OpenCV imwrite increases the size of png image - image-processing

I am doing image manipulation on the png images. I have the following problem. After saving an image with imwrite() function, the size of the image is increased. For example previously image is 847KB, after saving it becomes 1.20 MB. Here is a code. I just read an image and then save it, but the size is increased. I tried to set compression params but it doesn't help.
Mat image;
image = imread("5.png", -1);
vector<int> compression_params;
What could be a problem? Any help please.

PNG has several options that influence the compression: deflate compression level (0-9), deflate strategy (HUFFMAN/FILTERED), and the choice (or strategy for dynamically chosing) for the internal prediction error filter (AVERAGE, PAETH...).
It seems OpenCV only lets you change the first one, and it hasn't a good default value for the second. So, it seems you must live with that.
Update: looking into the sources, it seems that compression strategy setting has been added (after complaints), but it isn't documented. I wonder if that source is released. Try to set the option CV_IMWRITE_PNG_STRATEGY with Z_FILTERED and see what happens
See the linked source code for more details about the params.

#Karmar, It's been many years since your last edit.
I had similar confuse to yours in June, 2021. And I found out sth which might benefit others like us.
PNG files seem to have this thing called mode. Here, let's focus only on three modes: RGB, P and L.
To quickly check an image's mode, you can use Python:
from PIL import Image
Basically, when using P and L you are attributing 8 bits/pixel while RGB uses 3*8 bits/pixel.
For more detailed explanation, one can refer to this fine stackoverflow post: What is the difference between images in 'P' and 'L' mode in PIL?
Now, when we use OpenCV to open a PNG file, what we get will be an array of three channels, regardless which mode that
file was saved into. Three channels with data type uint8, that means when we imwrite this array into a file, no matter
how hard you compress it, it will be hard to beat the original file if it was saved in P or L mode.
I guess #Karmar might have already had this question solved. For future readers, check the mode of your own 5.png.


Any solution for TGA format loading in OpenCV4

There's no support TGA format for OpenCV currently.
And I know there's a single header file library named stb_image that allow you to read/write TGA image.
But the use case with OpenCV on the Internet are so few. (more often to see people use it with OpenGL)
The second method I found.
There's a short code included (the answer) in this topic:
Loading a tga/bmp file in C++/OpenGL
Someone use this code to read TGA file into cv::Mat just like the code below.
Tga tgaImg = Tga("/tmp/test.tga");
Mat img(tgaImg.GetHeight(), tgaImg.GetWidth(), CV_8UC4);
memcpy(, tgaImg.GetPixels().data(), tgaImg.GetHeight() * tgaImg.GetWidth() * 4);
But this is only for reading part. I wonder if stb_image can do the same thing like the code above. I mean the image data structure might be different. (not look into them yet)
I would like to ask people who also experience this before. Since DDS/TGA image format are also popular using in game texture, there must be people have already found the way. I mean read/write TGA format in OpenCV code.
For saving opencv image in tga use stbi_write_tga. This function takes pointer to image data as argument, which is in case of cv::Mat type.

Reverse Engineering proprietary TIFF format

I'm deep in the weeds reverse engineering a very old proprietary document storage format (Keyfile). Embedded in the middle of a larger file is a block of image data (the scan of a single document page) that is encoded with CCITT4. I've learned enough about the file and the TIFF spec so far to write a filter that extracts the data from the source file and writes a new file that is supposed to be a plain TIFF, but it's not quite there yet, and I can't figure out what I'm still missing.
Encouragingly Adobe Photoshop opens my newly minted TIFF file and displays the document just fine (no errors, no warnings). Unfortunately, none of the other common tools will. I'm on a mac and have access to linux so I've tried:
Preview (OSX)
some of the libtiff utilities like fax2pdf
I suspect there's something wrong still with my TIFF file, that Photoshop is silently overlooking. I hope it's not in the raw CCITT4 image data, because I would rather not have to write code to decode that completely.
I can't post the files I'm working with because they contain sensitive data. However, I'm hoping that I'm just doing something wrong with my tiff header block that someone can point out. To that end. here's some basic information about my test file (the one that opens fine in Photoshop).
Keyfile.tiff 31K (32300 bytes)
Keyfile TIFF Version 1.01
0100.0004.00000001.000009f0 ImageWidth
0101.0004.00000001.00000ce0 ImageLength
0102.0003.00000001.00000001 BitsPerSample
0103.0003.00000001.00000004 Compression
0106.0003.00000001.00000000 PhotometricInterpolation
0111.0004.00000001.00000200 StripOffsets
0115.0003.00000001.00000001 SamplesPerPixel
0116.0004.00000001.00000ce0 RowsPerStrip
0117.0004.00000001.00007c2c StripByteCounts
011a.0005.00000001.000001d6 XResolution
011b.0005.00000001.000001de YResolution
0128.0004.00000001.00000002 ResolutionUnit
0131.0002.0000001a.000001e6 Software
This decode of the TIFF header block comes from code that I've written. Here's a hex dump of the header portion of the file to address 0x200.
What follows is exactly 0x7c2c bytes of compressed image data. I say this based on the tiff compression tag (4), which is copied over intact form the original file, and from looking at dozens and dozens of files with a hex editor and learning to recognize the image data block. Also the fact that Photoshop opens this file would seem to indicate I am correct.
Any help figuring out what I still need to do to make this file compatible with the rest of the utilities would be much appreciated.
For what it's worth here's the error produced by imagemagick:
>convert Keyfile.tiff Keyfile.pdf
convert: Premature EOL at line 0 of strip 0 (got 0, expected 2544). `Fax4Decode' # warning/tiff.c/TIFFWarnings/881.
I'm new to coding for TIFF and so any utilities or hints that would allow me to gather more detailed information about what's going on would also be appreciated.
Here are the first 0x318 bytes of the file. There's nothing sensitive here and you have the first 0x118 bytes of the image data. I can probably provide a bit more of the file if needed.
Update 2:
OK, I found a file that I can post. It's a mostly white page, but if rendered correctly, you will see the two darkish crescent moons which are the reflection of the holes on the original scanned page. There's also a bit of noise over to the right and along the top. Here's what it looks like (image):
I used Photoshop to convert/save a file I could upload. Here's a hex dump of the file my code generated, which opens fine in Photoshop, but not with anything else.
Here are it's specs.
Keyfile_66.tiff 1K (1363 bytes)
Keyfile TIFF Version 1.01
0100.0004.00000001.000009f0 ImageWidth
0101.0004.00000001.00000ce0 ImageLength
0102.0003.00000001.00000001 BitsPerSample
0103.0003.00000001.00000004 Compression
0106.0003.00000001.00000000 PhotometricInterpolation
0111.0004.00000001.00000200 StripOffsets
0115.0003.00000001.00000001 SamplesPerPixel
0116.0004.00000001.00000ce0 RowsPerStrip
0117.0004.00000001.00000353 StripByteCounts
011a.0005.00000001.000001d6 XResolution
011b.0005.00000001.000001de YResolution
0128.0004.00000001.00000002 ResolutionUnit
0131.0002.0000001a.000001e6 Software
Here's a link to download the file.
Any idea why this is would be much appreciated.

