my questions is about keeping the model's data separated. What's the best way to keep user1 from seeing user2's data?
Some idea's might include:
Add a subdomain_id foreign key to every model - Advantage, simple one-to-many relationship can be used to scope each model to a subdomain. - Disadvantage, this is pretty tight coupling between the data and the larger application logic, which seems inappropriate.
One-to-many :through for each model associating it with a subdomain - Advantage, no need to add a subdomain_id foreign key column to existing tables associating them with their sub domain. - Disadvantage, My gut feeling is that this is way overkill. Multiple join queries may get complicated and cross-pollination bugs may occur.
Separate applications or databases for each subdomain - Advantage, the data is completely segregated. - Disadvantage, a large number of individual applications/databases will need to be managed/updated/secured/hosted/etc.
Your idea?
Option 5. Guy Naor's Schema solution - Advantage, This just blew my mind. Mostly transparent to rails, COMPLETE data separation, only one database, works really great for applications that weren't originally designed as multi-tenant. a-mazing. - Disadvantage, need to be using Postgres, or some other database that supports schemas (I'm already using PG anyway), you'll need to iterate over existing schemas when you migrate.
Right now this seems far and away the best way. Are there any major drawbacks?.
If you're sure the object-to-subdomain relation will always be one-to-one, I would pick option 1. If objects might be related to multiple subdomains in the future you're bound to option 2. It incurs more overhead, but it's easily managed when using something like cancan.
I would stay away from option 3 for the reasons you mentioned. Rails doesn't do multiple databases well and besides, using multiple databases in one application doesn't guarantee any more security than the other options.

How to create a user customizable database (like Zoho creator) in Rails?

I'm learning Rails, and the target of my experiments is to realize something similar to Zoho Creator, Flexlist or Mytaskhelper, i.e. an app where the user can create his own database schema and views. What's the best strategy to pursue this?
I saw something about the Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) but I'm not sure whether it's the best strategy or if there is some support in Rails for it.
If there was any tutorial in Rails about a similar project it would be great.
Probably it's not the easiest star for learning a new language and framework, but it would be something I really plan to do since a long time.
Your best bet will be MongoDB. It is easy to learn (because the query language is JavaScript) and it provides a schema-less data store. I would create a document for each form that defines the structure of the form. Then, whenever a user submits the data, you can put the data into a generic structure and store it in a collection based on the name of the form. In MongoDB collections are like tables, but you can create them on the fly. You can also create indexes on the fly to speed searches.
The problem you are trying to solve is one of the primary use cases for document oriented databases which MongoDB is. There are several other document oriented databases out there, but in my opinion MongoDB has the best API at the moment.
Give the MongoDB Ruby tutorial a read and I am sure you will want to give it a try.
Do NOT use a relational database to do this. Creating tables on the fly will be miserable and is a security hazard, not just for your system, but for the data of your users as well. You can avoid creating tables on the fly by creating a complex schema that tracks the form structures and each field type would require its own table. Rails makes this less painful with polymorphic associations, but it definitely is not pretty.
I think it's not exactly what you want, but this but apparently this does something similar and you may get some idea to get started.
Using a document store like mongodb or couchdb would be the best way forward, as they are schema-less.
It should be possible to generate database tables by sending DDL-statements directly to the server or by dynamical generating a migration. Then you can generate the corresponding ActiveRecord models using do ... end. In principle this should work, but it has to be done with some care. But this definitely no job for a beginner.
A second solution could be to use MongoMapper and MongoDB. My idea is to use a collection to store the rows of your table and since MongoDB is schema less you can simply add attributes.
Using EntryAttributeValue allows you to store any schema data in a set amount of tables, however the performance implications and maintenance issues this creates may very well not be worth it.
Alternately you could store your data in XML and generate an XML schema to validate against.
All "generic" solutions will have issues with foreign keys or other constraints, uless you do all of that validation in memory before storage.
