Can I make the glb file smaller? - gltf

I have a large obj file of 306 mb. So I converted it into a glb file to reduce its size. The size of the file has decreased a lot to 82 mb, but it is still big. I want to make this file smaller. Is there a way? If there is, please let me know.
If you can't reduce the glb file further, let me know more effective ways to reduce the obj file. One of the things I've already done is change the obj file to json, compress, unwind and load it using pako.js. I didn't choose this method because it was too slow to decompress.

There might be, if it is the vertex-data that is causing the file to be that big. In that case you can use the DRACO compression-library to get the size down even further.
First, to test the compressor, you can run
npx gltf-pipeline -i original.glb -d --draco.compressionLevel 10 -o compressed.glb
(you need to have a current version of node.js installed for this to work)
If vertex-data was the reason for the file being that big, the compressed file should be considerably smaller than the original.
Now you have to go through some extra-steps to load the file, as the regular GLTFLoader doesn't support DRACO-compressed meshes.
Essentially, you need to import the THREE.DRACOLoader and the draco-decoder. Finally, you need to tell your GLTFLoader that you know how to handle DRACO-compression:
gltfLoader.setDRACOLoader(new DRACOLoader());
After that, you can use the GLTFLoader as before.
The only downside of this is that the decoder itself needs some resources: decoding isn't free and the decoder itself is another 320kB of data to be loaded by the browser. I think it's still worth it if it saves you megabytes of mesh-data.

I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the obvious, simple way of lossily reducing the size of a .glb file that's just a container for separate mesh and texture data:
Reduce your vertex count by collapsing adjacent vertices that are close together or coplanar, and reduce your image data by trimming out, scaling down, or using a lower bit depth for unnecessary details.
Every 2X decrease in surface polygon/pixel density should yield roughly a 4X decrease in file size.
And then, once you've removed unneeded detail, start looking at things like DRACO, basis, fewer JPEG chroma samples, and optipng.


How to know which command settings of ImageMagick created a particular image

Consider I have created an image unknown.tiff from a page of a PDF, named doc.pdf, where the exact command for conversion aren't known. The size of this image is ~ 1MB.
The exact command isn't known, but it is known that the changes are majorly on depth and density. (A subset of these two, would do too)
Now, the normal command pattern is:
convert -density 300 PDF.pdf[page-number] -depth 8 image.tiff
But this gives me a file of ~17 MB, which obviously isn't the one I am looking for. If I remove depth, then I get a file of ~34 MB, and when I remove both, I get a blurred image of 2 MB. I also removed density only, then too the results don't match (~37 MB).
Since the output size of the image unknown.tiff is so low, I've hypothesized that it might take less time to get produced.
Since the time of conversion is of great concern to me, I want to know the ways I can come to the exact command which produced unknown.tiff