In OpenCV many conversions to JPG using imEncode fails

For a specific purpose I am trying to convert an AVI video to a kind of Moving JPEG format using OpenCV. In order to do so I read images from the source video, convert them to JPEG using imEncode, and write these JPEG images to the target video.
After several hundreds of frames suddenly the size of the resulting JPEG image nearly doubles. Here's a list of sizes:
Anybody got a clue what's going on here?
By the way: I'm using OpenCV.Net as a wrapper for OpenCV.
Thanks a lot in advance,
I found the solution. If I explicitly enter the third parameter to imEncode (for JPEG encoding this indicates the quality of the encoding, ranging from 0 to 100) instead of using the default (95) the problem disappears. It's likely this is a bug in OpenCV.Net, but it could also be a bug in OpenCV itself.

"Separate image files" and "Image stack" in MicroManager plugin - easy way to convert between the two?

Apologies for tagging this just ImageJ - it's a problem regarding MicroManager, a microscopy plugin for it and I thought this would be best.
I'd recently taken images for an important experiment using MicroManager (a recent version, though I cannot recall the exact number). The IT services at my institution have recently been having some networking problems and my saved preferences for the software had been erased. I'd got half way through my experiment when I realised that I'd saved my images as separate image files (three greyscale TIFFs plus metadata text files) instead of OME-TIFF iamge stacks.
All of my ImageJ macros for image processing rely on having a multiple channel image stack, so this is a bit of a problem. Is there any easy way in MicroManager (or ImageJ) to bulk convert these single channel greyscale images into the OME-TIFF image stack after the images have already been taken?
You can start with a macro like this one:
// Convert your images to a stack
run("Images to Stack", "name=Stack title=[] use");
// The stack will default the images to time points. Convert to channels
run("Stack to Hyperstack...", "order=xyczt(default) channels=3 slices=1 frames=1 display=Color");
// Export as OME-TIFF
run("Bio-Formats Exporter");
This is designed to reconstruct one dataset at a time (open 3 images, run the macro and export the OME-TIFF).
If you don't want any dialogs to show you can pass an output directory to the Bio-Formats exporter:
run("Bio-Formats Exporter", "save=/path/to/image.ome.tif export compression=Uncompressed");
For the output file name you can get the original image name in the macro with getTitle()
There is also a template example on iterating over all the files in a directory, if you want to completely automate the macro. However this may take some tweaking since you want to operate on your images 3 at a time.
Hope that helps!

How to save CV_32F type CV::Mat to a file without loosing precision?

I'm using cv::PCA class for a face recognition project. I convert photos of faces to one row vectors, concatenate them to one big array and feed to pca, to acquire a new space in which I can try to use distance for recognition. Problem is, that calculating the pca from scratch each time I start the program is really time consuming (almost five minutes). I figured out that I need to save the calculated pca to hard drive, and load it when I start the program again. And here is the problem. As I can see, all cv::Mat objects in cv::PCA are of type CV_32F. When i try to save it as a normal picture, its converted to 8 bit image, and there is some data lost. When i use XML/YAML persistence, the generated file is really big, and data is also lost (I have saved it, loaded to another structure and ran cerr<<sum(pca_orginal.mean==pca_loaded.mean)[0]<<endl to check how big is the difference). Right now I'm trying to use std::ofstream::write with std::ofstream::binary flag, and istream::read, but there are some type issues (out.write(,_pca.mean.rows*_pca.mean.cols*4/*CV_32F->4*CV_8U*/\); generates error: no matching function for call to ‘std::basic_ofstream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::write(uchar*&, int). I've also heard about openexr library and it's file format, but I would rather avoid using additional libraries. I'm using OpenCV 2.3.1 and OpenCV 2.2.
I'm sorry for the confusion. I misread cv::Mat operator== description, and thought that it works the opposite way that it does, so sum(pca_orginal.mean==pca_loaded.mean)[0] giving 0 is the worse possible result, not the best. It means that XML/YML works fine apart from generating huge files. Also, after using c-style casting I was able to make the binary streams work, but the files generated are also big (over 150MB).
In the C interface, there are functions cvSave and cvLoad for saving arbitrary matrices. There are probably C++ interface counterparts, too.