Storing and loading 2d infinite procedurally generated tile based world

I am working on a 2d infinite world generation. It is tile based meaning my terrain is fully made out of squares. You can imagine it like 2d Minecraft (looking at the terrain from above).
I implemented standard chunk system where the terrain gets chopped into small 8x8 tile areas that get loaded and deleted as player moves around the world. This, so far mentioned, works perfectly smooth without any hiccups or lag. I am using Lua and Corona SDK.
The problem:
Since the player will be able to modify the terrain, I need a fast and efficient system of saving chunks in memory once the player loads a new chunk and a system of loading those chunks from memory if they have been loaded previously.
This is where the problem takes place. It needs to read from and save to files (memory) quite often which causes noticeable lag. Making chunks bigger is not an option.
Solutions I tried but all caused lag:
a) First and obvious solution I implemented was to just create a text file for each chunk with tile names as strings. It looked something like this: x12y10.txt and inside the file I just dumped all tile names in order they need to be placed on screen: "Grass Grass Water Sand Sand Sand Grass Grass...". That worked but loading strings was slow so I tried another solution: save tiles as indexes.
b) Saving tiles as their indexes. I paired every tile to a number. Since numbers are shorter, they take less memory and are faster to load. I gave each tile it's own index: Grass -> id 1, Water -> id 2, Sand -> id 3 and so on. This way I only needed to save 1 or 2 chars instead of full string per tile. My txt files looked like this now: "1 1 2 3 3 3 1 1...". This worked better but still caused lag.
c) Next improvement I did was with how chunks are organized in memory. Instead of dumping all the chunks in a single folder, for each x coordinate I made a folder and put all chunks that have that x value in there.
So instead of this:
Folder with all chunks: x0y0.txt, x0y1.txt, x0y2.txt, x1y0.txt, x1y1.txt, x1y2.txt
Inside folder with all chunks I had this:
Folder x0: x0y0.txt, x0y1.txt, x0y2.txt
Folder x1: x1y0.txt, x1y1.txt, x1y2.txt
I am not sure how much this helped for small number of chunks, but I am pretty sure for thousands of chunks, improvement is there.
Possible solutions?
I have some ideas for improvements, but I would like to hear your opinion on the solutions.
a) Saving terrain in binary files?
b) I have read about Minecraft region format, really tried to understand how it works, but did not get it since there is little information about it. So if anyone knows it and could explain their system to me, I would be really grateful.
c) Another faster file format?
d) Is making/accessing many folders slow? Is there a better alternative?
I really feel like this is cs-101 question, but cannot google up any answer right away so quick summary.
All files are just sequences of bytes. If we're talking about reading and writing raw bytes, no format will make 64 bytes appear in memory faster than another.
Text file is a sequence of bytes with slight limitations on their values (well, the limitation is if you want standard text programs to display it). A string "11" (sequence of bits: 110001110001) from a text file won't be loaded faster than sequence of unprintable bits 100000100000 from "binary" file.
Structuring directories at the very least reduces the number of nodes system checks when trying the file you've requested to open. But mechanisms underlying the filesystems are very complex and affected by a lot of factors. The overall guess is that frequent reading even of small files will be slow. And all files carry some stockpiling overhead (system info to keep them tracked and ordered), small files will have lower useful/auxiliary info ratio. I know of at least one 2d project with mutable map that was making hdds growl and grunt before they moved onto bigger files years ago.
You don't have to make chunks bigger, that's different thing, but you can write them into the same file.
Instead of million of files by 64 bytes you can have a single megabyte file (assuming you use a byte per chunk). A million chunks is lot for a player to modify or walk around. If you unpack that data to tables, it will take up more space but you don't have to decipher all the string, only the currently needed bytes. Yes, modifying a megabyte string in lua will cause creation of another megabyte string which is slow, but you don't have to do it every time, or you can split string into smaller ones and modify those. And only do writing when needed. I/O bufferization may even happen without your intervention but again it is usually helpful for big files.
Yes there will be more than a byte of info per tile (2^8 possible states per tile is a lot however), the system stays the same.
The same thing is done for textures, because loading data in a single big chunk in a single big scoop is faster than searching around for tiny bit here and there. Indexing a single long area of memory is also faster than chasing pointers around.
On top of that, you may try to read\write less bytes than you want in the memory. For example by compressing data.
In minecraft chunks are not stored unless they have been visited / modified, otherwise they are generated.
That would leave you a system where only blocks which have been modified by the player would need to be stored, with the un-modified areas being re-generated by using the same random seed, each time.
Creating a hierarchy of modifications ... A chunk is an 8x8 block, create a super-chunk which is 8x8 chunks, and only look for a file, if any of the 8x8 super-chunk has been modified.
Possibly store all of the super-chunk in one file, which would limit the number of files (adding more files does decrease the speed of the system, and also uses space on the system inefficiently).
If you have any spare time-space, perhaps have a cache of the chunks near the player, and pre-load the modified areas which are being approached. This would limit the visible lag required

"Separate image files" and "Image stack" in MicroManager plugin - easy way to convert between the two?

Apologies for tagging this just ImageJ - it's a problem regarding MicroManager, a microscopy plugin for it and I thought this would be best.
I'd recently taken images for an important experiment using MicroManager (a recent version, though I cannot recall the exact number). The IT services at my institution have recently been having some networking problems and my saved preferences for the software had been erased. I'd got half way through my experiment when I realised that I'd saved my images as separate image files (three greyscale TIFFs plus metadata text files) instead of OME-TIFF iamge stacks.
All of my ImageJ macros for image processing rely on having a multiple channel image stack, so this is a bit of a problem. Is there any easy way in MicroManager (or ImageJ) to bulk convert these single channel greyscale images into the OME-TIFF image stack after the images have already been taken?
You can start with a macro like this one:
// Convert your images to a stack
run("Images to Stack", "name=Stack title=[] use");
// The stack will default the images to time points. Convert to channels
run("Stack to Hyperstack...", "order=xyczt(default) channels=3 slices=1 frames=1 display=Color");
// Export as OME-TIFF
run("Bio-Formats Exporter");
This is designed to reconstruct one dataset at a time (open 3 images, run the macro and export the OME-TIFF).
If you don't want any dialogs to show you can pass an output directory to the Bio-Formats exporter:
run("Bio-Formats Exporter", "save=/path/to/image.ome.tif export compression=Uncompressed");
For the output file name you can get the original image name in the macro with getTitle()
There is also a template example on iterating over all the files in a directory, if you want to completely automate the macro. However this may take some tweaking since you want to operate on your images 3 at a time.
Hope that helps!

OpenCV imwrite increases the size of png image

I am doing image manipulation on the png images. I have the following problem. After saving an image with imwrite() function, the size of the image is increased. For example previously image is 847KB, after saving it becomes 1.20 MB. Here is a code. I just read an image and then save it, but the size is increased. I tried to set compression params but it doesn't help.
Mat image;
image = imread("5.png", -1);
vector<int> compression_params;
What could be a problem? Any help please.
PNG has several options that influence the compression: deflate compression level (0-9), deflate strategy (HUFFMAN/FILTERED), and the choice (or strategy for dynamically chosing) for the internal prediction error filter (AVERAGE, PAETH...).
It seems OpenCV only lets you change the first one, and it hasn't a good default value for the second. So, it seems you must live with that.
Update: looking into the sources, it seems that compression strategy setting has been added (after complaints), but it isn't documented. I wonder if that source is released. Try to set the option CV_IMWRITE_PNG_STRATEGY with Z_FILTERED and see what happens
See the linked source code for more details about the params.
#Karmar, It's been many years since your last edit.
I had similar confuse to yours in June, 2021. And I found out sth which might benefit others like us.
PNG files seem to have this thing called mode. Here, let's focus only on three modes: RGB, P and L.
To quickly check an image's mode, you can use Python:
from PIL import Image
Basically, when using P and L you are attributing 8 bits/pixel while RGB uses 3*8 bits/pixel.
For more detailed explanation, one can refer to this fine stackoverflow post: What is the difference between images in 'P' and 'L' mode in PIL?
Now, when we use OpenCV to open a PNG file, what we get will be an array of three channels, regardless which mode that
file was saved into. Three channels with data type uint8, that means when we imwrite this array into a file, no matter
how hard you compress it, it will be hard to beat the original file if it was saved in P or L mode.
I guess #Karmar might have already had this question solved. For future readers, check the mode of your own 5.png.

Image magick/PHP is falling over with large images

I have a PHP script which is used to resize images in a user's FTP folder for use on his website.
While slow to resize, the script has completed correctly with all images in the past. Recently however, the user uploaded an album of 21-Megapixel JPEG images and as I have found, the script is failing to convert the images but not giving out any PHP errors. When I consulted various logs, I've found multiple Apache processes being killed off with Out Of Memory errors.
The functional part of the PHP script is essentially a for loop that iterates through my images on the disk and calls a method that checks if a thumbnail exists and then performs the following:
$image = new Imagick();
$image->thumbnailImage(1000, 0);
The server has 512MB of RAM, with usually at least 360MB+ free.
PHP has it's memory limit set currently at 96MB, but I have set it higher before without any effect on the issue.
By my estimates, a 21-Megapixel image should occupy in the region of 80MB+ when uncompressed, and so I am puzzled as to why the RAM is disappearing so rapidly unless the Image Magick objects are not being removed from memory.
Is there some way I can optimise my script to use less memory or garbage collect more efficiently?
Do I simply not have the RAM to cope with such large images?
See this answer for a more detailed explanation.
imagick uses a shared library and it's memory usage is out of reach for PHP, so tuning PHP memory and garbage collection won't help.
Try adding this prior to creating the new Imagick() object:
// pixel cache max size
IMagick::setResourceLimit(imagick::RESOURCETYPE_MEMORY, 32);
// maximum amount of memory map to allocate for the pixel cache
IMagick::setResourceLimit(imagick::RESOURCETYPE_MAP, 32);
It will cause imagick to swap to disk (defaults to /tmp) when it needs more than 32 MB for juggling images. It will be slower, but it will not run out of RAM (unless /tmp is on ramdisk, in that case you need to change where imagick writes its temp files).
MattBianco is nearly correct, only change is that the memory limits are in bytes so would be 33554432 for 32MB:
// pixel cache max size
IMagick::setResourceLimit(imagick::RESOURCETYPE_MEMORY, 33554432);
// maximum amount of memory map to allocate for the pixel cache
IMagick::setResourceLimit(imagick::RESOURCETYPE_MAP, 33554432);
Call $image->setSize() before $image->readImage() to have libjpeg resize the image whilst loading to reduce memory usage.
(edit), example usage: Efficient JPEG Image Resizing in PHP
